
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Leviathan, the Great Sea Serpent who is also the god of the sea. His mission is to protect ships at sea during storms and in other forms of troubled water. But when they do sink, he defends the treasures inside from looters and pirates.
Leviathan is also a very testy deity so his people take care not to insult him. Mostly, this is due to the fact that the Manillo are a fish-like species and have to deal with the oceans when trading; whether they use a ship to carry heavy cargo or simply transform to carry lighter loads is irrelevant here. But despite his ferocious appearance, he is actually an extremely kind deity if you do not cross him.


When the world began, and after he created the Manillo, he didn't have that much to do. Since ships weren't traveling the seas, Leviathan only had to contend with watching over the Manillo as they swam. It should be noted that the Manillo only look like regular fish because Leviathan himself can shapeshift into any aquatic lifeform that is unable to live on land and thus he has power over them; if he had created his race as serpents, he felt he'd not only scare the others but get Dies mad at him. So he lived in constant peace...until the Ice Age came.
Due to the extreme cold, Leviathan had a new problem to deal with. Iceburgs would come ashore and sometimes hurt people if they were large enough and the destroying force was powerful enough to send them far. So he was charged by the other gods with destroying large iceburgs that came loose and started heading for land.
Once things warmed up again, Leviathan went back to his relative peace. However, eventually the Clans began to build ships to traverse the sea. He then found his new, and more well known, job of protecting the travelers. The only time a ship could not count on protection is when there was a war and two enemies were fighting, or when pirates were attacking cargo ships. Leviathan would usually stay out of it, not taking sides, unless one was truly an unjust aggressor; such as a pirate or a sudden attack on a ship meant to draw another country into war.


Ceremonies to Leviathan are performed underwater by the Manillo in secret rockeries used as their temples. There are never fires, even though the Manillo could use their air bubbles to create them, because it is not polite to offer fire to a god of the waters. Instead, they pour liquid beverages onto his alter; usually tropical fruit juices or liquor flavored with tropical fruit juice.
On the first day of every Water Zodiac Sign, a festival is held to honor Leviathan. A group of Manillo dress up in a single sea serpent costume and act out several legends about his exploits. There is singing and dancing from the congregates, as well as feasting on many tropical fruits and their juices.