Arcana in Other Media

Over the years, characters and settings from Arcana have been the focus of various fanfics and games, as well as being cameos in other worlds. I've compiled a list of the many ways I've represented this world, and what the stories were.

Arcana-Lufia The Adventurers: Originally a game created to pass the time at a sleepover, it became a large part of my childhood. Four players were included: me, my sister and our two friends. The basic story was that all the characters from both games lived in a house together, and continued to fight against evil to protect the world. Of course, since we were kids at the time and trying to fit our game the best we could, there were several glaring storyline inaccuracies: characters all being the same age (even Axs), dead people coming back to life and even people who were technically in two places at once.
However, despite its somewhat lax use of game canon (for both) and incredible dorkyness, several important Arcana based conventions were saved for the Muse Universe. One, the pairings of RooksxTeefa and DarwinxSalah (since I had played the first two, my sister played the last two and we usually played our own love interests in those games). Two, changing the mistake with Axs' young age to our Axs being the son of the knight Axs. Three, Darwin's younger age (most likely he's anywhere from five to twenty years older at least, but looks about their age due to his elfin origins) so he too can fit in with the dorm setting. Finally, best friend relationships between Rooks & Max, Teefa & Lufia, Salah & Jerin and Darwin & Aguro, as well as the fact that Max is Rooks' cousin while Lufia is Teefa & Salah's. It's also the reason why most appearances of Arcana characters (in non-Arcana based settings) are accompanied by Lufia characters.
There have been several Arcana-Lufia fanfics written by me, one of which was a play based on an actual event in the game we played, but they are either A) unfinished, B) extremely cheesy or C) both. Most are also more focused on the Lufia side of things, seeing as the game often ended up over there (my friends introduced me to Lufia, however they never knew a lot about Arcana besides the things mentioned by the characters when I played as them). And a lot of them have elements from The Marina (see below) only set in the Arcana-Lufia universe instead. Currently, they are in folders that were buried in the lost pyramid of the shelf beneath my desk.

The Marina: Second game created by me and my friends as children, mainly because nobody wanted to pretend to hack a sword at either imaginary monsters or each other all day. Set in a more real-world setting (a school at a seaside town with a big harbor), most of the characters used were OCs. However, Rooks and Teefa, as well as a few Lufia characters and Arcana-Lufia OCs, made the cut. There were most likely references to other characters as well, like Teefa talking about her sister, however I don't remember any exact scenarios.
Many of the ideas from this game went on to mix with the revamped Arcana-Lufia universe to form the Muse Universe, such as the school-based aspect. Also, between the two games, 34 of the 40 characters were placed in the dorms (only the ToD cast was left out, seeing as the game wasn't yet made). By using the settings of The Marina and the RPG aspect of Arcana-Lufia, my world was born several years later.
No real Marina fanfics were ever created. Any and all things written using Marina-only characters were either placed alongside Arcana-Lufia aspects or close to the Muse Universe.

Tales of Suikoden & Wild DESTINY: These odd mega-crossovers were written during my Tales of Destiny Phase, so the Arcana cast were minimally involved. However, they made appearances and helped out the main characters in some way.
Tales of Suikoden had two versions. The full version where you did have 108 Stars and a few Non-Stars, and a majorly cut version written solely for my English teacher (don't ask how I got a good grade; it was extremely campy even with the edits). Written like a video game, it was frequented with short and long recruitment scenes, both necessary and optional. In one optional scene, by bringing Max to Bintel Castle to talk to Rooks, you could get him, Teefa, Salah, Darwin and their pets, though only Rooks and Teefa spoke. Axs was acquired later by letting Salah tell your fortune (she, Teefa and Darwin had influence from S2's gypsy sisters and their partner, though why the younger sister here was inspired by the older one there is unknown to me) and then going to visit him in Doraf.
Other scenarios involve Teefa having a line if she's in the party when her Muse-Universe step-brother joins, and the big Date Scenario for all six of the Muses & their boyfriends, which was unlocked by reading Suggestion Box notes from Benjimin, Aguro and Rutee. In the end of the story, Teefa and Rooks moved in with Max and Lufia, Salah became Elemen's Queen with Axs as her chief knight, and Darwin moved to Lorbenia where he and Muse-Universe best friend Aguro continued to have fun with their lives.
Wild DESTINY in itself was never written down, only the fact sheet was. Though the six principal ToD characters chosen were modeled after typical WA 1 and 2 conventions, there were a ton of optional characters, including Rooks, Teefa, Salah and Darwin (had to limit how many per game were in, and I tried to go for even numbers in all directions, though if I ever did write the story Axs would probably have appeared as an NPC). Each character brought a specific Wild ARMs Guardian to the party, and the Arcana cast included the High Guardians plus Rigdobrite and minus Luceid (seeing as s/he wasn't a High Guardian until 3). Rooks' power in the plan utilized his spirit abilities, Teefa was a strange hybrid between her in-game self and a SaGa Frontier Mystic, Salah had powers based on the Wild ARMs Leyline elementals and Darwin was somewhat based on a Final Fantasy Tactics Squire for some odd reason.
The basic story written in their arc was that Teefa, Salah and Darwin were the ones who embodied the power of the Guardian Lords (Teefa-Raftina, Salah-Justine, Darwin-Zephyr). But Salah went missing, causing the other three Arcana characters to search for her. Since the story was never written, there are few details I know about what my plans were.

Mana Flow: Probably the biggest crossover after Tales of Suikoden, it was a Slayers retelling of Legend of Mana. But to spice it up even more, all of the major allies and the people associated with them became characters from specific RPGs. Arcana was referenced here during the Jumi Quests, just because Elazul's dorky hat brought me thoughts about Rooks.
The basic story of their plight was this. Salah, the only Jumi who could heal their cores (kind of like a jeweled external heart; if damaged too badly or removed the Jumi would die) was kidnapped by Rimsala, a Knight charged with protecting her while her real one was out searching for a way to save their civilization. When Tefoneus, the first Knight, confronted Rimsala, the betrayer wounded her and left her to die. Her core too damaged to live, Tefoneus used her power to transform herself into a Guardian named Teefa. Immediately after, Rooks discovered her and became her Knight.
The two searched and searched for Salah's whereabouts, as well as that of other Jumi that could stand up and face a new threat in the form of a jewel hunter named Zerel (a crack on how not so masculine his face portrait looked in Arcana). With Gourry's help, they met many Jumi, but the potential allies didn't survive long enough to be of much help. However, the Genius Swordsman also helped them to find Salah, who unlocked Teefa's true self. The huge climax occurs when Teefa goes back with Gourry to the Jumi City and uses her true self to defeat Galneon, the Lord of Jewels, who Rimsala (in her guises of Zerel and a jewelry store owner named Ariel) had gained the help of to destroy the Jumi so that Salah wouldn't die to heal them. With the help of a Teardrop Crystal made by Gourry, the entire race is brought back to life and Rooks and Teefa get a happily ever after.
The duo appears in several other scenes, such as when all the main groups meet in Dominia and the events of Lina and Gourry's wedding. It is revealed in those scenes that Teefa has gained full control over her transformations (suggested by the fact that in the game you can get Black Pearl only if you go to the Jumi City on a certain date) when she uses it to attack a monster at the wedding reception. After the wedding scenes are over, Lina and Gourry leave for their own world and we don't see the Arcana cast again.

Unwritten Final Fantasy Tactics Parody: I never wrote it, just drew concept art. It replaced the cast of FFT with Tales of Destiny characters, however Teefa made a guest appearance alongside Lufia as Alicia and Lavian (Teefa was a Priest and Lufia was a Wizard, though).

The Muse Universe: The universe this site is based off. Following the advent of Tales of Suikoden, the establishment that the world of Tales of Destiny was a part of the one I had already fit into my Marina/Arcana-Lufia fanfiction and the fact that people in that world all had Pokemon, I began tweaking it randomly for kicks. First was my addition of Breath of Fire series Clans and reworked designs for ones that were from special races in their own games. Second, a few years later, I added the Digimon aspect. And finally, I began to work on the timeline and history related to it. Even now, the scenarios involved with the Arcana cast in the Muse Universe are still being worked on.
As Head Muse, Teefa is usually at the forefront of most events. Even when not fighting a major battle with the Dark Dragons, she's doing anything from initiating fangirling over various things to being roped into being Lufia's Maid-of-Honor. She even had an altered version of her being put under mind control in Arcana, ending with Lufia using catnip to pacify her (well, they are of a cat-like tribe).
At this point in time, Salah and Darwin are married, as are Teefa and Rooks. Both couples have also started having children.

Digital Arcana: While most of my Arcana based stories filch the cast and put them in other settings, this was a parody of Arcana altogether using the cast of Digimon Tamers. Along with Rasha & The Fortress of Doom, it made up my Retro Games Retelling Series (now, if I can think of other SNES classics to throw more modern anime characters into).
Most of the game was the same, however instead of the Spirits fighting, they were just cards that were part of Digivolution (since cards were used to modify Digimon and evolve them in the third series). Four of the main characters (Takato/Rooks, Rika/Teefa, Jeri/Salah, Henry/Darwin) could use them to Bio-Merge with their Digimon to create their most powerful forms. It was really only a minor distraction for me, something to relive the classics.
The major importance of this story, however, is the fat that Digimon were in it. Many of the original Digimon (especially the ones given to the major characters that reappear in the Muse Universe) became ones owned by the characters of Dorm 40. Also, the ANs set a precedence of playful banter between Teefa and Sky that is often found on this site, as well as in any un-cut ANs.

Shamanic Princess Trilogy: Though not directly about the cast of Arcana, there are characters named for Teefa and Rooks that exist there along with Lufia, Max and Sky. Unlike most stories featuring likenesses of the Arcana cast, Teefa and Rooks aren't the main characters. Teefa is just a baby in the last chapter of the first book while Rooks isn't yet summoned to their world (she's a magic user and he's her partner and partners are drawn into their world from other ones), the second is more about Amber and her wish to fit in after moving to a new home while the third is about the attempt of Teefa's brother, Donnie, to prove himself. Here, our classic gaming casts are more or less shout outs, as well as powerful warriors that serve as learning tools to help the younger and weaker ones get stronger.

My Disgaea 2 File: Again, not fully based on Arcana, however references were thrown about here. The Vassals are named after the Muses and their boyfriends, meaning Teefa and Rooks are along for the ride. Just as my most powerful fighter in Disgaea was a Cleric (WA3's Virginia in that case), here our Cleric was named Teefa and has been powered up more than the rest. She knows all classes of magic, though has to go back a little for the Tera spells later on.

Online Access: Since I used Teefa in my e-mail address, I decided that any time I created a character for a game, played a game with online access, or joined a forum or other site, I had to have a Teefa reference. Sites and forums use "Teefa85" since it relates back to my e-mail address. But if I'm playing an actual character in a flash game, or who will interact with others online in some way, her name is just Teefa (examples include my Pokemon Trainer in Pearl, my Descender in Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology as well as my lead in Dragon Fable all named Teefa).

The Real Fanfics: I have worked on several pure Arcana fics, no interference from other games or anime. As a child, there were two that were there just for me to be silly, full of all the oddities a third grader can imagine, but now they're more serious. Currently, I'm writing a few newer stories set before, in and after the game. Some will relate to the mysteries and deep thoughts mentioned in this shrine. Others, silly humor relating to the random thoughts in my mind. And the rest will be romantic pairing fics, mostly about Teefa and Rooks.