
Rooks finds his way to Bintel Castle Town, where he finds a newly recovered Teefa waiting for him. He assures her that Salah is okay, that he left her with Icorina, and Teefa is relieved. Darwin enters and the three decide their next move. Having some information from the time she was under Galneon's control, Teefa tells Rooks that there is still time until Rimsala awakens. They need to get the Three Treasures back before doing anything else, so Darwin suggests going to the castle and looking for a hidden passage to Stavery Tower.

Along the many corridors of Bintel Castle, the group encounters Ariel's last apprentice, Karul. He is defeated, and relinquishes the Crystal Sword as a result. Teefa tells Rooks not to let the killing get to him, and promises him a gift later (though we never learn what it is).

Galneon waits for Rooks inside the hidden tunnel, and he's completely snapped. First, the group fights him as his normal self and he drops the Enchanated Jewel. Right afterwards, Galneon absorbs evil power and becomes a monster, but is defeated just the same. Rooks then acquires the Spirit Sword, and is finally ready to take on Rimsala.

The climb up Stavery is uneventful, until the Red and Blue Guardians assault the team on the tenth floor. Suddenly, Salah and Axs jump into the fray to cause a distraction while the others go forward. Though Rooks is happy to know Axs is alive, he respects the knight's wishes and keeps on going. The same thing happens on the eleventh floor when Tiamat attacks, and both Teefa and Darwin agree to guard his back while Rooks heads to fight Rimsala alone.

In the top room, Rooks finally meets the Evil Empress. He fights her and tries to seal the gates, but all that does is finish her awakening. The revived Rimsala attacks, throwing Rooks into unconsciousness. Suddenly, the spirit of Fanas, the legendary Card Master who defeated Rimsala the first time, comes to Rooks to cheer him on. All three of the treasures fuse into the legendary Giant Sword, giving Rooks the power he needs to vanquish Rimsala once and for all.