Profiles of the Other Guys

Ok, here are the other guys in our band of jolly misfits (Aguro and his gang begin chucking rotten veggitables at her) That's enough! Shut up, and let me just get this over with you morons! Else I'll sick Skysplitter on you, as a Reimon! (they back off)

NOTE: Family means immediate family members as well as spouses and children. Cousins/grandparents/ect are only listed if they live with the family (i.e. communal tribes). Also, while the spouses and children of siblings are listed, there is nothing for the family of a character's spouse, because for the most part they too are from Dorm 40 and their side can be looked up individually if you desired to know.
The only exception is the Sinclair family because it's so lovingly large that all the sibling-in-laws, nieces and nephews would break the site; only Aguro and Alley are covered in those regards.

Name: Darwin Alencia
Birthday: February 25 (Pisces, Water, Amethyst)
Roomate: Stuart
Race: Elf
Appearance: Short Sandy Blond Hair, Left Brown Eye, Right Blue Eye, Tanned Complexion, Pointed Ears
Weapon: Desirre (a rapier)
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Lucrecia & Madian), Younger Sister (Casia), Wife (Salah)
Pets: Snakeface (Ekans), Hedgy (Divemon*)
Personality: Only serious in battle, a joker the rest of the time
Note: Prince of a small Elvin community in Elman but his laziness prevented him from learning Level 3 magic, member of the Prank Society, married to Salah

Name: Stuart Williams
Birthday: November 2 (Scorpio, Water, Topaz)
Roomate: Darwin
Race: Highlander
Appearance: Brown Eyes, Brown Fur
Weapon: Fists
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Joanne & Alex), Older Sister (Sasha), Younger Brother (Mike)
Pets: Superspike (Nidoking), Kung-Fu (Judomon*)
Personality: Somewhat timid, but still loves silent pranks
Note: Afraid of the nickname Stuey-Boy, member of the Prank Society

Name: Arthor Idas
Birthday: January 1 (Capricorn, Earth, Garnet)
Roomate: William
Race: Serpenine
Appearance: Extremely Short Light Brown Hair, Light Brown Eyes, Tanned Complexion, Red Snake's Tail for Legs
Weapon: Staff of Love
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Wirk & Lee), Older Sister (Connie), Younger Brother (Jimmy)
Pets: Dark Ghost (Ghastly), Mixer (Griphmon*)
Personality: Incrediably weird, a goofball
Note: An almost unhealthy obsession with Terrie, was kicked out of the Prank Society (can't blame the guys)

Name: William Foster
Birthday: October 30 (Scorpio, Water, Opal)
Roomate: Arthor (to his dismay)
Race: Grassrunner
Appearance: Mushroom Cut Orange-Blond Hair, Green Eyes, Pug-like Features, Brown Fur
Weapon: Tidal Bow
Choice Element: Water
Family: Parents (Zeia & Torrie), Older Sister (Marie)
Pets: Bearlo (Slowpoke), Develon (Impmon)
Personality: Goofy, will do anything for his "love" Terrie
Note: Thinks he's going out with Terrie, but she's using him, member of the Prank Society

Name: Alan Sinclair (Aguro)
Birthday: August 23 (Virgo, Earth, Peridot)
Roomate: A.J.
Race: Light Dragon
Appearance: Green Hair, Blue Eyes, Light Complexion, Dark Blue Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail, & Dragon's Wings
Weapon: Heaven Sword
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Janine & Arnold), Older Brother (Matt), Older Sisters (Sadie & Jessie), Younger Brothers (Adam & Jake), Younger Sisters (Alley & Leah), Wife (Kate), Son (Randi), Brother-in-law (A.J.)
Pets: Dragonworm (Gyarados), Demon (Akureimon*)
Personality: Somewhat thickheaded, but nice deep down, a practical joker
Note: Leader of the Prank Society

Name: Adam Johnson (A.J.)
Birthday: February 7 (Aquarius, Air, Amethyst)
Roomate: Aguro
Race: Creeping
Appearance: Sky Blue Hair, Blue Eyes, Green Skin
Weapon: Fine Rapier
Choice Element: Wind
Family: Parents (Kari & Zack), Younger Brother (Stanley), Wife (Alley)
Pets: Froggy (Pollitoed), Mage (Trickmon*)
Personality: Devoted to his friends, but a joker nonetheless
Note: Uses nickname sos not to get people's dirty minds started with jokes, Alley's boyfriend, member of the Prank Society

Name: Axs Monolu
Birthday: June 4 (Gemini, Air, Pearl)
Roomate: Reuben
Race: Metalsmith
Appearance: Shoulder Length Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, Shaggy Brown Beard, Yellow Skin
Weapon: Demon Ax
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Lisa & Axs, deceased)
Pets: Sully (Onix) Oooga Shacka (Nativmon*)
Personality: Loyal and true
Note: Son of one of the three great Knights of Lexford

Name: Reuben Nans
Birthday: July 20 (Leo, Fire, Ruby)
Roomate: Axs
Race: Mole People
Appearance: Orange Hair, Brown Eyes, Brown Fur
Weapon: Morning Star
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Alana & Arion)
Pets: Moler (Diglett), Moli (Earthmon*)
Personality: Kindhearted, extremely caring of his family
Note: Due to his small size and Axs large one, they made a good tagteam in work around the dorm

Name: Eric Martin
Birthday: November 25 (Saggitarius, Fire, Topaz)
Roomate: Billy
Race: Highlander
Appearance: Blue Eyes, Tanned Fur
Weapon: Fists
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Jean & Orlan), Younger Sister (Jullianne)
Pets: Fire (Charmander), Marshal (Sparmon*)
Personality: Almost as much of a class clown as Aguro
Note: Member of the Prank Society, one of Aguro's two childhood friends

Name: Billy Carter
Birthday: May 31 (Gemini, Air, Emerald)
Roomate: Eric
Race: Forest
Appearance: Green Eyes, Yellow Fur
Weapon: Great Oak Bow
Choice Element: Lightning
Family: Parents (Alice & Joel), Younger Sister (Mia), Younger Brother (Timmy)
Pets: Lil' Totem (Natu), Streak (Howlmon*)
Personality: Relaxed and focused
Note: Member of the Prank Society, one of Aguro's childhood friends

Name: Link Hylia
Birthday: October 18 (Libra, Air, Opal)
Roomate: Nasir
Race: Hylian
Appearance: Short Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Complexion, Pointed Ears
Weapon: Master Sword
Choice Element: Wind
Family: Parents (Sasha & Lans, deceased), An old, unnamed uncle
Pets: Winger (Scyther), Navi (Entymon*)
Personality: Loyal, but incredibly clueless, tries a little too hard to win his princess's love
Note: Descended from an ancient hero

Name: Nasir Jackson
Birthday: October 26 (Scorpio, Water, Opal)
Roomate: Link
Race: A godborn Light Dragon
Appearance: Dk. Brown Hair Flopped Over Left Eye, Blue Eyes, Light Complexion, Golden Yellow Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail, & Dragon's Wings
Weapon: Moon Blade
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Foster Parents (Maia & Roy), Foster Sister (Reia), Mentor/Father Figure (the sage Mathias), Twin Brother (Thor), Wife (Felicia)
Pets: Zeppy (Staryu), Battler (Agumon)
Personality: Kind and loyal
Note: Physically created by Ladon along with Thor to balance out the powers of the two dragon clans

Name: Garr Kelvin
Birthday: January 30 (Aquarius, Air, Garnet)
Roomate: Leon
Race: Winged
Appearance: Long Silver Hair, Blue Eyes, Green Wings
Weapon: Igtenos (Swordian)
Choice Element: Wind
Family: Father (Sark), Mother (Minea, deceased)
Pets: Superduck (Farfetch'd), Igtenos (Terriermon)
Personality: Kind, an intellect, but cynical
Note: Prince of Phandaria

Name: Emilio Gilchrist (Leon)
Birthday: August 26 (Virgo, Earth, Peridot)
Roomate: Garr
Race: 1/2 Huma, 1/2 Woren
Appearance: Short Black Hair, Violet Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogany Stripes
Weapon: Chaltier (Swordian)
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Chris & Hugo), Sister (Rutee), Wife (Marian), Daughter (Lina), Son (Elliot), Nephew (Kyle)
Pets: Deo (Sandshrew), Chaltier (Wormmon)
Personality: Somewhat stuck up, due to being a little rich kid, but Rutee keeps him reigned in a little
Note: His mother is the twin sister to Lufia's dad, and older sister to Phoebe & Kailie's mothers

* Original Digimon, ask me for more info