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 Planet of the Truffles


You receive 500PP training here.
You need a space suit to stay on here.
This planet has a restore room.



A very advanced race. In the far past they lost a war to the Saiyan race and they also lost their planet to this race. Since then little of them have survived just like the Saiyan race they have reproduced to make a small hidden colony.  

Will add their special ship blasters to boost ship travelling by 1 day.

Saiyans will be killed.  They will kill you straight away you will not have a chance.

These will make the Truffel Scouter for you.

Truffels also have created Advanced Android Upgrades, this new technology raises your:
    PL + 3,500
    Hp + 3,000
    Ki + 3,500
    Strength + 900
    Defence + 3,500
    Speed + 3,500
Android Upgrades are priced like the folowing:
    1st time - 2500D
    2nd time - 2500D
    3rd time - 8000D
    4th time - 12500D
    5th time - 15000D
    6th time - 90000D
    ETC. - 15000D

*Each time their hidden location has been spotted by an outsider they will relocate to a different star.  You have 7 days to leave the planet*

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