CIMA in Other Media

A list of cameos I've used for the cast of CIMA in some shape or form. There aren't too many since I haven't had a lot of opportunities, however there are more coming. Like my shrine to Arcana, I also will list interesting fanfic crossovers/parodies that I have no plans of letting see the light of day (unless someone with the same bizarre tastes wants to actually look at them), but sometimes it can be interesting how the characters are adapted.

Arcana-Lufia: A low budget RPGMaker game I'm working on for kicks; this crossover game is set in an semi-altered continuity that combines the first Lufia game with an RPG called Arcana which was played by me and my friends when we were children. The CIMA cameos there are part of the quest to gain the rare ultimate weapons in-game...
1. Throughout the game, Ark and Ivy will be in every town you go to, taking on odd jobs, giving more CIMA shoutouts and arguing with one another on occasion. How they get from one side of the Isle of Carinz to another when guards are blocking the only roads is not explained as of yet, though I'm not about to rule out having them mention that Ivy creates portals for them to travel by.
2. Late game (as in, right before the final dungeon), you gain access to a quiz shrine where a legendary sword is held. It contains Arcana and Lufia questions as you'd expect, but also about the original LARP-like game's plotlines, the plotlines of its spinoff game and a few CIMA questions thrown in here and there (not like we're leaving development companies). A fairly powerful mimic-like boss guards the sword once you get past all twenty questions.
3. Once you gain the sword, you can go to Astrum (the capital city) where Ark and Ivy have been hanging around since the two parties (Max's and Rooks') made it to said city. If you show them the sword, they will talk about it a bit and then give the main character (you can choose which hero/love interest combo you play as in the end, though you can bring both of the game's main pairings along for the ride) a special wand that was a gift from Rick; it was too powerful and he didn't want to have such an item lying around.
This is subject to have detail changes since I'm only in the planning stages of this game. Not that I'm a genius programmer; I just make 'em for the fun.

CIMA: The RPG: I also have a CIMA fangame in the works, only it's more developed in plot and less in detail (a plan of going through all dungeons and working out story kinks before trying to insert monsters and treasures sans Dungeon Keys) than Arcana-Lufia as of now. Unfortunately, I'm not a good enough scripter to actually make it like CIMA, so it's a turn based RPG with wandering monsters that Ark can run into. Though I will say that some of my sprites came out pretty good (I'm proud of the Rick sprite I made), while others are as good as they're gonna get (Diana's hair was a nightmare to work on).

My Disgaea 3 File: I created a homage to CIMA by naming my Disgaea 3 Vassals after the characters. Of course, that means all sixteen major characters know how to fight, even though only half actually can. Some were given fitting classes (Eberle is a female Healer to accompany her husband who plays the male variant, symbolic of them being medical professionals), some were silly in-references (Telmia is an archer due to the obvious William Tell jokes one can make, Ark a samurai because of his nature) and some were just bizarre jokes (Philis being a mage partly for the extra attack magic power and partly for humor involving the ongoing love triangle that exists in the vassals backstory between her, Ark and Ivy, Diana being a brawler for the sole fact that it leads to many comedic scenarios between her and a fit of "if N1 doesn't take even cameos of serious characters seriously, why should I?"). Not that any fanfiction exists of it (though the possibility of a one shot in my series could happen in the future), but it's just so I can pour my obsession into a game I'm trying to play.

CIMA: The World: A friend got me into .hack recently, and while I haven't played more than INFECTION, a silly parody set in the G.U. timeline is forthcoming with the CIMA cast; I chose the second set of games due to there being more diverse classes to choose from. Roles are similar and it will pretty much retell the entire story of CIMA within a new setting. That is, if I ever get off my butt and actually write more than the first few paragraphs...

Touhou CIMA: Yes, I do play Touhou games. And had the strangest urge to cross over these two worlds (mainly cuz pretty much everything else has been crossed over with Touhou, so why not CIMA). Basically transplants all of the characters from CIMA into Gensokyo, living in a hidden village where humans and youkai (CIMA characters, most of which are OCs that have minor roles just to establish the setting) live in peace. But other youkai (aka Pike and his men) wish to disturb their peaceful lives, leading to Ark and Ivy running to find help. A failed fight with pursuers later, and Ivy finds herself bringing back Reimu, Marisa, Yukari and Byakuren before reuniting with Ark. Planned as a humor piece in the vein of the stuff I did with Disgaea 3, mostly because of various character tendencies...