What Digimon Are They Training

Here is a little segment I'd like to call...well, just look at the title. I interviewed RPG characters, and asked what their Digimon of choice would be, if they had one. Some were pretty cooperative, but others...well, see for yourself.

Ash Lambert: Monodramon, heck his Mega is cool
Eleni Dunbar: Salamon, she's cute and her Mega from the movie reminds me of the Salamander spell
Amon Miguel: Hawkmon, he flies...just like me
Sara Larna: Terriermon, just too kawaii
Clint Picard: Gabumon, he looks so strong
Kira Wulfsten: Biyomon, heck...her feathers match my first quiver
Diego Renault: Flymon, same as Amon
Grog Drinkwater: Gomamon, he can swim along my boat
Huxely Hobbes: Patamon, he doesn't look too dangerous
Dolan Gallan: Veemon, a powerful warrior
Zohar Abu Sa'id: Guilamon, a fire dragon like my Salamander spell
Darius Steinhoff: Datamon, he's a tinker like me

~Tales of Destiny~
Stahn Aileron: Guilamon, reminds me of me
Rutee Katrea: Renomon, I like her attitude
Leon Magnus: Wormmon, I don't know...I guess i can relate to Ken's loneliness and his dark side
Philia Felice: Monodramon, his digivolutions are strong enough to keep me from being a burden
Garr Kelvin: Terriermon, we share an element
Chelsea Torn: Monzaemon, I like teddy bears
Mary Argent: Agumon, power behind him
Karyl Sheeden: Gekomon, he can play while I sing
Bruiser Khang: Tentomon, grows up big and strong
Lilth Aileron: Lopmon, just like my pet rabbit; Hoppy

~Star Ocean: The Second Story~
Claude C. Kenni: Knightmon, we share a weapon
Rena Lanford: Salamon, I did have a puppy once
Celine Jules: Lopmon, on account of my fav. food being Baby Rabbit Rissotto. And no, I won't eat her
Ashton Anchors: Gigadramon and Megadramon, twin dragons like Gyoro and Ururun
Precis F. Neumann: Datamon, we can tinker together
Opera Vectra: Floramon, doubles as a nice flower arrangement for parties
Bowman Jean: Whatever will impress the girls (Nineh hits him over the head with a rolling pin)
Ernest Raviard: Bakemon, I don't know...I think I'm just into ghosts for some reason
Leon DS Geeste: Leomon, he's a cat too
Dias Flac: Musyamon, we're both samurai
Noel Chandler: Any animal type Digimon
Chisato Madison: Elecmon, his ears are like mine

Lina Inverse: (Isn't paying attention, busy eating the food Burgermon made)
Gourry Gabriev: (Same as Lina)
Amelia wil Tesla Seyruun: Whichever can bring justice to the world with me
Zelgadis Greywers: Impmon, we're both misunderstood
Filia Ul Compt: Veemon, and I do have a golden digiegg (pun...Golden Dragon)
Xellos Metallium: Sore wa himitsu desu (Filia womps him on the head with Mace-sama)
Martina Zoana Mel Navratilova: Demidevimon, fear my demonic servant Lina Inverse
Zangulus: Well...Gourry! Stop stuffing your face and fight me. You're Burgermon vs. my Knightmon
Sylphiel Nels Nada: Marine Angemon, he's so cute
Nahga the Serpent: Seadramon, with this sidekick I am unstoppable. Ohohohohohoh...(Lina fireballs her)

~Wild ARMs Series~
Rudy Roughnight: Deputymon, a gunslinger like me
Cecilia Lynn Adelhyde: Salamon, or anything else that is cute
Jack Van Burace: Whatever isn't as annoying as Hanpan (Hanpan bites him) YEOW!!!!!!!!
Virginia Maxwell: Something cute and friendly. Maybe a Salamon or a Patomon!
Jet Enduro: (looks around nervously to see if anybody is watching) How about the lone fighting Impmon? (sweats a little and aims Airget-lamh) And if you ever breathe a word of this to Virginia...(doesn't finish because I'm already gone)
Gallows Carradine: What Digimon is the best to attract girls with? (is whomped by Mallet-sama)
Clive Winslett: Well, after carefully considering the facts, I would choose Monodramon. Eventually, I will Digivolve him into the powerful Cyberdramon and Justimon...(I leave before he bores me to death).