Written by Mr.Sandman 06-01-2002 07:14 PM
Seth: Don't feel to bad. I
Cody: Nevermind, just add Tanith and that girl to the list.
Seth: Ok.
(Seth pulls out a piece of paper and writes down tanith's name but leaves out rune)
Seth(to himself): Rune might be the only one who would be my friend. I'm not gonna let my brother hurt her.
Cody: What did you say Seth?
Seth: Nothing.
Cody: Alright, I've already sent out some of my agents to find the parts for my new ship. I've got a big enought workforce to build it. About the only thing I need right now is a name for it.
Seth: How about the death ship.
Cody: Too boring.
Seth: The enterprize.
Cody: Already used.
Seth: Well, hoe about the black reaper
Cody: Black Reaper? That sound just right.
Seth: Does this mean I get some ice cream.
Cody: No.
Seth: Ok.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 12:23 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 12:27 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 12:31 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 12:47 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 01:03 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 01:07 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 01:16 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 01:19 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 01:37 PM
(Cody points to the depressed looking Seth)
Cody: Poor Seth you see has a little problem. Besides for me he has absolutely no friends. Without any friends he will grow bitter and hateful and soon he might even rival my place as the most evil in the family. So I tryed to find him a friend but it seems that he only wants to be friends with someone he can relate to. Which is why I need your help, while I was on that ship that you and CBY I saw a little girl that would be perfect to be friends with seth. I belive her name was rune. Now you seem to know her is some way so this is what I'd like. I want you to help seth become friends with rune. If you do that then the one who specks in red is as easy as found.
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 01:40 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 01:42 PM
Written by Yeoman 06-02-2002 01:45 PM
CBY: Yeah, he can have Holo-gir. Hell, I'll build him a real Gir. I really suggest you NOT mess with Rune. Or didn't you hear about what happened to the last guy who did that.
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 01:47 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 02:00 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 02:02 PM 06-02-2002 02:06 PM
*appears in a small INN in a small city*
NOW... I have seperated the clairseintient from his domineering Brother. I can privatly test both his validity as a Clairseintient, and a potential freind of Rune...
*heads over to the next room where he dropped Seth off*
COME ON... We have much to discuss...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 02:10 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 07:41 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman
Seth: Somtimes he does stuff like this to get me off his case. But mostly it's to get on my good side so he can laze around my PD all day.
Seth: Well, is she really as friendly as she looks?
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 07:55 PM
Rune... she's freindly and outgoing to an inconceivable degree... You two will probably get along swell... Provided you are nice to her, of course...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 08:08 PM
Seth (regarding Rune): Really!! Oh, I'll be nice to her. Truely I will.
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 08:23 PM
OH... Welll... *looks down at the ground for a moment lost in thought* You still shouldn't let him push you around like that... Get a spine, and tell him to not boss you around so much...
Here we are... *Stops and gestures at the builfing to their left*
Lets go in...
(regarding Rune)
I have noooo doubt...
She's clairsentient too you know... Blew the whistle on the Janemba bit before it escalated too far... That's when he threatened to destroy her.
OF course, we couldn't let *that* get out of hand either... And I've already mentioned how that turned out...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 08:27 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 08:36 PM
*The Waiter arrives and sets down the orders*
Dig in kid, it's on me... But yeah I did get a little bust-up on Janemba... Oh well, I do care for little Rune. She's a sweet little girl. And Anime cute... Have you lost your soul to the Eternal Cuteness yet?? One good look was all you got... Oh well... No help for it now...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-02-2002 08:44 PM
One day Cody, mom and Dad went out for a walk and later only cody came back. (Seth starts to cry) Cody said that my parent's dissapered when he wasn't looking. He said he looked everywhere but he could not find them. But what scared me the most was how he was able to say it with a big smile all over his face. (Seth continues to cry and try's eating a little ice cream).
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 08:56 PM
Here... *offers Seth a napkin* Blow your nose... There you go... let it all out. Grief is a natural side-effect of caring...Now, Let's change the topic to something more... Amusing... OK?? Don't need you looking like you've been crying when you meet the girls do you??
Written by Yeoman 06-02-2002 09:05 PM
Gir *ordering food*: I wAnt a TaCo!
CBY: Yes, a taco for my assitant, and just some water for me.
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 10:09 PM
Written by Yeoman 06-02-2002 10:11 PM
Gir: I want to see the show with the piggies!
CBY: Sigh.
Written by The MunchKING 06-02-2002 10:29 PM
Written by Yeoman 06-02-2002 10:43 PM 06-03-2002 10:42 AM
*CBY muffles and hogties Gir*
CBY: Sorry, he was getting to me.
*Gir eats the gag*
Gir: That tasted goooood. Can I have a piggy.
CBY: Why? Why did I think getting him was a good idea.
Written by The MunchKING 06-03-2002 10:48 AM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-03-2002 11:18 AM
(Seth touches Gir and he vanishes)
Seth: I just sent him to my PD. Cody might as well have someone to keep him company.
Written by The MunchKING 06-03-2002 11:52 AM
So are you realy such a good Clairsentient??
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-03-2002 12:00 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-03-2002 12:04 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-03-2002 12:33 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-03-2002 12:38 PM
*puts a couple GP on the table then stands up and walks out*
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-03-2002 01:24 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-03-2002 01:34 PM
Written by Trickster God 06-03-2002 01:35 PM
And waited.
And waited.
Soulrider: Man, this is getting boring. Screw you guys, I'm going home.
*Leaves Hulk's body and goes off to possess Hugh Hefner*
Written by The Great Gumbo 06-03-2002 06:55 PM
The newly arrived person says; Boss we got trouble. Some of the undead clans have joined together with some human gangs are heading down here right now!
Is that all? I can't believe they're that stupid; to gather in one place where I can kill them. Clear out the men; get the clients to safety and leave.
After everythings taken care of , Gesenki goes outside and waits for them. Carrying pistols, rifles, 2X4's, bats and whatever else they could get their hands on. They come walking; shufflfing or flying towards him.
Teleporting inside the massive group; he begins to snap necks; burn things to ashes with fireballs and teleporting all over in the ensuing mayhem. Up above the fighting two exact duplilcates of Gesenki port and begin doibg fireball after fireball into the crowd as they begin to fall; only to teleport somewhere else and begin again.
Written by The Watcher 06-05-2002 06:09 PM
-AP News, Basra, Iraq
In a move to stabilize the chaos in Iraq after the death of its leader Saddam Hussein, UN peacekeepers and UNSCA registered super teams are being dispatched to restore order to the beleagured nation. The combined force will pacify the various forces involved in the civil war and establish a neutral interim administration to maintain order while encouraging a coalition government to be formed by negotiation between the various factions. The break-away territory of Kurdistan will not fall under the scope of the operation.
Ever since the reported assassination of the leader by an unknown party Iraq has been in chaos as various figures in the Iraqi military made conflicting claims of authority over the country, leading to violent power struggles between rival factions. The only portion of the country which has managed to avoid this is northern Iraq, which has declared its independence and proclaimed itself Kurdistan. Kurdistan's petition for recognition is still pending for the General Assembly's consideration.
Written by FBHthelizardmage 06-06-2002 10:01 AM
the most mighty fortress in cerila the gorgons crown stands as a testament to it makers might and power one day many think the gorgon will rule the entire continent.
the forward part of the castle detonates. inner walls clasp a massive air craft moves over the horizon. Ahead of it a figure in power armor towards the castle and the waiting gorgon.
the gorgon stood in his thrown chamber a huge blood silver blade(1) in one hand.
DWFBh phased through the far wall armed with a sword of similar material.
Gorgon: "I new you would come with you power I shall become a GOD"
DWFBH: "funny I was going to say the same thing"
Gorgon: "well then.... shall we dance?"
DWFBH: "delighted"
the two near gods meet in the middle of the room with a clang of blades as the two hack at one another all pretense of honor is thrust aside the gorgon attempts to bring his lethal gaze to bear to avoid it DW launches him self into the air on a blast of plasma flame sending the awnshalin(2) back a few steps screaming in pain. the pained dark lord snarled our the words of a spell and the duel entered a new phase.
DWFBH hovered blasts crackling round his divine aura matching the gorgon spell for spell neither side seemed able to find an advantage.
then the roof exploded ruble rained down some how missing DW and pattering of the gorgons shield the beam of plasma that followed didn't however the blasted the shield apart smiling as the gorgon staggered DW flung his sword at the awnshalin the blood silver imbedded in the others chest right in the heart a slim chain of blue fire linked it with DWs armor. the sword rapidly began to drain the gorgons divine essence and life energy.
as the gorgons corpse fell DW retrieved his blade with a gesture and went in search of his next target.
*) the gorgon is the most powerful force of evil in cerila that's not a god. he is for some reason male.
1)blood silver is a metal which when properly enchanted allows the stealing of divine power if the person it kills has any.
2) awnshalin which i'm not sure I spelt right means Dark blood in cerilain elvish it refers to those corrupted by the blood of an evil god so they take on
monstrous shapes.
Written by The Fett
*Transmition to Meddler*
"Meddler, I have done as you asked, Saddam has been killed along with his guards. Shale we meet at a location to discuss future endeavors?"
Written by The Watcher 06-09-2002 02:40 PM
As the Fett flew on a gate opened up ahead of Slave I, waiting for him to fly through. Through it, he could see a space station floating on the other side.
Written by The Great Gumbo 06-10-2002 08:52 AM
Boss..your planes ready, and all your suit-cases are packed.
Good; lets go we've got some things to do.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-10-2002 12:49 PM
(Genki spins around to see Cody who gives a nod)
Cody: Your methods at controling the public are most impressive. I could not have done better myself. I wish to discuss a few things with you Genki. It's about this very city.
(Cody gives a big smile and pulles out a small testtube)
Cody: This is a special type of virus that will cause a wide amount of problems in humans but doesn't kill. With your permission I wish to add this to the city's water supply. After it has infected most of the city I want you to begin providing shots for the virus. You must make sure that everybody get's one. The virus will eventually die no matter if they get the shot or not. But the people will be gtting a nice, healthly dose of controller nanites.
(Cody rubbed his hands gleefully)
Cody: Then we'll have compleate control over everybody in the city. How does that sound Genki. You will of corse keep control of the place while I'm gone. So will you help me...?
Written by The Great Gumbo 06-11-2002 02:46 PM
Written by The Fett
"Fett, you may dock on one of the many docking bay's of the space station, and report to me immediately. "
"Very well, Meddler, I shale be there shortly... but I have a question... this space station, I've seen nothing like it before... where did you aquire such ecsquisite technology?" "hmmm, in good time my friend. We will discuss all matters in person."
With that said, the Fett docked onto the space station, and went to meet the Meddler.
Written by The Watcher
Technician: Do you wish for us to run a routine maintenance check for your ship, sir?
At this The Fett just nodded, and the technical team sprang to work like a well oiled machine. A man dressed in fine-tailored butler attire walked up to the Fett and bowed.
Butler: Good day to you sir. The master cordially invites you to an audience with him. If you'll walk this way.
The butler tookThe Fett through the cooridors of the station, finally leading him through a set of high security doors and into a spacious chamber elegantly decorated. Trays filled with gourmet hors d'oeurves' sat on a table, and classical music played lowly in the background. In a plush and comfortable chair, the Meddler lounged and nodded to the butler, who took a place behind the bar in the corner.
"Welcome Fett. Have a seat and enjoy my hospitality. Have a snack. Would you like a some liquid refreshment? Jeeves here can mix anything you wish. He has drinks from thousands of worlds in his memory."
At this the Fett glanced at the figure and examined him closer. He didn't sense any life at all in Jeeves. He turned back to the Meddler and tilted his head inquisitively.
"A Butler-bot. A scientist of mine named Warren created it for me. But I didn't invite you here simply to brag about my toys. You expressed a desire to discuss future endevours. Do you wish to continue your status as a freelance operative or are you looking for a more permanent post? Because I do have a postion of authority open in my organization for someone with your unique talents."
And the Meddler leaned back and waited for the Fett's answer.
Written by The MunchKING 06-12-2002 10:57 PM
Now we go in here... The Pokemon world maybe lowtech, but it's free room-and-board are second to none...
*enters a Poke Center*
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-13-2002 05:11 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-13-2002 10:42 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman
Both Seth and the MunchKING entered the poke center, unaware of the man hiding in the shadows. Without a word he dissapers back into the night.
Written by The Fett
Refusing the food and beverages politly the Fett made his decision
"Hmm, you're offer is very tempting, I must ask for time to think it over. Perhaps, if you were to give me another mission, I can have that time, while also serving you?"
Written by The Watcher 06-16-2002 04:04 AM
Just then there was a beeping sound from one of the console's in the room.
Intercom: Priority One call for you, Your Majesty.
"Thank you, officer. I'll take it on my private transciever."
He then turned back to the Fett.
"If you will excuse me for a moment, I have to answer this call in private. Please enjoy the hospitality of my entire station until I get back to you. I put Jeeves entirely at your service until I am able to get back to you."
And the Fett's nod the Meddler left the room to answer the Dread Warlord's call
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-14-2002 01:12 PM
Time: Midnight
Cody: I hope you called me hear for a good reason Jealta. I am very a very busy person.
Jealta: Not to worry lord Cody. I think you'll find this information most interesting. It's about "Him".
Cody: HIM! You mean you've actually done it.
Jealta: Yes my lord. It was quite simply to extract the right DNA using the tech you gave us. Come this way and I'll show you.
Jealta led Cody through a small hallway and into a large domed room. At it's center was a 15 foot high tank.
Jealta: Hear is the specimen you requested.
Cody: Very good Jealta! Maybe I'll think about getting you that raise you wanted.
Jealta: Oh thank you sir.
Cody looked out at the tank with pride
Cody: It's all mine. The ultimate pokemon. Mega mew! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA
Jealta: oh sir, there was another reason I called you out here. Come here Valdri.
A masked man steped out from the shadows
Valdri: Master cody. I bring you news on your brother seth. I saw him a little while ago wih the man known as the MunchKING. there at a pokemon center that's near here.
Cody: Really! Interesting. Valdri, I want you to keep a close eye on them.
Valdri: It will be done.
Valdri leaves
Cody: Get Mega mew ready as soon as possable. It's time to take him out for a test run.
Cody rubbed his hands and smiled.
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-15-2002 05:23 AM
Lensman Universe Planet Alderbaran II
the type 10 Conquest Base Vehicle: uncertain blessings hung over the smoking ruins of the once beautiful tourist spot.
the CBV was around half the mass of earths moon. In shape it was oblong with a sphereical pod on one end and a pyramid projecting "down" from the other
fields of energy now extended down to pull the planets mass into the CBVs storage spaces for conversion into new ships and weapons and to add to the vehicles nanite ocean.
the planets atmosphere had gone first followed by its seas and crust. the ship was now busily slurping at the mantle and conveying the results into it vast dimension folded storage bays.
the ships AI was compared to say a culture mind an extremely boring being. it was design was base (though much more advanced ) on the brain of the cyber tanks known as bolos it was completely loyal to it cause (I.E. dread warlord FBH) and completely focused on its job.
as it worked on it some what mundane task its sensors scanned out system for signs of the enemy It had stopped this planet from sending a message but this didn't necessary mean that it had not been detected. the Lensman were psionic and there might be patrols.
Sure enough it detected vessels a small fleet of 12 battle cruisers probably the closest vessels.
to it they were gnats. after a fraction of a mili second to confirm there status as hostile (IFF query went unanswered) the ship charged it forward FTL weapons cluster and fired.
the weapons it fired had no mass but were instead constructs of pseudo solid force chained within which was a miniature white hole the small shapes flashed across the many light years separating the CBV and the on coming fleet almost instantly flicking into the local hyper space to move through the enemy crafts shields the weapons then reappeared and detonated. 12 battle cruisers of the galactic patrol became 12 expanding super novas of energy.
the CBV continued its work its nano tanks now full it began to fabricate war ships for the conquest of this dimension its brain felt the closest to emotion it had in ages. expectation.
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-15-2002 09:29 AM
the sector annihilation unit "that's not overkill" hung in the near dimensional space of the arisa system it psionic dampers and non detection grid keeping it bellow the notice of the arisan watchers.
it moved slowly at only a few lights to avoid any notice detaching it parasites, mobile weapon systems, and bomb drones as it went. after 40 minutes of gentle movement it acted. its stealth field feel and for one awful instant the arisans new what was about to hit them several the drones swarmed the planet the arisians stopped most of them. but most was not enough the CAM the drones carried mixed with the planets mass turned a great part of it to energy. as the planet began to crack apart (still only a milli second after its detection) the hard vacuum grid fired the planet.
its primary mission done the "that's not overkill" begins to drop soul eater weapons to clear any surviving arisian minds from the area. As the ship begins to move away one of its parasites novas the local star.
Written by The Watcher 06-15-2002 09:56 AM 06-15-2002 10:07 AM
All he had managed to due is fall into a trap, as the forces of this universe, warned beforhand by a mysterious informant about the Dread Warlord, ambushed his "That's Not Overkill" with overwhelming power. Countless Primary Beams, Macro Beams, and Needlers impacted on his ship, bringing down the screens and doing untold amounts of devestation to it. Etheric and Sub-etheric Jammers howled in the void, blinding all of its sensors and preventing it from communicating with its fighters and attack drones. In the end, all that was left of the Sector Annihilation Unit was elementary particles, as it was the one that was annihilated.
As for the Type 10 Conquest Base Vehicle, for some reason all of its defenses suddenly failed, rendering it vulnerable to the attentions of the Lensmen and their forces. It was if someone had shut them off deliberately. But who? Perhaps a brainwashed technician inside the ship itself, whose implanted commands were suddenly activated. There would be no way to determine what had happened, for there was nothing but dust left of the ship after it was all over.
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-15-2002 10:40 AM
(he taped his fingers then turned to one of the many adjutant drone near him)
"the lensmen verse is warned of our assault go to plan B"
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-15-2002 11:09 AM
High above the galactic plane of Lensman galaxy one* a gate opened it was a big one DWFBH had put a lot of effort into it including using some of his
divine powers to stabilize it to prevent some one (meddler ) from clasping it.
from it emerged one of the Dread warlords bigger units matched in shear mass only by the type 20 CBV the type 21 Pan galactic domination platform
was around 10000 miles long and had no organic crew at all. there were stasis pods holding emergency crews troopers and crew for it fleet of parasites
and for the massive fleet it would soon build but the ship its self was empty. It dropped into local "inferior" hyper space to avoid detection and began
moving towards lensman earth.
Star wars galaxy. around a light year from corscant a small hole in space time opened and disgorged a drone. the drones com dish pointed in the direct of the empires throne worlds and began to broadcast.
"dread warlord FBH to meddler respond with hypers space signal on this line. dread warlord FBH to meddler respond with hypers space signal on this line. dread warlord FBH to meddler respond with hypers space signal on this line....."
*as it was know to DWFBHs forces to its natives it was known as "the first galaxy"
Written by The Watcher 06-15-2002 03:49 PM
"Yes, Dread Warlord. I've heard of you by reputation, though we've never encountered each other before. What is the reason for this call?"
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-16-2002 03:27 AM
Written by The Watcher 06-16-2002 03:54 AM
"That's quite an intriguing offer, Dread Walord. One that I would have to seriously consider. Tell me, what dimensions have you conquered and able to offer me. I'd like to know what would be among my potential choices."
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-16-2002 04:01 AM
Written by The Watcher 06-16-2002 04:17 AM
Written by Rune Silverstar 06-16-2002 11:02 PM
*rides Kangaskhan* Whee!!! Go Kanga!
Meta: Wait up! Aren't we going back to the Andromeda?
Aww.... Can't I have a little break? Pleeeaaaase? ^_^
Meta: *gulp* Uh. Sure. I guess.
Thanks, Meta-chan! ^_^
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-17-2002 11:15 AM
And isn't it juct pure luck that I'll be there to say hello.
Written by The MunchKING 06-17-2002 12:22 PM
ALRIGHT!! Now you can sleep, Seth. I'm wide awake... With full HP/MP...
*The MunchKING wandered over to talk to some other trainers who were playing cards.*
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-17-2002 02:15 PM
Valdri(Dressed up as a trainer): Excuse me sonny. I seemed to have droped my glasses on the floor there. Would you be so kind as to pick them up for me.
The munchKING bends over to pick them up which Valdri pulls out a lightsaber and prepares to stick his blow.
Written by The MunchKING 06-17-2002 02:22 PM
*Sneak Attack KotR*
*9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999 ,9999,9999*
*Sneak attack Mug*
*6999, 7982. Stole Potion*
*sneak Attack Odin*
*Gungir! 9999*
*"TrainerNinga" disovles into red lines*
*YOU WIN!!!*
*4000 EXP, 2 AP, 1500 GP*
*Got "Ninja cloak"*
Darn, I hate it when I don't even get to enter a comand... This cloak has a lousy defense too... Oh well.
Written by The Great Gumbo 06-17-2002 05:17 PM
Pretty soon it would be time to go from only controlling a city, to controlling a state, and then maybe even a Nation.
Began spreading out his people; infecting the water with the virus and injecting the nanomites.
Written by The Watcher 06-17-2002 08:57 PM
So, surreptiously he introduced Guardian nano-symbiotes into the population which were under his control. As they quickly spread through the country, the sought and destroyed any invading nanites which tried to set up shop in people, especially Genki's mind control nanites.
Written by The Great Gumbo
And what would that be?
Well...the nanites sir, they don't seem to be working anymore
Far as we can tell, they appear to be suffering some kind of damage after entering the subject bodies.
This is certainly not what I hoped for.
(hm..it appears that cody's nanites aren't as efficient as he thought, oh well most of my legal and semi-legal business are still going strong, and their doesn't appear to be any sign that the people have found out about my little attempt, and this leviates some of my fears about Cody dumping some nanites in my drinking water)
You may go now
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-18-2002 10:25 PM
Time- midnight
Place- a city
A camera droid hovers slowly to a stop on a hilltop just beyond the city limit. It turns on its night vison optic lens and sits silently on the dirt ground. Meanwhile, Cody watched the image of the city flicker to life on his personal veiwscreen.
Jealta: Sir, the camera driod is ready.
Cody: I can see that!
Jealta: Ok, sir.
Cody: Now let's see what this puppy can do. Begin the attack run.
Suddanly, a huge black shadow shot over the droid almost knocking it over. After a little moveing it finaly got back into place and zoomed in on the black shape as it hovered over the center of the city.
Cody: Alright, now mega mew! Use your matter blast attack!
The monsters gaze harded and it begain to focus it's mental energy. Sparks of blue and green lighting begain to pulsate around him and the vast amount of energy begain to disrupt the surounding light waves causeing his image to become distorted. By now many of the people had noticed the strange light and where gathering around the area below the monster.
Small boy: Wow! look at that grampa.
Grampa: Get away from there. It might be dangerous.
Officer Jenny: Everyone please clear the area. This is a matter for the police.
The blots of lighting were now growing stronger as the police tryed there best to remove the people from the area.
Officer Jenny(in microphone): Please, everybody leave the area now.
Little boy: Look, somthings happening to it.
Officer Jenny: Huh?
With a mind numbing blast Mega-mew released his energy onto the crowd and the city. Within moments the whole city and everybody in it was vaporised. The shockwave from the blast struck the droid, tearing it to pieces, along with the land around it. As the screen went black cody gave out a evil smile.
Cody: Call him back in Jealta. We may have to find a way to lower his charge time but other then that the test run was a success.
Jealta: Yes sir.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-18-2002 10:37 PM
Seth made his way over to Nurse Joy and gave her a bow.
Seth: Excuse me miss, My name is seth and I was wondering if you would have some food around here.
Nurse Joy: Of corse. What would you like.
Seth: Well, let see. I'd like a pizza with everything, a big bottle of pop, a tub of ice cream no make that two tubs, some candy, a milkshake and a grilled sandwitch.
Nurse Joy: Ok? Don't you thinks that's a little too much?
Seth: You're right, forget about the milkshake.
Nurse Joy: Ok then.
(A few moments later there is a table full of food in front of seth)
Seth: Hmmm... Seems small but it will have to do.
Written by The MunchKING 06-18-2002 10:48 PM
Then he moved on and talked to an NPC in the corner.
"Yeah and the City of Cinibar is gone too... Yeah, I wonder what'll happen to the Gym??"
Then she looks at the MunchKING... "I'm on the phone! Go away!!"
The MunchKING grinned, and moved off thinking about simple NPCs.
Something nagged at him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-18-2002 11:02 PM 06-18-2002 11:15 PM
Seth: Hey MunchKING, you want some food, I got to ask you a few things anyway.
Seth: I want you to tell me a little about that girl your looking for. The lady that specks in red. What is she like?
(Seth notices that MunchKING is a bit distracted)
Seth: What's wrong MunchKING?
Written by The MunchKING 06-18-2002 11:21 PM
THAT'S IT! This was a pre-Gold and Silver Universe... So Cinnibar should be fine, and she should have said something else... And Cinnibar, is the head of Gene Research, and that kind of stuff... Lot's of top-notch Scientists... I bet something destructive happened involving your brother's Genetic Research...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-19-2002 08:49 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-19-2002 05:02 PM
The huge figure of Mega-mew slowly hovered in through the lab's roof opening and landed softly on the raised platform. Cody and Jealta stood in wait.
Cody: Finally! It took you long enough.
(Mega mew's voice echoed through the room)
Mega-mew: I am not to be rushed.
Cody:Yeah, I know. Specking of which, You sure took your time powering up out there.
Mega-mew: I did not feel like destorying that city.
Cody: Shut-up you. I'll have no back talk here!
Mega-mew: Yes.
Cody: I have another job for you mega-mew. There is this little girl (Shows mega-mew piture of rune) she has just resently got to this planet. I want you to find her and bring her to me. Is that clear!
Mega-mew: Must I.
Cody: You'll do as your told.
Mega-mew: *sigh* Yes.
Cody: And do not forget, I don't want a single hair on that girls head harmed in any way, shape or form. Got it!
Mega-mew: Yes.
(With that Mega-mew teleports)
Jealta: Sir, Why do you want that gril here.
Cody: Bait of corse, to lure the munchKING here.
Jealta: I see
Cody: Now get back to work.
Written by The MunchKING 06-19-2002 08:54 PM
*The four of them dissappear. They arrive outside a burned city, next to a singed science lab. An odd Pokemon is floating in the air and then vanishes*
*The MunchKING gives the door a good kick, then charges in.*
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-19-2002 09:08 PM
Seth: This should bring up a map of the lab. We can us it to find where my brother is.
(Seth get's a picture of the lab up on the screen.)
Seth: Ok, CBYeoman. I got a mission for you.
(Seth points to a section of the map.)
Seth: There is a weapon development plant right there. I think it would be in the interest of many if you would be so kind as to blow it up.
(Seth points to another area)
Seth: That's where the gene experiments are conducted. Me and MunchKING will check that area. All right let's move out! (wow, I sound like a real commando)
Written by Yeoman 06-19-2002 09:17 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-19-2002 09:17 PM
very Good, You might make a real secret agent one day.
*Glances at map again.*
Let's take a shortcut...
*The two of them appear before Cody*
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-19-2002 09:33 PM
(Cody formed a evil grin on his face)
Cody: Although you got here a little earlier then expected. But it doesn't really matter now anyways.
(Cody spots seth behind the MunchKING)
Cody: There you are little brother. Have you met that girl rune by any chance?
Seth: That's none of our concern.
Cody: Wrong seth! It is my concern. But I will get to that matter later. Right now I have someone to introduce.
(Cody claps his hands and Mega-mew appears next to him, the huge figure towers over the MunchKING.)
Cody: Meet Mega-mew, MunchKING! The next stage in the evolution of pokemon. With the combinded power, speed and attacks of every other living pokemon. Say hello to the MunchKING, Mega-mew.
Mega-mew: Greetings human.
Cody: See, he's not all bad. But he will be breaking ever bone in your body soon enough. I'll just give you a little time to enjoy being around pure perfection before I order him to chush you like a bug. Back in a moment.
(Cody teleports away which Mega-mew eyes MunchKING with respect)
Mega-mew: I sence much power in you human. You will be a worthy match for me. But even though we must fight soon there is a favor I must ask of you. If you would be willing to except.
(Mega-mew stands over MunchKING and waits for a reply)
Written by The MunchKING 06-19-2002 09:50 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-19-2002 10:03 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-19-2002 10:11 PM
*Mega-Mew dissappears*
*the MUNCHKING turns to Seth* You might wanna go... This place is going to be history in 5 minutes after I places this bomb.
*Pulls a small rectangular device out of his pack* GO!! Get CBY and get out of here... I'll take care of Cody and this Jealta. Then I can bring Mega-mew back from where I sent him...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-19-2002 10:28 PM
Guard: Look out, there's an intruder down there. Quick, activate the Juggernaut!
There was a sudden rumbleing as a huge black robot slowly rises out of the floor. Armed with mulitiple blasters and cannons it turned towards CBY and Gir and prepared to attack.
Written by Yeoman 06-19-2002 11:15 PM
CBY: *Sigh* when you want someting done right.
*CBY Force lifts the front of the tank up, and then guts it with his lightsaber.*
CBY: Okay, if anyone's in there, we can do this the easy, the hard way, or the MunchKING way.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 06:00 PM
(The guard climbs out of the wreck and runs out the door)
CBY: Let's go Gir.
(Just then Seth runs in)
Seth: Guys! We gotta get out of here! The MunchKING is placeing a bomb that's gonna blow this place sky high! let's get out of here fast!
(The three make a run of the exit)
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 08:26 PM
The MunchKING battled his way through the hordes of guards as he made his way to the central area to plant his bomb. MunchKING blasted his way through another steel door into what looked like the main power generator for the lab. MunchKING pulled out the bomb and after a few second it was in place and he prepared to leave the place.
?????: Stop right there!
A giant battle suit landed meters away from the munchKING.
Jealta: I'm sorry but I can't let you do that. Now, deactivate that bomb or I will be left with no choice but to kill you.
A squad of battle troops and a 3 Juggernauts appear behind MunchKING.
Jealta: Make your choice MunchKING. Now!
Written by The MunchKING 06-20-2002 08:41 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 09:04 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-20-2002 09:12 PM
Written by Yeoman 06-20-2002 09:15 PM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 09:23 PM
Cody: He's specking the truth MunchKING. I have the little girl and her protector right here with me. Nither of them have been harmed, there just sleeping. I have a greater perpose in mind for these two.
(Cody flashes a evil smile)
Cody: Oh, and MunchKING. About your little plan to blow up my lab. Allow me to save you the trouble.
Jealta: What!
Cody: You and the lab have outlived there usefullness. So I'm going to get rid of all of you. Bye.
(The screen fades to black)
Jealta: NO! He wouldn't! He's going to blow up this whole planet.
Guard 1: Oh my god! Run for your lives.
Guard 2: I'm to old for this!
Guard 3: Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Guard 4: I lose my smokes!
Written by The Watcher 06-20-2002 09:24 PM
Through the discreet planting of information, and working indirectly thorugh several layers of pawns and intermediaries, the Meddler informed a number of law enforcement agencies and private individuals Cody had managed to cross in the past during his careeer of villainy of his current whereabouts. Very quickly there after a number of law officers, secret agents, and bounty hunters were dispatched by various parties began to converge on the Pokemon city he was in.
Written by The Watcher 06-20-2002 09:37 PM
Alien: "Cody, you miserable Flah. The Hivemother sent us to convery her regards about the outstanding debt you owe her. Lower your shields now so we can...talk to you in person about arranging a payment plan. Otherwise, we shall be forced to close your account. Permenently."
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 09:51 PM
Written by The Watcher 06-20-2002 09:59 PM
Just then the Black Reaper's sensors registered another ship arriving. A large black ship bristleing with weapons. It hailed Cody, and a man dressed in black appeared on the screen.
Man: Greetings Mr. Cody. I represent the Collections Department of Landau, Luckman, and Lake. Due to the severe deliquincey in payments to several of our clients, I've been dispatatched to repossess all your wordly and otherworldly goods so that they me auctioned off to service your considerable debt. Please power down all your ship's systems and conform with my instructions. Otherwise I will be forced to take more drastic measures to enforce your compliance.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 10:08 PM
(Cody pushes a butten on the control panel. The Black Reaper vanished on the spot, leaving the other ships stunned and unable to track him. After a little serching the ships leave to look for him elsewhere. All the while cody is laughing at them onboard the Reaper that had never moved from the spot)
Cody: Well, That special Shadow stealth shield works perfectly. I've got to remember to pay them back later though, Those debt collectors can be annoying.
Written by The MunchKING 06-20-2002 09:35 PM
*The MunchKING jumps up on the mech and grabs Jealta by the shirt front.*
TELL ME!! HOW WILL HE DO IT??? Is it a bomb?? Some kinda planetary ray from a moon-sized space station?? HOW! You seemed to know alot before... If you don't answer, in three minutes, there won't be ANYONE who can save it...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 09:44 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-20-2002 09:50 PM
In the basement, at the door to the bunker
*The MunchKING kicks the huge metal door in.*
ALRIGHT you better be able to deactivate that bomb pall. And you best be quick...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 09:53 PM
(Jealta flicks a few switches and turns a few dials)
Jealta: That should do it. The bomb has been deactivated.
Written by The MunchKING 06-20-2002 09:58 PM
*The bomb vanishes*
It'll never go off now.
*They teleport ouside, where CBY, Seth and Gir are waiting for them.*
You have one more thing to do. You do it well, and I won't bother taking out my idea of justice for your crimes on you.
You must help me get aboard his ship, and rescue the hostages... Will you?
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-20-2002 10:12 PM
Written by The Watcher 06-21-2002 05:44 AM
Team Member: What good luck. Even if the fugitive manages to elude our cloaked ship in this dimension, we now know where he'll be headed. If he gets away from us here we should be able to capture him on Ravenloft.
Unknown to the UNSCA Team, they weren't the only ones to overhear this news. An American SuperForce SpecialOps Squad was also listening in on the conversation.
Squad Member: Great. All we've got to do is catch him at Ravenloft if he gets away from us here. Then we'll teach that terrorist scumbag you don't mess with the USA.
And unknown to everyone else, yet another person had heard Jealta's words.
Bounty Hunter: Thank you very much, Mr. Ninja. Once I catch your boss and cash in the price on his head I'll be set for life.
Written by The MunchKING
THIS is *Not good*... Time to call in a favor I guess... *Disappears. REappears with a droid*
T-DOT You will bring the Corvette here. K? WE'll meat you in orbit.
Very Good, Sir.
*The MunchKING waves his hand and the droid disappears.*
*Meanwhile the laboritory explodes into a huge fire-Ball. The MunchKING calmly stands there as debris falls around him*
Impressive. Worth the wait and the money...
Written by The Watcher 06-20-2002 10:29 PM
Failing to find the Black Reaper in orbit, two of the Hivemother's ships were dispatched to search the rest of the system, while the third maintained a vigil around the Pokemon world, looking for any sign or listening for any signal that would give the ship away.
Meanwhile, the Collection Agency's ship maintained its position, scanning for the Black Reaper while the Captain called for reinforcements to help search the solar system. Now that they had managed to pin down Cody to one dimension, they weren't about to let him give them the slip.
Written by The MunchKING 06-20-2002 10:34 PM
Written by The Watcher 06-20-2002 10:49 PM
OOC: I've got to go to sleep now, so if anything comes up before I get a chance to check back here you can handle these guys. The Hivemother is basically a gangster, and her minions want to either collect the money Cody borrowed with interest, or if he can't pay, make him sleep with the larvae. Think of an Insectoid Jabba the Hutt and you'll get the right idea.
The Collections Department of Landau, Luckman, and Lake represent more legitimate businesses, and wishes to repossess the Black Reaper and anything else of value Cody has to deal with the debts he owes their clients. They'll resort to force if they have to, but prefer to settle things in the most cost effective way possible, so they'd only use violence as a last resort, and attack to disable rather than destroy.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-21-2002 04:48 AM
Cody sat at the brige of the Black Reaper as it slowly made it's way from the system.
Cody: How long before we get far enough away to D-port.
Guard: It will be a few hours sir.
Cody: Blast it. What about the money.
Guard: We've already informed some of our other agents to pay back the money you own. I doubt there will be any further problems from them.
Cody: Good!
Guard: Now sir, there's the matter of the girl and her protector.
Cody: Of corse. Have the girl brought up here to me. I might as well meet her.
Guard: And the man?
Cody: Bring him down to the Tiberium experimentation lab. Sure the people down there could use a new test subject.
Guard: Yes sir.
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-21-2002 05:04 AM 06-21-2002 05:16 AM
Compiler's note: The posts leading to this thread are dealt with in the next Fall of FBH arc.
"despatch send planetiods 67 and 49 to pokemon world they are to slaughter the being known as coby"
the to battle moons appear out of InterD drive Seeing the group of vessals already there and Identifying none of them as the reaper. the planetiods hail. "greatings we seek the being known as coby? do you happen to know were he is?"
Written by The Watcher 06-21-2002 06:04 AM
Our sources enabled us to track him to this dimension but he has momentarily eluded us through some sort of cloaking device. However, since his ship couldn't have activated its Interdimensional Drive without being detected we assume he must still be here in the system. If you manage to locate him for us, my firm would be willing to pay you a generous finders fee.
After Micahel was done, the leader of the three ships broke in with his own message.
Vordo: I'm Vordo the Claw, and I work for the Fava Hive. The flah known as Cody owes our Hivemother money, and we want him to pay up or else. We'll pay you a big bounty if you catch him and give him to us.
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-21-2002 09:27 AM
Written by The Watcher 06-21-2002 11:32 AM
Vordo: As for us, we do not care too much but it would be nice if we at least had a carcass to take back to the boss.
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-21-2002 11:41 AM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-21-2002 09:19 AM
Cody: Hello Miss Rune. Very nice to meet you.
(Cody got up and did a formal bow)
Cody: My name is Cody Dragialon. I'm your host for the remainer of the trip.
(Cody gave a sinister smile)
Cody: I'd like to point out the fact that there is no way for you to escape from here. I have a sheild up that provents anyone or anything from teleporting off or on. So I think it would be ij your best interest and that of your friend Meta to stay put. Now why don't you sit and have something to eat. I surely can't offer you to a evil god when your looking so thin. BwHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
........................sorry about that. It's a habit.
Written by Tanith 06-22-2002 05:29 PM
What an idiot. Boy is Washuu-chan gonna be mad when I don't come home in time. And Nobuyuki-san is being such a ditz.
And why the heck does this weirdo keep calling me "Rune"? I don't even have black hair.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-21-2002 09:39 AM
Genki was busy signing some important douments when suddanly he was trans ported to what appeared to be the dining hall for some huge ship. There was a little girl in one seat, the guard next to her had done something to put her to sleep. Across from her sat Cody.
Cody: Hello Genki. Nice to see you again. If you're wondering why I brought you here it is because I need you're help. Should you agree to help then you and I shall gain the gift of godhood. Or at least something that's close to it.
(Cody turns toward the guard)
Cody: You can wake the girl now.
(Cody turned back to Genki with a smile)
Cody: So what do you say Genki?Are you in or out? That's the question.
(Cody sat and awaited Genki's answer.)
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-21-2002 09:52 AM
Written by The Watcher 06-21-2002 10:01 AM
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-21-2002 10:23 AM
Written by The MunchKING 06-21-2002 06:23 PM
T-DOT!! Set The scanners down 1.2 gigaherz, ajust forward sensors to scan for trace tacyon emmisions.
Get the extra-dimensional scanners on-line, I want to know if ANYTHING is "Just out of phase with reality" around here, got it??
Yes Sir.
*a few seconds later*
Sir, it appears you were correct. There is a shipsized object bearing oh-one-two Mark three.
Bring us to bear. Can we fire on it?
Negative, it's currently subdimensional.
Can we adjust our tractor beams by inverting the positronic relay, and over-loading the deflector grid?
Sounds like it's JUST possible, sir... We'll run a simulation...
I LOVE the effect of Technobabble on Trek gear...
Written by The MunchKING 06-21-2002 09:35 PM
NOW I got you, you sonovabeach.
*on the ship Cody is suddenly jarred as his ship is uncerimoniously jerked to a relitve stop, then begins slowly backing up. Red warning lights flash all through the engine room, warning them about the strain on the engines against the Corvette's inexorable pull*
Written by The Watcher 06-21-2002 11:27 PM
Written by The MunchKING 06-21-2002 11:31 PM
Hailing, SIr...
Written by The Watcher 06-22-2002 12:06 AM
Michael: Understood, Mr. MunchKing. We are content to defer to you in this matter. We shall maintain our current position and not interfere in your operations.
As for Vordo, he didn't care who actually killed Cody, as long as he could report his confirmed death to the Hivemother and take credit for it.
Vordo: Understood, MunchKing. We won't get involved unless you ask for our help. If you could just do us the small favor of giving us Cody's head intact, we would appreciate it greatly. The Hivemother would enjoy the opportunity to feast on his brains.
Written by The MunchKING 06-22-2002 12:09 AM
Written by FBHthelizardmage 06-22-2002 12:39 PM
Paralel earth number 9832211
earth number 9832211 was not a nice place to live the place had suffered a nuclear war in the mid 80s and civiliation was pretty much dead warlords ruled the land with assault rifles tanks and powered armor (for tech had devolped some what faster here).
some where in what had once been the USA a cloaked figure strode along what had once been a road it was still a track of sorts but it was in a bad state of repair with plants growing through the cracked ashfelt.
The figure raised it hooded head as the wind carried the sound of shooting and a gun shot. Without hesitation the cloaked man began to run in the direction of the sound.
The small group of vehicles was stopped in the middle of the road its lead vehicle flipped over and smoking 6 men in powered armor stood pointing the guns at the cowering refuges who occupied the small convoy.
sergeant John "geko" long of the Federated states army watched the refuges with out pity they had attempted to leave the benefices of the new government and they deserved what they got. On top f the convoys flipped over front vehicle he captain was reading out the refuges death sentence.
" and by the involuntary euthanasia act if 1996 I here by sentence you to death for the crime of"
"excuse me" a voice said from slightly ahead of were the captain was standing. sergeant john blinked they guy had just
appeared nothing had show up on sensors they guy was suddenly just there. he ran a diagnostic on his sensor but it came up clear.
" This is federal business Mr. I suggest you go on your way if you love the government. "
"really.... don't think I can... I extend you the same offer though leave now an i'll let you live." the guy had a definite british
"you'll let us?? kill hi.." before the captain could complete his order the man was on him in one hand he had a glowing semi transparent Blade of blue energy. In the other a pure black Katana.
the man slashed the katana through the captains armor like it was air the swung round and slammed his glowing blade through the visor of private
Thomson. after that john lost sight of him. in panic he and the rest of the squad, sprayed the area with full auto fire "WHERE IS HE?" some one screamed over the squads communications link "right next to you " said a calm voice answered. the next thing there was a blur of
motion and John found him self with his rifle cut off at the barrel and the glowing blade held inches from his faces.
run home and tell your bosses that some one is coming to kill them.
john ran.
Written by Lord Darkwolf 06-20-2002 05:56 PM
An image formed in his head making him form a Gate . He appeared in a busy medevil looking village and was soon set upon many men in black coats.. One stepped forward a sliver sword pin and a dragon pin on the sides of his collar and spoke in a language he did not understand.... then a moment later realized he did. "who are you ?" The man said . " Why have you come here by Traveling ? How did you learn to travel ? Speak boy !"
Darkwolf frowned at the "Boy" remark ,he was 24 for crying outloud ! And the man the man did not look that much older than him ! Unbidden words came to his lips . "I mastered it myself " he spoke. " And I came because I felt I needed to be here to learn more."
The man smiled .....it was not a nice smile but one that spoke of sterness and authority. " Very well " He said. " Learn you shall .... I am Logain . Welcome to the Black Tower. "
Thus began Darkwolf's training ....and harsh it was physically and mentally ... the Sense seem to fail him at times ...pushing him to focus and concentrate more to fully master it . His personality became grimmer and grimmer as time went on ... no longer the jokester he once was.. The Taint didn't help matters ravaging his mind ...only his consitution as a Wu saved him . And thus stronger he became .
Things however were not idle at the tower... several things were afoot .. There was a growing split in the tower centered around the M'hael and Logain . Not trusting the M'hael himself Darkwolf sided with Logain who shown a comradeship to him even though he never forgave him for that boy crack .
In the days that followed Logain took him out on patrols of the forest . The point of these patrols soon became apparent ..
Aes Sedai were trying to raid the Tower ! It was Darkwolf's first taste of battle .. his training bore him well though it took him a bit to shake off the shock after he killed his first Tower Guard. More raids followed . Logain discovered that Darkwolf had a knack for leading them to the perfect places to set up ambushes for the Aes Sedai .
Soon all 51 sisters were captured and bonded though Darkwolf did not bond one himself ...he could not bring himself too...even with them his enemies it seemed wrong . Putting it out of his mind he saw to thier needs ,avoiding th Reds when possible, by Logain's order making sure they weren't mistreated or harmed. He got to know a few of them... though they still shied away from him a few came to tolerate him particularly the White Ayako.
They have gotten into several arguements about logic since she got here and Darkwolf was enjoying the calming effects of the debates immencelly . At one point he caught himself thinking it wouldn't have been so bad to have been the one to bond her and quickly smashed the thought.
The days came and went with the tensions of the tower growing . Training became harsher and the threat of the taint seem to hang in the air ... then one day a great channeling was felt by all in the tower .. Asha'man and Aes'Sedai rushed out confirming the both sides of the power was bing channeled somewhere for some purpose . Darkwolf knew but did not speak.
The channelling seem to last all day then suddenly stopped and a great sense of awe and joy spread among the Asha'man . The source was clean ! The taint was gone !! Laughing and patting on the back followed . Darkwolf forgot himself and actually hugged Ayako, it would be the last time he knew peace.
Chaos followed and battles were fought both without and within . Darkwolf struggled on through and witnessed many a horror. After it was all said and done The Sense dragged Darkwolf away making it seem as if he died .. With disgust at himself and the world he randomly Travelled out of that universe perhaps never to return despite those he left behind .
He found himself in the early SW universe ...the Asha'man training to ingrained in his personality now he sought and found a place to belong ... A unit known as the Mandalorians. With them he learned many new skills to compliment his own and stayed loyal even after the DeathWatch ambush and young Jango Fett assenion to leader . Jango was a great and capable leader in many way reminded him of Logain .
He severed him long and hard through many battles honing his skills to perfection driven to do it by Jango who was drove himself harder . For a time things went well .. Then things fell apart when the Jedi fell upon them ...teaching Darkwolf an important lesson about his Sense while doing it . He suddered remember the strangely cold Jedi overseeing the battle .. his strange shape of a lightsaber slashing down his brothers . Dooku he thought was the name of that Jedi .
One of the few surviviors of that conflict , He and Jango went thier seperate ways.... He salvaged one Mandalorian Transport and several armors and took off on his own once more letting his sense guide him .. Getting his ship modded ...he took up bounty hunting Travelling through the multiverse for better deals and better tech .... and now ...his Sense has lead him back to 2.0 Earth ....to hunt and to survive ..... no interest in politics or herorics just one man trying to make his way in the world ....such is the way of a bounty hunter .
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-22-2002 01:21 PM
The ships belonging to Vordo were almost all destoryed by the planetoids and what remained begain to counter attack the planetoids, All of them.
Michael's ship also came under attack by the planetoids. But due to all the extra firepower he had the ship manged to hold it's own. But against the overpowering firepower even he was being pushed back.
The Corellian Corvette was getting the worst of it. Besides for getting pummeled by 10 planetoids it was also under fire from the Black Reaper's many planet destorying cannons.
Written by The Watcher 06-22-2002 04:08 PM
Michael: Cody is the one controlling those things! Blind his sensors and they'll immediately cease to exist!.
And with that his ship began emitting ECM and targetting his sensor arrays with their blasts while deftly avoiding the clumsy attacks of Cody's planetoids. Vordo's remaining ship followed suit, as did the Dread Warlord's planetoids and the Corellian Corvette.
With the overwhelming power of all those signals focused on jamming the Black Reaper's sensors, and the powerful bombardment being concentrated on his sensor array, Cody soon found that all the interference was preventing him from seeing what was happening outside his ship. Once the control of Cody was negated, his planetoids immediately ceased all activity. While they could exist without Cody's attention, due to having no minds or crew without Cody being able to control them they were left floating with no volition of their own to do anything.
Written by Tanith 06-22-2002 05:57 PM
Meta and Rune wave goodbye to Jeanette as they leave the Crimson City dojo and gym.
Rune: That was fun! You were great out there, Meta!
Meta: I can't believe that Bellsprout almost beat me! It looked like such a small thing.
Rune: Accordin' to sis, lotsa Crimson City Dojo's pokemon got upgrades from PaDT. The other students told me the Bellsprout was the first one.
Meta: Hm. That might explain it. Ya know, it's been quiet lately around here. I thought you said you forsaw some troubles?
Rune: It was only a possibility. But I took precautions, and the probabilities dropped. *shrug* Oohh!! Look! Okonomiyaki!
Meta: Hm. I'm hungry too. Let's go. Oh, and what did you do?
Rune: Some stuff Pug taught me.
Meta: *to waiter* Table for two, please. *to Rune* Magic?
Rune: Yep. *picks up menu*
Written by The MunchKING 06-22-2002 08:24 PM
*With a wave of his hand, the ship shimmered into view.*
Alright... OPEN UP!! *He storms down to the ship*
* Ahuge Dragon appears and ripps the door off the ship, throwing it to one side. Growling it thrusts it's head in then, snorts as The MunchKING Unsummons it.*
Alright if you've harmed ONE hair one her head.
*He stormed into the ship. Glaring evilly at, then bodily throwing any who don't get out of his way fast enough...*
RUNE!! Where are you??
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-22-2002 09:35 PM
Cody: Well done MunchKING. Catching me must have been a problem. Your little rune is in the room right over there and Meta is down the hall. I have no more need of them so take both of them and get off my ship if you don't mind.
Written by The MunchKING 06-22-2002 09:42 PM
*Cody is suddenly Paralized.*
*Kicks Cody off to one side as he looks in the indicated room.*
*Grabs cody by the Shirtfront and hoists him into the air, then Slams him against the nearest Wall.*
*In a voice deadly quiet in sharp contrast to his previous rage, he bites out each Word*
Where... is... she???
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-22-2002 09:48 PM
(Cody looks at her closely)
Cody: That stupid Mega-mew must have gotten me the wrong girl!! DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!
Written by The MunchKING 06-22-2002 10:01 PM
*throws Cody out of the ship*
*goes back to the girl, and the other Pokemon Guy.* You two have anywhere particular you need to be back?
no? Good...
T-DOT!! Put EVERYONE in this ship in the Brig and hold them until further NOTICE!!
*The MunchKING and the Pokemon trainers appear in front of CBY, seth, and the reminants of Cody's crew.*
Ther you are! Your back on Cinnibar.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-22-2002 10:09 PM
Cody: To bad MunchKING. Looks like you woun't be getting me today. See you soon.
With that the clone of cody vanishes and so does the ship.
Written by The MunchKING 06-22-2002 10:10 PM
Officer Jenny?? Arrest these men on two charges of Kidnapping.
Here I have the Kidnappees who can testify.
*gestures to the Trainers*
Jenny: Arrest them!!
*A half Dozen Growlithes encircle the scientists, as generic cops, snap the cuffs on them and lead them into the cells.*
CBY, Seth, GIR, our work here is done. Come on, lets go.
*They disappear*
Written by The Watcher 06-23-2002 07:38 PM
Their blasts are specifically tuned to disrupt his shield harmonics. Soon, there are several gaps in his defenses, through which numerous boarding parties teleport through, all racing to be the first to claim Cody dead or alive.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-23-2002 07:49 PM
Written by The Watcher 06-23-2002 07:54 PM
Eventually, Michael's ship arrives on the scene and manages to negotiate the eventual repossession of the Black Reaper once any clues and evidence has been taken and cataloged from it.
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-23-2002 07:58 PM
Written by The Watcher 06-24-2002 05:36 AM
BTW, Cody can't have teleported into Seth's pocket dimension, since Seth's power states it's accessible only through him. Cody doesn't have the power overcome the dimensional barriers, so he wouldn't be able to get in without going to Seth, who's currently hanging around Munchking.
Written by The MunchKING 06-24-2002 11:29 AM
I LOVE my powers...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-24-2002 11:33 AM
Just asking.
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-24-2002 11:43 AM
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-24-2002 11:46 AM
Written by The MunchKING 06-24-2002 11:36 AM
Here you Are Tanith. One "offender Pretzel" to go... Pleasure just seeing you...
*Reappears before Seth* Now, let's head over here...
Written by Mr.Sandman 06-24-2002 11:42 AM
Written by DREADWARLORDFBH 06-24-2002 12:07 PM
Written by Tanith 06-25-2002 10:30 PM
*turns of comm*
"Now, then. Where was I?"
Rommie: "You wanted to make sure he will not be a danger in the future."
"Right. Go ahead with the.... ah.... treatment." *cackles*
Rommie: ...
Written by The Great Gumbo 06-24-2002 11:27 PM
Talking to a clerk inside the store, he asks where he can find any of the canned fruit in a slight Jamaican accent.
Written by Genma:TheDestroyer 06-24-2002 04:09 PM
Disclaimer: This next little feature will chronicle my change of powers. I thought it would be an interesting thing to show how our personas swap abilties for others in these worlds.
"I must say" admitted Professor Kitsein as he led Genma to the testing area, "we didn't expect you to return to us after that last....mess up at the lab."
Genma shrugged, "It wasn't your fault Chief Defender was created. How were you to know he'd bust in here and try to hold everyone up while the procedure was in action?"
Kitsein nodded to himself, "Yes, but it was our fault he got doused with that experimental liquid. That was to be used to cure the insane. Unfortunately on the sane it has the reverse effect. And him watching that Ranma 1/2 marathon 'Akane and Kuno's Greatest Moments' a few hours later only made ths situation worse. And since then you've been forced to try and capture him. If it hadn't been for us you could have been doing something more constructive with your time."
"Well you guys were the ones to give me my powers in the first place doc", countered Genma. Thanks to your nano-modifications I was transformed from a regular 17 year old to one of the most dangerous people on the planet. And it's allowed me to have some amazing adventures and meet some amazing people. And now that you're offering an upgrade, how can I refuse?"
The two of them walked by the console area, unnoticing of a pair of young boys. Each of them had name tags on their shirts, identifying them as students on a field trip. And in their hands they each held CD cases. They were also embroiled in a heavy argument.
"Saga frontier is way better man! So what if the graphics aren't as good. There's a lot more to do. And you can go anywhere you want. Not like your linear piece of trash."
"Dude! No way! Valkryie Profile kicks Saga's ass! Better graphics, a better fighting engine, more characters, everything is better!
"Oh yeah?!"
"Well, let's play them at this game station. I'll show you who's got the better game!"
It should be noted neither of these two was the smartest of fellows. They were..simple people. In other words, bone stupid. Which is why they mistook a data entry point for a game port. They ejected an information disc from two seperate consoles and replaced them with their game discs.
"Dude, my characters's in Profile are maxed out! I even got them to learn all their physical attacks! No one stands a chance!"
"So, mine has all the spells in the game. He'd just throw yours into a time loop!"
Neither of them noticed as the screens flashed in front of them, so focused were they on the argument.
The screen displayed a new message "Data recieved".
Genma watched patiently as technicians worked busily around him. He was floating in a nutrient bath, inside of a large glass tube. It was a bit uncomfortable being like this, but it would be worth it for the benefits. He'd been assigned to go patrolling through some nearby dimensions. Ones that were known to be highly dangerous. And he would need every trump card he could get.Which is why he only sighed when the countdown began.
The nutrient bath began filling with nano machines, as well as the usual liquid. Each of them was filled with information dowloaded by the system. They knew where to go and what to modify in the human body to increase certain things. Thereby giving that individual enhanced statistics and abilities.
That much the scientists knew. But what they didn't know is that these nanos had new orders. Instead of increasing Genma's powers, they were programmed to erase the previous ones all together. And then replace them. Due to the tampering of two ignoramous young men. Who were still arguing. Though with the rest of their class now due to being caught by a teacher.
The nanos went to work on a slightly sedated Genma. He tingled all over as they entered through the pores on his skin. It was a numbing feeling.
And then the pain hit.
He screamed as he felt what seemed to be knives all over his body. It hadn't been like this last time! What had happened now?
Panicking, he lashed out with hs TTK. Or would have if it had been there anymore. He was confused, what had happened to his powers?!? Even as drugged as this they should work.
Finally he sensed something on the edge of his perception. A source of energy. Thinking it his TTK he used it.
And everything around him went up in a flash of light.
Written by The Great Gumbo 06-25-2002 08:52 PM 06-27-2002 06:04 PM
A blue warp hole of some kind appears in the air. Out of it comes a space shuttle of somekind, it appears to have been through hell, but it still works well enough.
Billy Ray and a few of his friends he's made along the way get out and stretch their limbs. They all go up to the front porch a near-by house. Billy Ray knocks and waits for the door to open.
Billy Ray has come home to visit awhile.
The bench swings back and forth in the gently blowing wing. Billy Ray walks out of his house and yawns; when he opens his eyes he notices a huge ship hovering in the air that wasn't there when he walked out the door.
Written by The Great Gumbo 06-25-2002 08:04 PM 06-25-2002 08:36 PM
The man got off his motor-cycle and walked into the building. Once inside he walks over to a file cabinet two rooms away. Sitting down, he lays it on top of his desk and proceeds to search for all the business dealings legal and illegal of Genki Retsu that he has managed to find and document over the past few months.
Several envelopes containing information are sent to interested groups outside of the city that might be wanting to see the criminal and territory ambitions of Genki slowed down to a reasonable pace.
Once he has finished his work for the night; "axle" performs several different katas from differing martial art practices.
In another dimension, there is a desert planet void of all natural life. On it there exists only one being; a woman who has been trapped there for the past few months.
The woman's name is Necrobe; and she is bored.
There's nothing to do....I've made sand-castle after sand-castle...Walked, phased flew around, no life of anykind whatsoever. Nothing to do....still wonder how Jimmy's doing...barely care about creating a undead empire...so lethargic from lack of anything happening..could just sit and zone
Necrobe looks at the ground, deciding that the only thing she can do to occupy her at the present time is to see how far she can dig.
Written by The Watcher 06-25-2002 09:04 PM
Written by Genma:TheDestroyer 06-26-2002 08:00 PM
As his vision cleared he took a look around. The lab was in ruins. Machinery, walls, almost everything had been vaporized. Spread for meters around the complex a large crater had formed. A console sparked, sending off waves of electricity. One of those bolts moved towards him and he held out his hand. Without thinking, he whispered, "Glass shield".
The energy impacted off the newly formed barrier, and dissipated. He stared in astonishment at his hand as his spell faded. He'd never done that before.
Something was wrong. He no longer had the same powers as before. They'd been changed. But what were they?
He looked down at his arm and noticed a cut still there. That meant his healing was gone. Which would mean he was in trouble the next time he got critically injured. What he wouldn't give to have that particular power back.
As if answering his command the wound began to close, while the rest of his arm glowed a light blue. Two words popped into his head. "Mind heal". This was getting freaky.
A loud thumping noise drew his attention behind him. He turned to see squadrons of black helicopters cutting through the air. And coming towards him. Below, on the ground, a pack of Jeeps rushed along.
Dammit no! He needed more time than this. He needed to figure out what was going on here. What had gone wrong. What was wrong with him. Once again it happened.
"Time Eclipse"
The helicopters and jeeps began slowing down in the distance. As caught in a slow motion moment in an action flick. Eventually they stopped completely.
He willed them to speed back up. And slowly they did. Until they were moving at a regular clip again.
And once more he willed them and the rest of time to stop. And it did.
He looked down at his hands, crackling with energy due to his rapid use of spells.
Maybe it hadn't been such a loss afterall.
Written by Lord Darkwolf 06-27-2002 09:07 AM
Computer : Shift has been successfully completed D... The Irrelevant Drive is powering down. All systems diverted to silent running as requested. all checks are normal. We are go to go.
Darkwolf: * slowly opening his eyes * Good Ayako..... set a course for these cordinates . Half speed no hurry to get there ...
Ayako: Sure D .......
*Darkwolf nods and closes his eyes once more settling down *
Ayako: D.....
Darkwolf : Yes ?
Ayako: *a hologram of a lovely young woman, dressed in a white shawl slowly appears in front of him * Why are we on this mission ? There is no profit in it as far as I can tell .
Darkwolf : ...... This is personal.
Ayako : *blinks* From a man who says personal missions are a quick way to die ?
Darkwolf: *nods * When done with emotion such as anger with a need for vengence making you rash .... This however is not the case for me .....This......is repaying an old debt . In other words it's a job that must be done nothing more...
Ayako : *bites her lip worriedly * I dont know D ..
Darkwolf : It will be fine don't worry to much on it . How long have we known each other ?
Ayako : Since you installed me on Utopia Planetia ? 5 years , 3 months , 26 days , *smirks* Want the hours minutes ,seconds and micro seconds ?
Darkwolf : No that is fine ... and in that time have you ever known me to act carelessly ?
Ayako : No but.....
Darkwolf : Let it drop Ayako ....
Ayako: *sighs seeing D was not going any further with this line of converstation* fine D....continuing course..
Written by Tanith 07-01-2002 04:06 PM
1. Total reconstruction from atomic/spiritual level on up. He is now incapable of being raised to any level above human norm without major owies.
2. Selective neural reconstruction. No memories whatsoever of Earth 2.0, Earth 3.0, and anyone related to them. No chance of regaining said memories via tech or magic either.
3. "Something" to keep tabs on him, just in case.
4. A splash from a bottle labeled "Altered Jusenkyo Spring of Drowned Aardvark: HANDLE WITH EXTREME CAUTION"
He has now been dropped off on Khazan, and now has to face his debtors/creditors. *eg*