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Normal Moves

Moves are in alphabetical order:

Atomic Side Blitz

A small ball of ki forms into a huge orb when shot.  Starts off 2,500 stronger than "Ki" stat.  Takes 6 days to learn. 5000ki

Burning Attack

Similar to the Atomic Side Blitz a blast is fired from both palms. Starts off 2,000 stronger than your "Ki" stat. Takes 6 days to learn.3000ki

Chou KameHameHa

Much more stronger and ki consuming than the regular wave.  Always 8,000 more than your "Ki" stat
Must have Kamehameha Wave.  Takes 15 days to learn. 10000 ki

Crushed Ball

Form a ball of ki energy then you spike it like a volleyball.  Starts off 1,500 stronger than your "Ki" stat.  Takes 6 days to learn. 2000ki

Distructo Disc

A dangerous disc made of ki which can slice through objects, and people's body parts. Can only dodge the disc if you have faster speed than the user.  Takes 5 days to learn. 2000ki

Energy Blast

A blast of your ki. Starts off as strong as your "KI" stat.  Takes 6 days to learn.

Eraser Cannon

Very powerful and upgraded version of the Mouth Blast.  Starts off 3,000 stronger than your "Ki" stat.  Stuns user for one turn.  Takes 5 days to learn. 5000ki

Eye Lasers

Shooting thin ki energy from your eyes.  Starts off 3,000 less than your "Ki" stat.  Takes 4 days to learn.  800ki

Final Flash

Similar to the Kamehameha, a huge blast of ki is shot.  Starts off 5,000 more than strongest ki attack.  8000ki

Final Shine

Powered up with one hand a powerful beam is shot from one arm.  Starts 3,000 more than your strongest ki attack.  Takes 7 days to learn. 4000ki

Finger Blast

VERY powerful beam shot from the index finger.  Starts off as strong as your "Ki" stat.  Takes 6 days to learn. 2000Ki

Finishing Buster

A large ball of ki shot from both hands.  Always 2,000 than your "Ki" stat.  Takes 5 days to learn. 4000ki


Heated ki energy turns to flames as this is shot at opponent.  Starts off 1,000 more than your "Ki" stat.  Takes 3 days to learn.  3000ki


Very deadly shower of ki blasts coming down from the air.  Starts 6,000 more than your "Ki" stat.  Hits multiple targets.  Takes 15 days to learn.

Guided Scatter Shot

Shoots out a load of ki blasts which ensure a hit on your opponent(s).  Replaces your Scatter Shot
Takes another 5000 Block to dodge them all.  Doesnt hit multiple targets.  Takes 8 days to learn. 5000ki

Imprisonment Ball

Entraps opponent in a ball of explosive Ki.  Gives you an extra turn.  Next attack will do 4,000 extra damage.  Can only be done twice in a battle.  Takes 8 days to learn.  7000ki

Kinetic Orb

A great technique in which an orb is created and follows its target for an amount of time.
- Starts off as strong as your "Ki" stat
- If this is defended against it will follow around the opponent for 3 turns without using up ki
Takes 8 days to learn.  6000ki

Light Ray

Limbs are spread out as massive ki is shot out.  Always off 4,000 stronger than your "Ki" stat.  Takes 10 days to learn. 6000ki


A small ball of ki is formed and becomes larger when shot.  Starts off 3,000 stronger than your strongest ki attack.  Takes 8 days to learn. 4000ki


A great move that is the downgrades of the Kamehameha and Makosen.  Always 1,000 than your "Ki" stat.  Takes 3 days to learn. 3000ki

Negative Electro Ball

A powerful orb of energy shot at a high speed.  Always 2,500 stronger than your "Ki" stat.  It needs another 2000 Block to defend against this.  Only those who are Evil Hearted can use this.  Takes 8 days to learn. 5000ki


A sphere that creates an artificial moon for a Saiyan's Oozaru transformation to occur.  Takes 5 days to learn.  10,000ki

Scatter Shot

Shoots out a load of ki blasts at your opponent(s).  Starts off as strong as "Ki" stat.  Takes 3000 Block to dodge all shots.  Hits multiple targets.  Takes 6 days to learn. 3000ki

Self-Destruct (Not android)

A very powerful technique in which they expell all of their Ki energy into a massive explosion that costs the user's life when used.  Does 4x your "Ki" stat.  Automatically kills the user in the process
Takes 6 days to learn.

Renzo Energy Dan

Ki missile-like blasts shot from both arms in a alternating fashion.  Always 1,500 stronger than your Energy Blast.  Hits multiple targets.  Takes 8 days to learn. 4000ki

Sneak attack
The combination of sensing powerlevels and hiding your own. Once Sneak Attack is used an opponent cannot run from battle. (Must have Sense and Hide Powerlevels.)  Takes 7 days to learn.

Solar Flare

A blinding light caused by manipulating the sun's energy. An opponent can not attack for 2 turns but can defend.  Can also be used to escape from fights.  Takes 8 days to learn.  4000ki

Special Beam Cannon

Two fingers launch a powerful ki ray.  Starts off 2,000 stronger than your "Ki" stat.  Takes 6 days to learn. 3000ki

Split Form
This technique enables you to split into two separate forms of yourself. Each form is weaker than your original body but with this technique the odds will be in your favor.  All stats except HP and KI will be split into 1/2.  Takes 6 days to learn.  5000ki per day

Super Disc

Much more deadlier than the Destructo Disc itself. Starts off 3,000 more than your Ki.  can only dodge if you have faster speed then user.  Must have Destructo Disc.  Takes 7 days to learn. 4000Ki

Super Ghost

Powerful attack in which you spit out exploding ghosts.  Starts 2,500 stronger than strongest ki attack
Can spit out multiple ghosts which will cost 5,000 ki each.  Every physical attack your opponent executes they will hit a ghost causing 4,000 damage (can be blocked).  Takes 15 days to learn.  8000ki.

Tri Beam

Very dangerous move for a weak user and the opponent.  Always 4,000 stronger than your "Ki" stat
Takes away 4,000 from your HP.  4,000ki

Tri Form

This technique enables you to split into three seperate forms of yourself. Each form is weaker than your original body but with this technique the odds will be in your favor.  All stats except HP and KI will be split into 1/3.  Takes 10 days to learn.  7,000ki per day

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