Profiles of the Other Girls

The rest of the female cast, excluding the main ones, are here on this page. Keep in mind, they may or may not appear in stories, basically this is just to cover my *ahem* in case they do.

NOTE: Family means immediate family members as well as spouses and children. Cousins/grandparents/ect are only listed if they live with the family (i.e. communal tribes). Also, while the spouses and children of siblings are listed, there is nothing for the family of a character's spouse, because for the most part they too are from Dorm 40 and their side can be looked up individually if you desired to know.
The only exception is the Sinclair family because it's so lovingly large that all the sibling-in-laws, nieces and nephews would break the site; only Aguro and Alley are covered in those regards.

Name:Saloneus Ann Double Alencia (Salah)
Birthday: February 23 (Pisces, Water, Amethyst)
Roomate: Susin
Race: 1/2 Woren, 1/2 Winged
Appearance: Medium Lt. Brown Hair, Dk. Brown Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogany Stripes, Red Wings
Weapon: Energy Mace
Choice Element: Water
Family: Mother (Wanda), Father (Wagnall, deceased), Twin sister (Teefa), Stepfather (Gregory), Older Stepsiblings (Vicky & Nicky), Younger Half Sister (Amy), Husband (Darwin), Sister-in-law (Anna), Brother-in-law (Stephen), Nieces (Lorelei & Arietta; via Vicky, Lirana; via Nicky), Nephew (Brendon; via Nicky)
Pets: Platapus (Psyduck), Sea Flower (Lizamon*)
Personality: Kind and cheerful, but loves to shop a lot
Note: Teefa's twin sister, married to Darwin

Name: Susin Alexander
Birthday: May 24 (Gemini, Air, Emerald)
Roomate: Salah
Race: Creeping
Appearance: Short Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Dk. Blue Skin
Weapon: Fine Sword
Choice Element: Water
Family: Parents (Alexandra & Marco), Older Brother (Jack)
Pets: Rocky (Sentret), Goldie (Hammimon*)
Personality: Kind, a lover of nature
Note: Wants to use her power to plant lots of flowers over the world

Name: Theresa Bouvier (Terrie)
Birthday: May 6 (Taurus, Earth, Emerald)
Roomate: Jerin
Race: Huma
Appearance: Long Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Skin
Weapon: Golden Wand
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Beatrice & Blake)
Pets: Sunnie (Sunflora), Star (Ponimon*)
Personality: Snobby and very bossy
Note: Comes from a long line of nobles, and thinks herself as Dorm Queen

Name: Jerin Bump
Birthday: September 8 (Virgo, Earth, Sapphire)
Roomate: Terrie
Race: 1/2 Huma, 1/2 Elf
Appearance: Shoulder Length Blond Hair, Green Eyes, Pale Skin, Pointed Ears
Weapon: Bow of Artea
Choice Element: Wind
Family: Parents (Sybill & Jared, deceased)
Pets: Radisher (Oddish), Sprout (Palmon)
Personality: A little timid, but is able to stand up to a challenge
Note: Her mom and Terrie's mom were sisters, lives with the Bouvier Family following her parents' death

Name: Allison Sinclair Johnson (Alley)
Birthday: August 23 (Virgo, Earth, Peridot)
Roomate: Kate
Race: Light Dragon
Appearance: Short Orange-Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Light Complexion, Sky Blue Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail, & Dragon's Wings
Weapon: Heavy Sword
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Janine & Arnold), Older Brothers (Matt & Aguro), Older Sisters (Sadie & Jessie), Younger Brothers (Adam & Jake), Younger Sister (Leah), Husband (A.J.), Sister-in-law (Kate; via Aguro), Nephew (Randi; via Aguro)
Pets: Dogger (Growlith), Falcon (Hawkmon)
Personality: Friendly & outgoing, loves sports
Note: MVP for the Volleyball, Basketball, & Baseball teams

Name: Katlyn Walsh Sinclair (Kate)
Birthday: August 11 (Leo, Fire, Peridot)
Roomate: Alley
Race: Winged
Appearance: Cornsilk Hair, Lt. Brown Eyes, Sky Blue Wings
Weapon: Icicle Wand
Choice Element: Water
Family: Mother (Alisha, deceased) Father (Alfred), Husband (Aguro), Son (Randi)
Pets: Bulldog (Snubble), Harpie (Fluttermon*)
Personality: Sensitive, shy due to her mother's death
Note: Is the childhood sweetheart of Aguro

Name: Kailie Mac
Birthday: March 16 (Pisces, Water, Aquamarine)
Roomate: Jamie
Race: 1/2 Woren, 1/2 Manillo
Appearance: Long Orange Hair, Green Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogany Stripes, Orange Scaled Fins on Arms, Legs, & Top of Head
Weapon: Giant Ax
Choice Element: Wind
Family: Parents (Leslie & Michael), Twin Sister (Luna, deceased)
Pets: Kangaroer (Kanghaskhan), Fishy (Manimon*)
Personality: Determined, loves nature
Note: Her mother is the kid sister to Rutee's mom & Lufia's dad, as well as the older sister of Phoebe's mom

Name: Jamie Aiello
Birthday: February 8 (Aquarius, Air, Amethyst)
Roomate: Kailie
Race: Creeping
Appearance: Black Hair w/ Blue Highlights, Blue Left Eye w/ Missing Right Eye, Pink Skin,
Weapon: Long Sword
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Lina & Edward, deceased)
Pets: Spark (Raichu) Bugsy (Bunmon*)
Personality: Tough, doesn't take crud from anyone
Note: A powerful fighter, her arm strength aids her in playing vollyball

Name: Elizabeth Orion (Lizzy)
Birthday: June 25 (Cancer, Water, Pearl)
Roomate: Valerie
Race: Serpentine
Appearance: Short Red Hair, Red Eyes, Tanned Complexion, Green Snake's Tail for Legs
Weapon: Wand of Destruction
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Mel & Gradius), Grandfather (Sovarano)
Pets: Manty (Mantine), Fang (Snamon*)
Personality: Helpful, but somewhat ditzy in non-magical situations
Note: Granddaughter to a famous mage

Name: Valerie Offreida
Birthday: December 7 (Saggitarius, Fire, Turquois)
Roomate: Lizzy
Race: Shell
Appearance: Blue-Green Eyes, Gold Plate Going From Top of Head Down Back, White Skin
Weapon: Fists
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Lulu & Crest), Older Brother (Mitch)
Pets: Sluggy (Slugma), Muscles (Brumon*)
Personality: Helpful, willing to do the heavy work for those who can't
Note: Was supposed to be a farmer, but convinced her parents to let her attend the school

Name: Zelda Hyrule
Birthday: November 17 (Scorpio, Water, Topaz)
Roomate: Felicia
Race: Hylian
Appearance: Long Gold-Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Complexion, Pointed Ears
Weapon: Tri Staff
Choice Element: Water
Family: Parents (Natalie & Mark)
Pets: Dragon Horse (Kingdra), Sea Breeze (Gomamon)
Personality: Kind, is able to keep prophecies & secrets until the right time. When keeping them, she sounds so mysterious
Note: An expert in the arts of ancient magic and fortune telling

Name: Felicia Lakeland (Felicia Jackson, her married name, outside of the castle)
Birthday: January 12 (Capricorn, Earth, Garnet)
Roomate: Zelda
Race: Light Dragon
Appearance: Long Crimped Blond Hair, Brown Eyes, Light Complexion, Silver Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail, & Dragon's Wings
Weapon: Lake Staff
Choice Element: Water
Family: Parents (Millie & Luke), Husband (Nasir)
Pets: Luna (Teddiursa), Draggy (Veemon)
Personality: Kind, cheerful
Note: Has the power to move the castle where she lives to a secret area

Name: Philia Felice
Birthday: June 10 (Gemini, Air, Pearl)
Roomate: Marian
Race: Grassrunner
Appearance: Bright Green Hair in Two Long Braids, Violet Eyes, Sandy Fur, Floppy Ears
Weapon: Clemente (Swordian)
Choice Element: Lightning
Family: Mother (Belinda), Father (Patrick, deceased)
Pets: Jolt (Jolteon), Clemente (Monodramon)
Personality: Kind, but overly preachy
Note: Spends her off semesters training as a priestess

Name: Marian Fustel Gilchrist
Birthday: October 14 (Libra, Air, Opal)
Roomate: Philia
Race: Woren
Appearance: Long Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogony Stripes
Weapon: Air Wand
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Sallie & Jay, deceased), Older Brother (Rich, deceased), Older Sister (Annie, deceased), Husband (Emilio aka Leon), Daughter (Lina), Son (Elliot)
Pets: Grade A (Milktank), Bun-Bun (Lopmon)
Personality: Quiet & shy, loyal to her work
Note: After losing her parents, was taken in by the Gilchrist family to be an older sister to Rutee & Leon

* Original Digimon, ask me for details