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 Race Advantages

Before you choose you character you should consider their races, different races have different strengths and weaknesses.  In this RPG i have tried to level out the the advantages and transformations/power ups.


Saiyans have very powerful transformations and are very strong they are an elite race.

-Start with a tail, to grow into Oozaru form (Tail can be cut of by a sword or Destructo disc or Kienzan, Tail will grow back if you visit King Vegeta, 10 days to re-grow)
-When learns a transformation it has to be reached by when they are at normal form. (Except Ultra Super Saiyan)
-If they loose in a fight or a practise bout they gain an extra 200PP then the original settings.
-Saiyans need a certain level of anger to reach some transformations therefore need to share their PP into another Stat.
-Can learn Saiyan Only moves (Obviously)
-Check out transformations/power ups


Nameks are a peaceful race but in battles their battle spirits will rise.

-Start with Regeneration
-Can learn Nameks Only moves (Obviously)
-Check out Power-Ups


Humans are looked down upon but they are a talented race.

-They start of with more stats then any other race
-They start with 400D in stead of 200D when you join
-Can fuse with any race except from Namek and Androids for 2 weeks
-(Bra and Pan count as Humans)
-Check out power-ups


Androids are fearless and end up being 1 of the strongest races because of their capability of applying new upgrades to their body.

-They start of with more ki than other races (except Cell, Android 13, Android 17 and Artificial Android 17)
-Can survive an explosion of a planet but needs a spacesuit to survive in space.
-Starts with self-destruct and can use it only once unless goes to Dr Gero, Dr. Myuu or Bulma (10 days to replant bomb) (Cell only gets 1 bomb)
-Cannot use Regeneration Tanks but instead have to visit either Bulma, Dr. Gero or Dr. Myuu.  Can not be healed by magic but Android Kit can be used (Android 17, artificial 17 & 18 can be healed by everything)
-Cannot learn organic moves such as split form (Except Android 17, artificial 17 & 18)
-Cannot fuse with any other race, except for themselves (must learn android fusion)
-Can learn Android Only moves (Obviously)
-Android #18 start of with more stats
- Check out power-ups (except for Cell, scroll down page) (except for Android 13, Android 17 and Artificial Android 17, they have different Transformations)

Changelings and Others

These are unusual creatures, we do no know much about these races.

-Changelings and others can also survive an explosion of a planet.
-Cannot fuse with any other race except from Humans and themselves.
-Changelings and Others can survive in space (on a moon) without needing a spacesuit.
- Check out power-ups (except for Evil Buu, scroll down page) (and for Good Buu, scroll down page) (except for Frieza, Coola and janemba, they have different Transformations)


Cell is a biological android who was created with cells made up from the Z fighters & was created by Dr. Gero.

-Cell cannot fuse with anyone
-Cell can survive in space (on moon) without needing a spacesuit
-Can survive an explosion of a Planet
-Can learn organic moves
-Can only use Self Destruct once in all of RPG
-Can self destruct (read transformations)
-Can learn Assimilation
-Starts with regeneration
-Does not start with extra ki
- Check out transformations

Evil Buu

Evil Buu also known as thin Buu, because once was with Good Buu and was Fat Buu (Confusing).

-Evil Buu cannot fuse with anyone
-Can survive an explosion of a planet
-Can learn Assimilation
-Can learn Henka Beam
-Starts with regeneration
-Can learn Heal Beam
- Check out Transformations

Good Buu

Good Buu was once with Evil Buu and was Fat Buu

-Starts with more stats than other characters in the RPG
-Good Buu cannot fuse with anyone 
-Can survive an explosion of a planet
-Can learn Henka Beam
-Starts with regeneration
-Can learn Heal Beam
- Check out transformations

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