
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Myria, Goddess of Life and Death. She is a vengeful goddess who hates those who have ideas that differ from her. Mostly, the objects of her wrath are Dies, Ladon, and the Light Dragon Clan. As Goddess of Life and Death, she is able to create life that has no relevance to her form or power; unlike the other gods who created clans based on their own appearances.
Her form is that of a beautiful blond woman with two pairs of angel's wings; one diagonally pointing upward and another diagonally pointing downward. She prides herself on this beauty and insults her sister, Dies, over her Serpentine body.
Her biggest enemy is her twin sister, Dies. Both girls were born from Ladon and Atamoni in a time before the Clans existed. Their rivalry goes much further than mortal siblings as Myria fights against her father and sister.


Myria was on the fence during the early part of the world's life. She was, however, asked to help create races based on foxes, birds and cats--aka the Kitsune, Winged and Woren Clans--because no deity could correspond to them and a few of the gods thought those races would be interesting. But after doing that favor for the others, she immediately created the Reptites because she thought it would be funny to watch them duke it out with the Huma; all the other clans stayed on the sidelines for one reason or another during this event.
Worship of Myria didn't start until around 12000 BDE. She influenced the Dragons, who were completely fed up with the world's condition, to follow her and she would save them. Eventually, they built the first ever Flying Fortress to evade the cold conditions of the world. The beast they used to aid their magic was called Lavos. However, as they began a tyrannical rule over the other Clans below, several compassionate Dragons began to desert Myria in favor of Ladon.
When Zeal fell, Myria's true followers left the others of their Clan to worship their goddess somewhere else. They became known as the Dark Dragons while the others became known as the Light Dragons. To this day, the Dark Dragons have attempted to reach the skies again using different means because they believe that flying in the sky will brink them closer to Myria's grace.
They have created several fortresses over the years to accomplish this goal. In a second great disaster a millennium ago, the Dark Dragons created a series of sky cities called Aeropolises to avoid calamity and join Myria. But again, tyrannical rule eventually doomed them. A small contingent went to the Manalands and tried the same thing after the war, but it was also destroyed for defiling nature. The most recent is a group of Dark Dragons known as "Sinistraels" whom Myria empowered ages ago to see how they faired against the others of this world. They are immortal, super powerd, and have their own Floating Fortress known as Doom Island which lies in the seas near Westland after being sunk a second time.


As stated in the History section, Myrists believe they need to worship their deity by being as close to her as possible. That's why their territories are generally close to mountains. In instances where no mountains are present, such as in Manaland's Vandole Empire, they build high towers and palaces to seek her.
Priests and priestesses of Myria officiate over these mountainside services. They instruct people to look to the sky and call to their goddess to come down and take them away. It is also these priests and priestesses who go on to become the rulers of every Floating Fortress they've gotten their hands on, as well as the towns in which they live; the most spiritual member of this sect becomes the town or fortresses ruler.
Myria's followers are also seething from defeat at the hands of Light Dragons one too many times. Like their deity, they wish revenge on Ladon and Dies for helping their opposite Clan and the Light Dragons for leading the charge against them. If ever a vision tells them to go to war with another Clan or try to take out their enemies, they do so without hesitation.