Written by The Real Nemo 10-14-2002 03:50 PM
She grabs Chief Defender and teleports with him onto the platform.
Nemo: *to the spokesman* The intermission's over, this guy's going to be fighting Andy Bogard now, okay?
Spokesman: Um, but King was supposed to... *notices the look on Nemo's face* Oh, of course, whatever you want Miss Nemo. *into the microphone* Next match, Andy Bogard vs...
Nemo: Chief Defender.
Spokesman: Chief Defender!
Nemo: *climbing out of the ring* I hope he wakes up before his match starts...
Written by The Real Nemo 10-14-2002 04:13 PM
King: Hey! *the kickboxer angrily ran up to meet the duo* I don’t care who you are, I earned the right to compete in that match. You can’t just take me out now!
Nemo: Of course I can, this is my tournament remember? I can do whatever I want.
King: Why you little...
Nemo: *to Seth* Seth-sempai, Miss King here is being rude, could you please remove her for me? Then you can meet me up in the box seats when you’re done okay? *teleports away*
Written by Genma 10-14-2002 04:21 PM
While this usually wouldn't be a bad way to wake up, it was a bit disconcerting now. Mainly because he had no idea how he'd gotten here. Spying a blond haired man nearby, Chief decided to inquire of his whereabouts.
Chief: Excuse me, my fine fellow, but could you please tell me where this is?
The man snorted, and turned to look at him. Glare was more like it.
Man: You're in the ring of the KoF tournament. You're fighting in a match against me.
The fighter's face darkened.
Man: And you're going to get hurt bad.
Chief: Hm? But why would I be engaged in a battle? And for that matter, why do you seem so eager to do harm to my person?
Man: Nemo wanted you to participate. So she sent that feeb *Genma* (He practically spat the name) to get you.
Chief: I see. So that is why she endeavoured to have me come along. Very well. I suppose I could fight, if that is her wish. But may I ask, what is your quarrel with Genma?
Man: That good for nothing injured my fiancee! Tore her apart in the ring! She never had a chance and he knew it. So he played with her, then crushed her.
Chief: Surely you must be mistaken. Genma, while someone that I do wholeheartedly despise and would like to beat to a pulp, is not the kind of person who would do that.
Man: Shut up! What do you know? Not only did he do that, but he DARED trick her into flirting with him!
It was at this point Chief, using all his miniscule thought muscles, deduced what he was hearing to be a skewed sense of what had happened. He'd have to find out the truth later.
For now though, he had business to take care of. The vengeance of Heaven was slow, but sure.
Chief: I see. Well, shall we commence with our duel?
Man: Whatever.
The two turned, and waited for the announcement to begin.
Written by Pellcia 10-14-2002 04:26 PM
Seth: Now, don't consider this personal or anything.
King's eyes narrowed and she leaped through the air to do a jump kick. But as she approched Seth opened a PD gate in front of her and closed it as she fell through.
In the PD.... King emerged from the gate in a dimly lim room. She turned around and watched as the gate slowly closed behing her. She was trapped in a room with no way in or out. Slowly the light's began to dim and the room was wrapped in darkness. There was a sudden chattering followed by a scream. King backed aganist the wall as the army of little harmless bugs moved along the floor towards her.
Back at the tournment, Seth paused for a moment. Gave a quiet apology. He then went towards the box-seat's.
Written by The MunchKING 10-14-2002 04:29 PM
I lied...
*As he waves at the people behind him, there's a sudden bunch of screams and crunching noises, like a handful of people being messily eaten.*
Holo-Yeo? Have my money standing by... I'll hop a PDT to TerraMars.
Written by Pellcia 10-14-2002 04:44 PM
Dycerdye: That wasn't very nice Munchy.
Cassandra: Even after we payed you all that money.
Velpio: Now it's time to die.
Munchy stepped forward to attack but found his powers had be removed. Cassandra smiled. With a sudden move Velpio froze MunchKING on the spot, no longer could he even move. Finally Dycerdye formed an energy blade and cut the MunchKING's head clean off. All three looked down at the corpe of Munchy and shook there head's.....what a waste.
But just to make sure they blasted it anyways untill there was no trace left. The all three dissapered.
Written by The Watcher 10-14-2002 05:32 PM
Man: Hello fellows, I bet you are wondering what you're doing here. Well, The MunchKing, being one of the most dangerous people in the omniverse, is someone we keep a very close eye on whenever he's on Earth. Current policy from on high is only to monitor him, not to apprehend. That policy doesn't extend to you. You murdered someone. And we have it all on tape. After we had the evidence it was a simple matter for one of our metas with Psychoportation to redirect you into our custody. Get use to the cell gentlemen. You'll likely be in one for quite a while.
Written by Pellcia 10-14-2002 05:38 PM
Velpio: It won't be long before our forces come to "let us out"
Dyceryde: Well, you could just let us go and spare yourself's the trouble of having to deal with our forces. What do you say.
Written by The Watcher 10-14-2002 05:46 PM
And the second answer, if it looks like your forces are winning, we'll just invoke Secret Article 31 in our charter, which involves beings classified as clear and present dangers to humanity, and just summarily execute you. So either you stay model prisoners and tell your forces to back off, or you're just shot trying to "escape". Now which do you prefer? Either way, you are never leaving this cell. The only question is, would you prefer to remain as living human beings, or just random floating molecules?
Written by Pellcia 10-14-2002 06:29 PM
Written by The Watcher 10-14-2002 06:45 PM
*The man taps his wrist comm*
Initiate Neural Scan.
*Neural Scan Initated*
Written by Genma 10-14-2002 04:55 PM
Genma: Where are you going? Don't want to see Chief Defender in action?
Lenneth: I'll be back in a short moment. The lifeforce of a competitor here just vanished. I believe she's been kidnapped.
Genma: What?! Who?!
Lenneth: I do not know her name, but it was the woman who wore a tuxedo.
Genma: Must have been King.....
Lenneth: As I said, this will not take long.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-14-2002 06:44 PM
Nemo: Of course I can! You saw him before, he could barely beat Iori! This will be no... *noticing Seth come in* There you are Seth-sempai! *curious* What did you do to Miss King?
Written by Pellcia 10-14-2002 06:51 PM
....From one of my special cells.....to be more accurate my "bug" cell. Don't worry, she'll have lot's of company.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-14-2002 07:04 PM
Yashiro, Shermie and Chris: *sweatdrop*
Written by Pellcia 10-14-2002 07:11 PM
Written by author
Shermie: *clearing her throat* So um, what's with the new guy you've brought in? *motions down toward the arena*
Nemo: Mr. Defender? He's the one who's going to take care of Mr. Kusanagi for us in the next round.
Chris: Kyo? Is this guy really that strong?
Nemo: *shrugs* Probably, if he's anything like Mr. Genma.
Written by The Watcher 10-14-2002 07:46 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-14-2002 07:54 PM
*Provides the information*
That should do, now if you'll be so kind as to patch us through....
*The Man activates the Comm system and Dyderyde goes on to tell his second in command about his capture and to follow all the instructions mentioned above(In my last post)*
There, all finished. Now we await what fate you have in store for us.
Written by The Watcher 10-14-2002 08:53 PM
Written by Genma 10-14-2002 09:00 PM
Lenneth: Fools. Ignoramouses, all of them! To use such vile creatures as these. Have they no shame? There will be a reckoning!
Before Lenneth could destroy the lot of them, as she had first planned, a voice rang out.
????: Excuse me, could you help?
The goddess turned, and gazed upon the mortal she'd come to rescue. One of the bugs was perched on King's shoulder, licking her about the face. Strange behavior for a monstrousity.
Lenneth: I will have you out in a moment.
Picking the small thing off, Lenneth destroyed the bonds, and let the KoF contestant get up.
King: Thanks. I appreciate it.
Lenneth: Indeed.
Opening a portal, Lenneth began to leave.
King: Wait a minute.
Lenneth: Yes?
King walked up, a certain bug perched on her shoulder again.
King: Do you mind if I keep this?
Lenneth: I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible. From what I can sense, it's made up of ambient energies from this very universe. Trying to remove it might cause problems.
King: *Sigh* Alright.
Lenneth: However......
She waved a hand over the psuedo-pet, and it glowed for a moment. Then leapt off King, and ran back into the darkness.
King: What did you just do?
Lenneth: I copied it's energy signature. Once we're out of this reality, I can create an exact copy.
King: You can do that?
Lenneth: You would be surprised at what I can do.
The two of them stepped through the portal, and were gone.
Written by Genma 10-14-2002 09:08 PM
Keiya: I trust it went well?
Lenneth: King is fine. Nothing more than a little shaken up. She even gained a new pet out of the ordeal.
Genma: Pet?
Lenneth: Indeed. One of her fellow cell-mates.
Genma: I don't even wanna know.
Lenneth: That would be for the best.
Everyone watched as Chief and Andy faced off. Lenneth looked down, and snagged Chibi-Genma back into her arms.
Chibi-Genma: It's a living.
Written by Pellcia 10-15-2002 10:48 AM
Seth: oh no.....munchy. I have to help..
Seth quickly opened a PD gate and from his PD he opened a gate to where Munchy is. He quickly bent over and examined munchy's corpse.
Seth: Here, this should do the job.
Seth pulls out a reviveing item (Take your pick) and uses it on Munchy.
Written by Genma 10-17-2002 02:19 PM
The audience erupted in cheers. It was about time.
Announcer: On one side, a long time veteran of this tournament, Andy Bogard!
The younger brother of Terry ignored the shouts and whoops, focusing all his attention on Chief.
Announcer: And one the other, a newcomer, so let's give him a warm welcome, Chief Defender!
The slightly insane ex-criminal soaked up the adulation. For truly, who deserved it more than himself?
Announcer: Now, let's get this started! Ready? And......
Both contestants tensed.
Announcer: FIGHT!
Written by Genma 10-17-2002 03:40 PM
Chief: You DARE attack me with such impunity? Very well then, expect no mercy, for I-
A Hishou Ken slammed into his chest, halting the rant. He recovered, and glared at his adversary.
Chief: Never have I met such a-
Once again, he was stopped.
Andy: I came here to fight, not banter back and forth. Either get on with it, and give me some satisfaction in tearing you apart, or leave.
This time, Chief merely nodded, and placed a hand behind his back. It was an odd battle stance, but one he seemed comfortable with.
As Andy went on the offensive, a change seemed to go through CD. His eyes, usually dulled by madness, sharpened somewhat. His face broke into a large grin, and he whispered to the wind.
Chief: Throwing away the advantage handed to you. All for the sake of a serious fight. Such is the way of folly.
He stood there, absorbing the shots thrown at him, and waiting. Finally, right as Andy went for the Gekiheki Haisui Shou, he struck. Ducking under one of the blond fighter's strikes, Defender retaliated in a way only he was the master of.
Andy stumbled back, a large bruise forming on the right side of his face. He spit out a tooth, and cursed. That one blow had damn near tore his head off! What was this guy made of?
Chief twirled the dented plastic bat, and began walking forward, commenting to himself along the way.
Chief: Many a warrior I have met in my travels.
He dodged an axe kick, and batted away *no pun intended* another fireball.
Chief: But never one so eager to get himself defeated in the ring of combat.
Intercepting a punch, he countered with a heabutt, stunning Andy. Before the blond fighter could recover, Chief uppercut him, using the bat instead of his fist.
Chief: There is a reason I act the way I do. Talk the way I do. Live the way I do. Because life, is something I simply can't take seriously anymore. There is no challenge to it.
He grunted, and slid back, but was unhurt from the piece of arena hurled at him.
Chief: I've seen your kind before. Fighters who train themselves, try to reach "perfection". There is no such thing. Never was. Never will be. Someone will always be better. Better at tactics, strategies, combat........
Chief picked up his foe by the neck, and held him overhead.
Chief: And killing. The difference between you and me is that I have taken a life before. It's not pleasant. Or fun. And something your little teachings never mention, is that it takes a piece of you away everytime you do it.
Andy was slammed back into the ring, facefirst.
Chief: I began holding back years ago. Had to. My strength is determined by my feelings. As I get angrier, I get stronger. For years straight I was so mad, thinking rationally at all was an impossibility. Most of it is a blur to me. And I'm thankful for that. Who knows the atrocities I committed.
He watched as his battered and beaten opponent struggled to his feet.
Andy: It's not....over yet...you bastard...
Chief: *Shaking his head* Yes it is, you just don't know it. I'm not even trying. Hell, I just beat you black and blue with something little kids use to play T-ball with. Do you see a scratch on me? No. Your best isn't good enough. And mine is way too much for the likes of you.
Andy growled and began to glow.
Andy: I will NOT allow it to end this way. Beaten by some insufferable moron. If it's the last thing I do, you're going down screw-loose! Chou Reppa Dan!
Andy rushed forward, and leapt into the air. Angling himself into a kick, he began to fall, fire crackling around his body in waves. Chief, for his part, stood stoicly, never moving from his position. But at the last moment, his bat vanished, and a suit of armor appeared, attached to his frame. Andy's eyes went wide. It couldn't be.....
Andy: The Armor of Mars!!
The ensuing explosion engulfed the arena, clashing with Lenneth's barrier, trying to spread out even further. It was immoveable object vs. irresistable force. Eventually, the force lost. Sputtering, it's energy spent, the destructive wave collapsed.
Long moments afterward, with the audience having released a sigh of relief, the smoke began to clear. When it did, they gasped. In the middle of the crater, untouched, was Chief. At his feet was Andy, in a bloody and unconscious condition. Defender looked up into the sky, and muttered once more. Only two or three heard him, but they got the point well enough.
Chief: Such is the way of folly.
Written by Pellcia 10-17-2002 04:16 PM
Recoom: That guy looks weak to me.
Seth: *sigh* Nevermind. So Nemo, what's the next fight. I'm hoping for a good one this time.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-17-2002 05:31 PM
Written by Genma 10-17-2002 05:41 PM
Chief: A pity. He strived to be a warrior. Now he'll have to catch up to months of missed training after recovered.
Genma and his posse walked up behind him, and Genma slapped him on the back.
Genma: That was pretty impressive out there. I can see you've been working hard since we last saw each other.
Chief: Indeed. There is not much to do when cooped up in a mountain.
Keiya: You are very.....skilled. I was wondering if you'd like to spar sometime?
Chief: Perhaps. But for the moment, I have a question to ask of you Genma.
Genma: Eh? What is it?
Before CD could answer, Nemo ran up, followed by Seth.
Nemo: Sorry everyone, I really need to talk to Mr. Defender right now! See ya.
She dragged him away, as everyone stared.
Lenneth: How, strange.
Genma:Wonder what that was about?
Chibi-Genma: Who cares? I need food!
Written by The Real Nemo 10-17-2002 05:50 PM
Written by Genma 10-17-2002 06:06 PM
Chief: I didn't lie when I said life was no longer a challenge for me. For years I've found that no matter where I go, things stay the same. I wonder around, from place to place, beat up on a few people, and leave. When I stumbled upon Pheonix Mountain, I'd thought I found heaven. The people treat me somewhat normally. Even when I'm not "all there" if you know what I mean. Why, I even have found a woman who accepts me.
He sighed.
Chief: But one thing still hasn't changed. The lack of challenge. I thought that maybe by working for you, I could find some of that old hardship I used to experience. And grow stronger for it.
Nemo: So.....
Chief: I was bored, and had nothing else better to do.
Nemo: Right.
Chief's eyes slowly became more murky, and the spark of intelligence seen a moment ago, had vanished. Buried beneath a wall of delusion.
Chief: And so, I've come to serve my new empress!
Written by Pellcia 10-17-2002 06:01 PM
Upon hearing the voice Genma spins around to see a smiling Pellcia. She had her sword pointed towards the ground, making little lines in the dirt.
Pellcia: So, You feeling well. I hope your going to give me a good fight, I have been waiting a long time.
Pell tosses the sword up into the air and catches it in a dramatic way.
Pellcia: So.....Impressed yet.
Written by Genma 10-17-2002 06:11 PM
Genma: Because you caught a sword?
Pellicia stumbled.
Pell: It's not just a sword! It's a uber-sword! A creation of pure, awe-inspiring power!
Genma: Oh, one of those.
Pell: One of.....those?
Genma: A sword gifted with immense strength, through magic, technology, or other means.
Pell: Well, yeah.
Genma: Great, well I'm sure it'll be interesting to fight then. Now if you excuse me, we need to get my chibi some food.
Pell watched as everyone walked away.
Pell: Aw poo. I didn't even get to see one of them quiver in fear. This bites.
Written by Pellcia 10-17-2002 06:14 PM
Pellcia: Don't worry, I've got more then a sword this time. Soon you'll be seeing Pell like you never seen her before.
Written by Genma 10-17-2002 06:19 PM
Genma: *Looking around* Someone just did one of those maniacal laughs. I hate those things.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-17-2002 06:21 PM
Nemo: That’s pretty much the same reason I decided to work for Pellcia onee-sama. *grins* I think the three of us are going to get along just fine!
She straightens up, trying to look regal.
Nemo: And as your new empress, I’d like to acquaint you with your next challenger. *gestures towards the platform, where Kyo Kusanagi is overpowering Jubei Yamada without much trouble* Think you can handle him?
Written by Genma 10-17-2002 06:29 PM
Chief: Indeed. I believe I may be able to teach him a lesson in humility. One that he so sorely needs, it seems.
Nemo: Good. When your match comes up, don't hesitate to stomp his guts in.
Chief: Consider it done.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-17-2002 06:53 PM
Nemo: Okay everyone we’re down to the final eight, the big moment’s going to be here before you know it! What are the matches for this round?
Chris: *looking at the list* Genma the Destroyer vs. Miss Pellcia, Keiya vs. Nemo, Chief Defender vs. Kyo Kusanagi, and Ryo Sakazaki vs. Athena Asamiya.
Nemo: Sounds good, is everyone ready?
Seth: You can count on me!
Chief Defender: *hefting a rubber tree plant* I will not fail you Empress!
Shermie: This place just keeps getting stranger...
Yashiro: *sigh*
Spokesman: *from down below* Next match, Genma the Destroyer vs. Miss Pellcia!
Written by Pellcia 10-17-2002 07:14 PM
Pellcia: hehehe, Let's see how the masses like this.
Pell turned the dial on her sword up to 3 and aimed into the air. The crowd shot back in surprise as a giand red beam shot out from the tip and cause a huge explosion above the arena. The crowd clapped in amazment as Pell sat down on the ground and waited for Genma to arrive.
Written by Genma 10-18-2002 06:52 PM
Calling upon the elemental whispers, he floated into the ring, and faced his opponent.
Pell: Well it's about time! Keeping a girl waiting is very rude y'know.
Genma: Uh huh, I'm sure you were heartbroken. You ready for this?
Pell: Sure, anytime. Just let me get do.....
She flipped the last switch on her sword. It began to hum slowly.
Pell: That.
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen! Our next fight is between two newcomers! First, is Genma, we've already seen his power twice today, besting both Wolfgang Krauser, and fan-favorite Mai. Our other competitor is Ms. Pellicia, a recent entrant. She seems to have a rather odd sword with her today, so this might be interesting! Who will become the victor? Let's see! Ready! FIGHT!
Pell immediately pressed a button on the handle of her sword, and stood back. A whirling mass of dark energy began collecting in the center of the ring. Genma stared at it quizically, and then turned to her.
Genma: What the Hell is that? What did you just do?
Pell: The main reason I entered this tournament was to test some of my.....creations. I was hoping to use it on some of the locals, but you'll do nicely! Once this portal fully opens, my pet will be free!
Before Genma could respond, a lightning bolt crashed down, cutting a message in the ground outside the ring.
Genma:TD, you are hereby summoned, on the order of Kami-sama!
Genma blinked.
Genma: Say what?
And vanished in a flash of light.
Pell looked at the spot her adversary had formerly been. She looked around, and muttered to herself.
Pell: I don't think that was supposed to happen. No, not in the least. The lightning was a nice touch though.
She turned, and gazed right into two large, red eyes, staring back at her from the portal.
Pell: Ooops. Forgot about that.
The creature stared at her, then lurched forward.
Pell: *Looking up* This won't end well.
Written by Pellcia 10-18-2002 08:10 PM
Pellcia turned her head away in disgust at the vile creature that now hover above the arena. The monster was a huge ball of what appeared to be human corpses, all of which were wailing violently and reaching out towards the crowd. In the center of the mass was a giant horned head that stuck out from the body, it slowly gazed around with red burning eyes........the hunger in him burning away. The orb slowly floated across the arena untill one of the many corpses was hanging right in front of Pellcia. She froze, unable to move. The rotten corpse reached out with it's skinless hand and touched Pellcia's face, then pulled it back. Pellcia stared as the head of the corpse moved in towards her and opened it's mouth as if it were about to say something. But the only sound that came out was that of a vile demonic scream, and Pellcia jumped back and ran as fast as she could off the arena.
WIth no more distractions, the monster turned towards the crowd.....the feast was about to begin. Three long arms rose from the top of the creature, each suddenly jolted forward and struck the Barrier with horrifying force. Force that not even Lenneth was expecting. It pulled back and struck again, this time harder then before. The barrier flickered but remained. The creature now grow annoyed, and a new tatic was needed. It lauched a different set of arms, this time they stuck to the barrier. Slowly, the creature began drawing energy from the barrier. It flickered as the power left the barrier and went into the monster, the barrier would not hold out for much longer.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-18-2002 08:24 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-18-2002 08:39 PM
Seth and Nemo teleported down by the arena where Lenneth could only watch as the beast continued to drain her barrier. With one swift move the arms pulled away from the now almost compleatly drained barrier, and it pulled it's attack arms back once more. Seth, Nemo, CD, Lenneth and the crowd looked on as With one mightly swing the arms struck the now depowered barrier and with a blast of energy it's arm went through, shattering the entire barrier.
A man in the corner dropped his drink and ran towards the exit. The creature turned and noticed his bid for freedom, a bid that hw would not allow. With a sudden move he shot a tentacle that caught up with the man and he could only scream out in agony as a touch from the tentacle caused his body to break apart into little particles which the creature then absorbed. The body of the man the reappeared, only it was on the back of the creature as one of the many corpses.
Written by Genma 10-18-2002 08:53 PM
Chibi-Genma: *Munching on some fries* So, what's up with this? Why are you allowing it to go on?
Lenneth: What happens here doesn't matter. The monster will wreck a few things, kill a few people, but it's relatively harmless. And once this tournament is over I will bring back whoever was murdered.
Chibi-Genma: So, you allowed it to break through the barrier.....why?
Lenneth: I needed some entertainment.
Chibi-Genma: 0_o Uh huh. Right.
Written by Pellcia 10-18-2002 08:58 PM
Seth: Nemo! CD! Kyo! Cover Me for a sec.
Seth Ran towards the the side of the arena while Kyo, Nemo and CD stared. There was a sudden demonic scream and Kyo turned back to the monster just in time to see a tentacle coming strait at his face.
Kyo went flying across the arena and hit the ground hard, two tentacle then pinned him too the ground.
Nemo and CD needed to do something.....fast...
Written by The Real Nemo 10-18-2002 09:05 PM
She teleports in front of the monster.
Nemo: *Orochi fire glowing around her* Do you hear me? I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!
At that, the creature suddenly cries out in pain as purple flame bursts into life all around it.
Written by Pellcia 10-18-2002 09:14 PM
One of it's tentacles rose above it's head and gathered energy. It then releaced it in the form of a energy blast that hit the ground in front of Nemo, sending dirt flying all over her.
Written by Pellcia 10-19-2002 07:49 PM
CD: Back! Foul Beast! You dare harm Nemo.
Suddenly a giant frying Pan appeared out of nowhere and CD slamed it over what appeared to be the creatures head. Dizzy from the unexpected attack it backed away from CD and swing it's tentacles around madly. One flew right into CD, sending him a few meters along the ground.
Having recovered from the blow it turned it's anger upon Nemo, lauching several tentacles in her direction. The first two Nemo blasted with Orochi fire, she ducked under another one that flew overhead but several more managed to grab her by the arms and legs. She fell to ground as the tentacles pinned her down and another prepared to give the final blow.
From the corner of the arena a bright beam of light shot through the air and hit the tentacles that held Nemo down. The creature turned and let out an unholy scream of rage and pain. Seth jumped up on the arena next to the monster, now carrying Pellcia laser sword.
Seth made a dash towards the creature, jumping and dodged away from several tentacles that it lauched. As he approched his hand fell to the dial on the sword and he checked to make sure it was on high, to his suprise the dial flicked and his eyes fell to a small omega symbol that the dial now pointed to. Turning his attention back towards the monster he stopped right in front of it and took aim. The creature turned it's face towards the small boy that stood below and moved in closer. Seth closed his eyes, took a deep breath....and pulled the trigger.
The massive blast of energy shot out of the sword's tip, sending Seth back several feet. The energy bolt flew up and hit the monster in the face.........and blasted right through him. The creature fell back and violently exploded, body part's flying in all directions. When the smoke cleared there was only a massive pile of burnt remains left.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-19-2002 08:11 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-19-2002 08:25 PM
Pellcia: Wow, that little battle was better then most of the tournment. I should have brought a camera.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-19-2002 08:38 PM
She pauses, struggling to calm down.
Nemo: I knew that you would do something like this! You just can’t stand the thought of me succeeding at anything can you? Grrr... *breaks off, too angry to speak*
Written by Pellcia 10-19-2002 08:52 PM
Make no mistake Nemo, I know everything you've done and everything you will do. So I have nothing to fear about you succeeding......But then again I could be wrong about that....you never know. I guess time will tell nemo...time will tell...
Written by The Real Nemo 10-19-2002 09:07 PM
Nemo: Miss Pellcia has been disqualified for recklessly endangering the lives of the audience. As soon as Mr. Genma gets back, make sure you tell him that he won, understand?
The Spokesman nods hastily, his eyes wide with terror, while Nemo runs over to where Seth is waiting.
Nemo: Seth-sempai, could you do me I really big favor? See if you can follow Onee-sama and keep an eye on her for me will you? Make sure she doesn’t mess around with my tournament again okay? Thanks! *cute smile* I’m going to go get cleaned up and change before my match okay? See you later! *teleports away*
Written by Pellcia 10-20-2002 08:13 PM
Now it was time to leave and start the next stage of his journey. He packed his belonging's in a hurry and vanished from the small mountain meadow in a flash of light......there was many things that needed to be done.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-20-2002 09:17 PM
Nemo: Okay I’m ready!
Yashiro: There you are! Listen, I think that you should start explaining some things to us. For starters, just what was that thing down there?
Nemo: That? *shrug* That was Onee-sama’s pet I guess. Don’t worry, we’re not going to have to deal with anything like that again.
Spokesman: *from down below* Next match, Keiya vs. Nemo!
Nemo: That’s my cue! Wish me luck!
Yashiro: Wait a minute... *he scowls as Nemo teleports down to the platform before he can finish his sentence and sits down to watch the upcoming match*
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 02:47 PM
Revenge was almost within his grasp. All the tricks....All the puzzles.....all the month's of planning. It would finally pay off.
Saavedro rubbed his hands together in glee, Soon Atrus would pay for the misery his son's had brought upon him. His plan was pure perfection, he had stolen Atrus's resently created book world "Releeshahn" to use as bait and lure him through all the book worlds he had created and eventually to the world of "Narayan" where Saavedro's home was. He had hoped to show Atrus what pain and destruction his sons had caused.
?????: Saavedro I presume.
Saavrdro quickly grabbed the Releeahahn book and spun around towards the voice. His eyes met with the eyes of a small boy, dressed in black and carrying a metal sword.
?????: At last we meet Saavedro.
Saavedro: You are not Atrus! Explain yourself at once.
?????: I do not have to explain myself to you. I come for the Releeshahn book. Give it to me now and you shall be spared.
Saavedro: You think I'd hand over my only chance of revenge to a little brat like you.
?????: I see, so you wish to die. Is that it?
Saavedro: Why you little punk!
Saavedro pulled out his club and make a swing at the boy's head. There was a sudden flash and the club passed through nothing but air. Behind him the boy reappeared and gave him a swift kick in his arm, sending the book fling through the air. Another quick teleport and the book landed safly in the boy's hand. Saavedro screamed and lauched his club through the air, but the boy dodged easily out of the way.
Saavedro: How dare you!
?????: Now, It is time for you to die.
In a flash the boy appeared right next to Saavedro and grabed his exposed flash. Saavedro screamed out in pain as his life energy was pulled out. His lifeless body collaped on the stone floor. The boy stared at the Releeshahn book for a few moment's and turned his attention towards another book that held the name of Atrus's home world, he teleported over and picked up the book. With both books in hand he smiled and teleported away.
Written by The MunchKING 10-20-2002 05:34 AM
Hmmph. She's got you wrapped around her little finger doesn't she?? Well at least your able to TALK to her...
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 08:56 AM
Written by The MunchKING 10-21-2002 10:16 AM
Just busted up a crime cartel... What's happening with you?
Written by author
Oh, and I'm watching this great tournment too. Wanna come see.
Written by The MunchKING 10-21-2002 02:51 PM
Oaaaah Kay... Sure, let's go watch this tournament...
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 02:58 PM
*Flashes sword*
Written by Yeoman 10-21-2002 03:01 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 03:03 PM
Written by Yeoman 10-21-2002 03:05 PM
Written by The MunchKING
*buys a Hot Dog and a Burger.*
You planning on learning how to use on of those??
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 03:06 PM
Seth: Huh?
Seth spins around to see Pell.
Pellcia: Hey, That's my sword you little runt. I was looking every where for that so hand it over.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 03:08 PM 10-21-2002 03:10 PM
Nemo: *to the Spokesman* Hold up on starting the match for a few minutes okay?
She teleports down to Seth and MunchKING.
Nemo: Hi Mr. Munchy! Long time no see! Do you know Seth-sempai?
Nemo: *noticing Pellcia* Oh there you are Onee-sama! I've been meaning to introduce you two! Onee-sama, this is Seth-sempai. Seth-sempai, this is Pellcia onee-sama. *cute smile*
Written by The MunchKING 10-21-2002 03:11 PM
*turns to Pell*
Pell? I thought you "Gave" the sword to him??
*looks curiously at Seth...*
Written by Yeoman 10-21-2002 03:15 PM
Written by The MunchKING 10-21-2002 03:16 PM
*the MunchKING tries to hide his grin at Seth's chargin*
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 03:36 PM
Written by The MunchKING 10-21-2002 03:38 PM
You got that sword ready?? she's about to go for your head with a frying pan...
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 06:37 PM
Written by Yeoman 10-21-2002 06:42 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 06:49 PM
Written by Yeoman 10-21-2002 06:55 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 07:00 PM
*Walks away, tears slowly falling from his face*
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 07:07 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 07:15 PM
Nemo, Let's go over to the drink stand, I'll get you something.
*Bows and takes her hand, kissing it gently*
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 07:25 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 07:29 PM
*and waits*
Seth: Oh wait! I forgot I can't do that here. Perhaps your sheer amount of cuteness is messing up my head.
Seth: Now you just wait here and I'll be right back.
*Seth vanishes*
Pellcia: Hey!! That kid's still got MY sword!! ...and I wanted a root beer too......
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 07:33 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 07:47 PM
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 07:52 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 07:55 PM
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 08:00 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 08:07 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 07:41 PM
Atrus ran about his study surveying he damage that had been done. Saavedro had left his terrable mark, burned books and papers lie about the floor and the walls were blackened. Atrus shook his head in disbelief, not only had the fire burned the only linking book he could have used to follow but the Releeahahn book had been taken. He sat in one of the only chairs that remained and stared at the floor.
?????: Greeting's Atrus.
Atrus: WHo'd there?!
A boy stepped into the room from the door nearby. He keep his hand behind his back and smiled.
?????: So, your the famous Atrus. Creator of ages.
Atrus: What do you want here?
?????: I want to help you. I have something here that I belive your looking for. *Reveals the Releeahahn book*
Atrus: My goodness! You have the book. I thought it would never be returned.
?????: Don't think yourselve lucky just yet. If you want this book so badly then your going to have to do a favor for me. If not then I'll be forced to keep this...
Atrus: No! Please! The furture of an entire race rest's on that book. I'll do whatever you ask to get it back.
?????: I was hoping you'd say that. *Grins wickedly*
Written by Pellcia 10-21-2002 09:04 PM
Seth: Here you are, drink up.
Seth: Oh, Don't think I forgot you.
*Another Root beer float appears in Pell's hand*
Pellcia: Why.......Thank you.
Seth: No problem. I don't judge people, nor do I question what they do. Your just another friend to me.
Pellcia: Ahhhh.....How sweet. *kisses him on the cheek*
Written by The Real Nemo 10-21-2002 09:43 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-22-2002 05:48 AM
Wait a sec.........Don't tell me you.......*giggles*......Like him.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-22-2002 06:58 AM
Written by Pellcia 10-22-2002 07:03 AM
Written by The Real Nemo 10-22-2002 07:09 AM
Written by Pellcia 10-22-2002 07:15 AM
Written by The Real Nemo 10-22-2002 11:23 AM
Written by Pellcia 10-22-2002 11:22 AM
?????: So, this is how you write an age, Fantastic. Now I can create my very own worlds. I thank you Atrus, Here's what I promised. *Hand's Atrus the Releeshahn book*.
Atrus: Thank you. With this book I can save an entire race.
?????: Yes, I hope that you succeed in your task. Farewell. *Vanishes*
Written by Pellcia 10-22-2002 03:22 PM
Hours went by, the sun slowly set into the horzon and was replaced by the moon. The boy never stopped only to eat. He worked long into the next day.
Finally he placed the pen on the table and looked at his finished creation, the first page of the book began glowing and a piture slowly developed. The boy smiled and reached towards the glowing scene that now cover the the page, his figers met the Shining paper.........and in a moment he had vanished.
Written by Pellcia 10-22-2002 06:53 PM
Finally he built up his courage and decided to find Nemo himself and tell her. Of corse, he know right were to look thanks to his powers. He turned around the corner and saw Nemo standing down at the end of the hall.....looking as cute and radient as ever. Seth could bearly walk strait as me made his way down towards her.
Nemo finally noticed him and did that cute smile she always does. Seth took a deep breath and smiled back.
Seth: Umm....Hi. Err......Nemo.....I was thinking about something for a nice while now. *gulp* It's nothing too big.....I just.....*cough*.....Umm......Well I wanted to know if you'd.......like to have dinner with me......tonight.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-22-2002 07:33 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-22-2002 09:39 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 10:07 AM
Seth: Ladies first.
Nemo giggled and stepped through, followed by Seth. On the other side they appeared in the courtyard of a medievil style castle. The moon was shineing more strongly then Nemo had ever seen it do before. Little light's floated through the air giving the place a magical appearance. In the center of courtyard was a small table with a red colored candle sticking up dramaticly.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 10:47 AM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 11:34 AM
Seth leads her by hand towards the small table. With a flick of his finger the red candle ignited, carrying the scent of roses all around the courtyard. Seth pulled the Chair out for Nemo who gave another of her cute smiles before siting down. A man in a black tux came out with some menus and handed one to Nemo and Seth.
Seth: Nice isn't it. Just remember, you can order anything you like, anything in the whole universe.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 01:44 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 02:07 PM
Seth: Umm......I'm kinda on a date here. Perhaps you could NOT try and gross out my date.
Waiter: *Sigh* Well, Tell you what we'll do. Just name whatever food you like the most and We'll cook it for you.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 02:15 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 02:24 PM
Seth: I'll have what she's having.
Waiter: Very good sir. I'll return in a moment. *Waiter exits*
Seth: And now......for a little music.
There is the sudden sound of peaceful music which seems to come from all directions. The waiter comes in with two plates filled with sea food and places them in front of Nemo and Seth. Seth, having hated seafood all his life, stared down at the plate not having the nerve to eat. The waiter pulled out a bottle of wine and placed it on the table before leaveing.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 02:37 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 02:40 PM
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 02:43 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 02:50 PM
Written by The MunchKING 10-23-2002 02:51 PM
*he wispers, giving the man standing next to him a shove.*
You see those two goofy kids out their makeing calf eyes at each other?? I owe them one... Go play your sappiest, most suger-laced-sweet, love song, kay? Bonus points iof you get them weeping and moaning in the cheep wine the water brought them...
*the other guy rolled his eyes, then strode out onto the stage, playing his violin...*
Written by N-Chan 10-23-2002 03:02 PM
Alright, tonight I'd like to play a song, that's near and dear to my heart, and I'm sure it is to you...
This one goes out, to all you young lovebirds out there, May you someday grow up, and find real happiness, in whomever's company you truely desire...
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 03:08 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 03:15 PM
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 03:22 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 03:33 PM
But that doesn't matter anymore. As long as I'm with you I feel.........special. Special to be blessed by someone such as yourself.*Kisses hand*
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 04:00 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 04:07 PM
Seth hold's out his hand to Nemo and a rose appears.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 06:14 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 06:22 PM
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 07:05 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 07:08 PM
Although it's even better if we have four players. *Snap's fingers and a clone of Nemo and Seth appear.*
Written by The Real Nemo 10-23-2002 07:24 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 07:48 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-23-2002 08:22 PM
It had been weeks sence he had begun writing, Only stopping for food and sleep. At last he wrote the final word of the final book and placed all three on the desk, each opened to the first page. On each of the books there was a picture, it glowed with a powerful magic aura and seemed so real that it could suck you in. The boy smiled down a his creations......his dark ages. On one book there was a picture of a dark castle that rose above a small town. On another there was a vast network of caves that glowed with gold and yet still seemed dark and evil. On the last book there was an island on which a dark tower rose high into the sky.
The boy smiled and placed his hand upon the picture of the ark castle.........and in a flash he vanished.
Written by Pellcia 10-24-2002 06:22 PM
Seth: You know what. Perhaps it's a little to late to be playing twister anyways, We got a big day coming.
*Snap's his fingers all the twister borad vanishes*
Seth: Well, I has been an honer taking you out tomight Nemoa and I hope we get to do it again sometime. Your welcome to sleep here if you like, I can make a room just for you.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-24-2002 06:47 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-24-2002 07:42 PM
Seth leads Nemo through the castle and into a large bedroom. There was a huge bed right in the center of the room that was covered with all sort's of little pillows. A giant TV stood in the corner, a fridge was over against the wall filled with all sort's of snacks.
Seth: Well......If there's anything else you need then you can either use that phone over there and ask the staff or you can see me, my room is down the hall on the left. So.......Is everything to your likeing.
Written by The Real Nemo 10-24-2002 09:22 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-24-2002 09:28 PM
*Teleports over beside Nemo and gives her a little kiss on the lips. Then teleports back over to the door*
Seth: Goodnight Nemo. *Walks out*
Written by The Real Nemo 10-24-2002 09:43 PM
Written by Pellcia 10-25-2002 10:02 AM
Seth: Please, Let this one thing go right for me.
Seth climbed into bed, turned off the light and went to sleep.
Written by Pellcia 10-25-2002 10:21 AM
Seth did not know where he was and ran forward, ot knowing where he was going. The blackness comsumed him, covering all in a veil of nothingness. The screams stopped and the only sound heard was Seth's feet hitting the ground and the thmp of his heart.
As Seth continued to run images became visable all aound him. Soon Seth realized that he was better off stareing at the nothingness. Bodies......Dead bodies......stacked in piles all around him. The screams erupted even louder then before, and an insane laughter now joined them. In front of him were the bodies of everyone he cared about......MunchKING......Rune......Yeo.
His eyes focused on the body of Nemo, a cloaked figure raised a dagger above it's head ready to strike.
Seth: Hey! Get away from her!
Seth ran forward and grabed the figure by the neck. Suddenly is fingers releaced his neck, they were no longer under Seth's control. The cloaked figure rose to his feet and turned to face him.
Seth gasped and pulled away as he stared at his own face....a twisted smile across it.
Seth: Ahhhhhhhh!
Sety awake in his bed, sweat poured down his face. Only a nightmare.......he sighed and wiped the sweat from his face. Although he tried hid best he could not sleep the rest of the night.