Return of the Demons

Real name Wild ARMs: Return of the Demons

The sequel that ties Wild ARMs 1 and 3. Wild ARMs 2 wasn't mentioned, so it further seems as if that game is in an alternate universe. It stars four Silver Wolves (the current term for Dream Chasers and Drifters) as they try to save Filgaia from a new group of Metal Demons that were off in a different corner of the universe during the earlier games.

Table of Contents
A. Cast of Characters
B. Skills
C. Force
D. Tools
E. Walkthrough
F. Sidequests
G. ARMs Locations
H. Fast Draw Locations
I. Medium Locations & Their Lores
J. Crest Graph Locations & Crest Sorcery List
K. Items
L. Status Ailments

A. Cast of Characters

Sierra Kenju: Gunner
Age: 17
Weapon: Sword
Skill: ARMs
A young Silver Wolf, she has been traveling around the world for two years now. A loner by nature, she is not used to working with others. Her only friend and partner is a Wind Mouse named Kyoku.
She's pretty darn fast in combat, fights Sasha for who is speedier. Usually with the two of them it matters the levels and equipped armor (since higher weight makes a person slower, regardless of speed). Although not on par with Lyle, Sierra is also a great fighter. Her ARMs, however, outclass Fast Draw, making her great during boss battles. But she does have a weakness, low Magic Defense.

Lyle Kenjutsushi: Fenril Knight
Age: 18
Weapon: Longsword
Skill: Fast Draw
This ladies man and swordsman is always traveling, searching for Mrs. Right. As well as getting the money to help his sickly mother. But despite his obsession with pretty girls, he's really a nice guy.
Slower than the girls, but not as slow as Jacob. With his Force Accelerator, that doesn't matter much. But he's not the healer so there's really not much of a problem here. Out of the whole team he's the strongest, best for regular attacks. If you weren't using FP for skills (meaning you'd need Sasha and Jacob to attack in order to conserve magic power) he'd also do the most damage per round. However, his Fast Draw is nowhere as good as the ARMs in Sierra's possession, nor the magic of his other allies. Sometimes, mattering the skill type and enemy, they might do little or no damage. Knowing what you're up against, and which Fast Draws work best in that situation can work wonders against bosses. Besides that, he's got little magic defense and a slightly below average defense.

Jacob Shisai: Baskar Priest
Age: 19
Weapon: Cane
Skill: Lore
A twin, and candidate for the Baskar Priesthood. His mother died in childbed, and as the younger brother he was blamed. He has an inferiority complex due to his father's angry upbringing.
I swear, why are these Baskar Priests always so darn slow. First Gallows, now Jacob. (mutters) Tim was a decent speed, but this. Ok, I'm sane now. Anyway, he should never be used as a Healer, unless you know the enemy is gonna hit you hard between Sasha's turn and his. But his attacking magic is slightly more powerful than Sasha's. Well, they say that slow and steady wins the race. You can take advantage of Elemental weaknesses (shown through the Crest Sorcery skill Analyze or by using common sense) to give even more damage. Despite a low attack, he boasts the highest level of Defense and Magic Defense in the game.

Sasha Vanderbuilt III: Shaman
Age: 20
Weapon: Wand
Skill: Crest Sorcery
Princess of Neo-Adlehyde, and a descendant of Cecila Adlehyde & Rudy Roughnight, as well as Virginia Maxwell & Jet Enduro. Her father wants her to see the world before she becomes queen, so Sasha is traveling Filgaia with her bodyguards.
Although not as strong magically as Jacob, she can heal your party all at once with the spell Remedy. Due to being so fast, she can also outclass most monsters and heal before they get a turn to add on more damage from the last round. Sometimes, she is even faster than Sierra, mattering level and equipment. Like with Jacob, she can use Elemental weaknesses in order to increase her damage. However, her Attack and Defense are rather low.

B. Skills

Like other Wild ARMs games, this one gives the main cast their own unique skill commands. Not gained through leveling up, you must accomplish different tasks in order to activate each one. This is just an overview of them, a more complex guide to the skills is found near the end, including their locations.

ARMs: Sierra's command, allows her to use the ARMs that she has found throughout the game. It is powerful, but you do have to reload the bullets in each. To create more powerful ARMs, you upgrade them at the shop. Like with the first game, there's a limited amount of upgrades FOR EACH AREA IN THE ARM. Say the handgun allows you to upgrade the bullet number five times, accuracy seven times, and power four times. You can upgrade each of these sections that many times, unlike the second or third games where ARM upgrades were done with a total number of upgrades (10 and 15 respectively) that you divided among the different areas (and 3 added in other areas as well).

Fast Draw: Lyle's command involves powerful sword attacks. You find hints through events and hidden statues, and if Lyle practices them he might learn the new skill. Learning a Fast Draw requires luck, meaning a luck level of Best or Good would be easier to practice on than a luck level of Bad or Worst.

Lore: Jacob's command makes use of Guardian Magic. Everytime you find a new Medium, you equip it on Jacob, up to three at a time. Unlike when the other characters equip a Medium, Jacob gains use of a new skill. After killing a certain number of enemies, the skill becomes engraved in Jacob's soul, and he is able to use it without the Medium Invoked.

Crest Sorcery: Sasha's command is all about elemental magic. If you find a Crest Graph in a dungeon or town, you can learn a new spell. Just go to either one of the hidden ateliers (usually in patches of tall grass on the map, but some are also in caves) or Neo-Adlehyde in order to transfer it onto a section of Sasha's Crestboard. That activates the board, allowing Sasha to master the skill. Unlike Cecila or Lilka, however, Sasha actually starts with a good number of spells (all the elements plus the healing spell).

C. Force

Each character has their own unique skills that can be utilized using FP. Level 1 costs 25, Level 2 costs 50, Level 3 costs 75, and Level 4 costs 100. These skills can turn the tide in battle.

Sierra: Skills utilize the power of her ARMs.
Lock On 100% hit rate of ARM, Sierra begins with this
Summon Calls one of her Invoked Guardians, Gained after Baskar
Full Clip Uses all the ammo left over in a certain ARM, damage dependent on ARM type and # of remaining bullets, Developed after learning her true identity
Fury Shot 4X power level of ARM as well as locking on, Learned after the scenario in Lovelia

Lyle: Skills utilize his swords.
Accelerate Always goes first, even outclassing Sierra & Sasha, Lyle begins with this
Summon Calls one of his Invoked Guardians, Gained after Baskar
Sonic Vision Powerful attack that always goes first, Developed after the Kogatana incident in Demon Lab
Duel Attack Uses 2 Fast Draws in one round, Learned after the scenario in Lovelia

Jacob: Skills utilize his magical abilities.
FP Trade Shares FP with another character, useful if he's high and someone else was just revived, Jacob begins with this
Summon Calls one of his Invoked Guardians, Gained after reclaiming control of Jacob after his opening
Rotate Switches the enemy group out for another, Developed after Undersea Shrine
Hi-Summon Calls an Invoked Guardian with certain added powers, Learned after the scenario in Lovelia

Sasha: Skills utilize her magical abilities.
Mystic Brings out the hidden power in items, Sasha begins with this
Summon Calls one of her Invoked Guardians, Gained after uniting with Jacob in Greenridge
Extension Increases the range of a spell's attack, Developed if you visit a guild for Lv. 2 magic at least once
Double Cast Casts two spells at once, Learned after the scenario in Lovela

If you notice, Sasha and Jacob can Summon right after they Invoke a Medium. This can be used to their advantage in the trip to Adlehyde Ruins, as well as give them an edge over the others until arriving at Baskar. Heck, those're the benefits of coming from a Guardian Worshiping family.

D. Tools

Each character has 3 seperate Tools that can be used in solving puzzles. These items help traverse the inner sanctums of enemy dungeons.

Sierra: Tools that aid in Travel and Item Gathering.
Kyoku Gains control of Kyoku, who can run across chasms to hit switches and get chests, also useful for hitting two switches at the same time, Sierra begins with this
Radar Shows the location of all the room's chests and hidden items, found in 3-Way Shrine
Skates Moves in a straight line, can cross lava and conveyers with these, but can't control movement, found in Abandoned Lab

Lyle: Tools used for destruction and Movement.
Bomb Blows up weak spots in walls and triggers certain switches/devices, Lyle begins with this
Hookshot Crosses chasms at poles in the ground, found in 3-Way Shrine
Gloves Pick up heavy objects, found in Dragon's Cave

Jacob: Tools used for Movement, and not much else.
Feather Pushes blocks out of the way with wind, Jacob begins with this
Jump Boots Jumps to a higher area, can reach higher on certain crests, found in 3-Way Shrine
Cloak Flies short distances over chasms, blows farther with wind, found in Undersea Shrine

Sasha: Tools used to generate Magic.
Fire Amulet Burns and defrosts things, Sasha begins with this
Ice Amulet Cools and freezes things, found in Neo-Adlehyde Treasury
Change Amulet Changes the form of crystals, as well as other secret things, found in Meteor

E. Walkthrough

Here is an entire walkthrough/story guide for this game. Beware of spoilers as I tend to speak on the details of the story too much. Any profound scriptings will be written in Italics. I might put a link up to a seperate Script page later on so stay tuned.
The game opens with a small summary of the planet's history. I give it to you in the exact text...
3200 years ago, war broke out between the Elw and an invading race which, due to their metallic bodies, later became known as the Metal Demons. All seemed lost for the Elw until they learned that the lesser warriors were of a totally different, unevolved, race known as the neosaphians or humans. Freeing them, the former slaves joined with the natives to beat back the invaders at last. But Filgaia was ravaged by the Guardian Blade and the Elw retreated to another dimension; leaving behind one girl.
A millennium afterwards, the Metal Demons again attacked Filgaia to take control. However, three brave heroes stood up to them with the help of loyal friends who aided them in any way possible. In the end, the Metal Demons, save one, were killed off. Prosperity reigned in the Kingdom of Adlehyde; where the only female fighter hailed from. She married one of the other men, and their son married the daughter of the final hero. As their descendants multiplied, they created a kingdom of magic. But two hundred years later, a minor demon appeared. Panicky humans blamed the most powerful group around; the heroes' descendants. Their kingdom was torched and most were killed. The final Metal Demon appeared to help rescue the last group; who went into hiding for over a millennium.
A thousand years following that event, the world completely deteriorated into a Wasteland. However, the greenery was restored by four new heroes; one who was the descendant of the Adlehyde Royal Family. She married the youngest of her three male companions following their victory. Her descendants eventually rebuilt their lost kingdom a few generations later.
Now, a thousand years following the rebirth of Filgaia, a new threat has arisen. A meteor that had landed only a century before has begun to glow with an eerie light and monsters are once more on the rise. Humanity's last hope lies with a new generation of heroes.

You then see the screen divide into four parts; each with a scene depicted in greytones. Now move the cursor over one with the arrow keys to see the title of the episode and difficulty level. If you select one of them, you will see the other three pictures vanish, the selected one move to the center of the screen and then expand to fill the whole screen, and the chosen picture light up. Then, you are taken to the name screen. Either keep the defaults or create your own. After that, the episode begins.
Once you clear an episode, you return to the four screen split. The cleared one(s) are shown in color so you know which ones you did already. Once the four are done, then you can get on with the actual game. The episodes are...
A Girl Camping Out/Top Right (A Lone Gunwoman): Difficulty *, Default Name Sierra
A Boy in a Lab/Top Left (The Wandering Ladies Man): Difficulty **, Default Name Lyle
A Sleeping Boy/Bottom Right (An Underconfident Priest): Difficulty **, Default Name Jacob
Three Men and a Woman in a Cave/Bottom Left (The Sorceress Princess): Difficulty ***, Default Name Sasha

~*A Lone Gunwoman*~
Items: -Underground Cave- Heal Berry (x2), Mini Carrot (x2), Duplicator, TOOL: Kyoku, ARM: Handgun, FORCE: Lock On -Vensnia- Diary, 100 Gella
Party: Sierra Lv. 1
Boss: Salamander
Sierra Kenju, age 17. Along with her pet Wind Mouse, Kyoku, she travels around the world as a Silver Wolf. She has no human acquaintances and prefers to keep to herself. However, as a result, her past is shrouded in mystery. What is it to this girl that drives her onwards?
You begin with Sierra musing in front of the campfire. She wonders if she'll ever find her answer. Then, the screen distorts into a flashback. Sierra is now lying on the ground in the cave. Kyoku is on top of her stomach, yelling at her to get up. She does, and you find out that the two fell into the hole in the ground during a small earthquake. Kyoku wants to go back up right away, but Sierra decides to go on a treasure hunt instead. The only reason she doesn't complain is that they need to find a way up. There are two chests near the area. One is a Heal Berry, the other is a Mini Carrot. Now go straight down the path. You'll find two more chests down the path. They have a Mini Carrot and a Heal Berry respectively. At the end of the passage, you will see a cracked wall. Remember it for later.
Take the cave after the cracked wall to come to a large room. There is a hole in the middle with a chest in the back. Kyoku comes out of Sierra and tells her friend that she'll get it for her. You are now given an explanation of the Tool, Kyoku. When you select Kyoku and press [], she will become controllable. You can move her into position to open chests and hit switches that are unreachable. Do so to receive a Duplicator.
Suddenly, a hole breaks in the back wall; revealing another tunnel. Out comes the boss, Salamander. Instantly, you go into battle. You might notice that he keeps dodging all of your attacks. Just survive 3 turns. Then, Kyoku will jump onto Sierra's shoulder, telling her to use "it". Sierra pulls out a Handgun that she never learned how to use; only keeping it because it was from her father. Suddenly, a sight scope appears on the side, and you are told about the Force, Lock On. On your next turn, you can only select Force/Lock On. Doing so destroys the monster.
Kyoku remarks on how lucky they were, and Sierra muses on whether this is a sign that she is to be a Silver Wolf. Then, when you regain control, take the passage that just opened up. You should see a staircase after a short distance. Go up it, and you'll find yourself outside. After a remark of relief from Kyoku, the screen fades to black and comes back into the Vensnia Saloon. Open the drawers to find 100 Gella inside. Then, examine the book on the desk. It's a diary that her father gave her before. Sierra looks at it and remembers how he abandoned her at the saloon when she was a baby. Suddenly, the Duplicator begins to glow and the book opens. As she reads the entries, Sierra finds out that he wasn't her real father; he'd found her in a wrecked caravan along with Kyoku. Realizing this, she decides to run away from her life as a bar maid and become a Silver Wolf.
Once more, the screen distorts. You are back at the campfire with Sierra and Kyoku. She muses about how it's been two years since that incident, yet no leads have come forth. Kyoku tries to comfort her friend to no avail as she stares up at the sky in anguish.
Due to the sorrows that afflicted her in childhood, the girl pushes all others away. All she seeks is the answers to her questions. But some mysteries are better left unsolved, and a battle for her very soul might erupt if she was ever to unlock the truth...

~*The Wandering Ladies Man*~
Items: -Golem Lab- Heal Berry (x5), Data, TOOL: Bomb, FORCE: Accelerator -Moro's Lab- 200 Gella
Party: Lyle, Lv. 2
Boss: Sky Parrot
Lyle Kenjutsushi, age 18. A Silver Wolf by trade, he travels Filgaia in search of money to support his sick mother. In addition, he is longing to find the woman he will spend the rest of his life with...preferably another Silver Wolf to travel with. Could this mission aid him in his goals?
You begin in the doorway of an old laboratory. Lyle mentions how there is data that could create an artificial being. He's hoping to create a girlfriend with the help of the scientist who hired him. If you try to go back through the door, he says that he has to go on. Just go forward through the passage until you find a door on the left wall. Enter to discover a chest with 3 Heal Berries. Return to the passage and head up into another room. You will see an elevator in front of you. Examine the panel. When it doesn't work, Lyle gets mad and kicks it. Then, it comes to life. Head to the bottom level.
A chest near the elevator holds 2 more Heal Berries. Go into the next room where you see a group of computers. Lyle walks over to one in order to search for the data. But the only thing that was there was the roster of scientists and their jobs. It did reveal, however, that the lab was for creating Golems during the ancient war with the Metal Demons. Lyle comments on how he wanted a Bio-Android instead; like the ones created to succeed the Golems or the legendary creation of the ancient Council of Seven. Now go on into the next room. You will see that the door onwards is blocked by rubble. Lyle will then mention the need to get through. You are now given an explanation of the Tool, Bomb. When you select Bomb and press [], a Bomb is placed in that area. You can use up to six at one time. It can open up doors from cracked walls as well as places where other items such as rocks block your way. Place a Bomb by the rubble, and the passage is now accessible.
The next room is the Computer Room. Analyze the console and Lyle begins typing on it. Then, the Data will be printed out on the paper. Now head back to the elevator and head on up. Keep on going back towards the entrance, when a small tremor will be felt.
In comes a creature called the Sky Parrot. You will be forced to enter battle. Lyle mentions that he has to kill it fast because he has to go as soon as possible. You are told about the Force skill Accelerator. Not that you have to use it this time, but the Sky Parrot is faster than Lyle. In battle, you have the option of two attacks from Lyle's Fast Draw command. They are Psycho Crack and Meteor Drive. Meteor Drive is more powerful, but Psycho Crack adds Confusion. For once, the boss is able to be Confused. He will attack himself sometimes so a good tactic is to start with Psycho Crack and then use Meteor Drive to finish it off.
Lyle mutters about how he's gonna yell at the professor for not giving him the exact information on his find. You now find yourself back in Dr. Moro's Lab. Examine his desk to find 200 Gella. Now talk to the old man. After a small conversation, Lyle gives him the plans to create the Golem as well as the picture he had drawn of the woman he was expecting. Then, Lyle leaves. Now you see Moro take a look and drop the picture; which is of a naked woman with blond hair and violet eyes.
A young man looking for someone to share his burdens. Lyle fights his entire life using the techniques his father discovered before his death. He now heads towards the town of Greenridge to look for another opportunity.

~*An Underconfident Priest*~
Items: -Baskar- Shawl, Baskar Cane, Heal Berry (x4), Mini Carrot (x3) TOOL: Feather -Fallen Sanctuary- Fiery Rage, Aqua Wisp, Terra Roar, Gale Claw
Party: Jacob Lv. 2, Marco Lv. 2
Boss: Shadow Demon (x4), four fights of this
Jacob Shisai, age 19. Although he is Marco's twin brother, he is younger by a few minutes; making Marco the heir to the priesthood by default. Also, his priestess mother died in childbirth and he was always belittled by his father. Now, with his father and grandmother dead, he is preparing to help his brother take over the duties as High Priest.
You begin with Jacob rolling out of bed and realizing that it's the day of the ceremony. Before you do anything else, head over to the drawer next to the bed and examine it for a Baskar Cane and Shawl. Now, you are given a tutorial on how to equip things. If you forget to look for them, Marco reminds Jacob to get his supplies out of the drawers before they leave. Now go over to the bed where Marco is sleeping. Examine it and Jacob will shake his brother awake. You will see a scene and then the screen will fade as they get out of their nightclothes and into their traditional ones. Leave the house.
If you talk to the other people around town, you will learn about the direction of the Fallen Sanctuary and how you can find it using the Search System. I'm just happy that you only have to look for dungeons and special places like the Arena this time around. Now examine all of the barrels in the village. By doing so you will amass a total of 4 Heal Berries and 3 Mini Carrots. Now leave Baskar. You'll be stopped by a man who hands Jacob a Feather. He explains that by pushing [], you can send out air currents to move blocks. Finally, you can leave and head east towards the Fallen Sanctuary (it's in between the mountains).
The door is blocked by stone cubes. Use Jacob's Feather to move them out of the way. Go inside. The shrine has become worse off since the days of WA3; all the chambers to the inner sanctums have been blocked off by rubble (and no, you can't come back and have Lyle bomb this; it's too packed in). Simply go upstairs. You'll see a scene and then the Mediums come to you. At that instant, a group of Shadow Demons appear. Marco yells at Jacob to Invoke two of the Mediums. Now you instantly have Fengalon and Schturdark on Jacob as well as Moor Gault and Grudiev on Marco.
When the battle begins, you can only select Attack. But the Shadow Demons are impervious to physical power. Marco explains that they will have to use the Lores inside the Mediums. You then are given an explanation about how Invoking a Medium allows a person to use the magic locked inside of it; and after a certain number of kills the spell is permanent whether or not you Invoke that Guardian or not. Also, you are told that by using Jacob's FP Trade, he can place more FP on Marco. That's real good, considering how in the first battle the enemies only attack Jacob.
Once the Shadow Demons go down, four more appear. This happens until you kill four groups. Then a mysterious voice speaks out and mentions separating the twins. A strange wind picks up and carries Jacob and the four Mediums away with him. Then, the screen fades to black.
Later, Jacob awakens in a field. He wonders where he is in relation to Baskar; and what happened to Marco. Then, he discovers the Mediums on his chest and begins worrying about his brother.
The strongest bond in the world is one between twins. But Jacob, who has always felt worthless, is now all alone in the world. He must head for the nearest town to seek out help returning home. However, the help he finds might very well turn into friendship for this lonely boy.

~*The Sorceress Princess*~
Items: Mini Carrot (x3), Heal Berry (x3), 500 Gella, Crest Graph, Cure All, TOOL: Fire Amulet, FORCE: Mystic
Party: Sasha Lv. 1, Victor Lv. 2, Mason Lv. 2, Cedrick Lv. 2
Boss: Brigand
Sasha Vanderbuilt III, age 20. The only heir to the throne of Neo-Adlehyde, she is currently on a journey around the world to experience life before she becomes queen. As a descendant of the Adlehyde line, she is expected to do a lot in life. But the burdens might be hard to bear alone.
You begin with Victor, the man wearing brown, telling the group that the entrance is near. He assigns battle order to the others; Cedrick, the man in green at the front...Mason, the man in red, at the back...and Sasha, the only girl, to be in between Mason and Victor. Then you learn that the four are cursed and only a herb in this cave can cure it. They are out to protect the princess from the man who cursed her. Note that the colors of the three's clothes tells you which elemental spell they have in addition to Heal. Sasha only has Aqua and Heal at this time; once the curse is cured all the others are unlocked.
Note that the three guards won't gain levels up at all. Enter the cave and open the chest for three Heal Berries. You soon find a room on the side with gems all over. Now, you find 500 Gella, but Victor yells that they must not dawdle so you can't get any more. Simply keep going straight until you find a vine going down a hole. Take it to find 3 Mini Carrots in a chest and a Crest Graph lying on the floor.
Now take the passage ahead of you. When it ends, you will find vines blocking the path. Now, you are given an explanation as to the tool Fire Amulet. By pressing [], you can burn things such as candles and flammable objects. Use it to enter a room with a blue potato with green leaves like a carrot coming out of the top sitting in the center. Sasha goes forward and takes a bite. You can now see a trap door under it; remember that for later. She hands the herb to Mason, but then all three guards are killed. Then, the brigand comes in. He tries to force Sasha with him and then attempts to activate the curse when she refuses. But she's now cured thanks to the herb.
You now fight the Brigand. Note that Sasha has command of all her elemental magic now as well as Heal. Also, she has the Teardrop in her inventory. After he hits you once, you are given an explanation about the Mystic Force and how it brings out hidden power in items. Like, for instance, using the Teardrop to heal. But to save FP, it is a good idea to stick to the Heal spell. With no real elemental weakness, just keep casting spells until he goes down.
When he is defeated, Sasha tells her guards that they have been avenged. Then she decides to return home for new guards to help her in her travels.
Although she comes from power, Sasha has never desired to be a hero. She only wants to do what's best for her people and all her ancestors fought for. But as the cogs of time begin turning once more, she just might find that in order to help her own people, she must take up the task of protecting this world.

Now, a small anime scene is shown. It features each of the four main characters. First is an individual shot of each one of them looking out across the sky (Kyoku is on Sierra's shoulder). Then, you see them in a ruin together looking for treasure. Jacob trips a trap and they begin running from spears that fly out at them. Eventually, they are all fried by Sasha's magic while Jacob hides behind her. Also, Lyle had gotten out his sword and chopped more spears up, then begins flirting with Sierra. Next you see Sasha casting Saint, Jacob summoning Grudiev, and Lyle swinging his sword down to use Meteor Drive. Now Sierra is shown with her Handgun ARM pointed out as flashes of bloody battle are shown in her mind (in the corner of the screen where her head is). The scene is now of the four of them together, looking ready for battle. A close up of each of their faces is shown, and then it ends with Sierra shooting her ARM off at something. It cuts to a black screen and the title appears where the bullet hits.
From this point onwards, when you load your game, you will see this little movie. Now you are taken to the player select screen again. Each of the characters are in the same spots they were in before. However, this time it's a shot of them standing in the entrance to a town. Pick who you want to continue with first and enjoy the adventure.

Items: -Greenridge- Nothing -Adlehyde Ruins- Heal Berry (x6), Mini Carrot (x3), Antidote (x3), Crest Graph (x2), Duplicator, Magical Map, ARM: Rifle
Party: (note, no longer writing levels since you will have them at your own pace) Sierra & Lyle, Sasha & Jacob, then all four together
Boss: Selene (only against Sierra), Griffin
Now you gain control of whomever you chose. For clarity's sake, I'm working with the four in the same order that I did their introductions. So we start with Sierra. With her, or any of them, you only have to walk into the saloon and see their individual scene. Note that once you choose the person you're going to go with first, your next choice must be their partner as stated above.
When Sierra enters the saloon, she sits down and listens to the rumors about the ruins of Adlehyde. However, the man hiring people out for the mission wants groups of two. Sierra thinks on getting a partner for the trip and fights with Kyoku. Then, after they make up, she is interrupted by a voice as Lyle comes in.
- - - -
Lye enters the saloon and hears the rumors as well. He begins planning to find a female Silver Wolf to go with him. Noticing Sierra, he thinks her a good choice and approaches her.
- - - -
After a little conversation, the two decide to go together. Lyle flirts and Sierra yells at him. This causes the swordsman to think a little about her and how she must have been hurt in the past.
- - - -
Jacob's scene begins with him looking for help back to Baskar. But people are only asking his help to look for Adlehyde; leaving when he mentions his trip home. At that point, Sasha enters and offers her help.
- - - -
Sasha decides to look for a new bodyguard to get home with in addition to looking for someone to help her get into Adlehyde. But she doesn't trust any of the men in town. Then, she spots Jacob and approaches him.
- - - -
Jacob belittles himself while Sasha gives him a talking to about confidence. They introduce themselves; however Sasha gives a fake last name. You think of one yourself (I always call her Inverse, after the heroine of Slayers).
- - - -
You are now put back into control of Sierra and Lyle in front of the ruins. They see the switches and step on them to open the door. Kyoku complains how she could have been Sierra's partner for this. They go into the ruins and look around. A chest with three Heal Berries is in a room shortly after entering the tunnel (behind a wall that must be bombed). There is another room further down, but you need to have Jacob's Feather to use it. Keep going to find another chest with three more Heal Berries. Once you get to a four way intersection, you will hear a noise. Lyle suggests going back to check on it while Sierra waits. But since she doesn't like being babied, she goes too.
- - - -
Now you get control of Jacob and Sasha in front of the same area. They also hit the switches and go inside. Follow the same path as Lyle and Sierra. At the blocked path, use Jacob's feather to move it and get a Crest Graph. Keep going until Jacob panics at the sound of a noise; ending up in Sasha's arms. Afterwards, she asks him to check things out and he timidly moves on ahead.
- - - -
The scene shows clips of both groups as they sneak forward until Jacob and Lyle bump into one another. Then, after a few more scenes, the two groups decides to join together in order to find the treasure and help Sasha and Jacob get to their homes. Go back to the intersection. Head west until you see a chest that is blocked by a rift in the floor (eroded over the years). Use Kyoku to pick up three Mini Carrots. Now head back the way you came. Go east for a frozen chest and have Sasha use her Fire Amulet to allow access. It contains three Antidotes. Once more return to the intersection. Finally, take the northern exit to arrive in a large hall.
The first thing you should notice is the statue of a Griffin. You really don't have to do anything with it; just keep going down the hall until you end up at a door. Sasha steps forward and opens it with the Teardrop; covertly so no one knows she has it. Enter and look around. First, open the chest on the west wall for a Crest Graph and then examine the rifle in the middle of the room to add it to the list of ARMs in Sierra's possession. Finally, head to the back of the room and look at the scrap of paper on the desk. It's a magical map that has automatically changed with the planet over the eons.
Sasha will comment on the map and explain all about it to the others. Suddenly, a new voice will speak. Then, two people will enter. Their names are Selene and Robert. They're old rivals of Sierra; well, Selene mostly and Robert just goes along with her. After a conversation that is totally reminiscent of the initial meeting with Belle and Duke in Mint's quest in Threads of Fate, Sierra will have to fight with on one.
Now Selene has a low chance of hitting with her ARM; nicknamed the Trinity 749A8. Just as Sierra said, it is only three seperate ARMs fused together (well, not as weak as glue but the bonds are shoddy). Use your new Rifle. Due to Selene's low dodging rate and the Rifle's naturally high hit%, you won't even have to Lock On. Just do a modest amount of damage and she'll leave you with a Duplicator.
At that moment, the two stare one another down. Suddenly, the Griffin awakens and, after a few words, Selene and Robert retreat. Now, you have to fight the Griffin. Sasha calls forth the Dist Dims for a split second to supplement her attack with the Teardrop. Although it weakens the Griffin, you still have to enter combat.
Note that the Griffin is weak to Earth magic so cast Break and Rock Bolt. Lyle should use Meteor Drive and Sierra should finish what bullets are left in the Rifle before moving on to a Handgun/Lock On combo. The Griffin is most likely going to be faster than the guys so take caution. However, its low attack and HP should make this an easy fight. It should go down in no more than ten turns if you haven't leveled up.
Sasha apologizes for not mentioning that she's a descendant of the Shamans (as nobody knows that about the people of Neo-Adlehyde). After another scene or two they leave the ruins. Now head for Neo-Adlehyde and the Festival of Magic.

~*To Save the World...Again*~
Items: -Neo-Adlehyde- 3,000 Gella (from Fredrico before invasion), Introduction Letter (from Sasha), Magic Map (from Fredrico, after invasion), 1,000 Gella, Crest Graph, Sonar, Teardrop, TOOL: Ice Amulet (after Demon Cave) -Demon Cave- Heal Berry (x3), Holy Root (x2), Ice Ring (from Bloodlust), Crest Graph, Cell Key, FAST DRAW: Sonic Buster
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha (leaves in Neo-Adlehyde, returns in Demon Cave Jail)
Boss: Bloodlust, Kogatana
Walk southeast towards the edge of the continent to reach Neo-Adlehyde. When you arrive there, first go and buy weapons and armor for the entire team. If you don't have the Gella, then go out and fight until you do. Seriously, there's going to be a nice battle in town a little later and don't be caught unprepared. When all four are equipped, go to the tent near the castle's moat. A man there named Fredrico will take the artifacts from you, including the map, for the festival. Don't worry, the map comes back after a little bit. In return, both Sierra and Lyle get 1,500 Gella (the other two didn't want their share). Sasha will also leave here and give you an Introduction Letter. This will give you a free stay at the Saloon for the night so you can go to the festival in the morning. Head there and check in.
Once you've talked to the Saloon Mistress, the scene switches to Sasha talking to her father. After a few scenes, she will head to place the Teardrop in the Royal Vault until she leaves again. Now the scene switches to Sierra in a dreamworld. Without giving anything away, it disturbs her when she wakes up.
In the morning, the trio decides to look around the fair. Jacob and Lyle go off on their own and you get control of Sierra. Play some of the games and then go to the eastern end of the fair. Talk to the merchant (regardless of whether or not you buy anything) and Kyoku will suddenly get a strange feeling when you walk away. Suddenly, the sky darkens and Demons appear.
Lyle runs up to Sierra and suggests they find Jacob. Head back to the area where they are demonstrating magic to find Jacob fighting with his Lores. You immediately enter battle against a Skeleton. Instantly, Jacob will Summon the first Medium Invoked onto him. Then, the creature will die and Sierra suggests to look at the palace.
You will see it has also been invaded and fires have started. However, the castle is still standing. Keep heading straight until you see the King. He's wounded from a pike in his side and Sierra tends to him. He tells them that his only child has been kidnapped and they're demanding the sacred Teardrop in return. After some bargaining, the trio agrees to head for the cave in the south where the Demons are hiding.
It's pretty straightforward. Near the entrance is a chest containing 3 Heal Berries. The single tunnel through the cave will lead you towards another large room. In the chest here, you see 2 Holy Roots. On the ground is a memo that mentions to keep "my beloved pet Bloodlust" away from fire. It's a clue towards the cave's boss.
Two tunnels exist. The western one takes you to a dead end overlooking the jail. You can see the sleeping lizard-man guarding the cell with Sasha and a Treasure Chest inside of it, but not get there. Go down the eastern one where you'll see a blue lizard with wolf-like jaws and claws. This is the boss spoken about before in the memo. It'll howl and swing its tail at you. From this, Lyle figures out how to use Sonic Buster, an attack on all enemies. Then, you enter battle. It has a high defense and attack so Jacob might have to heal alot. If really necessary, have Sierra and Lyle use Berries. When you can spare the time (like when it uses Beast Rage to increase its attack for the next turn), cast Fire magic.
When you kill Bloodlust, it'll drop an Ice Ring. But you have barely enough time to celebrate when Kogatana, one of the Knights of Death, enters; mourning his creature. He'll attack you now. Note that Kogatana is a little easier cuz he's not thinking clearly enough (thus his attack and defense are greatly reduced). But if you use Fire, he'll be reminded of Bloodlust and his stats rise for three turns. So stick to magic of the other elements.
Sierra brings up her Handgun and fires; spewing black blood from his wound. Kogatana senses something in her and flees. Don't sweat it, just go forward. You'll make it to the jail and then find the Cell Key on the sleeping guard. Unlock it to find Sasha. After the reunion, open the Chest with a Crest Graph and leave the cave.
Once you get outside, you'll be instantly back at Neo-Adlehyde. Speak to the King and then you will be back in Sasha's room. She agrees to pay 1,000 Gella from her stash of money if the rest of them will join her on a quest to defeat the Demons. After some conversation, everyone agrees and you are free to explore. First go to the Treasure House and use the Duplicator to enter. Inside you will find a Crest Graph, Sonar (for seeing points on the map), Ice Amulet (Sasha's second Tool), and the Teardrop of Adlehyde. Now, you can use Mystic on the Teardrop and be able to heal a party member with it.
King Vanderbuilt will arrange for a ship to Baskar when you talk to him. Then he suggests you stay the night. Head to the guest rooms when you finish looking around. In the morning, leave town and head for the beach outside; a boat is there to pick you up.

Items: -Baskar- Life Crest -Lakeside Shrine- Moon Spark, Flash Hit, Thunder Terror, Icy Hand, Crest Graph, FAST DRAW: Divide Shot
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
Boss: Kobushi
On the ship, there is a conversation between Kyoku, Lyle, Jacob, and Sasha about Sierra's past. At night, you are treated to another dream; this one with Sierra being hunted as if she wasn't even human. When all the drama is over, you'll end up in Baskar.
Marco greets you as you enter the village. Jacob suggests speaking about the issue over dinner and that is when you are given your mission. Go to the Lakeside Sanctuary and claim the Secondary Elements. He even gives you Oodoryuk's Medium; Life Crest. Now you should leave Baskar and head south towards a forest. In the center clearing is a shrine next to a lake. Enter.
In the first room, you will see a strange statue. Talk to it and Lyle will be challenged to a duel with two Axe Beaks. Defeat them to learn the hint for Divide Shot. Besides that, this place lacks in treasure chests; only a Crest Graph down the hall a little bit.
From the chest, if you keep going straight, you should see a left turn, a right turn and a locked door in the center. In the left tunnel, use the Fire Amulet on the red orb you find near the end, while you should use your Ice Amulet on the blue orb at the end of the right tunnel. That opens the door for you to go onwards.
In the next room you should see four blocks in the middle of a cage. A switch is in each corner. Use your Feather to move them into the right position to open the door.
Keep following the path until you make it outside. Like in the Fallen Sanctuary, there are four pillars to the four Guardians. After some talking, you will acquire the Mediums. Then, you are attacked by Kobushi; one of the Knights of Death.
Kobushi is much more level headed and serious than Kogatana. His attack is pretty high so you might have to have both Sasha and Jacob healing. However, his defense is low so the battle isn't going to last too long. Sierra should use her Rifle, Lyle can try Divide Shot if he has learned it (if not, use Meteor Drive as Confusion doesn't work on him). Just use your best magic if you ever get a chance with the others.
Kobushi will retreat and you are instantly transported to Baskar. Marco asks for you to look into the High Guardians in the Divine Shrine for him to see if they are ok; the power of the other Guardians has grown weak enough to allow Demons in so it is most urgent.

~*The Stone Lords*~
Items: -Moro's Lab- Lucrecia, Ocarina, FAST DRAW: Trickster, Blast Charge -Marsala- FAST DRAW: Heal Blade -Divine Shrine- Potion Berry (x3), Tiny Flower, Crest Graph, Holy Root, Antidote (x2) (From Poison Spider), Megami, Ryuu, Okami, Raion, ARM: Shotgun, FAST DRAW: Soul Breaker
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
Boss: Poison Spider
Get back to the ship and talk to the captain. He'll give you a ride over to Moro's Lab. You'll instantly be taken into a scene, and when it's over you have control of the Golem, Lucrecia. Just like the Earth Golem in WA1, you can use her to cross rivers and other shallows in water. To call her, play the Ocarina that Moro gives you. But don't leave yet. First, put Lyle in the lead and go over to a treasure chest. It's trapped and some crazy stuff comes out of it. The doctor tell him that's no way to steal something and after a small scene Lyle learns Trickster. Next, have him examine the machinery in the corner. Although Moro warns that it's extremely volitle, he will play with it and cause a small explosion. From that, Lye learns Blast Charge.
Return to the ship and you're driven to an island in the north. Walk towards the town of Marsala near the beach in order to restock before heading into the Divine Shrine. Also, speak to the mage hiding in an allyway. He'll teach Lyle how to use the Heal Blade technique.
When you're finished with your shopping, go outside and blow the Ocarina. Now, ride Lucrecia to a spot where the river divides in two; two seperate lakes are supplying the water for it. Head to the place between the seperate rivers; the Divine Shrine is there.
After you enter, Jacob makes a few comments on the shrine. To unlock the door, simply place a bomb to make some rocks fall. Then, take the staircase that forms from them and use Kyoku to hit the switch. In the next room, check the chest near the entrance for a trio of Potion Berries. The right hand turn will lead to a Tiny Flower, while the left has you find another puzzle. You must hit the switches in order to open the door. To figure out which one, you must look at the sign on the wall. It'll play a series of notes; each one represented by a switch. We'll look at them as numbers from 1 to 10 going from left to right. Hit them in the order 7, 10, 2, 6, 3, 1, 8, 4, 9, 5.
The next room features a chest suspended by a few blocks. Use Jacob's Feather to knock it down to find a Crest Graph. Now, examine the statue in the corner to have Lyle fight a Baskerville. You learn a hint for Soul Breaker.
In the hall, go into the room on the left. You'll find the Shotgun for Sierra in a chest, and a Holy Root growing in a flower pot. Return to the hall and go forward. Use the Ice Amulet to put out the fires and continue on towards the boss's room.
As the name suggests, the Poison Spider uses poison attacks and is weak to fire. Sierra should simply use her Rifle, as the Shotgun is useful in groups, and Lyle can Divide Shot. If the monster casts "Poison Web", have Sasha Mystic an Antidote. If she manages to drop below the 9 FP for Flame, have her hit until she reaches it (her dodging ability should keep her total pretty high though, so don't worry so much about having to use Mystic). When the spider dies, he drops two Antidotes.
When the battle is over, go into the next room. You'll discover the High Guardians have turned to stone. Sasha will pocket them while Lyle suggests heading to Narsala to visit with his mother. With nothing else to do, they all agree.

~*Apart Yet Together*~
Items: -Narsala- Shiro's Journal, ARM: Machine Gun, -3 Way Shrine- Potion Berry, Crest Graph, Death Door, Fury Mountain, Holy Emblem, TOOL: Radar, Hookshot, Jump Boots, ARM: Flamethrower, Ice Gun, Phase Gun, Howler
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
Boss: Gargoyle (Lyle), Zombie Knight (Jacob & Sasha), Ice Golem (Sierra)
Ride Lucrecia over the river to the south wes. Keep walking until you arrive at the town of Narsala. Head to a large mansion near the back of town. Inside of the garden are several smaller houses; the third from the left is the one you are looking for. Once you come to the correct door, Lyle will knock and his mother will come out and bring the team inside.
After a long scene, Madeline goes upstairs to retrieve the journal Lyle asked her about. She also brings down a Machine Gun for Sierra. You will then agree to spend the night; with a scene of Lyle looking through the journal. The next day, he will tell the group about the location of a shrine with 3 Guardians inside. You then leave town; follow Lyle's directions until you arrive at the shrine. Before you enter the actual ruin, run around on your horses until you find Diobarg; a great serpent. Defeat him for a key that you can use inside.
It's quite a spars ruin. There is a chest containing a Potion Berry right near the entrance and a locked door on the left wall. Use the key from Diobarg to open it and discover a Crest Graph. Then head up into the next room. There you will find 3 paths. After a short conversation, the team will split up; Lyle down the left path, Sasha and Jacob down the middle, and Sierra down the right. This is also the order in which you will have to traverse each path. Each one contains a single challenge and a boss.
After Lyle's path comes towards a room, you will find a chasm with a pole sticking out of the ground on each side. Open the chest in the corner for a Hookshot and grapple over it. Now enter the next room. There you will see the Gargoyle. He's weak against Wind so if Lyle has Fengalon equipped you might want to summon him. If not, just use your best Fast Draws; Divide Shot until he reaches low HP ammounts. When you defeat him, enter the next door to find the Fury Mountain.
Jacob and Sasha's path leads to a room with a single chest; open it for the Jump Boots. Go through the door to a room with four lamps in the center; one in each cardinal direction. Light them with Sasha's Fire Amulet. Now, go towards the Jump Pads on the east and west sides of the room. Use Jacob's Jump Boots on each one to get to a ledge with a lit fire, then put the fires out with Sasha's Ice Amulet. The door will open to reveal the Zombie Knight. He's weak to Fire magic like a stereotypical Undead being, so cast Flame and Red Beaut on him. In the next room, read the plaque to get the Holy Emblem; Iona Paua's Medium.
Finally, we have Sierra's path. In the first room is a chest held beyond a chasm; use Kyoku in order to reach it. Now, use the Radar you find in it to reveal four crates in the shadows; throw them to receive the afformentioned Elemental ARMs. Go forward into the next room to find an Ice Golem. Using the Flamethrower, this battle should be easy. Afterwards, take the door he guarded to receive the Death's Door Medium.
The group is automatically back at the beginning once you beat the three paths. Now Sasha will speak of a crater that holds the Guardian of Stars; Rigdobrite. Looks like we've found our next destination.

~*Too the Stars*~
Items: -Meteor Crater- Crest Graph, Heal Berry (x3), Pixie Dust (x3), Breath Mint (x3), Twinkle Gleam, TOOL: Change Amulet
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
Return to your ship and sail to the NW corner of the map On the NW shore of that continent, there is a beach. Land there and head to the northern part of the island; an area between two long mountains. This is the crater Sasha spoke of. Enter it.
Right away, you'll find a chest with 3 Heal Berries in it. The door to the next room is locked until you can light the two torches on the side with the Fire Amulet. You will find a long torch filled hall on the other side. However, to enter the final door, you need to solve all of the puzzles; one in each room on the way.
The first one on the left features several lit flames. You must use the Ice Amulet in order to put them all out at the same time; if left unlit too long, they'll re-ignite. When you do this, a chest falls down; it contains a triad of Pixie Dust.
Directly across from this one is a room where you must have Kyoku hit the four switches in the room's corners; each being over a chasm. Then, before they reset, run over to the center switch and stand on it. Your reward is 3 Breath Mints.
The next one on the left is a Bomb Maze. You must find your way through by picking the correct wall to bomb (only some will work). It's more time consuming than difficult though. At the end, you will find a Crest Graph.
The final one on the right has a large chasm in the middle and a switch. Using the Feather, push the blocks on top of one another to form a bridge. Then, the final block will settle on top of the switch when pushed. Open the chest that comes down to find a Change Amulet.
Now, go to the room at the back of the tunnel. As you enter, there is a scene and Kachikina of the Knights of Death appears. You will suddenly be forced to fight her, but she has an impenitrable shield. Just live for 3 turns and Stare Roe will appear and break the shield. Now fight her for real with everything you've got.
When you win, Kachikina will cast a spell on Sierra and she falls unconscious. As everyone worries, Jacob suggests bringing her to Marco for healing. Next stop...Baskar Colony.

~*Curing a Friend*~
Items: -Baskar- Sharp Blade -Undersea Shrine- Crest Graph, Magic Upgrade, Potion Berry (x3), Antidote (x3), Water Ring, Pixie Dust (x3), Duplicator, Name Tag (x3), Tidal Flow, FAST DRAW: Slash Rave, Guilty Blade, Shadow Bind, ARM: Missile, Rocket Launcher, Skylord, Orb, TOOL: Cloak, FORCE: Rotate
Party: Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
Boss: None
You begin the scene in one of Sierra's dreams; at the edge of a battlefield. This time, you can actually control her. Walk forward into the fray. A group of Metal Demons attack and you have to fight them. They're pushovers; the fact that Sierra has somehow risen to Lv. 100 and has every one of her Force abilities and ARMs at her disposal makes it much easier. Keep on going forward; enemies attack every few steps but they're just as easy as the first battle. Eventually, you'll find Equitess, who tells Sierra to find Time in order to discover her past.
The dream fades and you are in Baskar; Sierra is sleeping on a cot in the Shisai household. When Equitess's Medium appears, Marco mentions that you can break the spell if you see Lucadia. Now return to your ship. Head to a dark water north of Baskar and search for a whirlpool. At that spot, Jacob prays and you are taken to the Undersea Shrine.
Oh boy is this a long dungeon. And a maze at that. To open the door in the first room, you have to take the stairs down. In the lower chamber, you'll find a group of Change Blocks. The hint tells you to grab all of the gems. Move them into a straight line and then use the Change Amulet to make them jewels. Take them all before new ones respawn, and the door opens. In the next room, you'll find an inacessable switch and the Cloak tool. Have Jacob use Cloak to cross the chasm to the switch; that opens the door in the first room.
Return upstairs and take the door. Here, you find the Blade Trio; three statues each with a Fast Draw Hint. If Lyle can defeat all three, they'll stand aside and allow passage. First is Slash; use your Divide Shot to weaken him until prime for killing. Blade, the second creature is actually immune to all Fast Draws; hit him instead with Lyle's sword and Summons. Finally, there's Shadow; one Soul Breaker will actually kill him. Now, practice the hints for Slash Rave, Guilty Blade, and Shadow Bind; and head onwards.
Keep taking the hallway and go Right, Up, Right, Right, Left, Down, Down, Left at the intersections. On several of these rooms, you'll have to cross the chasm using the Cloak. After taking the final left, you go straight through a small room and find three more. Left leads to a Water Ring and Duplicator, Down goes to chests containing 3 each of Potion Berries, Antidotes, and Pixie Dusts. Up leads to a chest with 3 Name Tags; as well as stairs down.
On this level, take the first right to find a Crest Graph. Return to the main hallway to find another chasm. Cross it with the Cloak and the floor starts to fall away. However, Sasha will say a prayer and you will create a bridge of light across the now larger chasm. She also discovers a special graph in her pocket; one allowing her to learn Level 2 magic.
Go through the door at the end of the hall to find an ornate gateway. However, it's locked and there is no device to work it. Kyoku notices some ARMS, the four Missile Class ones, lying nearby and Lucadia's voice tells them that they were left behind by the Demons in the old war. Also, the lock on the door requires a Gunner's soul to open it. A few words later and energy is transferred from the weapons into Sierra; and the door opens.
You automatically go inside. After a short conversation, Lucadia becomes a Medium and you acquire her power. She also teaches Jacob to use the Rotate Force. Then Sierra tells the others about her dream; and how they have to go and find Time. Sasha mentions the Time Guardian living in an old lab north of Vensnia; it's the best lead so they take it.

Items: FORCE: Extension, -Vensnia- Crest Graph, Bone (both from Sidequest), -Abandoned Lab- Crest Graph, Hazel Spring, Lion's Shield, Mega Berry, Cosmic Cog, TOOL: Skates, FORCE: Full Clip, ARM: Pinapple -Mariel's Cabin- Lucky Hand, ARM: Arc Smash
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
You should probably complete the Level 2 Magic Sidequest as well as the Mage in Vensnia Sidequest before heading into the Abandoned Lab. Also, talk to Fredrico in Adlehyde and learn at least one LV. 2 spell in order to get two more graphs. Learning a LV. 2 spell also nets Sasha the Extension Force.
When you get your personal problems in order, head to the saloon in Vensnia. You will be prompted to stay the night before leaving for the lab. Sierra is reluctant and explains about it being her hometown. So they decide not to stay the night and you can now head north (the lab wouldn't be searchable until after you see this scene). Once you get to the desert, the lab isn't too hard to find.
This place is a relief from the Undersea Shrine; it's extremely small. In a small pile of rubble in the first room, you'll find a Crest Graph. Go into the second room and examine some machinery to discover a Hazel Spring. Now head left; right leads to a collapsed hall. You'll see pods for human cloning (examine one with Sierra to have her react strangely ala Jet in WA3). Next to them is a chest containing the Skates. Use them to cross the conveyer belts that you'll find in the next several rooms; they block your way to the lab's inner sanctums.
As you approach the door, you hear Dan Darium's voice. The group enters the next room and you find the Pinapple ARM in a chest. Then, use the skates to ride the conveyer in the next room and discover a hidden area.
You learn that this was the same lab where Rudy Roughnight was created; in the section that collapsed, it broke off during a natural disaster and so Zepet found him on an island. Sleeping here is Rudy's twin sister. Or rather, was. When you examine her pod, after going through a short hallway, you'll find nothing. Note that by taking the rooms off to the side of that hallway will net you a Lion's Shield and a Mega Berry.
Dan Darium will show himself and look ashamed. He explains about how the Guardians were checking up on that meteor that crashed for the past hundred years; that's why he hasn't been watching the lab as closely as he should. Just then, Kaibutsu will enter, reveal the meteor to be their hideout, and you have to fight him. However, you get Dan Darium's Medium before the battle; he also begs you to find the little Holmcross.
He is weak to Light so use Phase Gun for Sierra. If you've been following my instructions, you should have Saint for Sasha by now; it's the best thing for her to cast. If Jacob has enough points, use Aurora; if not have him cast Arrow Shot. Note that Divide Shot doesn't work on Kaibutsu so have Lyle attack with Slash Rave.
When you beat him, Sierra steps forward; aiming her ARM at his head. However, before she fires, Kaibutsu slashes her in the stomach and teleports off. Sasha goes to heal her, but notices there's no blood. Also, she picks up something. After that, the princess goes to healing while Lyle applies some Berry Juice. After being grilled by the boys, she holds up a piece of metal; saying it was embedded in Sierra's body and it appeared to have been torn off during the fight with Kaibutsu. Then, Sasha deduces that Sierra was the child sleeping within this lab.
After a small conversation, Sierra will unlock the Full Clip Force. Sasha then suggests visiting an area to the north of the Undersea Shrine. It's on an island shaped like a bannana peel. Search through the forests there to find a cabin. Lyle opens the door and seems to see a pretty girl. However, when Sierra goes up to yell at him, the girl takes note of her. Sasha asks if she's Florina; the garden girl of WA3. She admits it and also introduces herself as Mariel; the last Elw on Filgaia and a friend of the WA1 cast. Mariel recognizes Sierra as Rudy's sister, and after lunch and a conversation, she gives the team the Arc Smash and Chapapanga's Rune. You are then told to return to Baskar.

Items:-Dragon's Lair- 10-Gal Hat, Potion Berry (x3), Mini Carrot (x3), Name Tag (x3), Bullet Clip, Secret Sign, Clear Chime, Crest Graph, TOOL: Gloves
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
In Baskar, they discuss ways to become airborn; as the only places they haven't looked at are over inacessable mountains. Lyle jokingly suggests Lucrecia and is smacked around by Sierra and Sasha. The princess then mentions the Dragon her ancestors rode on in ancient times; Lombardia. Afterwards, Lyle mentions that they should go to the town of rumors, Crescent.
Head to the town of Crescent on your ship. It's in the south eastern corner of the map; east of the 3-Way Shrine's southern shore or south of Vensnia. As the name implies, the island is in the shape of a crescent moon. Go right to the saloon and the team will sit at a table. Sasha inquires about a Dragon of the waitress. You are told of a cave in the northern sea; just south of the peninsula where Vensnia is. After you regain control of your characters, head there.
Be warned, the steam that comes out of the ground can damage your characters. That said, head to the left of the entrance to find a chest with Lyle's Gloves Tool in it. This can be used to pick up heavy objects; like the rock that blocks the door opposite the entrance. Go through that door and you'll find a ladder. Up on the ledge are chests containing 3 each of Potion Berries, Mini Carrots, and Name Tags. Return to the bottom and bomb the right exit. Then use the Gloves to move the debris since the bomb hit a natural gas vein. In the next room, go straight for a switch to drop the ladder, as well as a 10-Gal Hat. Take the doorway by the ladder and drop down into the hole.
You are now deep below the surface in a darkened path. Go through the tunnel until you see a door to your left. Take it for a Bullet Clip and Secret Sign. Bear in mind that there's a higher chance of Ambush down here so it might be a good idea to equip some Weathervanes on your characters. Luckily, the tunenl itself isn't that long, and you'll soon be let out into the light of a cavern. Get the Crest Graph and Clear Chime, and then take the only door to meet with Lombardia.
After the gang converses and Jacob whines again, Sasha attempts to tame the Dragon. Lombardia recognizes her ancestry, but wishes to fight the group as a test. Be on your guard, she is quite tough; using the same abilities she did in Wild ARMs 3. However, she also uses the same pattern of attack so you can take any strategy that did you good in the past. After the fight, she judges the team worthy and takes them on her back into the sky.

~*Queen of Demons*~
Items:-Demon's Lab- Gold Card, Crest Graph, ARM: Bazooka, Rail Gun FAST DRAW: Phaser Zap, Magnum Fang, Cosmic Nova -Vensnia- Black Pass
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha; with a short segment where you only have Sierra
Boss:Kogatana, Kobushi
Land on a desert island surrounded by mountains and head to the northmost point. There, you'll see a laboratory that belongs to the Demons. Outside, you'll see two statues; speak to each to have Lyle learn the Phaser Zap and Magnum Fang Fast Draws. The second you get inside, you'll see a chest containing a Bazooka for Sierra. Note that there really isn't too much to items in this dungeon as the Demons are pretty cheap. So just exit and find your first puzzle.
"What is as tough as the cosmos and as powerful as a black hole? Riding through the stars, their eyes burn like the fires of the sun. Woe to any planet that dares to oppose them; they will perish with Capitol Punishment." This riddle is on a plaque near the exit. If you answer wrong, you'll be forced to fight a few monsters. The right answer, is DEMONS; all in caps or it won't work. Once you answer, head to the next room.
Here, you'll find a training ground. Kogatana is standing there; waiting for you. He'll begin romancing Sierra. She'll refuse him, and the fight will begin. Just like before, he is a total pushover. His head isn't clear again; seeing as he's swooning over Sierra. You might want to be warned that he will go for Lyle a lot during the fight so keep him alive with Healing magic and Berries.
Sierra brings up her Arc Smash after the fight but Kogatana casts a spell to paralyze her and sweeps her away. The rest of the scene consists of him trying to use a Mind Control Circlet, but Kyoku saving the day. Sierra will then escape and the two begin talking. Kyoku then finds a Crest Graph; which they plan to give to Sasha.
Run down the path, fight the minor enemies lying in wait to ambush Sierra and prevent her escape in one room, and pick up the Gold Card from the chest at the very end of the path. Go through a door to reunite with the rest of the team. Lyle will admit his love for Sierra; who will immediately blush and not know what to say.
In the first room, you'll see a monster in front of a statue. He says that Lord Kaibushi will have his head if the thing isn't properly guarded...then immediately fall asleep. Speak to the statue and you will be tested again. Then, Lyle will master Cosmic Nova. Immediately, the guard will wake up and notice the statue has crumbled. He attacks and you have to fight a simple battle. Though the correct exit is to the north, take the east one to find an armory that holds the Rail Gun ARM.
The next corridor is a complex maze of test tubes filled with random objects. To find the way, you have to turn at the right tubes. A glyph on the wall will mention following the bat, mouse, brain, wolf, fox, and finally the empty tube. Basically, each intersection has a pair of tubes with the same creature in it at its entrance. Follow the gates in the order mentioned above to enter the Demon's main lab.
You will find Lady Shihaisha resting inside a large test tube. Kobushi enters and mentions her injury and recovery. After that, it's clobbering time. He is susceptable to Light so use Lores from Stare Roe or Iona Paua, and also Sasha's Saint Spell. You might want to equip the Light elemental Guardians on two of your characters for a power Summon. Sierra should use Arc Smash and save her Rail Gun for when she can Lock On; its accuracy is quite horrid. But don't use Divide Shot for Lyle; it will always miss.
Suddenly, Shihaisha absorbs Kogatana's power and begins casting a spell. A hilarious scene with Selene and Robert ensues, and then a mysterious man will enter and teleport the gang back to Vensnia. He and his pet Wind Mouse will then explain how they discovered Sierra in the Northern Ruins. You will then sit through Domanick's long story about his choice and reasons for abandoning Sierra. Once you regain control of your characters, head to the saloon and talk to its mistress in order to get the Black Card.

Items:-Lovelia- Love Charm, Lust Jaw, Brave Seal, Hope Shard, Crest Graph FORCE: Fury Shot, Duel Attack, Hi-Summon, Dbl. Cast
Party: Sierra & Lyle, Jacob & Sasha
Boss:Death Newt, Kachikina
Seeing how you're back to square one, Lyle suggests going to Lovelia; the only town they haven't hit. Though Sierra and Sasha simply think he wants to go and flirt with the pretty girls, they agree. Board Lombardia and head for a small island to the east of the crater. A scene will occur and you'll be split into two groups after the crowd seperates them.
Though all your items are intact and interchangable, except for any equipped Mediums, Sasha and Jacob will have only the Wolf and Goddess Idols while Sierra and Lyle will have the Dragon and Lion Idols. You start play with the former pair; Jacob being nervous and Sasha getting frustrated as usual. After walking a little and them both having internal monologues, you are attacked by a Death Newt; sensing the power of the High Guardians. Before the fight can start, you will see a scene where Jacob is injured protecting Sasha; who immediately gets angry. Jacob's Desire and Sasha's Love awakens the two High Guardians and the real battle begins. This also breaks the seal on their most powerful Force abilities; Hi-Summon and Dbl. Cast.
Like the scene described, he's weak to Lightning. First of all, Invoke the High Guardians in place of whatever you wish; they give good boosts to the MAG stat, even better if Invoked on their caller, and the Summon ability of Raftina is a great Heal All spell. Then just Hi-Spark and Plasma Tap him. If ever you are injured, have Sasha cast Heal; switching to Raftina only in an extreme emergeancy. Winning nets you a Crest Graph.
After a small scene, you'll switch to Lyle and Sierra. Like with the other two, just walk for a little to see a scene and a pair of internal monologues. Then, Kachikina appears and begins to tempt Lyle. He denies her and Sierra accepts herself; leading to the awakening of their respective High Guardians. You will go into battle; Invoke the two of them right away. Like with the others, your ultimate Force abilities, Duel Attack and Fury Shot, are unlocked.
Kachikina is a little harder, but only because you are unable to take advantage of elemental weaknesses. Plus, Divide Shot doesn't work on her. Magnum Fang and Arc Smash/Rail Gun are probably your best bets. For Sierra, save up 100 FP and then use Fury Shot with either of those two ARMs. It's a toss up because Arc Smash is more powerful but the Rail Gun isn't that good at hitting so you might want the Auto Lock On aspect of that Force to help. You might want to put some Status and Elemental Wards on because she's big on magic; especially using status to mess up your party.
When it's over, you see another scene. Then, walk forward and around the house in front of you. You should meet up with Sasha and Jacob. Another scene later and you're told to go to the Arena of Challenge.

~*For Sierra*~
Items:-Arena of Challenge- Crest Graph, Berries (x5), Tiny Flower, Gella Card (storyline), Teleport Orb, Exodous Orb, Potion Berry (x10), Mini Carrot (x10), Mega Berry (x5), Full Carrot (x5) (optional) -Kogatana's Base- FAST DRAW: Void
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
Boss: Wild Cat, Strider (x3), Killer Blade, Chucapibara (x6), the optional battles available later, Kogatana
Go to the reception desk and enter the compitition. You will have to defeat all 5 rounds of the prelimns before being deemed elligable for the actual competition. They're not hard; but the Chucapibaras are just as annoying as in WA3 unless you use Non-elemental Summons. For doing so, you get a Crest Graph, the Berries, the Tiny Flower, and a Gella Card.
Suddenly, Kogatana enters with another challenge. He tells them to come to his laboratory for a final duel for Sierra. After some screaming on her part, he leaves and you regain control. Fly on Lombardia to an area north of the 3-Way Shrine. That's where the lab is.
It's not really much of a dungeon. Just go straight down the hall to find another training area; Kogatana awaits you there. You'll have to fight him one more time. Warning, he can use Instant Death attacks. I'd suggest keeping a close eye on Sasha so she can cast Hi-Revive in case of an emergeancy. Plus, he's no longer fighting with his head in the clouds; now he's determined. Though he goes for Lyle mostly with his single attacks, his all attacks are the most deadly; Raftina and a Full Carrot might just be your best bet.
After the fight, a scene will occur where Lyle will learn his Void skill; instantly unlocking it. The rest of the scene will consist of Kogatana asking Sierra to kill him and giving you directions to your next destination.

~*Final Shadows*~
Items:-Demon Starship-Revive Fruit, Heal Berry (x9), Full Carrot, Mega Berry, Dark Ring (x2), Antidote (x3) FAST DRAW: Trump Card
Party: Sierra, Lyle, Jacob, Sasha
Boss: Security System, Kaibutsu, Shihaisha, Neo-Shihaisha
Follow Kogatana's directions and fly Lombardia towards the ring shaped island in the center of the map. As you enter, you will be met with a locked door. Since you aren't sensed to be Demons, it goes haywire and attacks. You must now fight against a mechanical robot guardian. Like most robotic entities, it's weak to Lightning attacks. However, its DEF is so high that Lyle and Sierra will have trouble damaging it; and yes, Divide Shot is ineffective. So have the two of them use items to protect Jacob and Sasha so they don't waste their turns. If you can keep them alive, it should go down in a few turns; a blessing considering its high HP levels.
Your reward for winning is a Revive Fruit and a cracked security system. Now, you can enter the lab. Grab the first chest you see for 3 Heal Berries. In the next room, you'll see a complex puzzle. You must use your Skates to cross a conveyer. However, you also must angle it correctly (the belt is pretty wide) so that you hit a wall to stop at the end. It is impossible to see the wall from where you start skating, so you must use trial and error. Bomb the wall to find a Full Carrot. Then, use your Hookshot to go across the chasm and into the next room.
Change the blocks in this room to crystals and then use your Cloak at just the right time to have the wind blow you over to another ledge. Take the Mega Berry out of the chest and enter the door. A long hallway awaits you with a locked door at the end. But there's another room to the right; go through there for a scene and then you fight Kaibutsu.
Now THIS is a fight from Hell. Kaibutsu has been training since your last fight, and is faster, stronger, and extremely tough to damage. Your best bet is Saint and Auroroa; just like before. Depending on how much Gella you put into upgrading each of your ARMs, you might be better off with the Phase Gun than even Arc Smash. As Divide Shot is its usual useless self against bosses, Phaser Zap or Magnum Fang is Lyle's attack of choice. But even all of these attacks won't do much damage, and your healers might spend every round using their curative spells. Invoking Raftina and Oodoryuk can help out in a pinch if you get badly hurt. Other than that, it's a simple game of surviving until you whittle his HP down. Having Sasha begin by casting Hi-Shield might just be the difference between victory and defeat. After the battle, you will receive a Dark Ring.
When you defeat him, he will taunt how weak you really are. Suddenly, Sierra will attack and stop; beginning to feel the effects of the Holmcross's ancient curse. Lyle will take a hit for her when Kaibutsu decides to sieze her moment of weakness, and she fully berserks in rage over his wounding to kill the Demon. But Lyle's injured state calms her down and she begins using Berries to cure him. From the actions she took to protect him, Lyle discovers a Fast Draw Hint for Trump Card; an attack that works better the more HP Lyle has.
Exit this room and you'll find the door in the corridor is now opened. Enter to see a switch out of reach and the drawbridge up. Direct Kyoku towards the switch to lower the bridge and then have Sasha unfreeze the doorway on the other side. In the next room, use the Ice Amulet to put out the fires floating over the chasm, the Fire Amulet to unblock the fans, and then the Cloak to travel towards the other islands. Skate across the lava to reach the door and enter.
In this room, you'll see Orbs looking like the ones that hold the hidden bosses. Some will hold monsters, two will hold a set of 3 Heal Berries, one holds a set of 3 Antidotes, and the rest are nothing. Just keep destroying them with Lyle's gloves in order to reach the door on the opposite side. You can stay around to seek out the items and beat all the monsters if you wish, but all you really need to do is make it to the doorway.
The last corridor runs through a long tube. Walk forward, change the gems to blocks and then use the Feather to put the blocks in the holes so you can pass. Enter the doorway at the end to meet up with Shihaisha. After a short scene and a few vows by our heroes, the fight begins.
First, you'll fight her as herself. She casts Darkness a lot so having Dark Wards on your characters is a plus. However, she also contains a powerful spell called Apocalypse which is non-elemental and it can damage you greatly if you're underleveled or underequipped. Use the same strategy you took on for Kaibutsu, except since she is more magical you might want to have Sasha cast Hi-Protect to start. If Lyle is at or near full HP at any time, have him cast Trump Card; if you've mastered it while traveling here. When you win, you'll gain another Dark Ring.
But the battle isn't over yet. She will grow into the bigger form of Neo-Shihaisha and you're instantly thrown into battle. You don't even get to heal in between. In this form, Shihaisha is skilled at both physical and magical attacks. Which is bad news for you; she'll attack with non-elemental physical attacks in addition to Darkness and Apocalypse. She also will now use the attack from the scene at the Demon's Lab; Song of the Damned. I would stress the importance of Invoking Raftina and Oodoryuk in case of an emergeancy as this spell hits hard. Also, cast Hi-Protect and Hi-Shield right from the start and renew them every time they wear off or someone dies and is revived. If Lyle reaches full FP and HP, use his Duel Attack to hit with 2 Trump Cards. Sierra should perhaps save her best ARMs for when she has enough for a Fury Shot while Sasha and Jacob might want to refrain from using their Force skills unless Summoning Oodoryuk and Raftina; only use a simple Summon command for Jacob as they don't get better healing abilities when he uses his Hi-Summon.

Once you beat her, you can sit back and enjoy the ending.

F. Sidequests

There are many hidden things in the game that you need to look and find. Here is a list of all special items/quests found.

Horses: Although not as vital as in Wild ARMs 3, you still are allowed to ride on horses. The benefits are you move faster and have less encounters. But you can only strike with skills when on horseback so it is inavisable to waste your FP. You can buy them in Greenridge after the Demon Cave.
Diobarg: Run around in the desert area on horses around 3-Way Shrine. He will give you a key to acess the secret area in the shrine; where you can find a Crest Graph.
Lv 2 Magic: Adlehyde Ruins after the Undersea Shrine. Sasha will sense it once you arrive and run off towards a secret room. You have to fight a Griffon Knight. Afterwards, the princess will begin glowing. From now on, you can chose to teach her Level 2 Magic.
6 Crest Graphs: After getting the Lv 2 Magic, a mage should be wandering around Vensnia. He asks you to find him a Tazelworm Fang in the underground ruin nearby. Head to the place where Sierra's Opening took place and bomb the cracked wall you couldn't get past earlier. You have to fight a mini-boss called Doom Phantom at that time, and he dropps one. Walk into the room a little to see what appears to be a lump of soil as if someone was digging. Look at it to find another. Walk north to find a lone chest; that holds another. Come back to the first hidden room and bomb the wall. A Tazelworm will be waiting for you; guarding the chest with two more. By killing him, you get a Tazelworm Fang. Bring that to the mage to get the last. As he teleports out, he also drops a Bone that you can use with Mystic. I'm not yet sure what this does.
Sierra's Memories: After Lovelia, return to the Abandoned Lab and the room where the Nurturation Pod was located. The party all appear in the room and Sierra steps towards the pod. Upon touching it, she has a flashback to her "parents". It shows their joy upon seeing their "children", and how she and Rudy were hid away. As you get back to the present, she kneels down. Then, lying on the floor nearby, she finds a Violator.
Power Bloodlust: Return to the Demon Cave and use the Gloves to throw the Orb. Watch out, he is a bit of a killer. But once you defeat him, you get a Mega Berry, Ambrosia, Full Carrot, and Nectar. Remember, like the original Bloodlust, he is weak to fire.
Best Gear (Sierra): To acquire her best equipment, you must first see Sierra's flashback in the Abandoned Lab. Visit Mariel and see her scene. She lets slip that she buried some things of Rudy's near one of her old gardens. Now, visit the forest near the Abandoned Lab. You will suddenly not be on the map, but in the middle of a forest. There is what appears to be a grave there; and it states that only a Holmcross or Elw can open the seal. When Sierra pulls on the cross, she finds that it is a sword. To be more precise, Rudy's Divine Blade. When she digs down deeper, she also discovers the Braver Vest.
Best Gear (Lyle): To acquire his best equipment, visit Narsala after Lovelia. Madeline mentions that there were some special items in ruins that Shiro discovered the Fast Draw in. You will then be able to search out the Ancient Castle north of Narsala. In the castle, you'll eventually discover two chests and only two chests. They contain the Jade Wilder vest and Juggernaut weapon.
Best Gear (Jacob): To acquire his best equipment, return to Baskar after Lovelia. Jacob will speak with Marco on the High Guardians. Then, the High Priest speaks of the Holy Cane of Baskar. Go to the Fallen Sanctuary. Fly over the small chasm with the Cloak to reach a hidden chest. You have to fight the Power Shadow, an upgraded Shadow Demon. He drops a Divine Cloak when killed; it Jacob's best armor. The chest itself will grant you the Holy Cane.
Best Gear (Sasha): To acquire her best equipment, return to Neo Adlehyde after Lovelia. In one house, a man will ask if you wish to hear the legend of the Dist Dims. Let her speak. She'll tell how Cecilia Adlehyde hid the staff in her own soul; allowing it to be multiplied as energy and bequethed on multiple people. Then, she transferred the weapon to her son when he inherited the throne. It eventually became a gift for the heir on his/her fifth birthday. The team turns to Sasha, who then uses a special chant to call the staff out for any period of time she wishes; with the side effect of fainting for a period of three days when she transferrs it back. Now you can use it in combat. Next, go to the Adlehyde Ruins and return to the treasure vault. The Dist Dims begins to shine, and you will discover the Pret-a-Porte; Cecilia's jacket.

~*The EX File Keys*~
These quests all will get you an EX File Key like in Wild ARMs 3. Note, for all the bosses in this section, it's best to cast a Hi-Shield if they are physical, and a Hi-Protect if they are magical. Or both if you're so worried.
Search: On the island north of the 3-Way Shrine, look around for a little bit. You'll eventually find the EX File Key near the ABBYS (more on the ABBYS later).
Garden: After Sierra has her flashback, head back to Mariel's to see a scene of the two of them as they discuss Sierra's past. She will agree to grow the hard to find items; Mega Berry, Full Carrot, Tiny Flower, and Nectar. If you can give her one of each of these, she will then ask you to save the Garden from a monster on your next visit. Go into the forest to find a hidden area. There, you meet the Ring Spirit; who has haunted the forest since Virginia & Co. killed him. An EX File Key is your reward for this. You can actually begin this earlier, by giving her the items, but only once Sierra has her flashback and all four items are in Mariel's posession will you be able to go and fight the Ring Spirit.
Arena of Challenge: Once Kogatana is killed, come back and you can enter the main competition. Lv. 1 gets you a Teleport Orb, Lv. 2 gets you an Exodus Orb, and Lv. 3 gets you 10 Potion Berries, 10 Mini Carrots, 5 Mega Berries, & 5 Full Carrots. But it isn't done there. Once you win, you have acess to the Fight Club. It's generally just a bunch of men sitting around in a room, except for one guy in the back. He is a world renowned fighter named Ransuko. Defeat him in a 1 on 1 duel (you choose who yourself), to get an EX File Key.
Trask: Return to the Golem Lab; Lyle's Opening. There is now a Summon Orb there. Touch it with the Gloves to pick it up and throw it. That summons Trask. He's tough so watch out. But when you defeat him, he drops an EX File Key.
Black Market: After Demon Lab, return and talk to Lisana. She sees that Sierra found her "father" at last and apologizes for all she put the girl through. Then, she offers a Key Card that a shady looking man left there. Now, you can open the door to the abandoned building in back of town. Nothing much happens afterwards. You can buy any Elemental/Status Gear that you have sold in any store, several high level items, and an EX File Key. Don't buy it until you have gotten the Gold Card from Demon Lab.
History: Return to Neo-Adlehyde after getting Lombardia. King Martin will be happy that his daughter is ok and show her something that was discovered in the treasure she brought back. It turns out to be a record of past events from Wild ARMs 1 & 3 (Rudy & Cecilia, Jet & Virginia mostly). View it, and an EX File Key pops out.
The Hayonkonton: North of the 3-Way Shrine, around the ABBYS, you might run into groups of two or three of these little buggers. They're tough and throw lots of nasty Status Changes at you so be as warded as possible. But they're worth good EXP, and drop Duplicators. Kill 100 groups of them to find an EX File Key.
Arioch Lord: Living in an underground section of the Herb Cave, he is the mighty spirit who once divided himself into 4 entities and chased Virginia Maxwell and her friends in one of WA3's most annoying subquests. Luckily, this time you only have to kill him once. Just use your Glove to smash his Orb and he will appear with the might of the 100th time you faced him in the last game. But he drops an EX File Key when killed.
Misery: Underneath the Arena of Challenge lies a secret passage. You can access it by searching a portion of the rug near the entrance to the Battle Arena. The chest inside contains an EX File Key, but you have to fight a spirit known as Misery before you can get to it. He isn't too hard; especially if you're warded against Darkness and Misery...hence his name.
Treasure Hunt: After you clear the Demon Lab, head to Fredrico's house. He will give you a task to find certain items that still are in Adlehyde Ruins. Then, speak with King Martin to get the Adlehyde Key. As you enter, you'll see a flash of light as the key reveals new paths in the shrine. Search out the five artifacts; Magic Scepter, Sword of Illusion, Tiger's Eye, Lunar Gauntlet, Solar Helm. Return with these to get an EX File Key.
Leviathan: The Bad Ass Sea Golem is back for another round. Find him in the waters around the Crater at the center of the world (the final dungeon). You must use your ship to get there; and you can only fight after Demon's Lab. He's weak to Lightning, so Hi-Spark and Plasma Tap should be useful here. When killed, he drops an EX File Key.
Inner Room in Divine Shrine: If you return to the Divine Shrine after Lovelia, and go to the High Guardian's chamber, the four Mediums will begin to glow. A spirit will be floating there. If you talk to her, you find out that she's Sasha's ancestor; the first Shaman, Melanie Adlehyde. Knowing the importance of your quest, she gives an EX File Key to you.
Angol Moa: His orb is near the entrance to the crater where you found Rigdobrite. Go there, and smash it with a glove. Now he's more powerful than the others, so you might want to have not only a Hi-Shield and Hi-Protect, but wards against most if not all of the elements. However, he's not as strong as Ragu O'Ragula. Then that really something to be relieved over? But anyway, killing him nets you another EX File Key.
The ABBYS: Yes, the grueling 100 floor Hell is back. It follows the same principal as the one in Wild ARMs 3. You can only go down, but there are exits at levels 10, 30, 60, and 100. Nor can you start at any of these levels if you arrive at them. So you can't teleport to level 30 once you beat the boss there. But you can leave at any time with the Exodus Orb. It's on the island north of the 3-Way Shrine, near where you found the Key with the Search. At every one of the key levels is a boss.
Ephrem Zein (lv. 10) drops a Commet Guard and counters with a light spell on all when hit. The best defense against him is to have a party completely warded against Light spells. That not only protects you, but nets a ton of good EXP as well.
Luranaire Zein (lv. 30) drops a Prism Crown and counters with a dark spell on all when hit. Like the last one, ward yourself completely against the darkness element is a great way to net EXP.
Zaverga Zein (lv. 60) drops a Full Libra and counters with a non-Elemental spell on all when hit. Here is where you stick to your most powerful attacker every round. But you still gain Force so everyone will be able to use special attacks if the buildup is right. Keep using Lyle's Divide Shot until you attain less than 9999 damage per round. Then, bring Sierra in with her powerful ARMs Arc Smash and Rail Gun. Don't bother charging for a Fury Shot; it's more effective to simply use her Lock On as you will use it four times to one so it charges faster. Have Sasha cast Remedy and Jacob cast First Aid every time. Or, if things get hairy, Hi-Summon Raftina to both damage the enemy and give you a boost; he doesn't seem to counter that one only because it's typically a healing Summon. Having Jacob equipped with Oodoryuk to Summon him as well can also be a big help.
At the bottom, you will find the lone treasure chest. Open it to find an EX File Key. However, you're then attacked by Ragu O'Ragula. Think Angol Moa and then multiply the power by two. That's this guy. He's big, bad and powerful. Like with Angol Moa, cast Hi-Shield right away. If you are warded against every element, don't bother with Hi-Protect as he only casts elemental magic. Hopefully, he'll do that more often than not and you can laugh it up at how ineffective his attacks are. However, most likely (especially for those of us with shitty luck) he'll attack you most every turn. Make sure Jacob keeps using First Aid in order to second guess him. This is a time I'm thankful for the fact that you have FP instead of MP; Jacob can First Aid every turn and the only thing you have to worry about is the fact that you are one attacker short. If he keeps attacking, you might have to make Sasha cast Revive too. Divide Shot is ineffective against him, so use Trump Card if Lyle is high up enough (slim chance with this guy) and if he isn't, cast Phaser Zap. Sierra should keep working up for Fury Shot and using her Arc Smash and then Rail Gun when that runs out. When you finally kill him (after his 999,999 HP and I'm not kidding runs out) you'll get a Sheriff's Star and the freedom to leave the hell behind.

G. ARM Locations

Sierra's skills come from her ARMs, which are found in dungeons and during certain events. The ARMs were developed by the Demons who came to Filgaia long ago; but their lesser counterparts, the humans, can also use them. But Sierra's skills come from somewhere that no human or Demon can reach. Play the game to find out why.

Handgun (5 FP): A regular attack against a single target. This was left to Sierra by her runaway father, and she begins the game with it in possession.
Rifle (10 FP): An ARM with dead on accuracy against a single target. Found in Adlehyde's ruins.
Shotgun (16 FP): Although not very accurate, this ARM allows Sierra to attack a group. Found in Divine Shrine.
Machine Gun (22 FP): Attacks all enemies with a hail of bullets. Given by Lyle's mom in Narsala.
Flamethrower (10 FP): Fire attack against a group of enemies. Found in 3-Way Shrine.
Ice Gun (14 FP): Ice attack against a group of enemies. Found in 3-Way Shrine.
Phase Gun (20 FP): Light attack against a single enemy. Found in 3-Way Shrine.
Howler (23 FP): Dark attack against a single enemy. Found in 3-Way Shrine.
Missle (21 FP): Shoots a missle at a single enemy. Found in Underwater Shrine.
Skylord (28 FP): A normal attack against a group of enemies. Found in Underwater Shrine.
Orbs (35 FP): Orbs of light hit all enemies. Found in Underwater Shrine.
Rocket Launcher (40 FP): Rockets fall and are shot at all enemies. Found in Underwater Shrine.
Pineapple (39 FP): A special grenade is thrown and explodes on a group of enemies. Found in Abandoned Lab.
Bazooka (46 FP): A fiery rocket hits a single enemy. Found in Demon Lab.
Rail Gun (50 FP): A beam of intense energy is shot at a single enemy. Found in Demon Lab.
Arc Smash (65 FP): The Ultimate ARM of the legendary hero, Rudy Roughnight. A gift from Mariel when you visit her after the Abandoned Lab.

H. Fast Draw Locations

The sacred techs of the Fenril Knights of Arctica. Lost when the kingdom fell to Demons in the Second Demon War, they were rediscovered by certain individuals over the years. Lord Alphonse Schroedinger was one, and taught the secret to his apprentice, Todd Dukadis, a millennia ago. Lyle's father, Shiro, did the same thing, and now his son has followed in his footsteps. They use certain events to develop new skills. Once a hint is found, practice until it is mastered.

Psycho Crack (4 FP): Attacks an enemy and confuses it. Lyle begins with this.
Sonic Buster (7 FP): Attacks a group of enemies. Learned before battle with Bloodlust in Demon Cave.
Meteor Drive (6 FP): Attacks a single enemy. Lyle begins with this.
Trickster (5 FP): Steals items. Filch trap chest in Moro's Lab.
Heal Blade (6 FP): Heals an ally. Learn from a mage in Marsala.
Soul Breaker (8 FP): May cause instant death to an enemy. Learn from a statue at Divine Shrine.
Divide Shot (10 FP): Cuts the enemy's HP by 1/2. Learn from a statue at Lakeside Sanctuary.
Blast Charge (10 FP): Hits all enemies with an explosion. Tamper with machine at Moro's Lab.
Slash Rave (12 FP): Continuous attack on a single enemy, five different damage amounts. Learn from a statue at Undersea Shrine.
Guilty Blade (16 FP): Attacks a group with a thrown sword illusion. Learn from a staute at Undersea Shrine.
Shadow Bind (7 FP): Will eather paralyze, or do damage to paralyzed enemies in a group. Becomes Dark Sweep if you manage to beat the Arena of Challenge, and powers up. Learn from a statue at Undersea Shrine.
Magnum Fang (14 FP): Attacks an enemy with needles. Learn from a Statue at Demon Lab.
Phaser Zap (16 FP): All the elements come together to attack a single enemy. Learn from a statue at Demon Lab.
Cosmic Nova (20 FP): Hits all enemies. Learn from a statue at Demon Lab, after reuniting with Sierra.
Void (20 FP): May cause instant death to every enemy. Learned after defeating Kogatana. *NOTE* will instantly be usable, as Lyle brings out the hidden power of his sword to protect Sierra.
Trump Card (22 FP): Damage done is relevant to current HP. Learned after the final fight with Kaibutsu in Demon Starship.

I. Medium Locations & Their Lores

The Mediums, the focal point in the game. It is the power of the Guardians that is needed to save the world. Although everyone can equip them, and Summon for 50 FP, only Jacob can learn the Lores locked inside. Up to 3 Mediums can be Invoked at a time.

Moor Gault (Fiery Rage): A fire attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Red Beaut (12 FP, single) and Napalm Hit (30 FP, group). Found at Fallen Sanctuary.
Schturdark (Aqua Wisp): A water attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Water Gun (12 FP, single) and Submerge (30 FP, group). Found at Fallen Sanctuary.
Grudiev (Terra Roar): An earth attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Rock Bolt (12 FP, single), and Gravitron (30 FP, group). Found at Fallen Sanctuary.
Fengalon (Gale Claw): A wind attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Sonic Claw (12 FP, single), and Tempest (30 FP, group). Found at Fallen Sanctuary.
Odoryuk (Life Crest): Heals all allies, his Summon also cures status ailments. The Lores are First Aid (24 FP, heals an ally), and Turn Undead (4 FP, makes an enemy vulnerable to fire and curative techs). Given by Marco when you arrive in Baskar.
Noua Shax (Thunder Terror): A lightning attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Lightnin' (12 FP, single), and Plasma Tap (30 FP, group). Found at Lakeside Shrine.
Aru Sulato (Icy Hand): An ice attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Ice Beam (12 FP, single), and Arctic (30 FP, group). Found at Lakeside Shrine.
Stare Roe (Flash Hit): A light attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Arrow Shot (12 FP, single), and Nova Rain (30 FP, group). Found at Lakeside Shrine.
Celsidue (Moon Spark): Cuts enemies' HP by 1/8, her High Summon also adds Darkness. The Lores are Black Gate (12 FP, single), and Dark Star (30 FP, group). Found at Lakeside Shrine.
Degenos (Fury Mount): A higher level earth attack than Grudiev, his High Summon adds confusion. The Lores are Quake (45 FP, group), and Disaster (60 FP, all). Found at 3-Way Shrine.
Iona Paua (Holy Emblem): A higher level light attack than Stare Roe, his High Summon cures blindness in allies. The Lores are Aurora (45 FP, group), and Super Nova (60 FP, all). Found at 3-Way Shrine.
Ge Ramtos (Death Door): Casts instant death on all, his High Summon increases the chance of effectiveness. The Lores are Arcana 13 (20 FP, drains HP of target), and Thanatos X (12 FP, protects allies from instant death). Found at 3-Way Shrine.
Rigdobrite (Twinkle Gleam): A non-elemental attack on all, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Kyrie (45 FP, group), and Cosmic Ray (60 FP, all). Found at crater, right before you battle Kachikina.
Equitess (Sharp Blade): A non-elemental attack on a single enemy, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The Lores are Blade of Power (12 FP, single), and Blade of Truth (30 FP, group). Found on Sierra's chest by Lyle after her dream scene in Baskar, when under Kachikina's curse.
Lucadia (Tidal Flow): A higher level water attack than Schturdark, her High Summon adds poison. The Lores are Tidal Pool (45 FP, group), and Maelstrom (60 FP, all). Found in Undersea Shrine.
Dan Darium (Cosmic Cog): Stops time for all but the user for 3 turns, his High Summon allows for full party movement while the enemies are stopped. The single Lore is Apocalypse (99 FP, all). Found in the Abandoned Lab.
Chapappanga (Lucky Hand): Gives the team a 100% drop rate of all enemy items, his High Summon also ups Luck. The Lores are Gold Hammer (77 FP, gains more Gella), and Lucky Word (7 FP, raises luck on an ally). Given by Mariel when you visit her after the Abandoned Lab.
Raftina (Love Charm): Guardian Lord of Love heals all allies, her High Summon also attack all enemies with light. The single Lore is Full Heal (50 FP, heals all HP of an ally). Released by Sasha in Lovelia.
Luceid (Lust Jaw): Guardian Lord of Desire attack all with darkness, her High Summon adds stronger powers. The single Lore is Encroaching Shadow (75 FP, all). Released by Jacob in Lovelia.
Justine (Brave Seal): Guardian Lord of Courage attacks an enemy, his High Summon makes the attack hit all. The single Lore is Bold Lance (80 FP, single). Released by Lyle in Lovelia.
Zephyr (Hope Shard): Guardian Lord of Hope attacks all enemies, his High Summon adds stronger powers. The single Lore is Speed Down (70 FP, lowers speed for a group). Released by Sierra in Lovelia.

**NOTE** If a High Guardian is Invoked by the character that released him/her, then there is an additional stat boost gained. Say Raftina increased magic power and Sasha Invokes her. Sasha would get a greater bonus than if say Sierra Invoked her.

J. Crest Graph Locations and Crest Sorcery List

Sasha's specialty comes from Crest Graphs. She uses them to learn spells at Ateliers or Neo-Adlehyde. After the Undersea Shrine, she can go on the subquest to allow the learning of Level 2 spells. Refer to Subquests to find out more. Here, I will give you each spell, in the order you should learn them, and the C. Graph that allows for that order. The first element mentioned is the horizontal row, while the second is the verticle column.

~*LV. 1 Magic*~
Break (9 FP): Earth attack, single. Sasha starts with this. Geo-Geo.
Flame (9 FP): Fire attack, single. Sasha starts with this. Flam-Flam.
Vortex (9 FP): Wind attack, single. Sasha starts with this. Wing-Wing.
Aqua (9 FP): Water attack, single. Sasha starts with this. Muse-Muse.
Spark (9 FP): Lightning attack, single. Sasha starts with this. Wing-Flam.
Freez (9 FP): Ice attack, single. Sasha starts with this. Wing-Muse.
Heal (5 FP): Heals an ally. Sasha starts with this. Geo-Muse.
Revive (12 FP): Brings an ally back from the dead with 1/4 of their Max HP. Find the first graph in the Herb Cave. Muse-Geo.
Shield (6 FP): Ups defense for a single ally. Find the second graph in Adlehyde Ruins, before arriving at the meeting point. Muse-Wing.
Protect (6 FP): Ups magic defense for a single ally. Find the third graph in Adlehyde Ruins, the Treasure Hall. Flam-Muse.
Valkyrie (10 FP): Random damage on all enemies. Find the fourth graph in the Demon Cave. Wing-Geo.
Rainbow (15 FP): All elemental damage on a single enemy. Find the fifth graph in the Adlehyde Treasury. Flam-Geo.
Dispel (3 FP): Takes stat ups away from an enemy. Find the sixth graph in the Lakeside Shrine. Muse-Flam.
Light Blow (10 FP): Adds a Light Element attack to a weapon. Find the seventh graph in the Divine Shrine. Geo-Wing.
Dark Blow (10 FP): Adds a Dark Element attack to a weapon. Find the eight graph in the 3-Way Shrine. Geo-Flam.
Analyze (5 FP): Scan for enemy weaknesses. Find the ninth graph in the Meteor. Flam-Wing.

~*LV. 2 Magic*~
Saint (15 FP): Light attack on an enemy. Find the tenth graph in the Undersea Shrine. Geo-Wing.
Darkness (15 FP): Dark attack on an enemy. You get the eleventh graph after learning your first LV. 2 spell. Geo-Flam.
Hi-Heal (46 FP): Heals a character up to full. Find the twelfth graph by returning to Adlehyde after you get the ability to use LV. 2 Magic. Talk to Fredrico, the vault guard, and he'll give it to Sasha. Geo-Muse.
Hi-Revive (40 FP): Brings a character back to life, with 1/2 of their Max HP. Find the thirteenth graph in Vensnia, there should be a mage wandering around near the saloon. Muse-Geo.
The next six graphs are found in the cave where Sierra began her quest. Refer to the Sidequest section for the exact directions.
Hi-Break (47 FP): Earth attack, group. Geo-Geo.
Hi-Flame (47 FP): Fire attack, group. Flam-Flam.
Hi-Vortex (47 FP): Wind attack, group. Wing-Wing.
Hi-Aqua (47 FP): Water attack, group. Muse-Muse.
Hi-Spark (47 FP): Lightning attack, group. Wing-Flam.
Hi-Freez (47 FP): Ice attack, group. Wing-Muse.
Restore (4 FP): Heals status ailments of an ally. Find the twentieth graph in the Abandoned Lab. Muse-Flam.
Remedy (12 FP): Heals a decent amount of HP for all. Find the twenty first graph in a barrel near Mariel's house. Flam-Geo.
Hi-Shield (36 FP): Ups defense for the party. Find the twenty second graph in the Dragon's Lair, near Lombardia's chamber. Muse-Wing.
Hi-Protect (36 FP): Ups magic defense for the party. Find the twenty third graph in Demon Lab, shortly after escaping Kogatana's quarters. Flam-Muse.
Reflect (6 FP): Magic bounces off of the target and back to the caster. Does not effect positive magic like Heal and Shield. Find the twenty fourth graph in Lovelia, after defeating Death Newt. Wing-Geo.
Rage (10 FP): Ups attack of a character. However, sometimes it also causes the target to go berserk, and attack blindly at an enemy. Find the final graph in the Arena of Challenge, it is one of the prizes for the preliminaries. Flam-Wing.

K. Items

With the planet rejuvinating for a millenium following WA3, healing items grow with relative ease now. You can now buy them in towns again. Yup, no more searching out a traveling merchant. (M) next to an item means it can be Mysticed to work on all allies/enemies. [M] next to an item means it has a special effect when Mystic is used; will be explained in the description. (G) next to an item means the PS Green Thumb will double its power.

~*Recovery Items*~
Heal Berry (M)(G): The most common healing item in the game, it heals 300 HP. Every shop carries them.
Potion Berry (M)(G): A second level healing item in the game, it heals 1000 HP. Any shop you encounter after arriving in Marsala will sell them.
Mega Berry (M)(G): An advanced healing item in the game, it heals 3000 HP. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is chests, battles, gardening, or the Black Market in Vensnia (see sidequests).
Mini Carrot (M): A small magical item in the game, it gives 25 FP to a character. Despite only appearing in Neo-Adlehyde and Baskar following the events in the Divine Shrine, it is actually fairly common in chests.
Full Carrot (M): A large magical item in the game, it completely fills the FP gague of a character. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is chests, battles, gardening, or the Black Market in Vensnia (see sidequests).
Revive Fruit (M): An item to bring the dead back to life, however recovery is only limited to 5% of their Max HP. Every shop carries them.
Antidote (M): An item to recover Poison. Every shop carries them.
Breath Mint (M): An item to recover Sleep. Every shop carries them.
Medicine (M): An item to recover Disease. Every shop carries them.
Pinwheel (M): An item to recover Confusion. Every shop carries them.
Pixie Dust (M): An item to recover Paralysis. Every shop carries them.
Toy Hammer (M): An item to recover Amnesia. Every shop carries them.
Magicleanser (M): An item to recover Bronze. Every shop carries them.
Peppy Acorn (M): An item to recover Misery. Every shop carries them.
Seed Powder (M): An item to recover Glass. Every shop carries them.
Holy Root (M): An item to cure all status ailaments. You can only buy them in Vensnia (future, not in Sierra's prologue), Sarian (future, not in Sierra's prologue), Crescent, and Lovelia.
Tiny Flower: An item to raise Luck by 1. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests, battles, gardening, and once in a while Mariel will have one for you (matters by things like # of battles fought, # of times you slept, and real time passing).
Ambrosia: An item to cure all status and restore all HP of a person. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulte them is in chests or battles.
Nectar: An item to restore Max HP when it is reduced after failing to revive the dead after battle (see the Status Ailaments section for more detail). You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests, gardening, or battles.

~*In Battle Items*~
Fire Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Fire. Kill an enemy with Fire magic to receive.
Water Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Water. Kill an enemy with Water magic to receive.
Wind Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Wind. Kill an enemy with Wind magic to receive.
Earth Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Earth. Kill an enemy with Earth magic to receive.
Ice Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Ice. Kill an enemy with Ice magic to receive.
Thunder Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Thunder. Kill an enemy with Thunder magic to receive.
Light Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Light. Kill an enemy with Light magic to receive.
Dark Gem (M): Attacks an enemy with Dark. Kill an enemy with Dark magic to receive.
Lucky Card (M): Doubles the EXP of the character it is used on after battle and PS is taken into account. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests or battle.
Gella Card (M): Doubles the Gella of the enemy it is used on after battle & PS has been taken into account. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests or battle.
Bullet Clip: Re-loads bullets in Sierra's ARMs without visiting an ARMs Smith. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests or battle.
Secret Sign: Lowers the FP usage of one of Lyle's skills. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests or battles.

~*Misc. Items*~
Call Whistle: Calls your horses to you. Every shop carries them.
Duplicator: Opens locked doors and chests. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests, certain Key events, as well as fighting the Hayonkonton on the island north of the 3-Way Shrine.
Gimmel Coin: Saves away from Save Points, as well as resuming the game if you die. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests, battles, and the Black Market. However, most enemies carry them.
Name Tag: Re-names an NPC. You can only buy them in the Black Market, however chests carry them frequently.
Warp Star: Teleports a person to a town. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in battle and chests.
Grab Bag: Gives a character a few EXP. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests.
Big Grab Bag: Gives a character a lot of EXP. You cannot buy them in shops. The only way to accumulate them is in chests.

~*Key/Unique Items*~
Teleport Orb: Teleports you back to a town.
Exodus Orb: Escapes dungeons.
Diary: A diary left by Sierra's lost father.
Data: Information on how to build a Golem.
Cure All: Cures a deadly curse.
Magic Map: An ancient treasure of Adlehyde.
Introduction Letter: Good for a free stay at the Saloon in Neo-Adlehyde.
Cell Key: Unlocks the cells in Kogatana's Jail.
Teardrop [M]: The treasure of Adlehyde's Royal Family. The females can utilize its power to open doors, or combine with Mystic to heal wounds.
Ocarina: Calls Lucrecia to you.
Megami: A Goddess Idol.
Ryuu: A Dragon Idol.
Okami: A Wolf Idol.
Raion: A Lion Idol.
Shiro's Journal: The travel journal of Lyle's Father.
Shrine Key: Opens a hidden area inside of the shrine nearbye.
Magic Upgrade: A mystical mist used to increase magical abilities for Crest Sorcerers.
Tazelworm Fang: Rare item used in making magical remedies.
Bone [M]: A strange item with a mysterious power. Mystic property unknown.
Sonar: Shows lost items on the world map.
Black Pass: Access to the Black Market in Vensnia.
Gold Card: Allows a 50% discount on all items.
Adlehyde Key: Needed to access hidden rooms.
Magic Scepter: Holy Artifact.
Sword of Illusion: Holy Artifact.
Tiger's Eye: Holy Artifact.
Lunar Gauntlet: Holy Artifact.
Solar Helm: Holy Artifact.

L. Status Ailaments

~*NOTE*~ Any one marked with a (R) recovers after the fight. Any one without a (R) must be healed with the normal means.

Poison: Lose HP every round. Cure with an Antidote, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Sleep (R): Put to sleep and cannot act. Cure with a Breath Mint, Holy Root, the spells Restore & Remedy, or if an enemy attacks the victim.
Disease: Healing spells & items become non effective when used on the character. Cure with a Medicine, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Confusion (R): Become uncontrolled & could attack other characters. Cure with a Pinwheel, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Paralysis (R): You cannot act at all. Cure with a Pixie Dust, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Amnesia: You will not receive EXP after the fight. Cure with a Toy Hammer, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Bronze (R): Speed drops drastically (usually you are the last to act), and in three turns you become a statue. Cure with a Magicleanser, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Misery: Gain only one FP per action, and use of Force & Skills are restricted. Cure with a Peppy Acorn, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Glass (R): You turn into a glass statue, and one hit will knock you out of the fight. Although you cannot be brought back and will not gain EXP, you do not lose Max HP afterwards. Cure with a Seed Powder, Holy Root, or the spells Restore & Remedy.
Fallen (R): You are knocked out of comission completely. If you are not brought back, your Max HP will be reduced by 10% until you either sleep or take a Nectar. Cure with a Revive Fruit, or the spells Revive & Hi-Revive.


Unlike Wild ARMs 3, no Guardian has innate PS. Each one has eight slots to equip eight individual Gears. With three Guardians per person, it comes to the same total. Also unlike the third game, you can remove your items from one Guardian and equip them on another. The higher the level of the skill, the higher chance of activation/more it protects you. You get one PS point for every level your character gains. So you can use up to 100 points total in the end. By utilizing the right combinations, you can increase your chances at winning a fight. Unless otherwise mentioned,(i.e. they're one of a kind from an event) they are only available in battle, chests (sometimes only a single chest), and the Black Market (if one is sold, only for status/elemental wards).

~*Element & Status Wards*~
Fire Ring: Guards against Fire attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Water Ring: Guards against Water attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Wind Ring: Guards against Wind attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Earth Ring: Guards against Earth attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Ice Ring: Guards against Ice attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Thunder Ring: Guards against Thunder attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Light Ring: Guards against Light attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Dark Ring: Guards against Dark attacks. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Moonstone: Guards against Poison. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Alarm Clock: Guards against Sleep. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Hazel Spring: Guards against Disease. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Clear Chime: Guards against Poison. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Blue Bracer: Guards against Paralysis. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Memo Pen: Guards against Amnesia. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Holy Ankh: Guards against Bronze. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Heart Leaf: Guards against Misery. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Soul Feather: Guards against Glass. 1 pt per level at four levels.
Holy Grail: Guards against Instant Death. 1 pt per level at four levels.

~*Battle Gears*~
Gunstar Sign: Ups Critical Hit rate. 2 pts per level at four levels.
Baselard: Allows you to cancel out an attack without spending points. 2 pts per level at four levels.
Arctic Blade: Allows character to counter enemy attack. 2 pts per level at two levels.
Vambrace: Can completely block a physical attack and any status ailaments that go with it. 2 pts per level at two levels.
Lion Shield: Character might take a hit for a friend and also reduce damage. 2 pts per level at two levels.

~*Bonus Gears*~
Pocketbook: Chance of getting double the Gella after a fight. 2 pts per level at one level.
Missanga: Ups a character's luck. 4 pts per level at four levels.
Weathervane: Avoids being seperated from the group as well as reducing ambushes. If everyone has one equipped, you won't ever be surprised. 4 pts per level at one level.
10-Gal Hat: Increases the chance of going first. 4 pts per level at one level.

~*Unique Gears*~
Dried Flower: Doubles power of recovery items. A gift from Mariel if you talk to her with Sasha in front. You don't have to wait to meet her in storyline; you can go there as early as you want but the plot doesn't advance with her until it's time. 4 pts per level at four levels.
Commet Mark: Ups attack power. Kill Ephrem Zein on level 10 of the ABBYS (see Sidequests) to receive. 10 pts per level at four level.
Prism Crown: Guards against all Elements. Kill Luranaire Zein on level 30 of the ABBYS to receive. 5 pts per level at four levels.
Full Libra: Guards against all Status. Kill Zaverga Zein on level 60 of the ABBYS to receive. 5 pts per level at four levels.
Violator: Allows a powerful physical attack at 100 FP. If you return to the Abandoned Lab (see Sidequests) you will find this after a few scenes. 10 pts per level at four levels.
Sheriff's Star: Activates all PS on a character's Guardian. Found after fighting Ragu O' Ragula in the ABYYS. This is the only item that can be taken over to an EX New Game. 100 PS per level at 1 level.