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Special Moves

Most characters have the same special move but others have special techniques.  Some special moves must be learnt from different people.  When you have mastered your special move you can teach it to someone else 4 money or a item or maybe nothing.  Some special moves can not be taught to others.

                         Buu                                          Cell
1) 2)        1) 2) 
(Only Cell and Evil Buu can perform this) They absorb one's body into their being in which this powers them up by absorbing 10% of the victims stats for the 10 days or until he is killed. *Note: Evil Buu can only assimilate up to 5 people and Cell can only assimilate two at a time.  Can only carry them in body for 10 days them must spit them out or if they get killed.*  Takes 7 days to learn. Cannot be taught to other people.  must beat opponent in fight.  -1 Heart, but victim is not killed.

Henka Beam
1) 2) 
(Only Buus can learn this technique) Buu converts his opponent into some sort of food (usually chocolate) and devours them absorbing their energy. Absorbs 5% of opponents stats. (Must beat them in a fight).  Takes 8 days to learn. -2 heart, and victim is killed.  Cannot be taught to other people.

Heal beam
(Can only be used by buus) Heals 400HP and 200Ki, can also re-grow limbs, uses 700Ki.  Takes 7 days to learn.

Force Fusion
(Can only be done by Bebi)  A technique Bebi uses to travel through a ki blast once they are fired.  Once he travels through the blast then he will take over the body.  Once Force Fused both member's stats are added together and moves and Bebi takes over.  Done when someone launches a Ki attack.  The fusion ends...when Bebi is beaten or a 7 day limit is up.  Must learn from Dr. Myuu. -1 heart.  Cannot be taught to other people.  This takes 7 days to learn.

Only Android 13 can use this) This technique is basically used for his Transformations.  Can only Integrate Androids.  Victim dies.  Takes 10 days to learn. -2 heart. 
Cannot be taught to other people.  

Medusa Spit
(Can only be used by Darbura) A spit which turns your opponent into stone. When opponent is turned into stone they cannot train while stone!!  The only way this can be reversed is by killing Darbura or getting the Holy Water from Korin.  Takes 7 days to learn. -1 heart.  Cannot be taught to other people.

(Can only be used by Nameks, Cell and the buus) This is a special technique that lets you regenerate parts of your body.  It takes a hole turn to regenerate, it regenerates 1 part of your body. 700ki. 

Switch Bodies
(Can only be used by 


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