The Story of CIMA


Here's a story summary of the entire plot of CIMA: The Enemy. Beware of spoilers, seeing as it covers everything from beginning to end.

[PRO] ~*Prologue*~ [PRO]

For more than two decades, CIMA and humans have been at war. CIMA open portals to their dimension, suck humans in, tease them with hope of escape and eat both that hope and their lifeforce when they attempt to. In retaliation, humans formed an organization known as the Gate Guardians, dedicated to protecting people from CIMA and helping to secure their livelihoods.

Deep within the Chipeya Mountains on the continent of Altran, the Gate Guardian Jester R goes to check on the state of the lab with Esswood A, a chief of some sort (the game doesn't specify, though it's most likely of the facility in question). They speak about two unknown Majesties, Purple and Light, which are being tested on. Although an impressive number of Majesties have been gathered for testing, neither the Plug or Base have been located. And with CIMA activity increasing lately, 20 years after the Singularity was released, they know it's only a matter of time before the transformation begins...only a little more time to open the Singularity again and save everyone.

Some time later...

Fourteen pioneers are heading west through the Altran Continent's Eastwick Region, hoping to make a new life for themselves. But due to the dangers of unknown lands, since CIMA have no interference there, three Gate Guardians have joined them...Jester and his two apprentices. One is an eighteen-year-old youth named Ark J and the other is seventeen-year-old Ivy F. Both are new recruits, Ivy being there one month longer than Ark, and both believe they'll turn out to be the better Gate Guardian. Neither wants to work with one another, but are both happy to be learning under Jester. However, their argument is interrupted by Jester himself, reminding them to only fight if they're protecting others.

Jean H, a doctor on the train, says how relieved he is to have Jester there, and asks if CIMA will appear. When Jester reminds him that the area isn't yet secure and it is a possibility, Jean's son Halley begins to get excited at the prospect of seeing CIMA. He asks if the three Guardians are strong, and is told by Ark that not only is Jester of the Six Stars, but he's pretty good and Ivy is better than nothing. Ivy then says that Ark was scared just a moment ago, leading to another fight that Jester has to break up. The older Gate Guardian tells the family that both are new recruits, however they show great promise.

He leaves, giving Ark and Ivy the option to speak to all the people in the cars. The duo begins to learn things about their assigned passengers, such as...

1. The adults in the H family (Jean and Eberle) seem confident in their defenders.
2. Halley H wants to become a Gate Guardian, while his sister, Emmy, is just excited to go to their new home.
3. Yurald D, a priest, came to provide spiritual support to the other pioneers.
4. Rick G, Diana I and Shelley Y are friends, but sometimes the former two get on the latter's nerves.
5. Rick G came to make it on the frontier, however Diana, his fiancée, is regretting leaving the city.
6. Vanrose U isn't under the illusion that it'll be easy to make hope a reality.
7. Telmia and Philis S came to find new opportunities.
8. Doug O seems to dislike Gate Guardians, while his wife, Ileyda, tries to keep the peace.
9. Claude L, the train's conductor, is keeping them on schedule.

Suddenly, the train starts to shake. When Ark and Ivy talk to Claude, he tells them that the train isn't slowing down even after the brakes are applied. As they wonder what's going on, an enormous Gate opens, pulling the train towards it and Ark tries to reassure the pioneers that it'll all be okay. Not even Jester can stop them from being drawn in, so he tells his apprentices to prepare themselves for the inevitable battle, as only a strong CIMA could make a Gate that large. Throughout the train, the pioneers hang onto their friends and family, bracing themselves against the immense power.

Finally, it stops and the group finds themselves in the Gate World. Jester regrets not being able to train Ark and Ivy slowly, knowing they now have to learn on the job. He reminds them of the Gate Guardian's motto, "Protect Everybody," and to never leave anyone behind. The trio then goes outside, surveying the area around them. They are on a single island, with a large building on another, currently inaccessible one. Jester does his best to reassure the pioneers that things will be okay, reminding them that since CIMA wants their hope, the won't deny them a way out. Suddenly, a portal to a dungeon appears and the group goes through it.

[BWO] ~*Beginning World*~ [BWO]

Inside the dungeon, Jester begins to explain the basics of protecting the people, reminding his charges that while they have to fight CIMA to accomplish their goal, getting the civilians out is more important than killing every enemy. He gives instructions on how to move the pioneers in groups, using weighted pressure plates, gathering people before moving to the next level and raising and lowering pillars to open roads and block enemies. Ark follows Jester's instructions, getting the Dungeon Key along the way.

They use the key to open a door on the third floor, and someone appears in front of them. Jester arrives, telling his apprentices to get back and then the man addresses him, having met him in the past. It is then revealed that the mysterious CIMA is Pike Nighttrap, one of the Crimson Nine (aka the CIMA equivalent of the Six Stars). Under Jester's orders, Ark and Ivy run back, ready to take the pioneers to safety while Jester fights. However, Vanrose is angry that they'd just desert Jester, and the entire group loses trust in the two rookies.

Vanrose is ready to go and fight as well, when the room begins to flash with energy. Suddenly, Jester's screams lit up the air, and Ark and Ivy return in time to see him impaled on a sword. At that moment, a purple colored Majesty appears, but Pike isn't phased because Jester doesn't have the Plug. Once again, Jester tells his apprentices to run, to save the others while he takes Pike and the dungeon down with him.

The group retreats back to the first floor, when suddenly the dungeon begins to shake. As they wonder what's happening, Pike's voice suddenly is broadcast to them, saying that Jester is dead and he needs to rest due to his injuries, but he won't let them get away. A white flash lights up the room, blinding everyone there as the dungeon begins to explode.

Ark and Ivy find themselves back in front of the train, alone. Though Ark feels that he's failed, that everyone is gone, Ivy yells at her partner to stop crying, reminding him that CIMA wouldn't take away their hope so soon. At that moment, train tracks fall to form the start of a bridge between the two islands, and another portal appears. With renewed hope, the two Gate Guardians prepare to go into the dungeon, knowing that they can find their missing pioneers somewhere inside.

[SSN] ~*Silver Snow*~ [SSN]

The first dungeon the two come across has an ice motif to it. Ark and Ivy look around for a little bit, and suddenly see Halley trapped on a small island on the other side of the room. After flipping the right switches and beating up the CIMA that stand in their way, the duo finally reaches him. Halley insists that he's not scared, and knew they'd come to save him. However, he is somewhat worried about Emmy, who is probably afraid. The boy wants to help his new friends, and volunteers to find treasures hidden in the dungeons.

They continue through the dungeon, as Halley does his best to support the two Gate Guardians. He is able to find the Dungeon Key, which had been hidden on the opposite side of a shoddy bridge that wouldn't hold an adult's weight, and later finds some Material in a secluded alcove. Eventually, the trio makes it to the final floor. After Ivy gives a slight lecture to Ark on using items in battle, they leave Halley at the stairs, unlock the door and go into the battle arena.

As they step in the center of the room, a CIMA named Genox appears. He's ready to get the two of them and Ivy tells Ark to worry about himself instead of her. Genox vanishes, leaving his minion, Bruton to fight for him. Though hard to handle up close, Ark's strategic use of the Lightning enhancements eventually slay the beast. Once the monster is defeated, Ark prepares to strike Genox down but is interrupted by a bolt of lighting. Suddenly, a female CIMA named Elvira appears, yelling at Genox for goofing around and helping him to escape. Even though they are unhappy about not destroying the builder, Ark and Ivy know they have more important things to worry about.

Halley comes to congratulate them on their hard work, amazed at how strong they are. Ark reminds him that it was he who found the key, and thanks to that they could get where they were. He's happy to have been of use and hopes to be so again. Then, the group returns to the Blue Creek.

Even though they are safely back, Halley is more worried about his family and Ark insists that they'll find everyone. Before he and Ivy go back outside, she lectures him on Majesties, knowing that Ark has been sleeping in class. Once that is over, they leave the train, just in time to witness another portion of the track connect to the bridge, and another dungeon portal appear.

[LFO] ~*Lost Forest*~ [LFO]

After traveling through a few floors of the forest-themed dungeon, Ark, Ivy and Halley discover Vanrose trapped on a small island...alongside a CIMA nest. Working together, the trio manages to save him, however Vanrose isn't quite ready to trust Ark just yet. He has such little confidence in the two rookie Gate Guardians that when the group needs to split up to hit identical switches, he runs off on his own to get one, figuring they will take the other and Halley can run for safety down the middle. When Ivy follows him, insisting its too dangerous on their own, the two of them are whisked away by a Teleport Trap. Ark assures Halley they aren't dead, and decides to look for them.

Vanrose is upset over what happened to him, and is prepared to go off on his own. Rather than risk him getting hurt since he won't listen to her, Ivy asks Vanrose to lead her through the dungeon instead, much to Vanrose's dismay. There's nothing he can do about it, and Ivy follows anyway.

Soon after, they make it to the switch, however it activates a bridge on the other side of the room. Ivy knows that they should wait for Ark and Halley, assuring Vanrose they're going to make it. But when Vanrose asks if she thinks Ark is a good fighter, Ivy responds in the negative. Her belief is based on the fact that Ark will protect people no matter what the cost, and his duty to care for Halley will help him get through no matter what. Vanrose can't tell if she likes Ark or hates him.

Meanwhile, Halley is wondering if the others are okay. Ark insists that they are, and tells the boy that despite Ivy's hard to deal with personality, she's dependable in a fight. The two set off, eventually coming to the same room the others are trapped in.

Ivy yells at Ark to throw the switch and skip the mushy stuff, leading him to whisper to Halley that he was right about her being difficult. But the second she calls him on it, Ark goes and flips the switch, then heads over to collect his missing allies. After making sure the other group is okay, the two Gate Guardians prepare to move on. Vanrose still can't bring himself to trust them, however he agrees to follow them for the time being.

Eventually, the group makes it to the final floor, finding Elvira in the boss room. She's insulted by the thought of being as weak as Genox, and sends out a pair of flowers named Sanfraw and Moonflow. Once they're dead, she mutters something about Pike's ambition. However, like with Genox, she runs away before Ark can strike her down.

Ivy reasons that she must be a builder CIMA, since they're the highest in rank, but Ark isn't too impressed with her. He chalks it up to the CIMA not wanting to seem too imposing, and he and Ivy agree to be careful. Halley and Vanrose join them, and Vanrose is clearly thinking about the Gate Guardians and their mantra.

Back on the Blue Creek, Halley is relieved to have found someone and Vanrose inquires how they can get back to the real world. Ark tells him that it is probably through the dungeons, assuring the older man that they will make it. As the Gate Guardians go back outside, yet another piece of the track connects to the bridge, and a portal to the next dungeon opens.

[DDU] ~*Dragon's Dungeon*~ [DDU]

Much to Ark and Ivy's surprise, the next portal takes them to what appears to be a village. Without being asked, the man near the entrance informs them that they are in the village of Rooda, and keeps repeating himself no matter what question Ark asks. Other villagers act in much the same manner, however the mayor has something more to say. He informs the small band of warriors, with more metaphor than necessary, that a legend speaks of the coming of heroes to rescue a maiden from being sacrificed to a dragon. Ark and Ivy are ready to leave, wondering what CIMA was thinking by creating the town, however suddenly the mayor informs them that the sacrifice's name is Emmy. Finally realizing the purpose of the town, the gang high-tails it into the nearby cave.

The interior of the dungeon looks as if it were located inside a volcanic crater. It isn't long before they find Emmy...being tormented by a giant two-headed flame-like dragon. Avoiding the overpowered beast as best they can, Ark and Ivy successfully get her to safety, reuniting her with her brother. Though Emmy is scared, they assure her that she's okay and has been as brave as can be expected. With a little coaxing from Ivy and Halley, she finds herself able to move onwards...until both girls are claimed by a Teleport Trap.

Having been separated from her brother, Emmy decides to stay put, no longer believing that things will be okay. However, her crying is eventually stopped when Ivy literally slaps some sense into her, telling the girl that the only way to see her parents and brother again is to move forward. With reservation, Emmy decides to trust in Ivy's resolve to protect her, and by the end of the floor they are both complimenting each other's bravery. However, their forward movement is interrupted by a broken down bridge on the next floor. Like Halley, Emmy is light enough to go across, but Ivy is wary about letting her do so due to the CIMA nest in the area. The girls decide to wait for the others to catch up, hoping to have an answer then.

Eventually, the second group arrives at the same point, and Ark comes to the same conclusion as Ivy: the children are needed to hit the switch to reunite everyone. Emmy volunteers once again, much to the surprise of her brother. She asks him to help her and the two children go across the bridges to stand on the pressure plates controlling the central bridge. Once on the other side, Ark hits a switch that'll keep the bridge stable, and the group reunites at the stairs. Everyone is proud of how Emmy was able to mature so quickly, however Ark doesn't understand her buddy-buddy attitude with Ivy.

Finally, they're at the last floor of the dungeon, where they encounter Genox again. Despite Ark and Ivy considering his ideas strange, the builder seems extremely proud of them. But instead of summoning a monster, he teleports the duo into a room containing a giant Dragon, leading Ivy to deduce he's read too many storybooks. Ark asks how to kill a Dragon, and Ivy tells him it's a Dragon-slayer sword, however it's only a legend so she doesn't know where it is. Genox in turn says he has one, along with fakes, and the Dragon will fight back. Nobody has time to comment on his strangeness again before the battle proper stars.

At first, Ark and Ivy destroy some of the heads on the side of the Dragon, but eventually Genox tosses them some swords to fight with. Using the ones with blue gems on the pommel, Ark is able to successfully slay the Dragon, and Genox thinks he should have made weaker swords. He runs away again, leaving Ark and Ivy a portal back to the main room. There, the pioneers are just relieved that they're okay, and the group heads back to the train.

Vanrose wonders why CIMA is attacking their small group rather than in the city, and Ark tells him it's probably because there are more Gate Guardians in cities. Meanwhile, Halley is relieved that his sister is okay, and Ivy assures Emmy that they'll find her parents no matter what. After they finish wrapping up their business, Ark and Ivy go back outside, where the bridge grows again and another portal opens.

[PFA] ~*Panic Factory*~ [PFA]

This time, the group finds themselves inside a factory-themed dungeon, where Doug is trapped on the second floor. With the switch to help him being over a rickety bridge, Halley and Emmy are the only candidates to do anything. Much to Doug's anger, the children walk over the bridge, weigh down the pressure plate and allow Ark to go save the old blacksmith. Doug is upset at Ark for what happened, and gives the youth a major dressing down at the end of the floor. Despite Halley and Emmy insisting that they wanted to help, and Ark reminding Doug that everyone had to work together, he isn't satisfied. The old man tells them about twenty years ago, when the Gate Guardians failed to protect his daughter, Elizabeth, and how he can never forgive them. However, he does realize that they need to work together, and grudgingly joins Ark's group.

Eventually, the group comes to another rickety bridge, and Halley and Emmy go across to weigh down the plate like usual. But once Ark has hit the necessary switch so they can come back, the bridge collapses, sending Halley and Emmy into the darkness below and angering Doug in the process. Ark insists in looking for him and Vanrose, who is equally mad at what happened, tells Doug that now isn't the time to be arguing and placing blame.

Meanwhile, Halley and Emmy are on a secluded island on the floor below. Though Emmy is scared, Halley vows to protect her and begins defeating the CIMA and hitting switches. But though the corridors around the room are freed up, the bridge to their island is still down. Both siblings agree to wait for Ark and the others to come save them.

The adults make it to the floor below, cutting through the corridors to get to Halley and Emmy. While Vanrose and Doug weigh down a pressure plate to make the bridge reappear, Ark and Ivy go to rescue the siblings. Ark is proud that Halley was able to take care of his sister when things got tough, much to the boy's embarrassment. They all move out, regrouping at the stairs to the next floor, where the children assure Doug that they weren't scared, and Halley once more insists that he's not afraid to help Ark out. With nothing more to respond to their determination, Doug follows the group through the rest of the dungeon.

The builder awaiting them in the final room calls himself Falcken and is indignant that he ended up with an old man to eat. Ark's mention of Doug's name seems to trigger something in the CIMA, just before Doug himself comes on the scene. The old man recognizes Falcken, saying he'd never forget even after twenty years. Though it triggers the builder's memory of a failed Plug, Doug is more concerned with fighting his enemy. But Falcken proves too strong, and Ark convinces Doug to retreat and leave it to him and Ivy.

Falcken sends out Fallayga, a fiery dragon much like the one that trapped Emmy, which Ark and Ivy quickly dispatch of. Realizing he underestimated them, the CIMA leaves, vowing to play with them later. Ark apologizes to Doug for not defeating Falcken, but the old man is only happy that they're safe. Not that he trusts the Gate Guardians, but he doesn't want young people to die. Taking his strange form of concern in stride, Ark leads the group back to the train.

Doug shows off his power by using the collected Materials to upgrade the team's weapons and armor, somewhat shocked to have seen Falcken again after all those years. Everyone else is thinking about their own concerns, so Ark and Ivy go outside again. Once more, another piece of track falls into place as another dungeon portal is opened.

[CSN] ~*Cold Snow*~ [CSN]

Giant snowballs are rolling down the path, and Emmy wants to make a snowman out of them. However, Vanrose doesn't think Ark's idea of waiting for the opportune moment to run through is a good one, and rushes off on his own once again. Knowing it isn't a good idea to leave him alone, Ark tells Ivy to stay with the others while he goes on ahead.

He finds Vanrose a few floors below the entrance, as well as Eberle trapped on a large island. With some trial and error, and after getting Vanrose to follow him, Ark is able to create an ice bridge connecting the two pieces of land, and goes across to rescue her. He brings her back to the stairwell with Vanrose, thanking the older man for his rushing; it was the quick moving that got them to her in time. Ark also tells Eberle that Halley and Emmy are safe, and that Ivy will bring them soon. When Vanrose questions how he can tell, Ark informs the man that a Gate Guardian is trained to act on their own if needed be.

Back with the others, Ivy decides to move out, telling them that they can't wait for Ark forever. The children follow without question, and even Doug sees the logic of getting out of the place they're in. Halley inquires if Ark is okay, and Ivy tells the boy that she can't imagine him dying and leaving them alone. Then, they begin to retrace Ark's steps, eventually coming to where he, Vanrose and Eberle are waiting.

Both children are overjoyed to see their mother, and a tearful family reunion ensues. Ark goes to rib Ivy for how long it took her to get there, and she reminds him that it was only because she had to lead everyone. The two start arguing again, but realize pretty quickly that it's stupid to continue their fight. Eberle informs the Guardians that she can heal their status effects if they stay near her, and that Jean will be able to do it faster once he joins the group. One lecture on how to organize parties from Ivy later and the team is good to go.

In the boss room, the two warriors encounter Elvira, who is amazed that they made it through her traps but happy to be able to watch them die in front of her. She sends out Focjabe, a giant spear-wielding knight, to attack them, but it too is easily defeated. Just as Ark is about to land a finishing blow, Genox appears and starts arguing with Elvira as to who is doing worse against the humans. They decide to settle it in the next round of dungeons and run away...leaving Ark and Ivy to wonder about the weird CIMA they've been encountering.

Halley, Eberle and Emmy come up and compliment Ark in turn, much to his embarrassment. Ivy tells him to be more sophisticated, and is somewhat indignant to Ark's almost mocking response. The H family starts to laugh at him, as Ark begs them to stop, until Doug and Vanrose remind the group that there are still people who need to be saved. With that, the team heads back to Blue Creek.

Eberle is happy to be back with her children, while the children are equally happy to be with their mother again. At the same time, Vanrose tells Ark that Eberle can make Potions easier than the rest of them, and Doug worries about CIMA's reasons for separating the group. One upgrade for Eberle's armor later and the team once more goes outside to witness yet another piece of track falling and dungeon opening.

[SWO] ~*Strange World*~ [SWO]

A building type motif awaits the team in the next dungeon. As they descend, Vanrose suddenly sees Shelley trapped on an island with a CIMA nest. He tells her that he'll save her, and is led to one of two switches along with Doug as the H family goes to the other. This causes the bridge to appear, and Ark and Ivy bring Shelley to safety. Reunited at the exit, Vanrose is relieved that she's okay and she responds by commenting on the safety of the others. While Halley and Emmy are willing to sing the praises of the two Gate Guardians, Doug and especially Vanrose voice their opinion on how much trouble Ark gets them into. Shelley shuts the latter up as he continues his complaining, and the group moves on.

Soon, they encounter two way split in the path. Vanrose wishes to go the way that has less CIMA, but Ark senses it's a trap and decides to go the opposite way. However, Vanrose figures that the safer way is still the best way, as does Doug, and the group decides to split up despite Ark's objections. While Shelley agrees to go with Vanrose, it's less because she doesn't trust Ark--indeed she trusts him to protect the others without her--and more because she wants to protect Vanrose from himself and his stubbornness.

Both sides continue to go down floors and Vanrose remarks how he knew their way was easier. Suddenly, a column rises up to prevent them from going back, and a pressure plate is the only thing that can make the bridge appears. Vanrose tells Shelley and Doug to make a run across it once he steps on the plate, while Shelley wants to wait for Ark and fears he'll get himself killed. However, once they're across, he tells the duo to go and get the others.

Soon after, Ark makes it down to the same floor that Vanrose is on. Shelley begs him to help Vanrose, while the older man insists on the rest of them escaping. Ark agrees with Shelley, staying true to his vow to protect everyone in the group. His allies weigh down a pressure plate on the other side of the bridge, leaving it up even if Vanrose steps off the one he's on. Once they rescue him, Vanrose finally admits he was wrong while Ark is only concerned about whether or not he's okay. Vanrose thanks Ark for helping him, and the group prepares to head out once more.

Finally, the team makes it to the builder's room where they see Sawma, the final CIMA working under Pike. Despite his claim that Ark will die, he is also willing to give his name and ask for that of his opponent as if it were a causal conversation. Sawma vanishes, sending a rain of swords down around the Gate Guardians as well as summoning Belton, a recoloring of Bruton. Even with the small movement range, Ark is able to slay the beast.

Sawma reappears, mentioning his interest in the boy's strength and again name-dropping the Plug. With a promise to meet again, he vanishes, leaving Ark to comment that they always run away quickly. Ivy figures they do what they want because they built the world but neither Gate Guardian wants it to stay that way.

As the others walk up, both Halley and Shelley compliment Ark on his abilities. Unused to being complimented, Ark begins to blush. Ivy asks why he would be used to being complimented, and tells him not to be so defensive when she says things. Ark won't give it up, so Ivy stops the fight on her own so they can return to the train.

Vanrose's experiences taught him how hard it really can be to protect, and Shelley asks Ark to understand him. Halley talks about how great Shelley is, while his mother and sister mention their own worries concerning CIMA and being split into groups. Meanwhile, Doug is wondering about the Plug, since both Falcken and Sawma mentioned it. He also is able to upgrade everyone's stuff to Level 2, so Ark re-outfits the group before going outside to witness the appearance of more track and the next dungeon.

[SGA] ~*Sky Garden*~ [SGA]

The next dungeon is set atop floating platforms high up in the sky. Eberle, who is afraid of heights, doesn't like the place at all but they have no choice but to go on. Soon after, they encounter Yurald on one of the floating platforms. With the help of Halley and Emmy going across yet another broken bridge, the team is able to rescue him and continue on together once more.

Suddenly, a few floors below where they found Yurald, four Byuno surround the team, and Yurald, Shelley and Halley are transported away. Vanrose is angry about losing Shelley, but his round of "take my frustrations out on Ark" is interrupted once Eberle notices her son is missing as well. Ivy tells Ark to go look for them and he readily agrees.

As the only fighting adult in the group, Shelley is faced with the task of leading Halley and Yurald to safety. Yurald expresses concern that he cannot fight, but Shelley tells him that his presence is comforting enough and he should pray for their safety instead. They continue onward, Shelley taking over Ark's task of keeping enemies at bay.

At the exit, Halley mentions that CIMA didn't seem to get as close as they used to, and the group wonders if it's because Yurald's holy powers warded them off. The priest doesn't think he's that special, but rather the powers that be were looking out for them. Soon after, they come across a downed bridge, and decide to wait for the others to come.

Ark soon comes across the bridge in question, and leaves the others on a pressure plate so he can rescue the missing members. Shelley is more than happy to turn leadership back over to Ark, and the group rendezvouses at the exit. There, Vanrose expresses great relief that Shelley is okay, while Eberle and Emmy fuss over Halley and Yurald praises Heaven for the safety of Ark's group. Once they're done, the team moves onward once more.

Falcken appears again in the boss chamber, angry that splitting off the group did nothing. Doug tells him how low he was for picking on women and children, and prepares to fight him. The CIMA doesn't think Doug would be a challenge, but he jumps at the chance to be entertained by Ark and summons Farlay, his strongest warrior. Though the bird keeps out of Ark's range, and is only beatable by tossing its own attacks back at it, it falls with relative ease.

Ark tells Falcken that he can't be much stronger and prepares to fight the builder. Falcken is shocked that even Farlay was defeated by Ark, and tells him that he'll fight them later before vanishing. Once more, Ark apologizes to Doug for not finishing him off, but the old man is simply happy that the two are safe. With that, they head back to the train.

Vanrose believes that CIMA is testing them, but doesn't elaborate on it. Meanwhile, most of the others are expressing their feelings on how confident and safe Yurald makes them feel and the priest himself muses on why CIMA didn't attack him. Doug simply mentions his anger at Falcken and upgrades more of the team's equipment. Their business finished, Ark and Ivy go outside just before the next dungeon and part of the track appear.

[FDU] ~*Fire Dungeon*~ [FDU]

As the name implies, the next dungeon is set inside a fiery cave. And on the second floor, the group finds Philis trapped in a far off corner behind a pillar. Ark goes to help the girl, reassures her that it'll be okay, and brings her to the exit with the others. Philis tells how grateful she is and Ivy immediately begins teasing Ark about having a cute girl be grateful to him. As the young man begins to grow redder by the second, Halley and Emmy get in on making fun of him, only stopping when their mother expresses relief that they're all safe. Doug seems the most relieved of all, but he won't reveal his exact reason right away.

They go down further, disarming the traps along the way. Suddenly, on a long, thin walkway void of enemies, the ground opens up, swallowing Philis inside as Doug and Ark jump down after her. It closes behind them, leaving the others stunned. Inside the pit, Ark asks why Doug did such a reckless thing. He reveals that Philis resembled his daughter, and he could only think about protecting her, yelling at Ark when the boy tries to show concern. Philis yells back, reminding Doug that Ark had nothing to do with the incident, but Doug is unable to change how he feels. Ark vows to protect everyone once again, and they move onward.

As they land in more dangerous situations, Philis expresses worry for Ark's safety. However, he assures her that he'll be okay, he can't protect everyone if he dies, and leaves her in Doug's care while he works on getting through the mess of CIMA. Once they reunite, she dotes on him a bit before heading on down to the next floor.

There, they see the gates to the boss' room, where Philis is again worried about Ark going alone despite the necessity of it. He again tells her he'll be okay, he did come back last time after all, but she thinks it's now more dangerous than before. Despite her please to the contrary, Ark leaves her in Doug's care again as he steps towards the door...

The scene cuts back to Ivy's group, where she begins to lead them downwards as well. Soon, their team also reaches the boss floor, but Ivy is unable to get to where Ark is. She is also worried about him going in alone, but Ark tells her it'll be okay as he enters the boss room...just before Genox appears.

Ark is none too happy to see Genox, wondering how many times he has to beat him. The CIMA wonders if Ark thinks he can do it one-on-one and the boy responds in the affirmative. Then, Genox sends out Fallayla, which looks just like the two heads that were on the side of his large Dragon. Despite the odds, Ark prevails in the end and a bridge to where Ivy is appears. Genox runs away, leaving Ark to mutter about how some things never change.

Philis and Doug arrive, and the young girl further embarrasses Ark by talking about how his fighting impressed her. Ivy walks in on them, teasing him about Philis, however Ark doesn't seem to get it. She says that she couldn't see a girl liking Ark, leading Philis to comment about how handsome he is and Ivy to start teasing her instead. Ark breaks the two girls apart, and the team heads back to the train.

Philis desires to be of help to Ark, while Yurald remarks that he is making people smile again and the H family talks about how they're finding more people in general and Philis in particular. In contrast, Vanrose and Shelley seem to be worried that CIMA has something more sinister in store for them. Doug not only apologizes for his actions in the dungeon, but also reveals that he can upgrade to Level 3. Once they use up their materials, Ark and Ivy go back outside to watch the next track fall into place and dungeon appear.

[WFO] ~*Weakling Forest*~ [WFO]

Not long after entering yet another forest, the group encounters Rick trapped beyond several blockades, panicking like there's no tomorrow. It takes some time and a few switches, but Ark finally gets the man away from the Rogs and their higher forms. Despite that, there are still a lot of CIMA around, and Rick decides the best thing to do is hide behind Ark.

As the team regroups at the exit, Rick lets out a sigh of relief while Halley comments on his lack of bravery. The older man is surprised to find the boy is braver than he is. He asks Vanrose where Diana is, and is worried to know she hasn't been found. Though Vanrose believes she's probably holding out better than him, and jokes about which one would be in charge in their marriage. Finished with his teasing of Rick, Vanrose decides it's time to go, something Ark wholeheartedly agrees on.

Rick is still pretty scared as they get to the next level, however with some encouragement from Ark, Philis and Yurald he's able to walk forward...staying right next to the CIMA warding priest. They reach the end, and begin to congratulate Rick on making it through without a panic attack. But before they can move on, a Byuno jumps out at them, causing Rick to run off in fright. He is teleported away, just as Ark is slaying the monster, as are Ivy, Yurald and Philis when they try to follow. But when Vanrose and Ark go to where they disappeared, they find the trap is no longer active. Vanrose wonders what to do, and Ark is relieved that Ivy is at least with them...but then Vanrose reminds him that Rick will keep her pretty busy.

Meanwhile, Ivy's group is taking in their surroundings, as well as trying to calm down a hysterical Rick. Once that is achieved, Ivy tells him that he'll survive if he follows her, but Rick is still worried because he's such a coward. He thinks Diana doesn't love him because of that, but Yurald tells Rick that she'll notice if he keeps his head high and walks proud. Rick is encouraged by the priest's words, and the team moves onward.

With the help of the team standing on a pressure plate, Ivy is able to find the Dungeon Key. She congratulates Rick on his help when they make it to the exit, but he thinks that she's the real amazing one due to her bravery. Ivy gets modest on him, saying that she wants to have people believe in her as they do Ark; it's the one thing he's good at, after all. When Rick asks if she dislikes Ark, Ivy immediately launches into a tirade about how she could never like a fool who is so full of himself. Rick comments about how tough it must be, and Ivy tells him that it's hard having Ark for a partner. Philis, seeing through her harsh exterior, asks her about Ark again, but this time Ivy responds that she may like him as a friend...but only a friend, mind you! Philis is relieved by the statement and the team moves onward.

But their path is soon blocked by a column in the middle of the path. Ivy decides to wait for Ark, while Rick is worried about him dying and leaving them trapped. Ivy tells him they'd be dead if that happened, but then reassures Rick that Ark, despite his reckless youth, always makes good on his promises. Meanwhile, Ark sneezes, believing it to be someone talking bad about him. Halley wonders who it is, and Ark thinks it's Ivy making fun of him again. The boy wants to go find her, and Ark agrees.

After some more traveling, the group makes it to the final level, finding a switch next to the stairs. Ark hits it, realizing it's what was keeping Ivy's group trapped. The two teams reunite, and, after making sure everyone is okay, Ark and Ivy go after the boss. There, Sawma appears to them, summoning a gray flower named Keckcfraw. It chases him around for awhile, but Ark manages to slay it.

Sawma is surprised to see how strong Ark is, but seems excited that things are coming together. He leaves, causing Ark to get mad about his escape. However, Ivy tells him that he's getting closer every time, causing Ark to think they're scared of him. She doubts it, but says it's cute of him to think so. That leads to them fighting about Ivy commenting on Ark earlier...until the others come in and Yurald breaks up the fight. Though Shelley finds it cute, asking Vanrose if it reminds him of his younger days when the man expresses concern over their fighting.

Back on the train, Rick expresses his desires to be braver for Diana, while the H children want to see his magic. Doug, Vanrose and Shelley are confident in their progress, and Eberle is thinking about her concern for Jean. Meanwhile, Yurald mentions Ivy's strong will and how good a fighter she is, as Philis seems to be troubled by something relating to Ivy. After finishing their business, the warriors go to see the next track and dungeon appear, ready for yet another rescue mission.

[AGA] ~*Air Garden*~ [AGA]

The team enters a second sky based dungeon, and quickly run into Diana on the second floor. Though she's happy to see Rick and Vanrose, and is being harassed by a Byuno, she insists that they don't come since it's a trap. Rick, worried about his beloved, runs forward anyway with Vanrose close behind...but the trio is suddenly blocked by a column at their backs, and thrown down to the next level as a hole opens beneath their feet.

Both men get up quickly, and Rick quickly goes to check on his fiancée. However, Diana is angered at him for recklessness and not listening to her, and places all her Trust on Vanrose. She wonders if she could marry him instead and simply wants Rick to stay out of his way. Not wanting to cause a rift between his friends, Vanrose insists that Rick will be the one to make her happy. But when Diana continues on the subject, he tells them to simply move onward.

At the stairs, Diana again begins to flirt with Vanrose and yell at Rick for his inability to act. He simply yells "Fine!" unable to think of a good comeback. Not that he wouldn't have more time to think, considering that the bridge on the next level was down and they had to wait for Ark anyway...

As for Ark's group, they continue their journey until they too arrived on the same floor as the others. After they made sure everyone was okay, Vanrose and Ark deduced both the pressure plate on Vanrose's side and the one close to Ark's group were needed to make the central bridge operable. Rick volunteered to take the switch by him if Vanrose protected Diana, however he only lasts a few seconds before running back in fright. Vanrose goes instead, as does some of the members of Ark's group.

Eventually, the switch to hold the bridge in place, as well as the one to rescue Vanrose's group are pressed, and the team unites near the exit. While Vanrose tries to comfort Rick by saying it's okay to run away, Diana isn't so forgiving. She throws her engagement ring directly at the poor man's face, then asks Vanrose to marry her, going after Ark when he refuses. The Gate Guardian reminds her that he's too young, but she only stops flirting when Shelley butts in and tells her to leave him alone. Diana assures her that she's joking, but still has some interest in Vanrose. Before it gets even more involved, and seeing how angry Shelley looks, Ark takes the group to the next floor, Rick stopping to pick up his ring before he leaves.

Elvira is the lucky resident of the dungeon, preparing to kill Ark as a present for remembering her name. She summons Zikjabel, a flying variant on Focjabe with pink and mint green skin. Despite the ton of fairy dust tossed at him, Ark adds the creature to his long list of defeated boss monsters. Annoyed at her loss, Elvira rushes off. Diana takes the opportunity to flirt with Ark some more, joking about marrying him despite his objections and telling an angry Shelley that she was kidding afterward. Ivy accuses Ark of thinking about it, but Philis insists he's not that type of man, though she won't say why she's so mad. The boss defeated and the girls done arguing, everyone heads back to the train.

While Rick plans to try harder to win Diana back, Diana is complaining about him being undependable while Vanrose is stuck on Shelley. Shelley herself is wishing Rick would be braver so Diana would stop it, and Philis thinks that she's doing all that to get him to try harder; at the same time, Eberle wishes Diana would calm down and Halley wants them to get back together, but Emmy is more worried about her father. Vanrose's concern is more relevant...wondering why have CIMA grabbed their whole train; he and Ark ponder the possibility of something on the frontier they don't want the team to get to. Finally, Yurald is simply happy that everyone is being found and Doug is impressed at the quality of the materials. The next portal and train track piece comes down, and the team continues onward.

[LFA] ~*Lonely Factory*~ [LFA]

On the second floor of the factory, Doug suddenly calls out Ileyda's name, claiming to have heard her. However, while no one else can hear anything, he runs off in the direction to search for her...only to fall into a Teleport Trap. But it barely phases him, only enough to make note of what happened. All that matters now is that he finds his wife as soon as possible, so Doug takes off in search of her. And on the next floor, he finally spots her.

Doug calls to Ileyda, asking if she's okay. She claims she's fine, and Doug begins rushing over to her despite her protests. Both express relief that the other is okay, and prepare to leave together. Their reunion, however, is short lived, as Falcken teleports onto the scene a moment later, laughing at how he's allowing them to die together. Doug rushes up to Falcken, telling Ileyda to escape while he fights, but she refuses to let him die alone. Falcken doesn't want all the drama, and tells them to fight already...

Meanwhile, Ark and the others prepare to go after Doug. Despite how quickly the group moves, they arrive just in time to watch Falcken knock Doug down and Ileyda rush forward to cradle him in her arms. But before the builder can strike the final blow, Ark makes his presence known, causing Falcken to retreat. Ileyda calls for help, and Ark brings the team over to them so Eberle can take care of Doug's wounds. However, Falcken has another trick in store, sending a CIMA nest into the room. As Eberle works on healing Doug, Ark and Ivy slaughter enough CIMA to destroy the nest.

Eberle predicts Doug will make a full recovery, and Ileyda expresses her gratitude. The team rests for a little while, and Doug soon awakens. He's grateful for the group saving him, and sorry to have caused trouble, but Ark is just happy that he's safe. Reunited and completely healed up, everyone begins heading for the bottom of the dungeon.

Falcken awaits in the final room, and decides to use his ace in the hole to deal with them. He teleports Ark away to a room that consists of several railroad tracks crisscrossing. Though it unnerves Ark to have been separated from Ivy, he isn't afraid. Suddenly, Falcken transforms into a locomotive, splitting into three separate trains, and begins trying to ram into Ark. Using the lights on the tracks, Ark is able to predict his movements, destroying Falcken in the process.

Falcken reappears in his humanoid form, and Ark expresses relief over his victory. As the CIMA cries out in disbelief over his loss, he explodes. The enemy vanquished, a portal appears to take Ark back to the others. Ark tells them what happened, and Doug and Ileyda are relieved that their daughter has been avenged. Doug himself has found peace, knowing he can die without regrets now, and finally is able to trust Ark fully. Not that he trusts the Gate Guardians, but he can believe in Ark. With that, the team heads back to the Blue Creek to prepare for their next trip.

Ileyda is relieved to be back with Doug, having feared that she wouldn't see him again, while the blacksmith himself both apologizes for being hard on Ark and offers to fully upgrade his weapons. Philis is happy for Doug and Yurald wishes Elizabeth's spirit to find rest. Meanwhile, Diana is muttering about Ark's manliness, while Rick is thinking about how much braver he is getting and Shelley hopes they find the last three safely. Vanrose asks Ark about Majesties, why different people use different amounts to make the same thing, and they talk about how the right life energy might make something real powerful. At the same time, Emmy has a gut feeling that her father will be next, Halley talks about how much closer they are to the surface, and Eberle mentions how they no longer have to worry about Ileyda. With all the talking and upgrading done, Ark leaves to head for his next mission.

[TWO] ~*Twilight World*~ [TWO]

Another building-like dungeon awaits them through the next teleporter. Along with a very dangerous placement position for the civilians to solve a puzzle on the first floor, the group discovers Jean on the third. Once the family sees everyone is okay, they realize the switch needed to save Jean is on the opposite side of a rickety bridge. Both Halley and Emmy volunteer immediately, causing Jean to become perplexed at his daughter's bravery.

Soon, the team manages to get him to safety, and the family has a reunion hug at the exit to the floor, relieved to be together again. Ark and Ivy talk about how sweet it is, and how helpful the children have been. Jean thanks the Gate Guardians for protecting his family, vowing to help in whatever meager ways he can. Then, they head on out.

But more trouble finds them on the next floor, when Diana rushes forward to inspect a treasure box. Rick, worried about her, follows, and both end up teleported away. Ivy remarks at how the trap was definitely set up for a woman, but Ark tells her to search rather than admire it.

Meanwhile, Diana is wondering where the treasure box is, just as Rick appears beside her, telling her the chest was probably a trap. She remarks at how dirty a trick it was, and tells Rick that she's counting on him when he wonders what to do. Though her words surprise him, she reminds the man that he's the only one there, and mentions what Vanrose would do again. Before she can finish, however, Rick yells at her, saying that she should marry him since he's all she talks about. In response, Diana accuses Rick of running away again, just like when he decided to run from his failures in the city to go to the frontier. Rick denies it, and Diana tells him to show her, giving him one last chance.

Rick does his best to get Diana through the nests of CIMA, not once running away. But soon, they arrive on a floor with only a pressure plate near a nest...just like the last time. Both knew they're in trouble, and Rick realizes he can't get through it alone. Diana decides that they should make a move once the others catch up.

At the same time, Ark's group heads out, finding the wayward lovers in short order. It turns out that the plate by Rick and one by the others are both needed to open the long middle bridge, again hailing back to the last incident. Rick asks Ark if the Gate Guardians could follow his directions for once and they do. He also asks if Vanrose is there, and begs his old friend to take care of Diana, should something happen to him.

Soon, the bridge is fixed, Rick is still standing on the plate with all his willpower, and Ark's group crosses to the other side. Using two other switches, he and Ivy release bridges for Rick, Diana and the group on the other plate. They reunite at the exit, where Diana chews Rick out for thinking of leaving her with Vanrose. This confuses Rick, who thought she liked him better. But instead, Diana tells him exactly how much she cares, that she couldn't live without him, begging Rick not to die on her. As Vanrose and Shelley comment on her words, Rick promises to be brave from now on. He once more holds out the engagement ring she chucked at his face in Air Garden, and she accepts it back.

On the next level, the Gate Guardians encounter Sawma in the boss room, ready for a fight. Unlike Falcken, however, he teleports both Ark and Ivy together, going to his personal battle arena. Taking on his battle form, a hybrid between a giant samurai and a ninja, he begins trying to strike at the duo, even using a doppelganger illusion and rains of swords. However, Ark and Ivy come out victorious once again.

Sawma comments on Ark's strength, but the boy replies that it comes from all the people who support him. Just before he fades out of existence, Sawma tells Ark that such a power will be his undoing, and that nobody knows what'll happen when the Singularity opens. Ark and Ivy ponder what it could mean, and return to the others without finding an answer. Vanrose wonders it too, thinking that it's probably trouble for them.

Back on the train, Doug and Ileyda are thinking about their daughter, and Doug remembers the word Singularity used during that incident. Rick and Diana are talking about their relationship, while Philis is happy for the reunited H family. The family in question is equally as happy to be reunited, but Yurald, Shelley and Vanrose are wondering about what lies ahead.

As Ark moves to leave the train for the next dungeon, Jean comes in and tells him that everyone is exhausted and they could probably use a good night's sleep, to which Ark agrees. That night, Jean brings his wife and kids onto the deck, telling them to be quiet about it because he'd found a way to save them. However, it would only work on four people, so they'd have to go alone. While the children beg to stay, saying that they believe in Ark, Jean reminds them that even Jester fell to Pike Nighttrap, and that someone has to get back to the surface to warn people about what happened with CIMA. It takes a little more coaxing, but soon his distraught family is convinced and they head out.

When morning comes, Ark and Ivy begin ribbing each other about their sleeping habits until Vanrose runs in looking panicked. He mentions that Jean vanished with his family, and the group runs into the cabin, finding Shelley who told them that everyone was gone when she woke up. Ark wonders if they were attacked, however Vanrose assures him they were in the same car. The only logical place they could have gone...the dungeon.

[PSN] ~*Phantom Snow*~ [PSN]

As Ark and the others are wondering what the heck was going on, Jean is leading his family through the snow themed dungeon. At first, things are going pretty well, until they arrive on the third floor. Stepping into one of the rooms, they see a wounded Telmia dragging herself towards the family, begging for help. She collapses, and Jean tries to tell them it's too late. Halley begs him to help, but Jean reminds his son that they can only save four people.

Suddenly, Halley calls him on how wrong that is, reminding Jean that he'd never give up on a sick person, no matter what the risk to his family. When Eberle asks who "Jean" really is, the man steps back, glowing and transforming into Genox. The CIMA is amazed they figured it out so quickly, mutters about finding out what he needed, and vanishes.

Eberle rushes over to Telmia, doing her best to patch the wound up, but knows she is still in danger. Halley wishes his father was there, and the woman manages to tell the family that Jean is below them. The two of them had been captured together, and Jean helped her escape. After making sure Telmia could stand up, Eberle tells Halley to lead the way.

Just as Telmia said, the group finds Jean on the next floor, the bridge to his room gone. Emmy points to a pressure plate, saying that's probably what will get them to him, and Telmia faints. Knowing it was a race against time, Halley and Emmy cross the bridge. As Emmy keeps the plate down, Halley runs to get his father, hitting a switch to down a stake blocking their path. Jean congratulates his son, and the group returns to the stairs. Both adults begin to work on fixing Telmia up, and Jean tells his wife that her first aid got her that far. They know she will make a full recovery, and are just happy to be together. Since Telmia needed some rest, the group decides to wait for Ark to follow.

The others have no answers as to what happened, or why Jean would leave with his family. However, the only place left to check is the dungeon. Braving the cold, and a particularly annoying puzzle that relied on a monster standing on a pressure plate, the team eventually catches up to Jean's group.

Philis and Telmia have a reunion of their own, complete with overjoyed crying. Ark asks Jean what happened, and Halley explains that Genox was disguising himself. Ivy remarks that they need to be careful, seeing as CIMA can shape change. Vanrose and Ark wonder why Genox would do something like that, but Shelley is just happy they are all together again.

When they finally reach the boss room, Ark chides Genox for how low he'd sunk. Though Genox seems to have some sort of plan, he thinks telling a dying man is a waste of time. Both Gate Guardians are teleported to another battle arena, forced to fight Genox transformed into a dragon. Despite the fact that he was protected by his cloud, and could transform into a quick moving shuriken, he too falls to Ark's sword.

All Genox will tell them is that none of them would make it out alive, and Ark is going to die. He fades, but neither Gate Guardian thinks he's being more than a sore loser. They return to the others, who are overjoyed to see them. The team knows that only Claude is still missing, and head back to prepare for the final rescue.

Ileyda is noticing a difference in Doug, a more peaceful man, who is now praising how Ark has grown. Both the H and S families are expressing joy over being together again, while Yurald mentions its almost over and Shelley says it's good to stay together. Vanrose says that Genox's words indicate they're looking for something, but no one knows what it means. At the same time, Rick and Diana are thinking of their futures, once they escape. Soon, the last dungeon is open and the team goes inside.

[HFO] ~*Hope Forest*~ [HFO]

Final rescue mission, final forest dungeon. As predicted, the team finds Claude a few levels deep in the dungeon. Trapped behind a pillar, with Zasgaran shooting at him from beyond it, Ark rushes to take out the creatures and save the conductor. When they finally do, Claude is relieved that not only is he safe, but his passengers are all accounted for as well. Everyone shares this sentiment when they make it to the end of the floor, but Ark knows they have to finish off the CIMA that trapped them first. Doug and Rick are nervous about fighting Pike, and Ark himself doesn't know if he can win, but Halley tells him to say he'll win like always. Though Ark reminds him that Jester was defeated by Pike, he reiterates his promise to get them back home. His words seem to send Ivy and Vanrose into deep thought, before he tells the group to move onward.

They continue to an entire level of finals. The final times Ark and Ivy will have to stand in front of nests to protect the team. One final treasure hunt for Halley and Emmy. One final dungeon key on the other side of a weakened bridge (though not the final weakened bridge itself), with one final duel pressure plate bridge. All too soon they make it to the final room, opening the gate to defeat one final CIMA builder.

Elvira notes that they finally collected everyone, but tells Ark not to think too much of himself. Apparently, Pike's plan was for them to be left alive until a certain time, and now it had Elvira free reign over what she did to the group. Ark readies his sword, and the female builder transforms into a giant spider with a woman's upper body in place of its head.

The fight takes longer than most, because Elvira's energy is restored after her defeat and she tries attacking with different tactics. However, even trapping Ark and Ivy in a web doesn't help her to win, and soon the woman is beat like the rest of her cohorts. Screaming that only death awaits humans, she is destroyed.

Though her statement worries Ark, Ivy insists that Elvira is probably being a sore loser. Everyone runs in and begins to celebrate Ark's victory, and their closing in on the surface. Their business finished, the team leaves for the train, and watches as a group the moment the last piece of track falls into place, revealing the path to Pike's dungeon.

Once more, each team member says his or her peace, ranging from excitement over the end to words of caution for the Gate Guardians. Finally, Vanrose gives Ark all the credit for their success, but the youth tells him that it was everyone working together. However, the man knows that Ark was the one who pulled them all together, and says that despite the fact that even Jester lost to Pike, he feels confident in their chances...because Ark has never let them down. He asks the youth to say it once more, and Ark tells them that he will protect them all and make sure they get home. More words of belief come from each of the pioneers, and everyone returns to the train, where Claude drives them forward deep into enemy territory.

[NTR] ~*Night Trap*~ [NTR]

Entering the large building, Ark and the others discover five individual teleportation devices. Ivy wonders if they should take each one, but Vanrose thinks that would take forever. Doug reasons out that there are probably four switches at the end of four of the teleporters, and Shelley suggests splitting up. Vanrose tells Ark and Ivy to take the middle, because Pike is most likely through that one. Ark begins to object, not wanting to leave the pioneers in danger, however Vanrose knows that once he takes care of Pike, he can come back to save the others. Everyone expresses their confidence in the Gate Guardians' abilities, and Ark finally agrees. Both he and Ivy thank the others for their support.

One by one, the teams begin to form around the teleporters. Vanrose heads for the first one, and Shelley and Claude ask to join him. Doug goes to the second along with Ileyda, then Philis and Telmia join up as well. Rick goes to the fourth teleporter, with Diana following so she doesn't worry about him and Rick vowing to be brave together. Yurald then goes with the two love birds. Finally, Jean heads for the fifth teleporter and his family follows close behind.

Ark vows to win and come back for everyone, and the pioneers give him words of support before he and Ivy take their teleporter. However, not too long after, the duo arrives at a broken bridge. Around the room, just as Doug thought, they saw four switches, each connected to yet another portal. Ivy tells him that all they can do now is hope the others make it, and he decides to believe in their abilities.

Meanwhile, Vanrose's Team Awesome begins moving out. Everyone else gives him their words of encouragement as his team heads into the depths of the dungeon. Soon, they encounter a boss room, and a Bruton like creature called Brutray appears before them. Vanrose tells the others to stand back, and defeats the creature without breaking a sweat. Once that's finished, a bridge to the next part of the floor opens, and the team continues on. There, they discover the room where Ark and Ivy are waiting, along with one of the four switches. Both groups make sure each other are okay, and Vanrose notes that someone else is coming.

Back in the main floor, Doug is preparing to go on as well. Everyone tries to encourage him in their own way, and soon Team Liability is going through their own mini-dungeon. At the end, just like with Vanrose, they encounter a monster of their own, a flower-like creature called Frawdia. Telmia wants to wait for Ark, however Doug knows that he won't be able to come and get them. Ileyda wishes to stay with him until Doug reminds her that if he falls, someone has to protect Philis. The women flee, and the old man dodges energy beams and the flower's own invisibility to pound it into oblivion. While Ileyda and Philis worry, Doug insists that he's perfectly fine. They go onwards, making it to their own switch. He's relieved that Ark and Vanrose's groups made it okay, and remarks that Rick should be coming in short order.

As Rick himself prepares to head out, he tells Diana that as long as she's there, he can do anything. His group and the H family encourage him, and the young man goes through the teleporter with Team Holy Power Better Keep the CIMA Back. Soon, they too find a boss room, encountering a knight similar to Focjabe, known as Arcjabel. Diana asks if Rick can handle it, telling him not to get himself killed when he reminds her that she showed him what he was capable of. She and Yurald retreat, and the monster takes on Diana's image, showing a negative Trust point whenever Rick hits it. However, he refuses to give in to the illusion, eventually beating it into submission. Rick can't believe the creature's tactics, but Diana says he looked to be enjoying himself, telling him he'd never be forgiven if he hit her. Yurald remarks on how far he's come, but Rick insists he'd never win against Diana. The group continues onward, finding their switch in the next room. After a small lover's quarrel about how smoothly it went, Shelley remarks at how they'll never change. Vanrose adds that only Jean is left to arrive.

Jean himself is getting his family, Team I Don't Wanna Face This Boss, to move out at that very moment. With comments of love and support, they go through the teleporter, hitting switches and having Halley rushing to the other side of a broken bridge to open another pathway. Soon, they arrive in the room with a fiery Dragon, much like the one that cornered Emmy back in Dragon's Dungeon. Jean tells Eberle to run with the children, refusing their requests to fight alongside him. Suddenly, the Fallaysa splits into six copies, leading to a long demanding fight for Jean. However, he eventually pulls through. The kids comment on his strength, but stop short of saying he's stronger than Ark. Arriving in the same room as the others, the groups decide it's time to begin. One by one, each team steps on one of the pressure plates, opening the bridge for Ark and Ivy to cross. After the team leaders encourage them, Ark once more vows to get everyone out safely, with Ivy ready to follow him to the final battle.

All too soon they arrive where Pike awaits, muttering about how the time has finally come. Ark threatens to kill him, saying that his men are gone and now it's his turn, however Pike remarks that it was their duty to die, even though Ark turned out stronger than expected, because he learned something from all their exploits. This puzzles the Gate Guardians, and Pike teleports the teams into the room one by one, each expressing shock at being there.

Pike asks them if they wondered why he'd captured them, and Ark asks if it's because of their hope. However, Pike says only a low level CIMA would want that, instead he was looking for the Plug, as are others. Everyone is confused at what that is, so Pike explains. The Plug, it turns out, is the key to opening the Singularity that the other builders mentioned in passing, a powerful force that from the description seems like a black hole. Just the suggestion of letting it lose on the earth makes Ark upset.

But to open the Singularity, the Plug must resonate with the Rare Majesties: a green crystal and a yellow crystal that he summons into the room. It turns out that someone within Ark's group has that power, and they had been experimenting to find out exactly what reaction was needed. Suddenly, Halley and Emmy vanish, appearing next to Pike and the Majesties. The CIMA confirms Ark's suspicion that the children were the Plug, explaining that their hope and despair were the key emotions that triggered their resonances: when they saved the others, when they found out Genox had disguised himself as Jean. His plan is to kill Ark and Ivy, and in their despair he will open the Singularity.

Ark tries to attack Pike, however he's simply deflected away. Suddenly, the H children nod to each other, and begin resonating with the Rare Majesties. Halley tells Ark that they're going to make it explode, just as Jester did, while he escapes with the others. But the rest of the group demands that they stop, not wanting to live at the expense of the children's lives. Pike laughs at their stupidity, losing their only chance to hurt him, sending the two back to their parents and hiding the Majesties again until the time is right.

Even after all he's seen, Ark refuses to give up. At that moment, Ivy tells him that there is a sword he can use. She informs Pike that humans shouldn't perish, just because the "Prophesied Time" had come. Both Pike, who wonders how she knows that, and Ark, who doesn't know what she means, are perplexed, but Ivy tells her partner that she's trusting him with her life...before transforming into a sword.

The entire team is shocked, knowing that only CIMA can shapeshift like that. Emmy wonders if the girl was lying to her, however Ark tells her that despite being CIMA, Ivy truly desired to protect them. Vanrose wonders how he can know that for sure, but Ark decides to put his Trust in Ivy. As the youth takes the sword in his hands, Pike remarks that humans and CIMA couldn't get along, but the Gate Guardian is willing to put it to the test anyway.

Pike transports the boy to his own battlefield, continuing to taunt Ark about the distance between humans and CIMA. This doesn't phase Ark one bit, he trusts Ivy wholeheartedly, and he begins fighting with Pike, who has begun to ride in a giant machine powered by the Rare Majesties. First, the youth takes out his weaponry one by one, then begins to hack at the CIMA himself. Eventually, Pike is defeated, screaming that it isn't over. He explodes, and the world goes white.

Ark appears back in the boss room with Ivy's sword, as the pioneers begin to crowd around them. He tells his partner it's over, and she transforms back, looking rather worse for the wear. She remarks that he's not bad...then suddenly falls to the ground, bleeding profusely. Ark picks her up, begging Ivy to live and asking Jean to help...then is told how much danger she is really in.

Suddenly, explosions rock the building, and they realize the castle is collapsing. Vanrose tells Ark that he can't give up, agreeing with Shelley that they can now save Ivy after she saved them. Jean informs the boy that he can operate if they get her to safety in time, and Ark is finally ready to go. Everyone rushes to the train, now on the other side of the dungeon, Claude gets it moving, and soon a Gate appears to take them back to the real world.

[EPI] ~*Epilogue*~ [EPI]

Ark walks into a small, sunlit room, where Ivy is lying on a bed, gifts from all her friends strewn around. Slowly, the girl begins to awaken, blinking her eyes to adjust to the light. She's confused about where she is and what the gifts are for, then Ark tells her that she's in Jean's clinic, and that everyone wants her to recover. It turns out that she's been asleep for fifteen full days. Ark informs the girl that she's safe, CIMA won't be attacking them anymore, and both Halley and Emmy won't resonate until they hit the limit. Ivy knows they no longer need her and Ark's protection, and wants to go back to HQ without seeing anyone. Ark protests, her friends still care about her, however Ivy is worried about scaring any of the newcomers to town with the fact that she is CIMA. Seeing the logic in her argument, Ark decides to go.

But before they leave, the Gate Guardians head to the plot of land designated for a cemetery, and stand before Jester's grave. Ark tells him that they fulfilled their mission with the help of everyone in the group, and Ivy asks him to watch over the town in spirit. With a last look back, they head for the train station.

Claude is happy that Ivy is better, however he's a bit saddened by the fact that she insists in not telling anyone else that she's leaving. In the end, however, he gives in to her wish and allows them to board without seeing the others. After he announces the Blue Creek is departing for Rivelure, he and the other people on the platform simply watch it take off.

The Gate Guardians have an entire car to themselves and are relaxing comfortably. But before they leave the city limits, Ark asks Ivy to look out the window at the sign bearing the town's name. To her great surprise, it reads "Ark & Ivy Town," Ark emphasizing her name as he speaks. Apparently, everybody agreed on the name, and just as Ivy is dismissing it as a strange name, she looks out the window again.

Everyone is gathered along the fence, calling out their goodbyes to the two Gate Guardians. Well wishes of thanks and promises to meet again rise up from the crowd, culminating with Vanrose finally admitting that Ark was a remarkable leader. Back in the train, Ark tells her that everyone really wanted to see her, and Ivy is surprised. The two take a trip down memory lane, remembering their adventures within the Gate and all the things they shared with those pioneers.

All the memories flooding back begin to make Ivy cry, however she denies it when Ark asks. The young man begins wondering what their next mission would be, and both know that no matter what, they will fulfill their duty to always protect everybody.