Axs, The Guardian


Rooks' first meeting with Axs wasn't a pretty one. As one of the guardians of the Crystal Sword, along with the Sorcerer, he immediately deduces the two who entered the chamber to be with Galneon. Before Rooks can explain, Teefa paralyzes the dwarf and the plot is hatched.

After the battle leaves Rooks badly injured, Axs takes him back to Doraf to be cared for by Salah, his ward and one of the two princesses of Lexford. Shortly after, he learns that Rooks is the son of his old friend, Zahan the Card Master, and realizes the boy is their best hope for survival.

Time and time again, Axs proves himself to be strong of both body and heart (looking at his lack of magic, the first is a given). And when things look their bleakest, he saves the day by pushing Rooks and Salah to safety...even though it may or may not mean his life.


None that I can think of now...a miracle!

Pics of Axs

Official Art
Axs' Sprites
Max Level Screenshot