Rescue Tips

Here are tips and strategies used to rescue the pioneers from CIMA. Some are ways to make your life easier, such as an order to hit switches in or which direction to take first. Others involve the groups and which ones to put where, either from a necessary or defensive standpoint.

Halley (Silver Snow): Hit the switch near the bridge you come in on, then the one you encounter between there and where Halley is stuck. Be careful when the second switch is hit, though, cuz a CIMA nest will appear. I used to think it was the first switch near the bridge that did it, but that must have been a game glitch since I hit them in order this time and it was the second one I hit that called the nest.

Vanrose (Lost Forest): He is pretty much able to defend himself, but you still want to go as quickly as possible. Run to the left, killing all stray CIMA on the way to the switch at the top of the room. As you're doing that, start sending Halley towards the pressure plate. Once the CIMA are all dead, head to the area where the bridge will form so you can rush to Vanrose once Halley is on the switch. Do everything you need there, and head back to the main area, immediately sending Halley to a safer vantage point since there's another nest in close proximity to the pressure plate he's standing on.

Vanrose & Ivy (Lost Forest): Simply hit the switch near where you're standing when the scene ends.

Emmy (Dragon's Dungeon): To start off, give Emmy the Poison Block, to protect her from the annoying Piyon. The Dragon guarding Emmy is pretty difficult for the time you face it in, compounded by Emmy's low HP and defense, so showing extreme caution is advised. Have Ivy make you some Defense Shields to keep the damage low, and try your best to dodge the sucker. If Emmy loses her shield, quickly try to get her another since two hits will prove fatal to the poor child.
Additionally, if you can get the dragon on the bridge, you can hit the switch to retract it so the monster falls to its doom. I tried it once only to have Emmy waste too many Potions while I worked to set it up, but ended up succeeding on a different file when all I was doing was removing the bridge after the rescue. Its your call, though I find the setup to be harder than bum rushing in to make a rescue attempt, unless he waddles onto the bridge on his own when you're working with it.

Ivy & Emmy (Dragon's Dungeon): Send Ark to clear out all CIMA in the area, then move Halley and Emmy to their individual bridges while plugging up the nest Halley has to pass. Run back to the bottom center, then move both siblings to their pressure plates to open a bridge for Ark. Defeat the Rogs terrorizing the kids, hit the switch to stabilize the bridge, then both bring Vanrose over to the center and go across the small bridge to fight the Wogs while Ivy crosses. Finally, reunite everyone at the exit.

Doug (Panic Factory): One of the easier rescues, since nothing is around to hurt him. However, Halley and Emmy are going to be going across the broken bridge, and a hidden Rog is waiting for them, so you want to do it quickly. First of all, clear stray CIMA from the bottom portion of the floor and stand near the nest. Take the kids and Vanrose and position them right near the broken bridge and out of range of said nest, then send the siblings across said bridge. Rush for Doug as quickly as possible, and return across the bridge. While Emmy immediately returns to the main part of the room, sent Halley for the chest and then make him join the others as well. After that, bring the three in Group 1 back to the stair room as you continue to explore and open up the level.
Alternately, since Doug isn't in danger, you could open up the entire level before rescuing him, then start sending Halley, Emmy and Vanrose to the exit after getting back across the bridge.

Halley & Emmy (Panic Factory): While still in control of Halley, before going on the bridge to return to Ark's group, hit all the switches to down corridors in the room for easy exploration. As Ark, move forward, killing the monsters in his way. Put Doug and Vanrose on the pressure plate, go across the bridge and talk to the siblings. Now, send them back across to reunite with the others in the group.

Eberle (Cold Snow): Ignore the entire northern part of the room until the group reunites, since all you can do there is open up the way to the exit. Head south, killing the stray CIMA in the area, and go through the newly opened corridor. Knock a CIMA into the hole, then go across the ice bridge that appears and get Eberle. Bring her to the safety of the entrance room.
Note that you don't actually have to make said bridge appear to get to Eberle; it's just invisible until you hit something in the hole. But it's just less frustrating to see where you're going.

Shelley (Strange World): Put Doug and Vanrose in one group, with the H family in the other, and clear stray CIMA from the area by the switches. Now, send the men towards the left switch (by the CIMA nest) and the others towards the safer nest on the right. Rush to get across the bridge and rescue Shelley, finish your business on that side and return to the main portion of the room. You can then send Vanrose and Doug to wait by the H family until you clear the rest of the floor.

Vanrose (Strange World): Kill all the monsters in your way from the entrance to the pressure plate. Now, send all available characters onto the plate, then cross the bridge to get Vanrose back.

Yurald (Sky Garden): Immediately run down to plug up the Gusnipe/Gria nest, then send Halley and Emmy across the bridge, waiting in the middle of it. Once you make it so the enemy can't go after them, run over to the where bridge to Yurald's island should be and send the kids onto the plate. Get Yurald to safety, finish up business on the island and run back over the bridge. If Halley hasn't killed the CIMA by then, send him and Emmy back to the middle of the bridge, however if the monster is dead or nearly dead then it might not hurt to let them stay till Ark gets back to the nest.

Shelley, Halley & Yurald (Sky Garden): Run forward, killing CIMA to make a path to the pressure plate. Plug up the nest by fighting the CIMA that emerge, then send all your pioneers onto the plate. Now, go across to regain your missing characters and move them towards the plate as well (hopefully, Yurald's power will kick in and the CIMA won't bother them while you're finishing up the other bridge).

Philis (Fire Dungeon): Run up towards the CIMA nest as quickly as possible, then send the pioneers to the pressure plate on your left while you fight the monsters off. Go across the bridge created by weighing down the plate, kill all the wandering CIMA and then immediately run backwards to the nest you were at earlier. This time, take the newly opened right hand path and use your sword to hit the switch on the ground; don't waste time with the monsters or the panels until Philis is safe. Now you can return to the area across the bridge and rescue her.

Rick (Weakling Forest): The great run around! Seriously, to save Rick you have to hit pretty much every switch on the level, kill every Garog wandering around and just plain hope he isn't brutally assaulted before you get there! Each time you hit a switch/kill a Garog, it opens a path not to Rick until the only switch left is the one near where he's standing. To add insult to injury, the first switch will open the path nearest to Rick, but you still have to go everywhere else to get the second column blocking your way to him down. Try to be as quick as possible about this, though I've gotten lucky and had the Rog from the nest wander off to the other side of the path after I hit the initial switch and leave Rick alone till I saved him.

Vanrose, Rick & Diana (Air Garden): Just a note, Rick and Diana are in Group 3 for this event, while Vanrose is in Group 4. First off, move Vanrose back to safety, since you have no way of protecting him. Go explore the area Ark is in, hitting the switch that lowers a column blocking your way to the others. Send some people to hit the switch on Ark's side, fighting CIMA to keep them from being hit; in fact, if you can lure the CIMA to the opposite side of the room, it'll leave the team you put on the switch alone since you don't have to pass them to double back around to the bridge. Once in position, send Vanrose back over the bridge and make a beeline for the switch to stabilize it. You can now send all people on switches back to safety, and move them to the exit once you're in necessary position to protect them fully. Of course, due to how separate your groups are, you have to move them one at a time.

Ileyda (Lonely Factory): Kill the Bobybin to lower the first column, being careful of the attacking Garogs from their nest. Next, get the Baldan to stand on the yellow floor switch while Doug is on the green one, lowering yet another column. Finally, to lower the last two columns, kill the Fasgaran and hit the switch on the fourth platform. Don't worry about speed, since there's nothing by Ileyda at the moment.

Doug & Ileyda (Lonely Factory): It looks simple enough at first; since Doug opened the way when he came through earlier, all you have to do is hit the switch by Ark.. However, once you move Eberle into the area, as per instructions to treat Doug's injuries, the way will be cut off and a CIMA nest appears. Keep beating on CIMA, making sure the pioneers get as little injured as possible, until it is destroyed. Seeing as this is triggered by Eberle's appearance near Doug, you could either A) send her alone to minimize targets (everyone appears there after the cutscene anyway) or B) put her in a group with three fighting characters (Vanrose, Shelley & Rick would be the strongest of the pioneers you have access to) to give her an honor guard in case a monster slips past Ark (I got them to go after just me by standing in the lower part of the screen, away from the pioneers).

Jean (Twilight World): First off, Jean should be able to take care of the Rog near him quickly, though you'll still need to plug up the Labylu nest near the bridge since they can fly to his location. Hit the switch near the start to open the way, then plug up the aforementioned nest and call Halley and Emmy over; due to the tight corridor, to save sanity you might want to summon their whole group instead, possibly putting them with people you want to farm Trust for since you're killing stuff anyway. Send the children across the broken bridge and onto the switch, then run to Jean's position as fast as you can to minimize damage to them and any people standing near the nest. After you're safely back by the nest, call Halley and Emmy back over, but not before getting the treasure on their side of the bridge.

Rick & Diana (Twilight World): The oddest part about this is that, while Rick and Diana are the ones trapped, it's Ark's group that you're controlling with the point system. It can be a bit harder, seeing as you can't plug up the nest by the AI characters with Rick in the lead, but you just have to be careful and know when to toss Potion Cs at people. And hope the Snipegig doesn't decide to follow the pioneers to the switch, which it has done to me on a few occasions. All Dash might make this task go a little faster so you can get back to controlling Ark sooner.
Start off by sending the groups not containing Ark towards the pressure plate on the upper-left. Once both have made it, part of the bridge should be connected. Now you just have to walk Rick over to his plate, if you haven't already cuz you're running around the room, and viola! Ark can cross the bridge with Ivy and you regain control of him. Hit the two switches on the other side of the bridge to create pathways for both pressure plate groups to walk across, then send Rick to the safe room while Ark gets the other groups out of danger.

Jean (Phantom Snow): Have Halley run across the broken bridge to kill the CIMA, then send Emmy to hold down the switch. Go over to Jean and talk to him, then hit the switch by his position so you don't need to send someone across the bridge in the future. Once Halley and Jean get back across the bridge, send Emmy back to the beginning and return there as well.

Claude (Hope Forest): Instead of hitting the near switch right away, which could expose him to more attacks, head either left or right, killing the stray CIMA to open the column in the same direction. Run towards Claude's direction and kill both Zasgaran near him. Now, you can run back and hit the switch at the beginning, lowering the column after nothing is there to walk up and pound on him. Head back to Claude's position, then finish the rescue.