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This transformation turns a Saiyan into a giant ape, huge in size and bent on destruction (Must have a tail) Adds 4,000 to all stats, 2,000 to speed.  
This happens when a Saiyan with a tail sees a full moon or uses Power Ball
(Cannot block or use any other moves except mouth blast and ki blast unless you have Oozaru Control)
Does not use Ki, can stay in transformation until the moon goes away or tail gets chopped off.

Super Saiyan


When a Saiyan undergoes this transformation they witness a gradual growth in power as their hair turns golden yellow. Yellow aura comes around you.  Adds 6,000 to all stats. Must be 8,000 in Power level.  Uses 3,000 Ki every day.
Takes 8 days to master.

Ultra Super Saiyan (Optional)

During this transformation the Super Saiyan's muscles bulk up to such a huge size in which their speed is slowed down. Must be Super Saiyan to achieve this form. (Must enter Hyperbolic Time Chamber as a Super Saiyan.) Adds 9,000 to all stats, except for speed.  Lasts for 3 weeks and then u can't use it again until you reenter the Chamber.  Golden yellow aura around you appears.  No ki.

Super Saiyan 2

In this powerful transformation the Super Saiyan's hair grows a bit longer as lightning surrounds their body. Adds 8,000 to all stats. Must be 20,000 in Power level.  4,000 Ki every day.  Golden yellow aura around you appears.  Takes 9 days to master.

Super Saiyan 3

This transformation allows the Super Saiyan to grow tremendous in strength and the hair grows very long in length. Eyebrows also disappear. Adds 10,000 to all stats. Must be 30,000 in Power Level.  7,000 Ki per day.  Golden yellow aura around you appears.  Takes 12 days to master.

Golden Oozaru

The Saiyan transforms into a giant golden oozaru in which it's sixth sense is mass destruction. Power level must be 40,000. Adds 13,000 to all stats.  (Must have a tail and see a planet from a moon).  No ki.
Takes 25!! days to control this form
Must have at least turned Golden Oozaru once to start controlling it.  (If not controlled, you just do nothing, until the moon comes down.)

Super Saiyan 4


The final and most lethal of the transformations. The Saiyan's skin turns into red hair as the hair grows compared to the Saiyan's hair when normal and instead of golden yellow it stays black. Eyes are yellow.
(Must turn Golden Oozaru and have it controlled.
(While Golden Oozaru cannot block/dodge for 5 turns)
(Must control Golden Oozaru stage) Adds 15,000 to all stats
*No need to turn Golden oozaru again once you've achieved this once.*
10,000 ki every day.

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