Clan Spells

A list of all the spells that are useable in the story, as well as which clan uses them.


Heal:(4 MP) LV. 1 HP restore spell, single (Light Dragon, Grassrunner, Forest, Kitsune, Shell, Metalsmith, Manillo, Mana, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Purify:(4 MP) Cures Poisons (Light Dragon, Forest, Manillo, Grassrunner, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Rejuvinate:(7 MP) LV. 2 HP restore spell, single (Light Dragon, Grassrunner, Kitsune, Shell, Metalsmith, Mana, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Raise Dead:(10 MP) Restores an unconscious person (Light Dragon, Manillo, Grassrunner, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Remedy:(7 MP) Heals all status problems (Light Dragon, Grassrunner, Metalsmith, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Vitalize:(20 MP) LV. 1 HP restore spell, all (Light Dragon, Grassrunner, Metalsmith, Hylian, Elf)
Restore:(12 MP) LV. 3 HP restore spell, single (Light Dragon, Grassrunner, Kitsune, Shell, Metalsmith, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Vigor:(50 MP) LV. 2 HP restore spell, all (Light Dragon, Metalsmith, Hylian, Elf)
Escape:(8 MP) Teleports out of dungeons (Winged, Serpentine, Elf)
Warp:(8 MP) Teleports to town (Winged, Serpentine, Elf)
Elf:(8 MP) Sacred spell, can teleport to hidden Elvin towns (Elf)


Protect:(2 MP) Ups Defense, single (Light Dragon, Grassrunner, Hylian, Elf)
Shield:(4 MP) Ups Magic Resistance, single (Light Dragon, Hylian, Elf)
Barrier:(4 MP) Ups both DEF and MGR, single (Light Dragon, Hylian, Elf)
Might:(4 MP) Ups Strength, single (Grassrunner, Hylian, Elf)
Speed:(2 MP) Ups Speed, single (Woren, Grassrunner, Creeping, Hylian, Elf)
Blunt:(1 MP) Ups Magic, single (Winged, Hylian, Elf)
Weaken:(1 MP) Drops Strength, single (Winged, Kitsune, Creeping, Sprite)
Slow:(1 MP) Drops Speed (Winged, Woren, Sprite)
Identify: Checks status of an enemy (Grassrunner)
Fortell: Predicts battle outcome (Grassrunner)


Flare:(3 MP) LV. 1 Fire attack, single (Dark Dragon, Serpentine, Fire Elementals, Forest, Highlander, Sprite, Elf)
Frost:(3 MP) LV. 1 Ice attack, single (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Ice Elementals, Forest, Creeping, Sprite, Elf)
Jolt:(3 MP) LV. 1 Lightning attack, single (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Lightning Elementals, Forest, Sprite, Elf)
Gust:(3 MP) LV. 1 Wind attack, single (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Wind Elementals, Sprite, Elf)
Simoon:(3 MP) LV. 1 Explosion attack, all (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Forest, Sprite)
Tremor:(3 MP) LV. 1 Earth attack, all (Dark Dragon, Serpentine, Mole, Earth Elementals, Shell, Sprite, Elf)
Fireblast:(6 MP) LV. 2 Fire attack, all (Dark Dragon, Serpentine, Fire Elementals, Forest, Highlander, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Iceblast:(6 MP) LV. 2 Ice attack, single (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Ice Elementals, Forest, Creeping, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Lightning:(6 MP) LV. 2 Lightning attack, all (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Lightning Elementals, Forest, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Typhoon:(6 MP) LV. 2 Wind attack, all (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Wind Elementals, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Sirocco:(10) LV. 2 Explosion attack, all (Dark Dragon, Winged, Serpentine, Highlander, Sprite, Hylian)
Quake:(6 MP) LV. 2 Earth attack, all (Dark Dragon, Serpentine, Mole, Earth Elementals, Shell, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Inferno:(12) LV. 3 Fire attack, single (Serpentine, Fire Elementals, Highlander, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Blizard:(12) LV. 3 Ice attack, all (Winged, Serpentine, Ice Elementals, Creeping, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Myollnir:(12) LV. 3 Lightning attack, single (Winged, Serpentine, Lightning Elementals, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Tempest:(12) LV. 3 Wind attack, all (Winged, Serpentine, Wind Elementals, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Ragnarock:(12) LV. 3 Earth attack, all (Serpentine, Mole, Earth Elementals, Shell, Sprite, Hylian, Elf)
Ebb:(2 MP) LV. 1 Fish attack, single (Manillo)
Ebb X:(4 MP) LV. 2 Fish attack, single (Manillo)
Eco:(8 MP) LV. 1 Dolphin attack, single (Manillo)
Eco X:(16 MP) LV. 2 Dolphin attack, single (Manillo)
Kyrie:(8 MP) Insantly kills all undead enemies (Creeping, Mana, Hylian)
Death:(5 MP) May kill an enemy instantly (Serpentine, Woren, Highlander, Kitsune)
Drain:(3 MP) Steals HP from an enemy (Winged, Kitsune)
Leech Powder: Steals MP from an enemy (Winged, Kitsune)
Pilfer: Steals items from an enemy (Woren)
Confuse:(2 MP) Causes enemies to be confused (Grassrunner, Kitsune)
Sleep:(3 MP) Puts enemies to sleep (Grassrunner)
Silence:(2 MP) Prevents enemies from casting spells (Woren, Grassrunner, Kitsune, Creeping)
Paralyze:(9 MP) Stops movement in enemies (Creeping)
Shadow Walk:(7 MP) Teleportation attack, single (Hylian)
Apocalypse:(10 MP) Every status element, all (Hylian)
Aura:(10 MP) Powerful Light attack, single (Mana, Hylian)
Crunch: Lowers Defense and attacks, single (Hylian)


Accession: Turns into a Dragon by splicing different genes (Light and Dark Dragon)
Great Bird: Becomes a giant bird that can lift people on their backs and fly (Winged)
Weretiger: Becomes a monster tiger, has no concept of friend or foe and may attack allies (Woren)
Frog: Becomes a giant frog that can ferry others across the water (Creeping)
Giant Fish: Becomes a giant fish that can carry others underwater (Manillo)

**NOTE**If a character is specified as studying under a particular clan, they would know those spells too. For example, Lufia had a Serpentine sorceress teach her magic on the side. Thus, she not only knows all of the Woren magic, she also knows Serpentine magic.

**NOTE**Characters who are halfbreeds (1/2 of two seperate clans ala Teefa) or hybrids (fractions of blood from two or more clans, but only one clan can be 1/2 ala Max) can use spells from any clan they are a part of. However, sometimes they develop their powers towards one side, thus losing some of their spells (Max lost the ability to use stat altering magic and has incredibly weakened attack magic, while Teefa isn't as physically strong as most Woren).

**NOTE**Elementals are the term used for Woren, Grassrunners, and Kitsune. Unless otherwise trained, they cast spells from only one element which they are born with.

Chants to Said Spells