World Clans

Here is the basic stats of the world clans. This describes basic appearance, as well as the powers of each. But it doesn't go into the magical spells in detail, that will come later on.

Stat Defanitions. . .
STR: phsical power
DEF: defensive power
MAG: magical power
MGR: magical resistance
SPD: speed

Region Abreviations (when indicating a specific part of a region they live in)...
L.A.: Lens Alliance
M.L.: Manaland
S.I.: Southern Island Alliance

Name: Light Dragon
Magic Type: Healing/Status
STR: Above Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Human like, usually light to pale skinned, with dragon wings on back and scales on both their arms and legs in varying colors, can turn into Dragons during combat
Places they Live In: Crystaland, Elemen, Fitzgald (L.A.), Lakeland, Northland, Seinegald (L.A.), Tasnica (M.L.), Westland
Transformations: Various Dragons
Blessed by Ladon, the Light Dragons have spent thousands of years fighting against the forces of evil. Whether it is a threat by Myria, her servants or other troublemakers, no doubt a Light Dragon will be ready to fight.
Dragons may look like they live in many places, however this is more a direct result of their constant battles to protect the world. Their settlements are usually much smaller than other races as a result, and sometimes they simply live among other Clans and either intermarry or head to more populous Dragon settlements to keep the bloodline going.

Name: Dark Dragon
Magic Type: Attack
STR: Above Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Below Average
Appearance: Human like, usually pale skinned, with red eyes, with dragon wings on back and black scales on both their arms and legs, can turn into Dragons during combat
Places they Live In: Calvalese (L.A.), Elemen, Lakeland, Northland, Vandole Empire (M.L.)
Transformations: Various Dragons
As Light Dragons represent the power to protect the world, Dark Dragons have threatened it in the name of Myria. Unfortunately, these actions have led to mistrust from other Clans, even when a Dark Dragon is sincerely for peace. This has caused many to lash out in vengeance, starting the cycle of tragedy over again. Places like Cavalese, where Dark Dragons live away from other Clans, can be the most peaceful, though a warmongering leader like Emperor Vandole in Manaland can turn that peace back into war.
Like with Light Dragons, their covering the world is not so much because of a larger population, but because they have seeked out places convenient for summoning Myria. Usually, that led to war and strife, and the Light Dragons followed to put an end to it; note that Light Dragons live everywhere Dark Dragons do.

Name: Winged
Magic Type: Attack/Status
STR: Average
DEF: Below Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Above Average
Appearance: Human like with a pair of wings on back, different color of wings exist
Places they Live In: Crystaland, Elemen, Lakeland, Lower Land (M.L.), Northland, Phandaria (L.A.), Westland
Transformations: Great Bird
Like with the Light Dragons, they are considered Ladon's faithful servants. Note how they live in the same regions as the Light Dragons, albeit sometimes not in the exact same part of the region. They tend to be the magical oomph behind the protection of the world. A bit more populous than the Light Dragons in all regions they live in.
Their bones are hollow, allowing them to fly, though their magic powers protect them from being more fragile than other Clans. However, with this lower weight, they have an incredibly low alcohol tolerance compared to others of similar build. Though many of them claim it saves a ton on drinks when they have parties...

Name: Forest
Magic Type: Some Attack/Healing
STR: Above Average
DEF: Above Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Humanoid wolf, fur color varies
Places they Live In: Lower Land (M.L.), Northland, Phandaria, Soshen (S.I.), Westland
Transformations: None
Their towns tend to be near or in forests, as per their name. One of the biggest reasons is that they are natural born archers, and they hunt for their food rather than raise it on the farm. They are among the best Clans for tracking things, and are said to always find their way no matter how lost they could get in the woods. As they are hunters, Forest Clans tend to have animal trophy's decorating their homes, and their settlements tend to export furs to other towns.

Name: Manillo
Magic Type: Underwater
STR: Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Humanoid fish, scale color varies
Places they Live In: Aquaveil (L.A.), Crystaland, Northland, Westland.
Transformations: Giant Fish
A race of natural born traders, they are prone to traveling from country to country, setting up shops but not settlements, and heading back to the place they or their parents were born to marry. As per their animal characteristics, they tend to live on or near water in ports or even on islands--it does help that port towns are also the best for merchants--and can breath both under the water and on land. In fact, most of them even have small pools in their homes that they sleep in rather than beds, as well as a larger communal pool that Manillo families spend time in.

Name: Metalsmith
Magic Type: Some Healing
STR: Above Average
DEF: Above Average
MAG: Below Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Below Average
Appearance: Humanoid ox, generally really tall and broad shouldered
Places they Live In: Coshen (S.I.), Elemen, Lakeland, Lower Land (M.L.), Phandaria (L.A.), Westland
Transformations: None
A large, brutish Clan that is great with forging weapons and tools due to their immense strength. Despite their intimidating appearances, they are in fact gentle and peaceful. For that reason, although they are great blacksmiths, they only create weapons to protect others.
As the Winged Clan is very bad at holding their alcohol, the Metalsmiths are extremely good at it, due to their large, muscular bodies.

Name: Serpentine
Magic Type: Attack
STR: Below Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Human with a snake's tail instead of legs, tail color varies
Places they Live In: Carinz (S.I.), Northland, Westland. There are also secluded Serpentine Sages around the world
Transformations: None
A rare and mysterious clan, said to be given life solely to bestow magic knowledge onto the world. They spend all of their lives devoted to studying it like an art form, sometimes teaching chosen of other Clans who have earned their trust. Much of this comes from the fact that their patron goddess, Dies, is one of the more active gods with the protection of mortals from divine or devilish forces.

Name: Mole
Magic Type: Earth
STR: Average
DEF: Above Average
MAG: Below Average
MGR: Below Average
SPD: Above Average
Appearance: Tiny humanoid mole
Places they Live In: Crystaland, Lakeland. As they live underground, there may also be unknown settlements in other parts of the world
Transformations: None
A tiny Clan known for living underground and working in mines; their two main cities, Fireburg and Lilaty, are both underground in some way. These abilities have caused them to migrate to other areas, in order to help the citizens build mines of their own. They are quite hardy, able to use their natural claws for battle (something most Clans even with them can't) as well as using extremely large and heavy weapons. With this hardiness, they are even able to out-drink Metalsmiths and Shell Clansmen, despite being a lot smaller than every other Clan.

Name: Grassrunner
Magic Type: Healing/Status/Some Attack
STR: Above Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Humanoid dog, various types
Places they Live In: Fitzgald (L.A.), Northland, Seinegald (L.A.), Soshen (S.I.)
Transformations: None
A peace-loving Clan, known for their extreme devotion to their goddess. Though they abhor war and violence, Grassrunners are still not above getting their hands dirty in order to protect the innocent. Their skill seems to lie more in ranged weaponry, but a few choose to wield swords instead. A majority, however, stick to their general preference for Healing magic and act as battlefield medics or run clinics in town.

Name: Shell
Magic Type: Some Healing and all Earth magic
STR: Above Average
DEF: Above Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Below Average
SPD: Below Average
Appearance: Humanoid armadillo with a horse like face, usually tall and broad, skin ranges from white to pale brown to gray
Places they Live In: Coshen (S.I.), Fitzgald (L.A.), Kakkara (M.L.), Northland
Transformations: None
Like the Metalsmiths, members of the Shell Clan are large and brutish. However, while Metalsmiths tend to create weapons, the Shell Clan tills the land and farms. Whether the fertile realm of Fitzgald or the harsh lands of the Kakkara Desert, they are able to work miracles with the land. As such, some of the other Clans have nicknamed them "the Farming Clan" or "the Great Survivors." Also, much like the Metalsmiths, they are incredibly tolerant to alcohol.

Name: Woren
Magic Type: Some Attack/Status
STR: Average
DEF: Below Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Above Average
Appearance: Humanoid tigers
Places they Live In: Carinz (S.I.), Crystaland, Elemen, Seinegald (L.A.)
Transformations: Weretiger
Quick and agile, they are a race who relies more on fast, precise strikes than outright power. They have mastered thieving techniques in order to relieve monsters of items, or to disarm soldiers in opposing armies. With such abilities at their disposal, you would think many would turn to banditry, however the number who do are on par with numbers from other Clans. In Carinz, they build their magical talents at the expense of lower physical prowess, though the stats listed above are consistent with other Woren settlements.
This is also the clan with the lowest rate of unwanted births. Mainly because they can naturally figure out their own reproductive cycles, as they feel the effects of being in heat much stronger than other clans. The ones who do get pregnant without wanting it are the ones who cannot control themselves during that time.

Name: Highlander
Magic Type: All Fire spells
STR: Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Humanoid monkey with fur in varying shades of brown
Places they Live In: Northland, Ukatan (S.I.), Westland
Transformations: None
A mercenary clan, they specialize in unarmed and bo staff combat. Despite their rather small number of settlements, many Highlanders leave home and work as mercenaries in other countries. However, most Highlanders are unwilling to fight for an un-just cause, so they would never join the Dark Dragons. Also, while there is a large representation of all races in The Marina, there are more Highlanders training there than anything else (though still not enough to be more than two other races put together...they barely eek it out).

Name: Creeping
Magic Type: Status
STR: Above Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Humanoid frog, with blue, green or pink skin
Places they Live In: Secluded Island (M.L.), Northland, Westland
Transformations: Giant Frog
Like the Manillo, the Creeping Clan are made for the water. However, unlike their fishy companions, they do not have proper eye structure to swim underwater. Most Creeping Clansmen and women wear large swim goggles in order to dive down deeper, but as they are amphibians rather than fish they don't do it quite as often. Like the Manillo, they prefer to live on islands or near ports, just so they can dip in the water whenever they want.

Name: Grassmen
Magic Type: Healing
STR: Below Average
DEF: Below Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Humanoid with plant-like features all over their bodies; their hair is said to be a flower
Places they Live In: They are wanderers without any real settlement
Transformations: Great Tree
A clan that thirsts for knowledge above all else. Young Grassmen, once they reach a certain age, will travel into the world in order to discover new things. This journey lasts for several hundred years, and then they plant their roots and become Great Trees. As they are completely assexual beings, new Grassmen are born from the seeds of a Great Tree. The tree will nurture its children, before sending them out into the world to repeat the cycle.

Name: Kitsune
Magic Type: Attack/Light Healing/Status
STR: Above Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Above Average
Appearance: Humans w/fox ears and a fox tail
Places they Live In: Northland, Soshen (S.I.), Upper Land Mountains (M.L.), Westland
Transformations: None
Like the Forest Clan, they are expert hunters and trackers. However, they are also much more interested in technology, and have developed various types of guns for hunting and combat. They are also similar to the Highlanders in that they make good soldiers, however they only serve their own countries and don't hire themselves out as mercenaries. Most Kitsune who get into this way of life are extremely serious and rigid, due to their training.

Name: Sprite
Magic Type: Attack/Light Healing
STR: Average
DEF: Above Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Incrediably short humans, tanned skin, w/ fairy wings on back
Places they Live In: Upper Land Forest (M.L.), Lakeland
Transformations: None
A fairy-like race of gourmets living in only a few regions of the world. Sprites tend to make the best chefs due to this, however the less disciplined ones are prone to eating the food before it gets to the table. This is one of the reason they tend to live in large, communal houses with their entire extended family, seeing as they then have the most controlled family member doing all the cooking. Besides that, they are known for their child-like demeanor and love of playing pranks on one another.

Name: Mana Tribe
Magic Type: Some Healing/Holy
STR: Above Average
DEF: Above Average
MAG: Below Average
MGR: Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Humans, grass like veins on arms link to land itself
Places they Live In: They travel all around Manaland, but their main home is the forests near Tasnica, with Pureland being their sacred shrine
Transformations: Mana Tree (one woman chosen if the tree ever dies)
Despite their slight physical differences, Mana Tribesmen and women don't seem different from magic using Huma at first glance. Their true power only comes out when they are using their legendary Mana Sword, which contains the power of nature itself embedded within. Their powers allow them to draw out the full potential of the sword, which even Sprites (their fellow Mana strengthened clan) cannot do. Also, they can draw out the Lesser Elementals and allow them to be seen by the eyes of other clans, though both they and the Sprites can see those Elementals even before they are drawn out.

Name: Elf
Magic Type: Attack/Healing
STR: Above Average
DEF: Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Above Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Tall and graceful humans with pointed ears
Places they Live In: Elemen, Lakeland, Northland, Westland
Transformations: None
A nature loving and very long-lived race, Elves tend to live deep within the forests in most places they inhabit. They are very distrustful of most other clans, citing their treatment of the natural world, and hate the machine loving Kitsune with a passion. Unlike Elves in most fantasy worlds, these age at the same rate as other clans, yet stay youthful for their entire thousand year life.
While most of the Elven settlements live off the land, the Elves in Elemen are much different. They are known more for their quick, precise method of attacking with more physical and less magical power than their brethren. Also, they live though trading the Jade deposits they mine to other races for food and various commodities. Because of this, they are sometimes called the Eccentric Elves.

Name: Hylian
Magic Type: Attack/Healing/Secret Attack
STR: Above Average
DEF: Below Average
MAG: Above Average
MGR: Below Average
SPD: Average
Appearance: Like Elves, only they live human lifespans
Places they Live In: Hyrule
Transformations: None
A holy race whose sole job is to guard a sacred treasure of the gods from evil forces. They tend to be very good at dishing out damage, be it physical or magical, against enemies, however are extremely vulnerable in return. While it would seem wise to have many Hylians work together to assure enemies fall before they can be hurt, it is more common for them to find a "chosen one" who uses their innate talents to deal with attacks.
Other than that, they are skilled at enchanting weapons in order to give them mystical properties. These include arrows of pure elemental energy, boomerangs that can stun things and collect items and a powerful sword that can only be wielded by the chosen one.

Name: Huma
Magic Type: Varies by person
STR: Varies
DEF: Varies
MAG: Varies
MGR: Varies
SPD: Varies
Appearance: Plain humanoids without any animal features. Vary in skin tone from pale to dark
Places they Live In: Fitzgald (L.A.), Lakeland, Lower Land (M.L.), Northland, Seinegald (L.A.), Ukatan (S.I.), Westland
Transformations: None
Perhaps the most numerous clan in the world, the Huma are also the only "blank slate" clan. Unlike others who are born with certain magical or physical aptitudes, Huma have no magical powers to start and are average in every way. However, due to this, they find it easier to train their bodies to their desired method of fighting, and can learn any spell they wish. As long as a person has some Huma blood in their veins, it allows for such training, even if their other parent is of a clan with the exact opposite physical and magical statistics.

Clans are not inherently vegetarian or carnivorous, despite their body structures being based off of animals. It is possible to find a grass eating bull devouring a nice roast ham, and a sharp toothed dragon enjoying a salad. However, clans based on meat eaters tend to have a higher percentage of their meals be meat than the those based on animals that eat plants. In fact, they are more willing to try different types of food from that side of the spectrum than those of the opposite one (for example, Ork is a favorite delicacy among both the Dragons and Woren, while more exotic plants might grace the dinner table of a Metalsmith).

**NOTE 1** The clans Woren, Kitsune, and Grassrunner all have shifting magic. This means that their attack magic consists of LVs 1-3 of their birth element. It will be directly stated in the profiles of characters of these clans which element they chose (in the case of other clans, especially magical ones, the birth element is the one they have better attack and defense regarding).

**NOTE 2** Halfbreeds (1/2 of two clans), and Hybrids (fractions of 2 or more clans) can use the abilities from all their clans. For example, a Winged Woren may be good at both sorcery and battle, but not as good as a fullbreed in either. However, they can choose to follow the path of one of their clans, making them physically and magically similar to that clan (in the above example of a Winged/Woren Halfbreen...Teefa and Salah studied magic almost exclusively and don't show much more of their Woren side than the magic available).