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You get 400 PP every day when you train here.
It takes 3 days to travel to these places (below, moons).
Namek has a Restore Chamber.  (3 days)

Namek's 1st Moon

Appears ever Tuesday.  Receives 400PP every day.

 Namek's moon is just as peaceful as Namek itself. It provides life for smaller weaker creatures. This is practically a great place for solo training.  Must travel to Namek before going to the moon.  Takes 1 day to go to moon.

Namek's 2nd Moon

Appears ever Wednesday.  Receives 400PP every day.

 Another one of Namek's Moons which is also very peaceful. This moon provides life for vegetation. Also a great place for solo training.



The elder of the peaceful planet known as Namek, he is Guru. Guru is a very old and wise Namekian who is very close to death. Although he isn't ready to die anytime soon he will try to help good warriors by awakening their inner potential.  Guru will awaken your inner potential by raising all stats by 20%(Can only be done once).  Also teaches Namek Fusion for 15 days (only for Namekians.)  Must be Good Hearted.  Guru also teaches Healing Factor for 10 days (only for Nameks)

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