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- Main
- Past Updates
- Join
- Choose your Character

- Race Advantages
- Transformations/ Power-ups
- Rules
- Members
- Status Page
- Information
- The Universe
- Moves
- Dragonballs
- Items
- Jobs
- Advert/Message Board (Not Proper 1)
- Torny (Tournament)
- Stories & Fights
- Quick Member Contacts

Need to update your Character 

Click the Capsule Corp. Logo:


Link to me?

Just copy this HTML:

(Still Making Banner)


If you ever need help or if you need to ask any questions just email me (Click the Capsule Corp. Logo):

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 Quick Member Contacts

I have added this page to let you quickly find out thinks about your fellow members.  So if somebody Im's you are messages you, you can quickly come to this page and find out if they are on the site.  If they are then check out who they are, if they aren't tell them to join (if they like Dragonball) and u will gain 200D.

It's also to put all these people on your buddy list or MSN Messenger contact list so you can contact the member easily.  Or you can send him emails to fight him etc.

Character Email Address AOL IM Name MSN Messenger Address Other


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