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Need to update your Character 

Click the Capsule Corp. Logo:


Link to me?

Just copy this HTML:

(Still Making Banner)


If you ever need help or if you need to ask any questions just email me (Click the Capsule Corp. Logo):

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My rules are quite easy to follow.  So please try your best.  I will give you a few chances to follow these rules but maybe one time I will get really annoyed and might suspend you for a while or even kick you off.

1) Please try to update your character.  I will try my best to update your character

2) Feel free to ask questions in IMs or Emails to me, JUST PLEASE READ THE SITE BE4 YOU ASK.  I get annoyed when people ask questions which are answered on the site.

3) Please do not let your character be inactive for over 3 weeks.  If you know you will be not on please give me a short Email.

4) When i am logged on, please do not annoy me too much becos i will be updating.

5) DO NOT ANNOY ME ABOUT UPDATING, i'll try my best to update when i can.


7) Do not complain about things on my site.  i don't really care if you leave, it will give me a spare character that some1 else might want.

8) Please enjoy this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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