
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Natura, the Goddess of Nature. Like her sister, Malia, she has long green hair and emerald eyes. But while Malia wears green with brown lining, Natura wears a variety of colors. Her rule is that if it can be in a flower, it can be a part of her wardrobe. Therefore, she collects clothing and robes.
Her relationship with her sister is considered really good. They work together to help protect the natural world. Though while Malia also has to deal with the energy of Mana, Natura deals with what can be seen. However, Natura is much more childish while Malia is mature and dignified.


With Malia's help, she created the original plants that inhabited the world. Because of her love of bright colors, Natura wanted to have many types of fruit and veggitable as well as flowers, each with their own unique look. So after they had finished making the necessary plants, Natura went on a fun filled rampage of creating beautiful veggitation for both food and aestetic beauty.
When the Ice Age came, most life was killed off and the sisters parted ways for awhile. Malia still had to regulate the world's energy so that it did not go out of control, but Natura was left to care for the plants that remained underground and were left as one of the only food sources.
They didn't see each other again until after Zeal's fall. Once Malia had sealed Lavos with the help of her followers, Natura begged her to help revive the plant-life and the colors she missed so much. Consenting, the two sisters went around and began helping to pull back the frozen destruction. Soon, everything was back to normal and Natura was happy with the beauty of the world again.


The elves often hold their services to Natura in the forests surrounding their villages. They set up an alter decorated with bright potted plants and draped with a cloth in a shade benefiting the season (green for spring, yellow for summer, red for fall and blue for winter). Each elf brings a single flower in a small vase to hold during the ceremony where they bless everything Natura has created, especially their protector forests.
Like the followers of Malia, they make sure to plant a new tree every year during the spring. This is in honor of how the sisters ended the Ice Age with their creations of greenery. Usually, it is in a less crowded area of the forest or its outskirts. They will protect that tree and make sure it grows to honor Natura and her blessings.