Darwin, He Who Walks Alone


At first glance, Darwin is just your average, elfin adventurer. He joins the party wanting some help fighting a powerful monster (later revealed to be Efrite) guarding the area up ahead. Finishing what he wanted to do, he leaves just as mysteriously as he came, not bothering to tell anything of his agenda to Rooks or Salah.

But there is more to Darwin than meets the eye. Appointed a protector to Princess Teefa all those years ago, he's somehow lost contact with her. Something obviously went down between them, but he's not telling what it is.


If any of this is answered in the Japanese version, seeing as my translation skills are pretty much nill so I can't check anything other than short phrases or single kanji that make sense in software, please float me a line so I can give a better answer.

Dude, Are You Even Looking?: Darwin is Teefa's protector, yet he's not with her until you set her free in Chapter 4. Nor does he ever indicate he was out looking for her, either when he joins you the second time, when he and Rooks face her in Stavery Tower or when he joins for the third time. Is this guy even doing his job?
I already went over how she could have been taken in Teefa's section, so I'll just stick to Darwin's end of it here. Three possibilities present themselves. One, he knows Galneon has her and is trying to find out where she is. Two, he doesn't know where she went and is scouring the land. Three, he doesn't know where she is and is out adventuring, thinking running into her would be a bonus.
Two or three sound like the most likely possibilities to me. If he knew where she was, I doubt Darwin would be wasting his time with places where Galneon wasn't hanging around (*cough**cough*ForestofDoubt*cough**cough*). Plus, he doesn't show any real urgency over the situation. Unless he's the crummiest guard on the face of the earth, I think getting a princess away from Galneon would make him expend a little more effort.

Pics of Darwin

Official Art
Darwin's Sprites
Max Level Screenshot