CIMA: The Enemy......Little Known, Lots of Fun

The recipient of my second shrine is also a little known game, this time for the GBA. You play as Ark, a Gate Guardian who, along with his partner, Ivy, has the job of protecting fourteen pioneers bound for a new world in the west. While traveling by train with them and your mentor, Jester, your group is sucked into another dimension by a race known as CIMA, who feed off human hope and devour their life force. Separated in their attempts to escape, the game revolves around traveling dungeons, finding the missing pioneers and using them to solve the puzzles littered throughout the dungeons.

Part of the reason CIMA: The Enemy isn't so well known is the lack of advertising. I didn't even know about this game until nearly five years after it came out. Those that do play it either applaud the game for its unique take on gameplay, or curse it for a few issues with button controls (pioneers and even your partner tend to get caught on corners if you don't move right). However, it marked quite an interesting turn in me. Since I've always been a klutzy player of action based games, I avoided them for years. But I'm actually halfway decent at this game for some reason (still I expect hilarities when I play). Plus, I enjoyed the characters a great deal; with a cast that large, they had diverse personalities and reactions to your hero and situations.

Developer: Never Land Co
Publisher: Natsume
English Name: CIMA: The Enemy
Japanese Name: Frontier Stories (フロンティア ストーリーズ)
Release Date: November 17, 2003 (US), October 27, 2005 (Japan) (yes, a rare example where it came Stateside first)
System: Gameboy Advance
Game Type: Action RPG
Number of Players: 1

Note: Due to the use of Japanese characters in these pages, this shrine is best viewed in Unicode (UTF-8). Also, capitalization of the word "Trust" is not a typo; the concept plays such an important role in the game that I'm choosing to write it as such when used as a noun. Finally, I'm dividing the pioneers into groups based on their end-game teams; look at the individual pages if you want to see hilarious nicknames.


Ark, Our Fiery Hero
Ivy, His Mysterious Partner
Pioneer Team 1
Pioneer Team 2
Pioneer Team 3
Pioneer Team 4
Other Characters

Story and Information

Terms Used in the Game
The Story of CIMA
100 Trust Conversations for the Pioneers
Items and How I use Them
Tips and Tricks for Playing the Game
Basic Stats for All Characters
Data on All the Monsters In-Game
Interesting Facts Found in the Japanese Version
Glitches & Errors
Information on All the Dungeons

Miscellaneous Fandom Things

What the Characters' Jobs Might Be
Unanswered Questions and my Theories on Them
Pairings of CIMA
CIMA Represented in Other Media