Team 2 (aka Team Liability)


The characters who team up in this group are a blacksmith (Doug), his wife (Ileyda), Ark's not-so-secret admirer (Philis) and her mother (Telmia). In the final dungeon, with you controlling Doug, they take the second path and face a flower monster that turns invisible and shoots energy beams at you. The team name comes from the fact that A) only Doug can fight so nobody can make even a half-hearted attempt to defend the group if they're attacked, B) the fact that Telmia and Ileyda are part of a three-way-tie (along with Emmy) for the lowest base defense and come to you in late game dungeons where the inability to leave and upgrade hurts more and C) the two women's tenancy to die on me (even moreso than Emmy who has less HP in addition to the same base defense).

At first, Doug can be a pain to deal with. Blaming the Gate Guardians for failing to protect his daughter 20 years ago, he refuses to trust Ark, despite the fact that Ark wasn't even born then. Ileyda too seems to share some resentment, however she doesn't cause half as much trouble as her husband, and instead tries to keep the peace and apologize to Ark for Doug's rudeness; you don't see much of this, since Doug joins the group early on while Ileyda doesn't get rescued until you start to take on the builders themselves. However, as time passes, Doug begins to see Ark's true devotion to protect the pioneers, culminating with the defeat of Elizabeth's murderer, Falcken, immediately after rescuing Ileyda. While he still harbors anger and resentment towards the Gate Guardians, he finds himself able to place Trust in Ark.

Philis, on the contrary, is attracted to Ark from the very start. She seems extremely friendly towards him in the beginning, and is somewhat flirtatious after she joins the group. There's even a scene where she tells off Doug for his harsh treatment of Ark, as well as one where she calls Ivy on her overly critical facade. And in her 100% Trust conversation, Philis actually admits how she feels (after failing in all the previous Trust conversations), however he doesn't respond to it so we never find out what his thoughts were.
Telmia, being yet another late game addition, doesn't seem to react as much to Ark as any of the others in her group. She does try to hook him up with Philis in her 100 Trust conversation, however nothing comes of that, either (though he actually responded to it unlike what he did for Philis' admission).

Being two families, the group is one big interpersonal relationship. Doug and Ileyda both love each other, and grieve for their dead daughter. As a result, Doug tends to be protective of the younger characters (he is the oldest out of the whole group), especially Halley, Emmy and Philis. Philis looks up to Doug like a father or uncle, having lost her own father real young. Aside from that, Doug and Vanrose seem to have a club formed for ragging on Ark, while Philis seems to be shaping up to have a rivalry with Ivy over Ark's affection (if the sequel develops either of the girls' feelings the way I seem to see them).

All ages taken from the Character Books in the Blue Creek from both CIMA: The Enemy and Frontier Stories. Starting Trust is the Trust held by the pioneers at Game Start/After Jester's Death.

*Though Ileyda's age is listed as 62 in the game itself, her listed age in the instruction manual is 56. I'm considering the game ages to be the correct ones here, but am making a note of the discrepancy. Unlike other groups, this mess is only found in the Frontier Stories manual, not the one for CIMA: The Enemy.