
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Malia, the Mana Goddess. Mana, as an energy source is what shapes the world, so she has been known as the Life or Energy Goddess. Malia is described as a beautiful woman with light green hair and emerald eyes, who wears robes of varying earth tone colors (generally greens with some brown for the borders).
Malia's job is to help regulate the environment alongside her sister, Natura. They work hard at protecting what is there already and trying to replicate what was lost due to disaster or human foolishness. Also, Malia helps to oversee the selecting of the Mana Tree every time the tree dies and a new one needs to be born.


Malia, working with Natura, made sure that there were enough plants for the original people to eat and for game to hide among. That way, the clans didn't starve in the prehistoric times. They grew immense jungles filled with lush, tropical fruit and helped to place the seeds that would later be domesticated by the Farming Clan under St. Namada.
When the Ice Age came, most life was killed off and the sisters parted ways for awhile. Malia still had to regulate the world's energy so that it did not go out of control, but Natura was left to care for the plants that remained underground and were left as one of the only food sources.
Soon, Malia became aware of the activity of the paresetic Lavos who was the source of the Dragons' power. She begged for help from Dies and Ladon to try and win back the Dragon Clan to take action against the monster who was a threat to her energy flow. Thus, the return of the Light Dragons to Ladon's service occurred and the fall of Zeal was possible.
However, Lavos still existed despite being weakened. So Malia gathered her followers from the Sprites and Mana Tribe to create a sealing field around his location. The lands that the field created were known as the Purelands, and still act as a seal to drain the monster of power. To guard it, Malia selected a woman of the Mana Tribe to become a tree of great power, the Mana Tree. That tree still stands, albeit the soul guard has changed hands several times, and continues to drive the beast back. Though one does not know if he still has any power remaining after centuries of draining.


The Sprites are known for their flagrant festivals every month to honor Malia. Each person in the village dresses up in bright colors and waves banners and streamers in the same pattern as their clothes. They will generally parade around the forest or field they call home, waving these symbols and screaming praises out to the sky. The festivities conclude with a feast lead by the High Priest in the village.
In contrast, the Mana Tribe is more subdued. They practice quiet meditation and worship as they bless the goddess for her continued protection. But once every year, the women will dress in immaculate white robes and head to the Mana Tree's central field to lay flowers and gifts. They ask for her blessings as well as vow to carry on the legacy of the Mana Tree should the old one die and one of them must become its new spirit.
Both clans, however, do plant a tree once a year in the springtime. They head to a less populated area of the forest or field in which they live and will lay a small seedling in the ground. Then, the village will care for it and work their hardest to make it grow.