Protective ARMs: A Shrine to Jet & Virginia

This is a look through the entire game at why Jet and Virginia make a good couple. If I've skipped something that should be added, you have an idea of another way to play matchmaker in game, or wish to contribute links to fanfiction dealing with Jet/Virginia falling in love or already being in love, feel free to e-mail me with the subject being "Jet & Virginia Shrine Info" so I don't delete it on accident. I'm currently playing the game again to get stuff I missed the first time around because I need more things to do while my 3DS is charging.

~~~~Ginny's Stats~~~~

Full Name: Virginia Maxwell (in fanfics, Virginia Cecilia "Adlehyde" Maxwell)
Age: 18
Birthday: Unknown (For fun, I made it July 6. This makes her a Cancer, a water sign. Water signs are emotional, and Cancer is extremely family oriented)
Birthplace: Boot Hill
Race: Human
Family: Father (Werner Maxwell, deceased), Mother (Ekatrina Maxwell, deceased), Uncle (Tesla Maxwell), Aunt (Shalte Maxwell)
ARMs: Rapier Ez, Bantorain 93R (Duel Pistols)
Battle Skills: Great in magic, average in ARMs

~~~~Jet's Stats~~~~

Full Name: Jet Enduro (aka Adam Kadmon, Jet "Adam Kadmon" Enduro, however you think it is inserted)
Age: Depending on how you look upon it. His physical appearance seems to be between 18 and 20 (20 for me), however his spiritual appearance (from when he was born) is between five and ten years (or you could be a conspiracy theorist who says he was completed before Yggdrasil and just lost his memory b/c of it, so the debate goes on)
Birthday: Unknown (For fun, I made it April 27. This makes him a Taurus, an earth sign. Earth signs are somewhat calm cool and collected. Also b/c he is connected to the planet, thus its body aka the Earth)
Birthplace: Began in Leyline Observatory, then Yggdrasil, and finally back to Leyline
Race: Bio-Android
Family: He was created by the Council of Seven (all deceased), so they could all be considered his non-biological family. However, having the DNA of the original Jet Enduro, he is considered Elliot's son
ARMs: Airget-lamh B/V2 (submachine gun)
Battle Skills: Bad at magic, great in ARMs


At the start of the story, Virginia is a simple village girl who becomes a Drifter to help others and spread Justice. Meanwhile, Jet has been a Drifter for an unknown and unmentioned span of time; searching for treasure in order to get by. Neither knew who the other was, nor about the connections between themselves and the people they'd met.

One night, Jet was trying to steal an artifact he'd heard about on a train. He took advantage of a sudden stop to climb up on the side and jump through a window. Virginia, who was a passenger on the same train, had come to investigate the commotion. The second she opened the chest with the artifact in it, all three of the men ended up in the car.

With the appearance of Janus Cascade and his bumbling goons, the four Drifters banded together. Jet wanted a portion of the payout, and Virginia knew that such an important artifact should be returned to its true home. After being sent on a mission to create Pure Mediums of the Elemental Guardians, Jet believes they should all split up. However, in Jolly Roger, Virginia decides they can do much better as a team. Thus, they are now all in for the long haul.


Being as he was raised in the Wasteland (first by Werner and then traveling on his own), Jet is intent on making a fast buck. Without any memories due to the fact that he was only born sometime after Yggdrasil, he also has no need for those either.

On the other hand, Virginia cares little about cash. She only wants to help others out. Being that she lost her parents, and had a happy childhood up until that point, she treasures her memories of the two of them.

Of course, this is bound to cause stress...

Jolly Roger: Virginia tells everyone that they should work as a team, and Gallows and Clive agree. Jet complains, saying he'd rather work alone; calling them wannabe Drifters. Ginny asks about what he accomplished on his own, while reminding him that he failed miserably to steal the Ark Scepter. Gallows calms Jet down by saying she beats them all at persuading people.

Claiborne: Virginia begins getting poetic about surviving Ka Dingel. Jet reminds her that they need the cash to continue onwards. Virginia gets mad at that remark, but Clive says they're all just starting out. The two look at one another and then turn away angrily (like little children). Clive tells them all his story and about his goals. After they get onto the context of the Demons and the Eternal Sparkle Jet inquires what history can do since you can't sell it? Virginia yells again, they turn towards each other, and Clive states how they do need money to continue. Virginia looks away in a huff.

Little Twister: Virginia talks about memories, and how the newly discovered ruin might hold some secrets to those of the world. Jet says he has no interest in something so worthless. Ginny talks of how priceless memories are, and tells Jet he must have some happy ones in his heart. Then Jet mentions not having any memories at all. He doesn't know his birthplace, age, or who he is; even his name was just what his mentor gave him. When Clive asks if it's amnesia, he says how weird it is that he doesn't have them. But he also says it doesn't stop him; he doesn't need them. Virginia apologizes, however Jet doesn't need her sympathy. She vows to find him some; even though he tells her it's not important.

Leyline Observatory: The team finds half a photograph in the back room. Virginia puts it together with the half she has, and tells them the story of her father leaving. Although she hasn't yet found him, she's happy to have a lead. Jet asks to see the photo, and points out which one was Werner Maxwell. When she asks him how he knows her father, Jet says he was his "old man". Virginia, jumping to conclusions, freaks out; thinking that Jet is her half brother. Jet then explains how Werner was his mentor, only like a father to him, and then begins to wonder why HE'S the one pleading for her to understand, confused over why it matters. Ginny apologizes and wishes to see her father and understand why. It could have gone on, had Melody not interrupted in order to test Asgard on them.

Secret Garden: They arrive to see Florina weeding. Virginia and Gallows try to talk to her, but she gets shy. Jet tells them that silence is golden. They leave after Virginia asks to see her flowers later. As Jet turns, Florina approaches him; as an Elw she senses his powers (yes, she's supposed to be the lost Elw girl, Mariel, a book in Japan confirms that). Virginia comes back to check on him and pretty much throws his words back on him. Florina asks for help saving her flowers, and gives them 10 Heal Berries. Virginia wants to help but Jet is mad because there is no fixed reward. Florina then tells her name and says Jet is nice. He gets mad. Again, they should have continued with Virginia's reaction to that. Later, after returning from the dungeon, she agrees to grow berries and other items for them. Jet simply wants to pocket all he can. Virginia apologizes and says it's because he's had it hard. But, she adds, he's not a bad guy. Florina agrees, since he helped the flowers he must be nice. Gallows mocks her words and Jet yells at him for insulting him. Virginia surprisingly didn't yell back. Musta thought he deserved Jet's attitude this time.

Humphrey's Peak: Following both Gemstone Cave and Fortune Gear, the team is talking. Clive tells the story of his professor, and Gallows apologizes for getting him upset (as he'd asked more about what happened). Jet says it didn't matter because it was in the past, and the past isn't important. Virginia flies off the handle, telling him that just because he doesn't remember his, that doesn't give him the right to say that. Apparently it hit a sore spot, despite Jet's claims that having no past doesn't bother him, and he yells back. Datson's arrival interrupted that.

As the game progresses, the fights get fewer and farther between. They were probably starting to grow on one another. Else they both were beginning to realize how they really felt.

~~~~Knight in Shining Armor~~~~

Jet's not totally without a heart. If ever Virginia is in danger, he's the first one there. It is most likely one of the primary reasons most people are pro Jet/Virginia or at least accept it (Jet doesn't put his life on the line for just anyone).

Serpent's Coils: As Janus and his men are leaving for Ka Dingel, Virginia runs after them. Suddenly, the roof begins collapsing. Jet, of all people, rushes forward and pulls her back to safety. The game SHOULD have gone more into her reaction, but she was too busy trying to chase Janus and being slapped by Maya for her clumsiness. However, he did go off by the side and kick his foot to the ground afterwards, so I think he was trying to hide a blush.

Nidhogg Pass & Greenlodge: Leehalt infects Virginia with a nanomachine virus and she falls to the ground convulsing. After her father appears, she manages to get up and battle with Balazs; a demonic servant of the Prophets. But she becomes weakened by the fight, and faints. This time, Jet catches her. As an addendum, when she tries to get up too fast from her bed after resting, Jet again catches her and scolds her for not taking good enough care of herself.

~~~~Emotional Guard~~~~

Virginia cares greatly about her friends and family. She would go out on a limb for them if ever they were in trouble. But no matter how much she does for the others, she is always trying to help Jet with the problems that come out of his pastlessness and true identity. One big example would be the part where Clive looses his will to fight. She says he has to get through it on his own. However, even for a more minor problem (i.e. a current distress over memories), she dotes over Jet.

Little Twister: Yes, this same scene counts for both fighting and Virginia's emotional support of good old Jet. Virginia talks about memories, and how the newly discovered ruin might hold some secrets to those of the world. Jet says he has no interest in something so worthless. Ginny talks of how priceless memories are, and tells Jet he must have some happy ones in his heart. Then Jet mentions not having any memories at all. He doesn't know his birthplace, age, or who he is; even his name was just what his mentor gave him. When Clive asks if it's amnesia, he says how weird it is that he doesn't have them. But he also says it doesn't stop him; he doesn't need them. Virginia apologizes, however Jet doesn't need her sympathy. She vows to find him some; even though he tells her it's not important.

After Leyline: Jet tries to leave the group but is interrupted when he runs into Werner. After a short conversation, he decides to stay with them, but forgets to get rid of his letter. Virginia finds it when they wake up, and asks if he wrote it. Jet, not wanting her to know, snatches it and tears it up. She instantly gets the drift. The girl tells him that he's not alone anymore. Then, Virginia takes his hand and begins to shake it. Jet then proceeded to show his blushing face (if you look at the artwork of it at the Ruins of Filgaia website, he's blushing when he makes that face).

Ark of Destiny Library: They read the book on the Council of Seven, and discover that Werner and the Prophets were all a part of it. But Jet is the only one who notices the name Elliot Enduro; a man who bears the same last name as him. He wonders if there is a connection. Virginia asks if he's ok, as he's acting strangely. Being Jet, he simply snaps back. But she doesn't yell; probably knows something is up.

Yggdrasil: Werner tells Jet to connect himself to the terminal in order to override the program that Leehalt had installed. Afterwards, Jet fell down to the ground. She was the first one to be by his side to see if he was ok. In fact, she knelt right by his body and seemed frantic.

Deus ex Machina: After Jet gets rid of the nanomachines, Leehalt tells Jet who he really is. Turns out that he is an android named Adam Kadmon. The Council of Seven created him from the planet's energy and he was infused with the DNA of Elliot Enduro's late son; also named Jet. In anger, the boy dispels the Prophet leader with his powers. But he is obviously shaken over what he's found out (despite his later claims to the opposite). Clive, being ever the scientist, tells them that things are ok, "thanks to the Sample Data." Virginia, knowing that Jet might get offended yells, "Don't call him that. He's Jet, and he's one of us."

Baskar Celebration: Gallows asks Virginia where Shane is, and she suddenly realizes that Jet is missing. It seems that when she says, "Whatever", to Gallows, she was imitating Jet (he's rubbing off on her, a true sign of love giggle). If you try to leave Baskar, she wonders why he always ignores the team. Then if you try to go into the shrine area, she debates whether or not he'd go there alone. The point: she doesn't seem worried about Shane; even though Jet is the one who can very well take care of himself if something happens. Almost immediately after she finds Shane, the girl is right back to worrying about where Jet is. Most likely, if you had the option of finding him, this would be a real poignant scene of her trying to cheer him up.

Demondor Pillar: As they enter, Jet states how he feels like he's being eaten away, and about him being the Filgaia Sample. Virginia stares at him with this pained expression on her face. Halfway up, after the sub-boss, Jet remarks at how he's nothing more than a machine. Virginia tries to tell him that she doesn't think of him like that, but he still rages. After a near beating by Gallows, and Virginia breaking the two men up, she talks to him again. This time, Virginia vows to help Jet find memories of his own; due to only being finished around five to ten years ago. She was so convincing that he actually apologizes! Following the duel with Asgard, she reaches out her hand to shake it. But being Jet, he refuses.

~~~~Standing & Staring~~~~

A list of times when they're standing right next to one another, looking at one another, or just plain having a miscellaneous conversation. Fun Fact: even when she's standing next to two people, a close up of the team usually shows her and Jet closest together. Also, she changes whether she stands next to Clive or Gallows in these occasions. But Jet is the most constant.

The Book and Box: On the two battle screenshots on the back of the box, Virginia is the first in line and Jet is the second. There are six individual save/battle screenshots inside the book, and four of them have the order Virginia, Jet (then either Clive, Gallows or Gallows, Clive). The other two are save pictures on pages 11 and 27. They have the order Virginia, Clive, Jet, Gallows. However, both of these saves are in Baskar after the fight on the Train. Thus, the players probably didn't bother to change from the default setting (which was only put like that because Jet and Gallows were standing apart and sulking about having to go out on a limb for others). Page 18 has a picture of the menu screen with Clive then Gallows. Page 27 has a save in Claiborne in the order of Virginia, Jet, Gallows, Clive. Finally, on both pages 30 and 31 you have the team in battles at Ka Dingel and the Wasteland near Midland in that same order.

Official Wallpapers: The one where you have the heroes in the front and the three Prophets in the background has Jet kneeling down in a battle position right by Virginia. The EX File artwork has Ginny in the front and the other three in the background. Out of all of them, Jet seems to be the only one looking right at her. Finally, there are only two pictures of Ginny and another person. In one, she's in battle position with Janus in the background. It looks like she's ready to fight him. The other is of her and Jet. In it, she's looking really sweet and innocent, jokingly aiming her pistols, and Jet is staring at her with interest. I did hear that the Art Book also has a pic of Ginny & Janus; but I wonder if it's the same one as pictured here or another rivalry battle one (I only buy that as a one sided coupling from Janus's POV).

Technical In Game: The order of characters in the Tool selection is Virginia, Jet, Clive, and Gallows. This is regardless of battle order or the order you do the openings in (I always do both in the order of RFX of each character). That is also the order you switch characters in: Virginia to Jet to Clive to Gallows and back to Virginia. The star order in difficulty goes Virginia to Jet and Gallows to Clive, with that also being the order it defaults to if you just keep picking as the game says. Also, regardless of what your party order is, if you decide not to continue after saving the order of stat screens will be Virginia, Jet, Clive, and Gallows.

Opening:When they are all standing around the treasure box in the train car, Ginny seems to be looking in Jet's direction out of all the people who ran in on her. Though the train scene pretty much has her closer to Clive...making sense considering what each of the four's role in this fiasco was.

Baskar Colony & Fallen Sanctuary: Virginia is staring at Jet when they first arrive, and doesn't seem to move to follow the conversation. When inside the house talking with Halle, they're next to one another, and as everyone turns to Gallows at a point the camera angle makes it look more like Jet and Virginia are staring at one another. While Jet is technically closer to Gallows (though still in between/behind both of them) as they talk in the shrine, the closeup makes it look more like he's much closer to Virginia (with his right arm behind her left one). The shot of them outside before leaving is much like the first one. They're standing next to one another when Gallows is explaining all about Summoning after fighting the Guardians, and Virginia files out of the shrine directly behind Jet. Before leaving, when Clive says his last line, the camera makes it look like Virginia is focusing on Jet, despite him hiding out in the back.

Jolly Roger: During the saloon conversation, her eyes keep going back to him when she starts talking, instead of staying on who she looked at last. While I don't expect a game character's eyes to follow the flow of conversation as well as in real life, it is kind of interesting that it was done this way. Not only that, but only a few times did she turn to look at Gallows, and once or twice she didn't even turn to Clive when he talked. And when talking to Janus, Jet is closest to Virginia and seems to have his eyes on her.

Ruins of Memory: As they talk to Janus in the statue room, the back view shows that Jet is directly behind Virginia and has a clear view of her. When the camera is panning as she talks about her skepticism, it stops in a way that makes it seem she's looking directly at him. Plus, in the back room, he stays closest to her when the gang all comes out for the scene.

Serpent's Coils: Jet seems to be eying Virginia out of the corner of his eye as she yells at Maya before the fight, while all three of his teammates have their eyes more focused on the Schrodingers. And then he looks pretty close to her after they battle Janus.

Ka Dingel: At the top, he's standing right next to her before she steps forward to respond to Janus' threat. When Virginia aims her pistols at Janus and is standing next to Maya, Jet looks right at her.

Unclean Mark: As the group speaks with "Claudia" a few rooms in, they're standing next to one another and the back shot of them shows that they're pretty close. He's also a little bit behind her when Clive unmasks Melody, as well as before and after the fight with Janus. Later, around the campfire, they're next to one another...the Gallows POV shot makes it seem as if they're closer to one another than any other duo.

Lunatic Garden: When Malik is draining Celsidue, again Jet and Virginia are diagonal one another and look pretty close. Then, as everyone runs out of the room, they're right next to one another, and stay that way when they finally catch up to Malik and Janus.

Little Twister: Gallows isn't able to remember what the poem was trying to tell them b/c he fell asleep when Halle would try to teach him about the Guardians. Both Jet and Virginia raise their hands in the same annoyed gesture.

Sand Canaal: They stand next to one another when they're halfway through and facing the four Huskarls. Afterwards too (until Jet responds rudely to her, but they didn't get into a fight). Then they're again next to one another when confronting the Prophets, until Ginny steps forward to yell at them.

Glimmering Emblem: In entryway, while Jet's a bit apart from the rest, he is on the side where Virginia is, with the other guys on her right together. They are in a similar position upon finding Stare Roe's devastated tablet, though Jet has gotten a bit closer, until she steps forward to comfort Gallows. And while they're not standing together in the back room, he returns to the position from before when they leave it, albeit slightly removed again.

Leyline Observatory: Just as they come inside, and Jet has his minor flashback, Virginia is right next to him and notices that he's holding his head in pain...although he brushes it off as usual. Once they get to the room with the secret door, she's staring at him as he walks forward; yes I know it's cuz her position didn't change but he still was the only one in her line of sight. She also watches him as he opens the door until he collapses, though she lets Clive take care of him as her brain is racing. Later, when picking up the Left Half of the Council of Seven photo, he's right behind her. Finally, as the Asgard fight is winding down and Virginia mentions how they can't scratch him, Jet's the first to respond by saying he's like an impenitrable fortress and they need to take him down (compared to the other guys' short warnings).

After Leyline: Virginia suggests disbanding the team to search for her father; feeling guilty about forcing the others to look with her. But both Clive and Gallows agree to go along anyway. She scans her eyes over all her teammates--Clive, to Jet, to Gallows--and then back to Jet. It appears as if she is worried b/c he didn't agree to continue like the others. Her pensive mood is interrupted when Clive speaks to her again.

Humphrey's Peak, In Town: When entering town, after the pan around, you Virginia as she talks about how nice it is, with Jet standing right behind her. As they talk to Albert about the Memory Figure, although Jet is a bit removed from the party, he's still next to her with Clive and Gallows being behind.

Clive's House, Day 1:The two of them are standing together in the doorway while Clive reunites with Kaitlyn and Catherine. Stupid Gallows pushes Virginia away in order to get by the two of them (someone didn't hear of asking politely). Jet has this incredibly shocked look on his face, and it turns into a really annoyed one. When Gallows is finished, Virginia introduces herself. Then, she grabs Jet's arm and introduces him. As she turns towards him, he turns his head away (probably to avoid his blush). Upon talking about the Council, and you're given control back, she starts near him even though in the scene she was on the opposite side. Not only that, he is the one who mentions her father being a scientist, the hint to check the photo to continue the scene.

Clive's House, Day 2: The two are sitting right next to one another on Clive's couch. When she gets up to leave after their destinations are decided upon, he also gets up. Then, Jet watches Virginia as she walks past him, and keeps his eyes on her as she walks out the door.

Gemstone Cave: As they enter, they stand together during the initial conversation, though he's a bit apart from the group. Also, when they first encounter Maya, and as Clive talks about gems, with him getting closer to her on the second time. Before fighting Maya he's near her but a bit apart from the group, and gets closer to her in the back room. Then when the Schroedingers leave, they split the team in two...with Jet and Virginia being on the same side.

Fortune Gear: In the entryway, Jet is diagonal behind Virginia, as well as before and after fighting Oliver. She's also seen in a straight line between Jet and Gallows while they're at the top, and diagonal with him in the middle when they're at the Medium.

Humphrey's Peak Revisited: She sits on the couch and he's staring at her while the others talk. Then, when they go to Albert, the two are standing on a diagonal line together.

Faraway Lands: She stands next to him as they enter; when she spies a peek at her father. Then before fighting Asgard, as well as them kneeling next to one another after the golem's attack, and again once they're hit the second time when the fight ends. Finally, they're next to one another after the fight ends while Melody and Asgard are teleporting away. Jet even asks if she wants to go after her father.

Secret Garden: When Florina stops Jet after sensing his power, Virginia is the first to come back and check on him. She then stays next to him during the resulting conversation, even staring at one another when Florina talks. After Decaying Labarinth, he's standing right behind her as they report on what happened. And when he gets a bit rude, she stands up for him and says how he's had it rough and is not a bad guy.

Ark of Destiny: In the entrance, they are diagonal one another on the left side of the door while the others are on the right. They stay in that position when talking to Lamium in his chamber.

Survey Pt. 17: They stand diagonal from one another at the entrance. When they first see Maya, he is right behind her; and even stares straight at her. The team stands in a straight line when meeting Malik before he sends Donkey & Co. at them, and Ginny's next to Jet. Afterwards, they go back to standing in diagonal lines, and the two are in the same one. A similar position is taken before the fight with Humpty and Dumpty, as well as the one with Maya.

Ark of Destiny Revisited: When they are back in Lamium's chambers, they're in the same position as their last visit. Also, when the gang comes out after the initial discovery of the book, they're also diagonal of one another until Virginia and Clive approach the table.

Boot Hill: When the team walks into Ginny's house, he stands next to her. Then when they're speaking about Werner's journal, he finishes her sentence for her upon her realization about Yggdrasil and Lamium's dream. Plus, Virginia turns to Jet at the end of her spiel about finding her father by finding Yggdrasil, even though Clive is the one talking. After Janus appears, they're next to each other until she walks up to confront the enemy. Then he too walks up to stop Gallows from going crazy, but ironically ends up right next to her again. Near the end of the conversation, the two turn towards Janus at the exact same time when he's leaving. Then they walk out of town together.

Baskar Colony & Infinitum: They are next to each other around the fire at Gallows's. Right before Leehalt sends Pyrodrake on them, they also stand together. When Asgard addresses the team, they appear to be real close, but they seem to move away before and after that scene. After Asgard ends up in the portal, and they run to the shrine, the two are right next to each other as they talk to Gallows. It only ends when Janus speaks and she goes forward to confront him.

Nidhogg Pass: Right before fighting Leehalt, they're standing together. They're still together until she falls from the nanomachine. Afterwards, he simply stares at her, looking a bit in shock, but leaves the medical care to Clive (probably thinks that since he's the smartest, it is better for Virginia to get his help). And, as I said before, he catches her when she faints following the fight with Balzas...

Greenlodge & Surrounding Forest: After Virginia wakes up, Jet is the one to first notice and speak. Then he stands right by her bedside while the others keep their distance. He looks right in her face after stopping her from getting up too fast. And he didn't have an angry look either. When they survey the outside, she looks straight at him until Clive arrives. By then, he's turned away with closed eyes (probably hiding a blush).

Yggdrasil: When they enter, and the factory is shaking, Virginia is standing on the top of the steps. Jet is on the step right below her, and the others are on the very bottom (a few steps under Jet). Before Melody, he's behind her; although a short way apart. The distance is a bit greater after the fight, so maybe only she moved up. Before Leehalt both in the conversation with Werner and in the battle screen when he's talking to Virginia (the slime was insulting her...Jet better kick his butt for her). Also, pre-Janus. When they arrive in the control room they're right next to one another until Werner drags Jet to the console. Heck, when Virginia tells her father that his story couldn't be true, Jet stares right at her (with concern? I don't know). As I mentioned earlier, she even runs over to him after he faints. Finally, before and after the Prophets.

Ark of Destiny & Iron Dragon Nest: Once again, they stand by one another in Lamium's chambers. Then again on the bridge of Iron Dragon's Nest, as well as at the second and third switches you pull (she walked away from the group altogether at the first). When the Mediums pulsate outside, Virginia looks directly at Jet until he turns to ask Gallows what's going on (coincidentally, he has to look in Virginia's direction to accomplish this).

Dragon's Lair: There's a quick shot of them next to one another before fighting Lombardia. When you try to convince the Dragon to join you they are diagonal to one another and appear to be the most directly in-line.

Baskar Colony & World's Footprint: After entering the shrine to speak with Halle, they're standing next to one another behind the others (Raftina only knows how many times one stared at the other, blushed, and turned before the other noticed while Halle was talking for three and a half hours). Then again at the entrance to World's Footprint. At Mural 2 they appear to be behind Gallows, however since there is only one view seen it is unknown how close they really are. I'm pretty sure at Mural 3, but I could be wrong (again, only one shot). Mural 4 definitely has them standing together though. Jet says then that there's no use dwelling on the sorrowful past, and Virginia agrees with him (Little Miss Memories herself). He's behind her at Mural 5 and the Final Mural Room. When the Demonized Prophets appear, the team is in an interesting position. Virginia is out in front, the other three in a bowl shape formation behind her, and Shane in the back. The only closeup shown of her entire body, when the Prophets are turning around, also has a good shot of Jet. After fighting the monsters sent at them, Jet is behind Virginia in a diagonal line. The final point is back at Baskar. Albeit they don't stand together (he's removed from the others somewhat), he does seem to have his eyes on her instead of Clive when the sniper is talking.

Baskar Colony, Next Day & Ruins of Dreams: They're around the fire together as Clive explains the place they're headed. They're also together when they discover the top of the Nanomachine Dispenser (the first cutscene after regaining control of the party upon entering). However, he's more removed in this dungeon. Maybe it could be because Werner was also there, and Jet either A) didn't want Daddy to know his little girl was the object of Jet's affection, or B) knowing Werner knew about his past, Jet feared finding something that would affect the others' view on him for the worse (he is so in denial when he says he doesn't want friends).

Fila del Fia: They stand together at the entrance. Then again at the switch. When they arrive at the subgenerator, Jet says everything must end sometime. Virginia says she won't let it be now, and Jet must have memories of the planet he wants to protect--I don't know if she meant with them or the ones she's searching for. Jet says that since he doesn't have memories, he doesn't get passionate. Then he apologizes for being rude (a first), and she doesn't yell. Again at the main CPU. Jet tells Virginia not to overanalyze the situation as they know what's going on. Virginia agrees, and Jet begins to blush and turn away. Finally, as they leave, she's right behind him until stopping to think.

Caging Tower: Right before the fight with Maya until Virginia walks up in the battle scene. After the fight as well until the two women walk towards each other. Also, at the top until she walks up to Maya.

Dissection Facility & Ruins of Memory: At the Dissection Facility entrance, but it's only a quick shot due to a large concentration on the Schroediner team in this dungeon. They're still together when Todd opens the door, but the locale of the two of them when Shady hits the switch is unknown (no shots of them). When Sieg comes on screen, until Virginia walks up to talk to him, and after the Demon Lord leaves. In Ruins of Memory, they stand together when the Prophets appear. Jet warns her to stay sharp, and she thanks him before walking forward.

Dim Root Pass & Cradle of the Metal God: The only shot in Dim Root was at the end. They were together in that one, and ran right next to each other through the door...very close to one another I might add. They stop next to each other when they find Alfred & Co. As Asgard appears as well; only separating because Virginia slowed down with worry for her father. Then again before the Malik and Melody battle. When they reach the Cradle's exterior, the two are next to each other (with a gratuitous close up as well). Finally, they stand on the ground together following the Wyvern fight.

Deus ex Machina & Aftermath: First they're together in the launch port, and then when they enter the room where they run into Maya (until Ginny runs to fight the "enemy" of course). Again in the control room when planning the strategy. They're also together in the nanomachine plant right before the fight with Leehalt; both in and out of the battle screen. After the fight ends, they stand together before the rewards are given and then in the following scene. When Jet uses his powers, she's right next to him; yet then steps back to give him room to breathe (and kick Leehalt's sorry you know what). Also, before and after the fight with Siegfried and when Alfred & Co. meet them at the rendezvous point. The rest of the fight time is unclear since we don't see where everyone's seats are located in the Dragon. After Deus ex Machina falls and Dragna Sieg dies, they stand together on the cliff. As the team heads back to town, she walks with him; even giving him a playful push (man, I bet he was blushing like mad).

Baskar Colony & Sacrificial Alter: When Virginia wakes up in the morning after the festival, she walks right next to Jet as Halle tells what happened to Shane. He is also right behind her as they head on out. Jet's diagonal to her at the entrance to the alter, and next to her before the fights with Hydra and Salamandra. She's on the top step, and he's on the next step after Gallows and Shane stop the Surge of Gaia. As Virginia runs to her father outside, we see a shot of Jet looking forward. Could he have been watching her? He's also behind her at Shane's beside.

Demondor Pillar: They're in the same row at the entrance way. When they reach the generator they stand together from their entry until Jet walks up towards Asgard to talk about his not having memories. As he declares his reason to fight, he's by her again until he goes towards Asgard before he fades.

World Map, Humphrey's Peak & Rear Demondor Pillar: As they walk outside and notice the tremors, he's next to her again. I can't really make a judgment call at Clive's since she's in the center, but as Jet was behind he could look at Virginia when they were conversing with Clive (probably was too). Although Beatrice's trap is too small and all three are jammed together, they seem to get some nice closeups. The first one is when they first get caught and he warns her not to panic. The other is after Clive's scene when he tells her to save her energy. After they find Clive, the scene show Gallows and Virginia when Gallows talks. However, the screen shifts to show Jet (who looks to be standing a little closer to her anyway) and Ginny only as she talks. A later shot has Clive blocking Gallows so it looks like he's off to one side while Jet and Virginia are the only ones in the row. When they raise their guns at the generator, before showing Clive, you see Virginia and Jet in the foreground and Gallows in the background. Another view of this scene shows that Jet is standing a lot closer to her. When she talks of breaking the chains, he appears to stare right at her; even though the others all put their attention on Clive. At Beatrice's final room, they stand together as well, and when Virginia is shown in a closeup, you can only see Jet's whole body (Clive's shown as well, but just an elbow and leg). Also, he's one of the ones next to her when they circle 'round to figure out what Werner's clue led to.

Boot Hill & Mimir's Well: He's the closest to Virginia when they're in the cemetery. As the camera pans in towards Virginia, the only other person seen is Jet's legs. They're together in the entrance to Mimir's well, until she runs to her father. He keeps away from her the rest of the scene, but so do the other guys. Probably want her to be close to her father during these tough times. After she asks them to fight to protect memories, Jet's the first to respond. Ok, so he responds rudely, but this is Jet. And she doesn't scold him at all.

Baskar Colony, Sacrificial Alter, & Nightmare Castle: They walk out of Boot Hill next to one another, & stand together when Gallows stops them. Also, before Halle says the plan is foolish, they're both shown in a closeup with her and Shane. On the teleporter, they stand together and stay that way until she walks forward to the castle; though he walks ahead of the others as they go inside. When the Dream Demon first speaks to them and the screen switches to the gang, the first shot is of Virginia with Jet diagonal from her; well, and Gallows's hand. The full team pic reveals that Virginia is in the front, Jet on a slight diagonal, Gallows all the way on the other side and diagonal from Jet, and Clive diagonal from Gallows in the back. The scene then shows the first shot of Ginny, Jet, and Gallows's hand again when Beatrice mentions Lamium. As Virginia yells about taking advantage of trust, Jet is the only other one on screen. After the fight they are diagonal from one another; and quite close I might add. Upon returning to the Sacrificial Alter, you can see they're the closest to one another; staying near the other while Clive and Gallows run to Halle and Shane.

Ark of Destiny: The entrance order is Virginia in front, Jet in back, Clive in front, and Gallows in back. She's the first person in line as they run, with Jet close at her heels, until she stops with surprise after seeing Maya. As they enter Lamium's room, the order is Jet, Virginia, Clive, Gallows; until she goes to help the dying leader. They return to that order when sent into the void and upon their reappearance you see Jet in the back, Virginia in the front, Clive in the back, and Gallows in the front. As usual, Jet is closer to her than Clive and then both men's arms are seen when she aims her guns.

Alternate Dimension Battles: After the fight with Beatrice, you can see a straight line in the order of Jet, Virginia, Clive, and Gallows. That order sticks until the fight with Nega Filgaia begins. When the team is commenting on it, Clive and Gallows are on their own screen while Jet and Virginia are together. He even appears to stare at her with his peripheral vision as she speaks.

Ending: This occurs after she reappears from Hyadas. She's leaning on the console with the three men looking at her. However, Jet appears to be the closest, and she looks more at him when she speaks of her plan. As Clive and Gallows talk, Jet appears to be staring at Virginia instead of following the polite manner of looking to whomever is talking. Virginia's final dialoge box line is said while looking to Jet; and as she jumps it appears as he's going to go directly after her. And let's not forget how she pounced on him after awakening.

Epilogue: As Martina is running from Romero and Dario, and comes up to them, the order is Jet in front, Virginia in back, Clive in back, and Gallows in front. However, Jet and Virginia somehow seem to be closer together (side wise instead of front/back wise). When they are near the shed, she looks more to Jet, even breaking up another fight with him and Gallows, until she suggests to head to Humphrey's Peak first.


The team defeats Beatrice the Dream Demon and her negative Filgaia. But their Filgaia is destroyed as well. Virginia meets her father at the Event Horizon and learns all about how memories are gathered there. Suddenly, the Old Terminal reacts to her emotions. Through the use of memories sent through the sphere, they restore the planet; and Jet's memory plants the seeds for the planet's revival.

Virginia awakens to see her friends all around her. After asking if everyone is alive, a relived Virginia jumps onto a surprised Jet (all the Jet/Virgina fans were all imagining just how much he was blushing). Darn the writers for not going further into this. For Virginia gets up to say a heartfelt goodbye to Lamium, and they all end up getting framed for the murder.

So the issues between them were never fully resolved. However, with all the evidence found throughout the game, it's safe to say that the two really care about one another. Probably'll get together while on the road running from the Ark of Destiny.

~~~~My Point of View~~~~

Here is where I state my opinions on why the pairing works and how it fits the game’s story. I will also bring up counter-arguments that others have made and show why they don’t dissuade me from liking the pairing. Keep in mind that these are just my opinions, not facts. I do not need to be flamed over this section because your opinions on pairings or even reasons differ. I don’t spend my time flaming others over their pairings, and would appreciate if they give me the same respect.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s begin…

Jet and Virginia, to put it lightly, embody the plot device of two people that seem to not get along but are either canonically paired together or, in cases where there are no canonical love interests for the two characters, have a strong fanon following. Generally, the two characters in question have opposite personalities that clash, and are both very headstrong; they don’t want to give in during an argument because they want to be right. However, either through some tragic event that causes at least one of them to be put through pain or simply the course of their adventure, they begin to gain an understanding of one another. Their fights grow less and less and their supporting the other grows more and more.

Throughout the game, both have their own way of protecting the other. Jet guards Virginia physically from the dangers she encounters. Meanwhile, Virginia guards Jet mentally against his fragile psyche and the pain of his memories. They have a strong partnership because of it, even though Jet probably wouldn’t admit how he felt.
Some people might say that Virginia would take care of anyone in that state due to her overly kind heart. However, it could also be said that she enjoys helping out others in need. Someone like Jet, someone who had issues and needed a lot of emotional support and reassurance, would be the perfect match for her. She could support him through issues all their lives, and never feel any regret for it.
Meanwhile, that same excuse can’t work for Jet. He’s the type of guy who only cares for himself and his wallet…and he’s said that on multiple occasions. However, even before he finds out that Virginia’s father is the guy that took care of him when he “lost his memory” or that Werner Maxwell knew something about his past that he wanted to figure it out, he rescues Virginia from falling rocks at Serpent’s Coils. This was even before the whole memory, or lack thereof, issue comes up in the first place. Somehow, early on in the game, he saw something in her that he didn’t want to admit, and it stuck with him ever since.

~~~~What You Can Do For Jet and Virginia~~~~

Since this is a game, you are able to do things to prolong their happy relationship. Here are some tips on how to make them be a kawaii couple as you kick your enemy's tail.

Guardian Setup: Give Virginia Aqua Wisp and Jet Fiery Rage. If Jet is hurt, have Virginia use Heal on him. If Virginia is KO'd, have Jet Revive her. Well, switching them around is useful, but still always cast stat and curative Arcana on the other while using items on the others (or use those Arcana much less frequently). Also good for another cute idea.

Items & Battle Ready: For the most part, only Jet can heal Virginia and vice versa. Even if it means sacrificing a good fighter instead of using Gallows like a drudge. Heck, think of it as a challenge for experienced gamers (or those of us who have high level EX Files).

Now Serving Fried Trask: Cremate and Refrigerate work well on him. So even if just for this battle have the two of them use those Guardians. If Jet has Cremate, have him use Accelerator. If Virginia's the one, just fight as normal. Watch Trask go down by the power of the love (they) share (sorry, just had to quote Amelia from Slayers; she and Zel remind me so much of Jet and Virginia).

In Sickness, & In Health: When Ginny is suffering from Leehalt's Nanomachine Virus near the end of Chapter 2, her VIT gague is permanently empty. Meaning, she won't be able to recover the easy way if wounded in combat or hit with one of the darn traps in Yggdrasil. Never heal her on the field unless of a dire emergency. Always have Jet give her a Berry in battle; even if you have him use Accelerator so he can surpass her Summoning a Guardian to kill the enemies in a single shot (I always do that; she not only gets a lot of gems and MTC, but I can watch the female lead kick serious ass).

For my stories with various takes on Jet/Virginia romance, go to My Profile. You can also read my other types of stories, as well as take the link to the Wild ARMs section and read about how others see the subject (most of us are either pro-Jet and Virginia, believe in it as a possibility, or at least accept it). Please leave a review when you come, I really appreciate hearing what you think. No flames though; unless you want me to sic Skysplitter on you.