
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Friana, the War Goddess. She also governs the mercenary profession, wanting her people to use it to help others who are at war. Fighting is everything to her, considered the most violent and bloodthirsty deity. Because of this, she and the Moon Goddess, Ishtar, get along well because of Ishtar's role as Guardian of Atamoni's temple.
Friana looks like a Highlander woman who has golden brown fur and eyes like fire. Her weapon is a large sword that seems to flame of its own will. When angered, she can transform into a giant ape-like creature and destroy all in her path in order to eliminate what annoyed her.


In the origins of time, Friana was a constant spectator of the Huma/Reptite conflict. Because the other gods didn't want any other race to get involved, she could not bring her followers into the fray. However, she was forever goading either side with new advantages or enemy weaknesses. Finally, the others told her to quiet down because the issue was only getting worse.
The Ice Age cooled her down because there were no wars. With the Myrists ruling everything, nobody was fool enough to attack and there was no violence. However, the second their civilization collapsed, she found a new job.
Friana appeared to the Highlanders and began to tell them to help those who are in the middle of wars. They were to build fortress cities to protect themselves from attack so their soldiers could leave whenever they wish to fight in said wars. Each of them were to train in the martial arts to attain greater strength, and magic to help attack from afar.


Worship of Friana is less formal and more on the spot. Whenever a warrior is about to go into battle, they say prayers for their own protection so they might live to fight another day. They wear special headbands which are consecrated to the goddess...
However, idols of Friana are found all over their castles. Each is made out of red stones and shows her holding her sword. As a rule, every Highlander fortress must have at least one right in the middle of the front stairs. However, every known castle has used more statues to decorate the ramparts, several higher towers, and some important rooms inside.