Articles & Rants

Ok, here would be where I write where some of my opinions on topics stand. If you want to request a topic, e-mail me. Put "Articals & Rants" in the subject, so I don't delete it. If you want to comment on a topic, put the topic's name in the subject. *WARNING* There will be spoilers for the games listed in each title.

Here are some terms you'll find in the articles...

Female Lead: Female with most influence on plot. (i.e. heroine)
Male Lead: Male with most influence on plot. (i.e. hero)
Main Focus: Character whose view you play the game or watch the show from.

All about Bio-Androids and humaness (Wild ARMS 1, Wild ARMs 3, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Atelier Iris)
On stereotypical RPG characters (Tales of Destiny, Wild ARMs 3, Breath of Fire, Grandia, Wild ARMs 1)
On the way love seems to work in RPGs and Anime (Tales of Destiny, Zoids: NC/0, Wild ARMs 3, Slayers)
RPG Canon and how it can be classified (Tales of Series)