Over the summer of 2010, I started work on a Let's Play of CIMA: The Enemy. Due to only posting twice a week at most, it went on until April 2011. This run consists of both dungeon videos and some asides with extra, more specific information.

I will be putting up a link to the playlist itself, as well as links to individual episodes of the playthrough. All links are up now, though if one is broken please inform me; I don't have time to check them now but will later on.

Let's Play CIMA: The Enemy

Playlist on YouTube

Main Playthrough

Episode 1: In Which I Meet the Cast
Episode 2: In Which I Mistake an All Dash for a Speed Shot
Episode 3: In Which the Game Proper Begins
Episode 4: In Which a Child Prooves Much Helpful
Episode 5: In Which I Cheese the First Boss
Episode 6: In Which a Forest Gets Blurry
Episode 7: In Which Graphics Improve and File Sizes Explode
Episode 8: In Which we Fight Two Bosses
Episode 9: In Which we Visit a Parody Village
Episode 10: In Which we Attempt to Shoot a Gun
Episode 11: In Which we Fight a Dragon
Episode 12: In Which Things get Technological
Episode 13: In Which Plans go Awry
Episode 14: In Which we Face the Past
Episode 15: In Which Stupid Things are Done
Episode 16: In Which More Tutorials are Had
Episode 17: In Which we Get in a Duel
Episode 18: In Which we Rescue Concentrated Awesome!
Episode 19: In Which a Trap is Disarmed
Episode 20: In Which we Meet the Last Builder
Episode 21: In Which we Enter Sky World
Episode 22: In Which Story Doesn't Support Gameplay
Episode 23: In Which we Fight Agna...I Mean, Farlay
Episode 24: In Which an Obvious Crush is Had
Episode 25: In Which It's Even More Obvious
Episode 26: In Which We Fight Two Bosses
Episode 27: In Which We Rescue a Coward
Episode 28: In Which an Amusing Conversation is Had
Episode 29: In Which We are Hit With Fire
Episode 30: In Which Others Do Our Work
Episode 31: In Which the Floor Breaks the Recording
Episode 32: In Which I Somehow Have a Good Fight
Episode 33: In Which a Trap is Sprung
Episode 34: In Which a Mistranslation is Funny
Episode 35: In Which We Start Fighting the Main Baddies
Episode 36: In Which I Hate Snipegig
Episode 37: In Which Things Get Shook Up
Episode 38: In Which Cloning is Done
Episode 39: In Which We are Shocked
Episode 40: In Which We Do Some Escaping
Episode 41: In Which a Theme Makes Sense
Episode 42: In Which We Reach a Point of No Return
Episode 43: In Which the Gang is All Here
Episode 44: In Which We Push Through the Final Minion
Episode 45: In Which a Plan is Made
Episode 46: In Which Team Awesome Fights a Dinosaur
Episode 47: In Which Doug Does Some Gardening
Episode 48: In Which Rick isn't Fooled
Episode 49: In Which I Don't Screw Up
Episode 50: In Which All is Revealed
Episode 51: In Which We Fight the Final Battle
Episode 52: In Which We View the Ending

Special Episodes

Brute Force Bruton
Majesty Collecting Done Easy
Bottom Floor of Air Garden (due to bad desynch in actual file)
100 Trust Conversations
Emmy's Missiong 100 Trust Conversation