100 Trust Conversations

Here are the Trust Conversations for all of the main characters in CIMA. You can view these conversations at 1 (maybe 0...I haven't ever had someone at just 0 to test with but will in the future), 30, 60 and 100. They range from showing how Trust for Ark changes over time, to singing his praises over and over again, to telling personal statements about their feelings.

Note that Claude doesn't have one, since you can't return to the Blue Creek after saving him in Hope Forest.


I know I can count on you, Ark!

Why are you so strong, Ark? You're so cool!

You are my hero, Ark!

I totally trust you, Ark!


I guess I can trust you a little bit...

You're pretty strong. Gate Guardians...

Trust... You have proved to us that you deserve our trust.

You are the best, Ark!


Ark, Ivy, I can count on you two, right?

I feel like you're my real brother, Ark.

I don't feel scared when I'm with you, Ark.

You are my hero, Ark!

NOTE: The game glitched for me and wouldn't show the 100 Trust Conversation for Emmy, however when I asked on the CIMA section of the Lufia Wold Forums, I got the dialog from CIMA veteran SinReVi. I did see it on my first file (before I was writing stuff down) and on my experiment files (long after getting the quote from her), and have come to conclude that you need both to have seen all of Emmy's previous convos, and to have her family be the only ones to come out with her (though going alone works too).


I haven't trusted you quite yet.

You can't earn people's trust so easily... But, I could trust you a little bit.

I don't like Gate Guardians, but you are different.

Ark... I wish you were there 20 years ago...


I'm starting to trust you, Ark.

Please take care of Halley and Emmy.

You are some fighter, Ark. Hats off to you!

I've never seen a brave fighter like you, Ark!


I knew you could do it, Ark.

You'd understand why Vanrose is that way, Ark.

You're great, Ark. Just great.

I didn't think you were that good! You are the best!


I can finally trust you.

Fighting needs strength, but choosing not to fight needs as much strength.

I trust you. Lead us.

I can't believe I can trust you this much...


No matter what everyone else says, I trust you, Ark...

Ark? Ah... Never mind...

Ark... I... I think you are... I, ah...

Ark, I... ah... I... ah... I like you! Ah… I know it's a bad time to tell you this... But I thought I'd regret it if I didn't tell you now... I...I'm not making any sense, am I? Sorry... Let's get out of here together, Ark.


Hey, Ark. How do you get so strong?

I completely trust you. Do whatever you need to do.

Trust... You earn it by protecting us, right? How can I get Diana to trust me...?

Hey, Ark! I've decided to name our baby Ark when we have one.


I trust you, Ark. Keep it up.

Can you train Rick too?

You are so cool, Ark. I might fall for you.

If I had met you before I met Rick, I would totally marry you, Ark!


Ark, please try to understand my husband.

I trust you, Ark.

I won't blame you even if I die here.

I'm so happy to get to know you, Ark. My daughter can rest in peace now that we know a good Gate Guardian like you exists.


It's hard to get people to trust you. But I trust you a little bit.

You must earn people's trust... Tough job.

Ark. Get us out of here. You are our only hope.

Ark, you are just fantastic!


I can't trust you yet, Ark. Sorry.

Ark. I think I'm starting to trust you now.

Let me know if there is anything I can do, Ark.

The following is the only actual "conversation" among the Trust statements...
Telmia: Ark? Ammm... What do you think about my daughter?
Ark: What?
Telmia: Ah... If you don't mind can you... ...with her... No, never mind. Sorry.