Wild ARMs 3 Fanfics, Behind the Scenes

In Too Deep & Looking for Her

(Teefa is sitting in her studio, along with the other girls. Lufia is drawing intently in her notebook, while Rutee the otaku queen is reading her Inu Yasha graphic novels)
Teefa:So girls, we need to write a story for Wild ARMs 3. Don't Jet and Virginia just make too kawaii a couple. (little hearts in eyes)
Phoebe:No *BEEP* sherlock. Your *BEEPING* mind has to come up with something.
Rutee: (giggling)
Teefa: Care to share Kat?
Rutee: Well, how about we have Ginny lose her memory? If Jet has to get Little Miss Memories to remember him, that should be a hoot.
Lufia: Too cliche, we should add a twist. Hey! I've got it (draws something in her notebook)
Teefa: (looks over shoulder) Nani?!
Lufia: See, these are the two children of Jet and Virginia. We can make her pregnant before the story, and raise the children without memory of their father. Let's see...Jet meets the kids before Ginny remembers...his reaction...
Burianne: So that means Jet and Virginia got it on before the story, cool! Sex scandal.
Samantha: Now, now, now, they could very well be married. That would make the romance and Ginny's disappearance seem even more tragic.
Teefa: Hey! Rutee! I need you to find a song for a songfic, we'll have them confess their love in one of those.
Rutee: (holding up a lyric sheet) How about "In Too Deep", by Genesis? And I'll add in a soundtrack, once you write the story out.
Teefa: You're the Music Muse, that means you write it.

Lost But Not Alone

(Skysplitter looks at the drafts Teefa has strewn all over the room)
Skysplitter: Teefa! Don't you ever organize your things in a folder?
Teefa: Yes Sky, I do. I've just been hit with divine inspiration.
Skysplitter: Ut oh, duck and cover time.
Teefa: I want to write about Ginny from when she was Megami, ya know, the birth of the kids and all.
Skysplitter: Seems pointless.
Teefa: I do need to explain it better than just in the story she tells to Jet, and Megami's own life story.
Skysplitter: I still think it's pointless.
Teefa: That's because you're lazy.
Skysplitter: (childishly angry) Am not!
Teefa: (childishly angry) Are too!
(Continues in background as Rutee enteres with Atwight and Vapor)
Rutee: (exhasperated) Ho boy, they're at it again.
Vapor: Should we stop 'em?
Atwight: No, just let them be, they'll eventually get tired and shut up.

The Heiress

(Teefa is playing Wild ARMs. Cecilia calls Raftina to heal a wounded Rudy and Jack. Lufia, Skysplitter, and Sunder are sitting around the room)
Lufia: (drawing in her notepad) Hey! Teefa! Take a look at this! I've just thought of something.
Teefa: (puts controller down) This better be important, I'm about to go and fight Mother in Malduke.
Sunder: But this is important. Lufia might just tell you something good for a fanfic.
Teefa: Well! That's a different story! Do tell Lu.
Lufia: Well, you know how Ginny is a good mage, and can use Mystic?
Skysplitter: (indifferent) So what?
Sunder: Well Sky, what if she was descended of Cecilia and Rudy.
Skysplitter: That won't go over with the Rudy/Jane fans.
Teefa: Which we are not! Ok, now I think I should get Virginia to tell Jet at sometime, then we can make stories with this as a backdrop. Heck, I do want to write more about Lilka and Ashley, when they live with both parents.

The Awakening

(Teefa wakes up in her room in the middle of the night. Begins shaking Lufia awake)
Teefa: Lu, Lu, hey Lu wake up!
Lufia: (groggily) Tee~fa! It's four in the morning. What is the matter?
Teefa: (smiling) I just had a dream about Wild ARMs 3.
Lufia: (groggily) Congradulations, did Jet and Virginia get married and have sex?
Teefa: No, that's Burianne's dream. I wonder, what would happen if Jet had been the one infected with the Nanovirus instead of Virginia.
Lufia: (groggy and angry) He'd dispel it, now can I go back to sleep?
Teefa: Ok! I think a new story will come from this.

Conversations With the Guardians

(Rutee and Lufia are playing Bust-a-Move 4 as Alkanet and Cleon. Atwight, Vapor, Sunder, and Blaze are sitting around the room)
Rutee: Hah! I'm winning.
Lufia: You just got lucky, I'm not using my usual character. Next time, my memory card. I've got the secret characters on it.
(Teefa walks in with Skysplitter on her shoulder and Foxy walking besides her)
Teefa: I just returned from Filgaia.
Lufia: Finally tracked Fury down?
Teefa: That demonic beast is always escaping my prison! I swear, he's the trickiest monster I've always seen. Luckily, Virginia and Jet were able to help me. And you'll never guess what I found out?
Skysplitter: (blabs) Lu was right, Virginia is descended of Cecilia!
Teefa: Give it a rest Sky. That was the WA3 universe connectd to my fics. Myself and my demons are locked out of the true universe and the universes of other authors. But in this universe, Ginny had conversations with the Guardians.
Atwight: Let me get this straight. In your universe, before you even thought it in a fic, she has been able to speak with the divine beings?
Teefa: Yes. And I chroniclized some of the better ones; be they humorous, informitive, or important. Such as when they first meet the Guardians, and after Jet's true identity is revealed.
Rutee: Gonna post it?
Teefa: No duh!

Matchmaker Mayheim

(Lufia and Rutee are watching Zoids NC/0 while Teefa is at her desk, thinking about something)
Teefa: I need a new idea, more WA3 stories.
Skysplitter: Well I don't think we do. You have to finish those Breath of Fire fics you're working on.
Rutee: (turns around) You know Teefa, if you watch Zoids with us, you will see a parallell between it and WA3.
Skysplitter: And that would be, otaku queen?
Rutee: The Leehalt/Werner/Ekatrina love triangle seems to mirror the Layon/Toros/I don't know her name love triangle.
Skysplitter: If you don't know her name, then. . .
Teefa: (bops Sky on head with trusty mallet) Baka! The show never gave her a name. You're right, and some of Layon and Leehalt's comments also seem similar. I've got my inspiration back.
(Rushes off to computer room. Several days later. . .)
Rooks: (entering Teefa's domain) Sweety, wanna go out tonight? I'll take you out to dinner.
Teefa: (after short pause) Oh, Rooks, didn't see you there. I was just working on a new fic. Care to beta test it?
(Rooks sits down at the computer and reads it all)
Rooks: Oh, man that was good! And Elliot got completely drunk! Where'd you ever come up with the characterization for him?
Teefa: Well, I thought he might have been real close to his son before the kid died, so I characterized him as a single fun loving father, which added in the drinking part.
(They talk for awhile about fanfics and Teefa's ideas)
Skysplitter: You notice how he's forgotten about dinner?
Flamerider: Yeah, but what do you expect from the humanoid clans?

A Mother's Legacy

(One fine day, Teefa was trying to find quirks for her Breath of Fire fic "Destined Daughter")
Teefa: Twins, twins, twins. Twins seperated at birth, now each other's enemies. This gag is good.
Skysplitter: (sarcastically) If you love it so much, why don't you use it again.
Teefa: Sky! You're a genius!
Skysplitter: (confused) I am?
Teefa: Wild ARMs 3, Ginny's got a long lost crazy twin brother. We get to characterize Leehalt as more of a jerk than he already is.
Skysplitter: I would think that isn't possible.
Teefa: Well, say what you want, but I'm going to do so.
(Runs off)
Skysplitter: Me and my big mouth.

The Gemini

(Teefa is working on her homework for magic class)
Lufia: Hey! Teefa! I just drew the main cast of "A Mother's Legacy" as teenagers. You know, Ashley, Lilka, and Cecille?
Teefa: Draw another guy, someone for Lilka to go out with.
(Lufia does so)
Lufia: Teefa! You mind if he's Maya's son?
Teefa: That would be great! In fact, it would be a great fic. The gang saves the world, with the help of a new friend.
Skysplitter: (to Sunder) Can't your partner ever shut up? She's always getting Teefa these ideas.
Sunder: Sky, that's physically impossible.

(Not) Home for the Holidays

(The girls are watching "A Muppet Family Christmas" on one of their old tapes)
Teefa: Oh, come on! This is not a pathetic way to spend the holidays, it's an annual tradition.
(A commercial for an old made for TV movie about a man who creates a robotic teenage son comes on)
Rutee: (in desperate need to MST something) Look everyone, it's Elliot Enduro and Jet!
Phoebe: *BEEPING* lame Rutee.
Teefa: (devilish grin) Holiday fic idea!
Skysplitter: (groans) Not again. . .
Samantha: Sappy Jet and Virginia holiday story?
Teefa: Maybe next year if I can't think of something for the holidays. But how about a Council of Seven fic where they're trapped at the lab for the holidays. But remember, we need to use the Filgaian holiday, I learned all about it on my last trip there.
Lufia: The Festival of the Guardians.
Rutee: (still in an MSTing mood, she begins to hum Kaze no Matsuri* from Shamanic Princess)
Teefa: (clearly ignoring Rutee) Well, I'll have to get to work once the movie ends.

*Kaze no Matsuri means Festival of Wind in Japanese

Wings Trilogy

**NOTE** These are written in the order I wrote them, not the order I posted them. Else it wouldn't make sense.

On Wings of Protection

(Teefa is sitting in her room after class, with the other girls lounging about. Rutee is listening, and singing along to, various Evanescence songs)
Skysplitter: (whiny) Teefa!!!! Can you make her please shut up?
Teefa: (mocking a robotic voice) Processing...Evanescence music...tunes changing from fast to slow...action to peace or somber moments...
Rutee: I think I've got it!! We'll make a fanfic inspired by the background music of Evanescence.
Teefa: What do you think I was hinting at? Since you're Music Muse, I need your help to sort this all out. Now let's go format a group of songs we can use...
Skysplitter: (meekly) Mommy

On Wings of Purity

(Teefa, after hastily trying to remember the full story of WA3 in detail, is writing down some ideas. And you wonder why the last draft we posted had changes from the first one. She originally forgot that Hydra went before Salamandra)
Teefa: Well, I've got the ideas in order. Ok, so it's a little off. If I forget something, no biggie. We'll just play again for double check. Some stuff can always be attributed to the fact that certain things have changed.
Skysplitter: You're just lazy Teefa!
Teefa: Why do you say? I am double checking.
Skysplitter: When?
Teefa: Well, since my fics always are written months ahead of time, later. I have more games to play.
(of course, at the time the first two books were being posted, Teefa was still hastily checking her info in an attempt to quell her anger at her father for obsessing over his Baulder's Gate when she has two new games to play. She didn't want to play them with an unreliable gaming schedule)
Skysplitter: In other words...Teefa was too lazy to check her answers, and ended up doing it only because she had nothing else going on.
Teefa: Shhhhhhhhhhhhh...They'd have brought my watered down version if you hadn't blabbed.

On Wings of Pain

(Teefa realized something after writing "On Wings Of Purity"...she didn't explain why Viginia was stuck at Yggdrasil. Better get a third fic off to tell that story)
Teefa: Sky, don't be a nudge. I was thinking about this one from the beginning. The only reason I didn't write it out sooner was I wanted to get the third one done before I forgot my WA3 database.
Skysplitter: Not like you didn't already. I know you've forgotten something, there has to be at least one piece of info left out or mistyped.
Teefa: (mallets Sky) Let me get back to working on this. I hope I can make young Jet's demise poignent enough. Poor kid, but at least we get our Jet... (hearts in eyes)
(Noticing Teefa's insanity, Skysplitter sneaks quietly away to get food instead)

Wing Chronicles

(With nothing better to do, Teefa is reading reviews for her stories. The other girls, all six Pokemon--only Vapor for Rutee, not the other eleven--and all six Digimon are lounging around. Lufia is drawing, Burianne is eating, and Rutee is listening to music.)
Teefa: Hmmmmmmmmmmm...that sounds like a good idea.
Lufia: (sketching her piccy of Zexen Knight Jet and Karayan Virginia) What's a good idea?
Teefa: Our old buddy Hypes thinks it would be a good idea to get into what went on during the actual mission in Unclean Mark.
Skysplitter: You wrote it already, so you can't do anything about it.
Teefa: Actually my striped Digimon friend, I can. I'll write a fanfic that is based on random scenes in the stories. We can start with this one, and then go into other areas of interest. Any ideas girls?
Samantha & Rutee: (in unison) What happened after they confess their love.
(They look at one another and giggle)
Teefa: You guys are crazy. But I like crazy. That sounds like fun. Hmmmmmmmmm...I'll be a little evil when it comes to it (usual wicked laugh).
Skysplitter: I think I'll leave before she goes mad.

My Mother

(Teefa is sitting around and reading articles on the Ruins of Filgaia Forums. Skysplitter and Foxy are lounging around)
Teefa: (childish giggling) Man, these "Battle of the Blonds" fights are a hoot. I just love non-serious stuff. But both of 'em have good points; even though it's a joke. Malik's the best villain, and Maya's the best female NPC.
Skysplitter: (thinking) I hope this isn't leading where I think it's leading.
Teefa: That's it! A fic about Malik! Dumb game, not explaining enough about him and his mother.
Lufia: (entering room with Sunder and Blaze) Well, that's what fanfics are for.
Teefa: I'm one step ahead. We've got to explain what happened to his father, notice Malik didn't include him in his tirades, and how his mom died. For drama, let's make her die while protecting him.
Skysplitter: Why do we even bother? She always comes up with stupid stuff anyway?

The Soul Mirror

(Teefa is re-reading "Looking For Her" and "Lost But Not Alone" one night)
Teefa: Hey, Sky...?
Skysplitter: What is it Teefa?
Teefa: Remember how I said that I was gonna think of another Megami story?
Skysplitter: (very well knowing where this is leading) But you already wrote the songfic?
Teefa: But I didn't write the chapter fic I was thinking of. I finally thought of something.
Skysplitter: I'll sit here, but I won't listen to what you say.
Teefa: Have it your way Sky. Well, I was wondering what would happen if Megami comes to Boot Hill at any time. Would her memories act up?
(Skysplitter is looking at a picture book, she don't like to read but she loves to look at pictures)
Teefa: By Ladon! Listen to me for once Sky!
(Teefa unleashes Mallet-sama on Skysplitter)

Girl Trouble

(Teefa is giggling in the corner)
Skysplitter: I'm affraid to ask.
Teefa: (calming down) Well, I want to write a humor fic.
Skysplitter: (skeptical) With what?
Teefa: Gallows, of course. He'll get drunk and get the gang in all sorts of trouble. It'll be an instant classic.
Skysplitter: By your defanition of "classic", or the one in the dictionary?
(Teefa says not a word as she applies Mallet-sama on Sky)

Cheering Him Up

(Teefa is sitting on her bed, grooming Sky, wile Lufia is painting pictures)
Teefa: Ya know Lu? I'm in rare form today.
Skysplitter: Dare I ask?
Teefa: (whips out Mallet-sama and kabongs Sky) Baka! I addressed my comment to Lufia, not you!
Sunder: (thinking) What's making her so edgy? Is it that test in Japanese class she's gotta take?
Lufia: Chill out, Rutee will help us all to pass as always. So, what form are you in today.
Teefa: I want to torture Jet. For starters, I'm going to write about him depressed and have Ginny cheer him up with some humerous scenarios.
Skysplitter: (recovering) If it'll stop you from swinging that thing around, then do it.
Teefa: I knew we'd eventually come to an understanding Sky.
Skysplitter: (thinking) I'm just not a fool.

Love & Desire

(Burianne is following Teefa around, begging for something or other. Skysplitter and Mace, Burianne's Armadillomon, are following them around)
Teefa: For the last time, I said no! We do cater to a young audience. A lot of the other readers are a little younger than we are.
Burianne: Please at least take a look at this idea. It's perfect. Hentai at its best. Jet and Ginny have sex following the intervention of Raftina and Luceid in their dreams...
Mace: How about you two compromise. Teefa takes a look at Burianne's idea, but tones it down for our younger audience.
Teefa: If I can tone it down, I can write it. Remember genius, FF.net doesn't accept things above R rating. And knowing you this will be waaaaaaay above R rating.
(Teefa scans it over)
Skysplitter: You'll actually do it?
Teefa: It's workable so I can do something with it.

The Fighter That Brought me to Life

(The girls are lounghing around in Teefa's room. Evanescence's "Bring me to Life" is just ending and the DJ's voice comes back on)
DJ: And that was our Number 1 song for the 10th day in a row. I'm outa here; stay tuned for Mani the Manillo with more hit songs...
Teefa:(turns off radio) I just love that song.
Rutee: Is it just me, or does the combination of "Fighter" followed a few songs afterwards by "Bring Me to Life" sound real cool?
Skysplitter: No, it doesn't.
Teefa: (at same time as Sky) Right on!
Lufia: I could see Virginia so bringing out her hidden powers of Shamanism during that song...
Samantha: ...All while Jet is donating his Filgaian Energy to protect her...
Phoebe: ...And kicking the ass of whatever Demon they're battling...
Burianne: ...Following it up in a hotel room with some...
Teefa: (hits her with Mallet-sama) Keep...it...PG-13!
Rutee: But we can't have just two songs. I propose more. Let's have a full length musical featuring what happens when Siegfried decides to kidnap Virginia for her Shamanic powers and Jet gets all worried and PO'ed.
Teefa: Ok then! Rutee, work on the music list! Then I'll write it up based on the songs! To arms everyone! (marches outside to prepare the acting so they can coordinate some of the scenes)
Skysplitter: (watching others follow) Why are they so crazy?
Sunder: We'll never know...

4 Songfics Sessions

(Trouble has come to the girls' dorm. Rutee's dimensional portal broke; trapping Prier of La Pucelle in their home. They've managed to contain her with friendliness and tons of glossies of her boyfriend, Croix, but who knows how long peace will last)
Teefa: Hey, Rutee...how long till your portal goes back up?
Rutee: (shakes head) The extra cold weather has made it impossible to affix repairs. We must wait until it thaws. I thought you liked Prier.
Teefa: I do, I just don't want to be around when the allure of her glossies wears off and she starts longing for her real man.
Rutee: Well, I have an idea. Hey! Prier! Wanna listen to some music with me? I need some help working on a project.
Prier: Can I sing?
Rutee: Loud as you want.
Prier: I'm in!
(They leave. The next day, Teefa has both of them bothering her)
Teefa: So, tell me more about this four songfic series.
Rutee: Yes. "Away From Me" will be a reflection piece of Werner's. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is a story of Jet right before the game takes place. "Broken" is our first forray into the whole "Drifter's seperate" style of fanfiction; only we'll have two longing lovers. And finally, "Welcome to My Life" is a mini-argument about Ginny's inexperience and how Jet doesn't believe she can sympathize.
Prier: I helped out too; put on the music when Rutee needed it while writing. Read 'em and get ready for posting.
(Teefa reads for songfics)
Teefa: Prier, we've got to get you into real writing; I wonder if Paprica has any sort of printing press. With our tutorials, you could write a novel or two.
Prier: I'll write about my adventures, taking liberties to change events around of course, and make all the fictional characters characturatures of our little group. Right down to my favorite pet; Bear Socks.
Rutee: Do you like it Teefa?
Teefa: Of course I do. Now girls...let's get posting!

While We Were Apart

(Teefa is typing out her frustrations over certain WA3 puzzles on her computer. In the background, Prier is having her own issues)
Prier: (from hallway) You give me back those glossies of Croix! I am practically dying here without being able to contact home! (uses Batter Up)
(Aguro and the rest of his Prankster's Society are heard screaming like little girls)
Teefa: I warned them about messing with Prier.
Skysplitter: Yeah...so what are you doing now?
Teefa: I've always wondered what the WA3 cast did while one person was solving those puzzles that pissed me off. So, I'm novelizing it.
Skysplitter: More pointless drivel!
(A stray Batter Up hits Sky as Prier continues chasing the boys for her glossies)
Teefa: Wow! I don't even have to hit you now. The Goddess's punishment is worse than Ladon's!
Skysplitter: Why me...?

Love in the Frozen Food Aisle

(Teefa is on the computer, typing furiously)
Skysplitter: Dare I ask?
Teefa: I was just talkign to JayJay Sawada online. We were joking about what would happen if the Drifters went shopping at the super market.
Skysplitter: And why...?
Teefa: Because it's weird and we're fangirls. Hey! This sounds like a great idea. A fanfic based on such an occurance. It will describe three types of love...family, romantic, and unrequeted.
Skysplitter: (sarcastically) Let me guess, the Winsletts, Jet and Ginny, and Gallows.
Teefa: Yes Sky. It looks like you're finally figuring things out.
Skysplitter: No, you're just too predictable.
(Teefa sighs and whomps Sky with Mallet-sama)

Misadventures of the Blazing Guns

(Teefa is sitting around thinking...which to Sky is always bad news)
Teefa: I wonder...Leehalt said Elliot lost his only son. But does that mean that Jet was his only child?
Lufia: Yeah, maybe there was a daughter.
Rutee: Didn't Aya-chan give Jet a sister? I know there was another fic too but don't remember who wrote it cuz she hasn't updated in ages.
Teefa: You're right girls. Hey! How about we give Jet a sister! Then we can set her on her own adventure to find her brother. Lufia! I need you to draw her three allies and I'll write it from there.
Lufia: I'll give you a Baskar, a sniper, and a pistol wielder. Hmmmmmmm...why not just use Vincent; this universe already runs parallell to the other one anyway and he might think differently.
Teefa: Works for me. Oh, and make the other two girls; even this playing field out a little.
Rutee: We can make one fall for Gallows and another be Vincent's girl. But the third...
Teefa: Alfred Schroedinger could work. Maybe we should give Shane a girl too. And flesh out old Percival from "The Gemini" while we're at it...
(over on the other side)
Skysplitter: I'm not asking, not this time.
Sunder: Best not to get malleted again today.

The Great Festival Gathering

(Holidays are coming again, Teefa is sitting around and smirking)
Teefa: Mwa ha ha! The perfect fun and torture!
Skysplitter: Dare I ask?
Teefa: It's time for another holiday fic installment. This time, it will feature the Blazing Guns in addition to the Maxwell Gang and Schroedinger Family. A party at Maya's mansion...and Jessica is the local matchmaker.
Skysplitter: Wait! By your insipid timelines, Virginia should be pregnant around the holiday season after the game ends...
Teefa: And did she and Jet tell Gallows and Clive that they were married? No! It'll be time for them all to find out in the most interesting way.
Skysplitter: And do I even try to ask what the "matchmaker" scheme is going to be?
Teefa: Something the Prankster's Society did with Terrie and many random males a few times...mistletoe on a fishing pole!
Skysplitter: Well, when it comes to being devious those boys know it the best.
Teefa: Precisely why I ask them when I need help with this sort of thing...