Inside Jokes

Ok, so sometimes you don't get some of the gags on the site. Probably haven't seen the right anime. Remember, we otaku can't keep ourselves from making jokes about things based on our obsessions. So look here for the answers to all your questions. Remember, if there's something you don't get, just send a friendly e-mail for comfermation. I'll answer it, and also explain the situation right here as well.

~Japanese Terms~

Bishonen: Japanese for handsome man, usually used in conjunction with anime or RPG characters.

Doujinshi: Comics drawn by fans, many of them hentai.

Ecchi: Mildly perverted, such as brief flashes of nudity or perverted humor. Also means a pervert.

Hentai: Extremely perverted, such as pornographic or suggestivly pornographic. Includes acts such as lifting up skirts in many fanfics I've read. Also means a pervert.

Kawaii: Cute, used mostly about Super Deformed characters, animals, and kids. Sometimes, most notebly by us authors, also used to mean certain cute situations between two characters.

Nani: Japanese word for what; it is used by Teefa in confusion a lot.

Otaku: See Crazed Fangirl/boy.

~Inside Jokes~

Bandit Killing/Blowing Things Up: Used in reference to Lina Inverse from The Slayers. As she travels, she kills the local bandits and takes their treasures for herself. Also known for blowing up towns, ruins, castles, entire forests, or even her own friends in order to attain victory.

Eating Like (character name here): A popular anime joke is a character who eats twice their weight in food at one sitting. Such examples are Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev (The Slayers), Goku (Dragon Ball/DBZ/DBGT), and Usagi Tsukino/Serena (Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon/Sailor Moon).

Gourry Gabriev School of Thinking/Gourry Sized Brain: Gourry from The Slayers is forever forgetting what Lina tells him, causing her to get angry.


Aquaveil: Northeastern island chain in the Lens Alliance. Often at war with Sienegald, due to formerly being a colony of that nation.

Carinz: Magic using member of the Southern Island Alliance. The reason the Woren here are so good at magic is that the Serpentine have altered their spiritual flow to use it better.

Cavalese: A hot dry region in the Lens Alliance. Lies in the southwest of the Alliance's main continent. Hates foreigners, not good for tourists.

Coshen: Agricultural and Craftsman member of the Southern Island Alliance. Brings the most money into the alliance. Is popular with Manillo traders for these exports.

Crystaland: A country in the middle of the Luverian Ocean that has an unstable environment protected by the Four Crystals of Earth. Fair weather unless the crystals are out of whack. If that happens, the four regions suffer from extreme conditions. The currency is GP.

Elmen: An Island in between North and Westland in the Mikanian Ocean. Fair to warm weather. The currency is Garian.

Fitzgald: Long island, almost as big as a continent, that lies to the north of Cavalese in the Lens Alliance.

Hyrule: Just east of Lakeland in the Mikevian Ocean. Protected by a powerful artifact called the Triforce. Fair climate. The currency is Rupee.

Ice Country: This cold, northern region of Manaland is the home of Santa Clause and a race of walrus - - the only ones who can live in the bitter cold for extended periods of time.

Kakkara: A desert adjacent to Upperland. Harsh traveling conditions, Manillo traders have to come through on Tasnica's Sandship to actually get their goods.

Lakeland: A long island in the shape of a pole. Lays along the eastern side of the Mikevian Ocean, and marks the border between it and the Luverian Ocean. Fair weather, even in the desert. The currency is Gannis.

Lens Alliance: Collection of countries that benefit from the mysterious silver disks known as Lens inside their monsters. Contrary to the name, there are often wars between the regions. Fair climate, except in the frigid Phandaria and the scortching Calvalese. The currency is Gald.

Lower Land: Lower half of the main continent on Manaland. The Sword of Mana is kept there, in a stone, until needed by a Knight.

Luverian Ocean: The Western Ocean.

Manaland: A series of large and small islands in the north of the Luverian Ocean. Governed by the Mana Tree, the land is kept fruitful. Fair weather, except in Karaka Desert, Ice Country, and the Upperland Forest of Seasons. The currency is Goris.

Mikanian Ocean: The Eastern Ocean.

Northland: A group of kingdoms to the north east of Westland in the Mikanian Ocean. Fair weather except in a few extreme deserts. The currency is Gambia.

Phandaria: The snowy, southern half of the Lens Alliance's main continent. Good fur trade. Although the furs sell big, not popular with Manillo traders due to the cold.

Pure Lands: Part of Manaland where no man calls home. Sacred realm that is the resting place of the Mana Tree.

Seinegald: Northern half of the Lens Alliance's main contenent. Often at war with Aquaveil. The local races usually live in their own towns, with a few exceptions. Sells the furs from Phandaria to Manillo traders.

Soshen: Technological member of the Southern Island Alliance, who are always working on new mechanical ways to go about doing things.

Southern Island Alliance: Laying about a thousand miles south of Westland's southernmost point, they are a group of independent islands that allied themselves with one another. Fair to warm climate. The currency is Glitz.

Tasnica: Foils of the Vandole Empire. Try to keep the emperor from taking all of Manaland for himself.

Ukatan: Warrior member of the Southern Island Alliance.

Upperland: The higher half of the main continent in Manaland. Boasts the only village of friendly monsters (some sentient Truffles), the only village of Moogles, as well as four forested areas dedicated to the four seasons (each one taking on an appearance and climate of one). A famous sage lives in the mountains to the west.

Vandole Empire: Consisting of two towns and a small island called Gold Isle, it is the most militaristic of Manaland's regions. Constantly at war with Tasnica.

Westland: A group of kingdoms on the western side of the Mikanian Ocean. Divides the Mikanian and Luverian Oceans from one another. Fair weather except in a few extreme deserts. The currency is Glevia.

*NOTE* Grassmen have no real settlement. They journey around the world seeking wisdom. That's why you rarely see them, and info is limited.

~Items of Power~

Four Crystals of Earth: Held in Crystaland. Each one controls a different force of nature. If one loses energy through a monster attack, the region it is attached to will suffer disasters based on the element of the crystal.

Lens: A strange metallic disk found in Lens Alliance monsters. Used by Oberon Corp to create everyday products for the people.

Mana Tree: Carries Mana's lifeblood around the world. Like her male counterpart, Yggdrasil, she is also a spiritual guide for her people. When the old tree dies, the soul of a Mana Tribeswoman is chosen to become the new tree.

Mana Seeds: Seeds of the Mana Tree that contain the power of the Eight Elementals of Mana, one elemental per seed. They are guarded by various shrines around Manaland, some more hidden than others.

Triforce: Represents three virtues; Wisdom, Power, and Courage. Once held in an alternate dimension, it now is the strength behind Hyrule's royal family.

Yggdrasil: The Great Tree worshiped by Grassmen. He functions like a god to them. But his location is unknown.

~The Dark Dragon War~

Dark Dragon Emperor Galneon: Was given rule of Teefa's homeland of Elman after the Dark Dragons took over. Attempted to use a powerful Mind Control technique on Teefa by sealing her with a jewel and a command word. It was thwarted by having Lufia throw a packet of catnip to tire/distract the girl, and then the others beat her up.

Divine Weapon: Describes the weapons used by the Light Angels. Even though they are all family heirloom weapons, the power of the Angels has made them divine. The Six Spheres, the present from the gods that were given to the Angels, elevated the weapons to that of Sacred Class equipment.

Erim: A God-Class Dark Dragoness also known as the Death Goddess. However, from Max's ancestor she learned how to love and decided that she and her brothers were unnecessary in this world. Since Erim's powers are what revives Daos, Gades and Amon...she allowed herself to enter the womb of a woman of non-Dark Dragon birth and be born as a second soul inside the body of her child, Lufia, to prevent that power from being used. Unfortunately, they leaked out and revived her brothers when Lufia entered the war. Now, the Dark Dragons want the girl in order to unseal Erim and allow an easier time to revive the other God-Class Dark Dragons should they die.
Because of Erim's powers within Lufia, she is able to use the Darkness Sphere, something that should only be doable by a Dark Dragon.

God-Class Dark Dragons: Long ago, Myria granted four of her followers eternal life and powerful magic and vitality. Their names were...
Daos, Master of Terror
Erim, Mistress of Death
Amon, Master of Chaos
Gades, Master of Destruction
They constructed a floating fortress known as Doom Island to work towards their goal of taming the world for their mistress. However, Max's grandfather defeated them and sealed all of their powers away. They can be revived through the sacrifice of virgins, or by having Erim use her powers to drag them out of the abyss.

Holy Sword: Describes the weapons used by the Light Knights. Despite some of them being family weapons of power (i.e. Sam and Stahn's), and other weapons of power existing, they are still classified as such because the Knights wield them. All of them belong to the Sacred Class of weaponry.

Light Angels: "When the Darkness shall rise again, the six Angels of Light will be chosen to deliver the world from evil." After the Dark Dragon invasion, the gods chose six young girls to destroy them: Teefa, Lufia, Samantha, Burianne, Phoebe and Rutee. Throughout their entire teenage years, the six worked tirelessly with their Knights and friends to protect the world. Even though the Dark Dragons are defeated now, they still keep vigilant eyes on their activities.

Light Knights: "The Angels will each choose a Guardian, who will be her Knight. He will guard and shield her as the war enfolds them." When they were chosen, each Angel selected a young warrior from the dorm to be her Knight.
Teefa chose Rooks, the son of her father's top warrior.
Lufia chose Max, who had shown up at her palace with his dying father during the early stages of the invasion.
Samantha chose Sam, a childhood friend.
Burianne chose Terry, a warrior of a tribe closely allied with her own.
Phoebe chose Benjimin, an amnesiac who found his way to her hometown.
Rutee chose Stahn, the son of her father's best friend.
The Light Knights act as Guardians to the Light Angels and fight by their side. However, by the time they all grew up, the bonds between each Angel and Knight turned romantic.

Sacred Class Weapons: Any weapon that is blessed by some force, be it the natural spirits of the world or the gods themselves. Many of them are sentient enough that they only allow certain people to wield them, and some are powerful enough to talk. The criteria for wielding differs with each weapon; some prefer certain races, some only choose members of the same family and others only want people with a certain kind of spirit.

Seal of Erim: Seal used to keep the Death Goddess inside of Lufia's body.

Six Spheres: Long ago, the gods sealed the power of the elements into six orbs. Each one can be wielded by Clans that are blessed by their power:
Fire = Highlanders/Serpentine/Kitsune
Water = Manillo/Creeping
Earth = Woren/Metalsmith/Shell/Mole/Grassrunner
Wind = Sprite/Elf/Winged
Light = Light Dragon/Winged/Mana Tribe/Hylian
Darkness = Dark Dragon.
Huma can wield all but Darkness because of their versatility, while the Winged Clan being a hybrid between bird and angel allows them to wield both Wind and Light.

~Worldly Items/Terms~

Central Island: The middle island in The Marina. Student dorms are located there, along with stores, arcades, bars, restaurants, and other places to enjoy oneself.

Earth Island: Eastern island in The Marina. It is used to train the body for physical combat. Classes held there work on a person's strength and defensive abilities, as well as the use of weapons.

Fire Island: Southern island in The Marina. It is used to train Mana power for using magic. Classes held there work on a person's magical strength and defense, as well as teach spells.

Hovercar: A vehicle that can go on both water and land. Because it runs on magic power and will, even children as young as ten can pilot them. Though only Rutee had one at first (an old clunker she got before they rescued the Lens Alliance), the entire team brought them after getting through their regular schooling.

Marina Elinia's Warrior Academy: The Marina for short. Boarding school for warriors, sorcerers and healers. If you can use the abilities in battle, it's taught there. It consists of five islands (one in the middle and the others around it in the four cardinal directions). Teefa and her friends came there for the fifteen year training course shortly after the Dark Dragon invasion began.

Solar Age: The age a person will be turning this year. All Solar Ages advance when the clock strikes midnight on New Years (i.e. if your birthday is March 1st and you'll be turning 18 when it passes, your Solar Age will be 18 the January 1st before that birthday). Solar Ages are usually used in such things as signing up for certain programs (school or otherwise) and for seeing higher rated movies (i.e. you can see an R rated movie when your Solar Age is 17, even if your birthday hasn't passed yet).

The Marina: A ship used at Marina Elinia's Warrior Academy, usually for school trips. It also helped to ferry the team around the world to track the Dark Dragons, and to bring some students home for vacation. This can also be used as a nickname for the school when they don't want to type out the whole name.

Water Island: Northern island in The Marina. It is used to train for clerical jobs that assist others. Classes held there work on a person's ability to heal and cast protective spells, as well as to deal with the horrors of being in the healer's tent.

Wind Island: Western island in The Marina. It is used to train for jobs that might require stealth rather than battle abilities. Classes held there work on a person's speed and dodging ability, as well as teach how to pick locks for spying or rescue missions.


These are the defianitions of the world's monetary system. When exchanging your money for local currency, you first get it changed into GP (the basic currency in the world), and then into the one you want. Simplifies things, since the Exchange Rates are a little messy.

Gald: Oblong shaped pieces of gold. Used in the Lens Alliance. Worth two times GP.

Gambia: Star shaped pieces of gold. Used in Northland. Worth one and a half times GP.

Gannis: Pieces of gold shaped like long, thin rods. Used in Lakeland. Worth 1/5 of GP.

Garian: Cube shaped pieces of gold. Used in Elman. Worth 1/2 of GP.

Glevia: Bar shaped pieces of gold. Used in Westland. Worth one and a quarter times GP.

Glitz: Pieces of gold shaped lke little lightning bolts. Used in Southern Islands. Worth 1/4 of GP.

Goris: Sphere shaped pieces of gold. Used in Manaland. Worth 1/3 of GP.

GP: Little circular pieces of gold. Used in Crystaland Base currency in the world.

Rupees: Gems traded in Hyrule. The only currency not formed from gold, but precious gems. Worth three times GP.