Clan Religions

There are many different dieties that inhabit the world of my Muses. Some are worshipped by a single clan, while others are more widly recognized. Here they are, so you might understand what certain characters mean when they call out in a moment of surprise or disgust.

Religion: Ladonist
Diety: Dragon God Ladon
Worshipping Clan(s): Light Dragon, Winged, Woren
Note: The reason for this many clans worshipping Ladon is b/c of close ties between the ancient Woren, Winged, and Light Dragons

Religion: Myrist
Diety: Myria, the Goddes of Life and Death
Worshipping Clan(s): Dark Dragon
Note: Detests the Light Dragons, due to the struggle between the two Dragon Clans

Religion: Fenririst
Diety: Fenrir, the Wolf God or God of Hunting
Worshipping Clan(s) Forest, Kitsune
Note: Leads travelers who are lost in the woods by taking the form of a silver wolf

Religion: Leviathist
Diety: Leviathan, the Great Sea Serpent (Sea God)
Worshipping Clan(s): Manillo
Note: Protects the ships at sea

Religion: Titanist
Diety: Titan, the God of Strength and Metalwork
Worshipping Clan(s): Metalsmith
Note: His hammer, Goldax, once slew the Great Demon Luvitar in one blow

Religion: Diesist
Diety: Dies, the Serpentine Sorceress (Sorcery Goddess)
Worshipping Clan(s): Serpentine
Note: Also called Ryuu no Tomodachi(Friend of Dragons), she fights against her sister Myria on behalf of the Light Dragons

Religion: Gnomist
Diety: Gnomoe, the God of Digging & The Underground
Worshipping Clan(s): Mole People
Note: A friend to miners, he will dig them out of a hole or tunnel if they get stuck

Religion: Straylize
Diety: Atamoni, the Goddess of Love & Peace
Worshipping Clan(s): Grassrunner
Note: She also calls for the worship of Ishtar, the Moon Goddess

Religion: Namandist
Diety: St. Namanda, the God of Farming
Worshipping Clan(s): Shell
Note: Stresses the values of strength and hard work

Religion: Frianist
Diety: Friana, the Goddess of War
Worshipping Clan(s): Highlander
Note: Believes that when not at war, you should aid others who are at war

Religion: Undinist
Diety: Undine, the Goddess of Water
Worshipping Clan(s): Creeping
Note: A gentle Goddess, often at odds with Friana

Religion: Manaist
Diety: Malia, the Mana (Life or Energy) Goddess
Worshipping Clan(s): Sprite, Mana Tribe
Note: Oversees the choosing of the new Mana Tree

Religion: Luminist
Diety: Lumina, the Goddess of Light and Gold
Worshipping Clan(s): Hylian
Note: Creator of the Triforce, a sacred artifact in Hyrule

Religion: Naturalist
Diety: Natura, Goddess of Nature
Worshipping Clan(s): Elf
Note: Working side by side with her sister Malia, she keeps the world's energy in perfect harmony, thus life giving plants can be produced

Religion: Yggdrasilist
Diety: Yggdrsil, the World Tree
Worshipping Clan(s): Grassmen
Note: Natura and Malia's "Father", he created them from two twigs that fell off of him

***NOTE*** Huma don't tend to worship any single religion, as they live all over. Rather, they tend to assimilate with the Clan that has the most influence

***NOTE*** Each Clan acknowledges the other dieties, but tend to worship their own the most. If something were to go wrong in another area, they would call upon the corresponding deity though

***NOTE*** Some of the names (Fenrir, Yggdrasil, Leviathan, Titan, & I think Natura) come from old mythology. Others (Ladon, Myria, Dies, Atamoni, Namanda, Yggdrasil) are RPG dieties. Still more (Undine, Leiviathan, Fenrir, Titan, Gnome, Lumina) are RPG summons/magical entities. Finally, the last group (Friana, and Malia) were just letters placed together

For more indepth information, try...

Ladonists, Servants of Ladon
Myrists, Servants of Myria
Fenrirists, Servants of Fenrir
Leviathists, Servants of Leviathan
Titanists, Servants of Titan
Diesists, Servants of Dies
Gnomists, Servants of Gnome
Straylize, Servants of Atamoni
Namandists, Servants of St. Namanda
Frianists, Servants of Friana
Undinists, Servants of Undine
Manaist, Servants of Malia
Luminist, Servants of Lumina
Naturalist, Servants of Natura
Yggdrasilist, Servants of Yggdrasil