Profiles of the Main Allies

Well, when working on Reviews, Notes and Situationals, we Muses have some major allies on our side. They play a higher role than the Other Males and Other Females, but a lower role than the Muses. Probably play more of a role than our boyfriends as well.

Name: Skysplitter Toranmon (Sky)
Birthday: February 23 (Pisces, Water Amethyst)
Partner: Teefa
Appearance: Small white tiger with yellow stripes, golden hair like that of a horse's mane, and golden eyes
Rank: Rookie
Element: Lightning
Personality: Snippy and overly critical
Note: Loves riding on Teefa's head

Name: Sunder Salamon
Birthday: April 2 (Aries, Fire, Diamond)
Partner: Lufia
Appearance: Tan colored puppy with floppy ears, big eyes and a golden Holy Ring for a collar
Rank: Rookie
Element: Holy
Personality: Easygoing and friendly
Note: Super sweet on Max's Patamon, Duel

Name: Chicky Biyomon
Birthday: September 3 (Virgo, Earth, Sapphire)
Partner: Samantha
Appearance: Pink bird with thick, spikey feathers on head, spikey feathers on the end of each wing and a long plume coming off the top of the head
Rank: Rookie
Element: Wind
Personality: Voice of reason, sisterly
Note: Enjoys racing other Digimon

Name: Mace Armadillomon
Birthday: October 20 (Libra, Air, Opal)
Partner: Burianne
Appearance: Yellow armadillo with a purple underbelly and a darker gold/yellow shell
Rank: Rookie
Element: Earth
Personality: Down to earth, problem solver
Note: Only one who can get Burianne off of her perverted highs

Name: Ninjy Killemon
Birthday: November 3 (Scorpio, Water, Topaz)
Partner: Phoebe
Appearance: Short human like figure with gray skin dressed all in black ninja robes
Rank: Rookie
Element: Dark
Personality: Distant and bloodthirsty
Note: Always looking for someone else to fight with

Name: Atwight Renamon
Birthday: July 19 (Cancer, Water, Ruby)
Partner: Rutee
Appearance: Humanoid yellow fox with a white belly and paws, wears violet battle gloves with a yin-yang on them
Rank: Rookie
Element: Ice
Personality: Supportive, motherly
Note: Named after Rutee's heirloom sword

Name: Vapor Vaporeon
Birthday: July 19 (Cancer, Water, Ruby)
Partner: Rutee
Appearance: Blue dog-like creature with fins surrounding her head and a mermaid-like tail in place of a more traditional canine one
Rank: Fully-Evolved (Stage 1)
Element: Water, but knows some Dark and Ice moves
Personality: Hyper, wild
Note: One of the few talking Pokemon in the world

Name: Kyle Aileron
Birthday: April 15 (Aries, Fire, Diamond)
Race: 1/4 Woren, 1/4 Huma, 1/2 Dragon
Appearance: Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Light Complexion, Yellow Scaled Arms, Legs and Tail All with Mahogony Stripes, Two Mahogony Stripes on each cheek
Weapon: None as of yet; he's just a baby
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Rutee & Stahn), Uncle (Emilio aka Leon; mother's side), Aunt (Lilith; father's side), Cousin (Rimul; via Lilith), Grandparents (Chris & Hugo; mother's side)
Pets: Scruff (Eevee), Salamander (Jarimon)
Personality: Just a baby so it hasn't developed yet, but he does love his parents and does love sleeping a lot
Note: First child born between anyone in the dorm

Name: Reala Rune
Birthday: March 10?? (Pisces, Water, Aquamarine)
Race: Winged
Appearance: Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Light Complexion, White Wings
Weapon: None as of yet; she's just a baby
Choice Element: Water
Family: Foster Parents (Selesia & Adreas)
Pets: Spiral (Glameow), Angel (YukimiBotamon)
Personality: Somewhat advanced in speaking for other kids her age, can be cold but kind
Note: Mysterious orphan, real birthdate unknown (she was found on that day), friends with Kyle from the nursery

Name: Celeste Eleana Hockle
Birthday: November 9 (Scorpio, Water, Topaz)
Race: 1/2 Woren, 3/8 Dragon, 1/8 Winged
Appearance: Violet Hair (a little tuft of red on top, though), Green Eyes, Yellow Fur w/Mahogany Stripes, Silvery-White Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail & Dragon's Wings (with black webbing)
Weapon: None as of yet; she's just a baby
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Max & Lufia), Grandparents (Jamie & George; mother's side), Uncles (Adam, Larry & Al; mother's side/Jacob; father's side), Aunts (Ann & Lilly; mother's side)
Pets: Voltie (Pichu), Star (YukimiBotamon)
Personality: Just a baby so it hasn't developed yet
Note: Seems to possess some abilities from when her mother was possessed by Erim, but full extent is unknown as of yet