Profiles of the Muses & Boyfriends

Meow, hello again. Here is the profiles of me and my fellow associates at Teefa85 Productions. Also, our boyfriends.
Oh, and don't mind the bad, computer art. Lu's the artist and she's been busy. So I took pics of random RPG characters and used them to get poses, then drew our designes over them. So I lay no claim to the poses used here.

NOTE: Family means immediate family members as well as spouses and children. Cousins/grandparents/ect are only listed if they live with the family (i.e. communal tribes). Also, while the spouses and children of siblings are listed, there is nothing for the family of a character's spouse, because for the most part they too are from Dorm 40 and their side can be looked up individually if you desired to know.

Name: Tefoneus Marie Double (Teefa)
Birthday: February 23 (Pisces, Water, Amethyst)
Roomate: Lufia
Position: Head Muse, Organizer
Race: 1/2 Woren, 1/2 Winged
Appearance: Long Lt. Brown Hair, Dk. Brown Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogany Stripes, Silver Wings
Weapon: Spirit Wand
Choice Element: Lightning
Family: Mother (Wanda), Father (Wagnall, deceased), Twin Sister (Salah), Stepfather (Gregory), Older Stepsiblings (Nicky & Vicky), Younger Half Sister (Amy), Sister-in-law (Anna), Brothers-in-law (Stephen; via Vicky, Darwin; via Salah), Nieces (Lorelei & Arietta; via Vicky, Lirana; via Nicky), Nephew (Brendon; via Nicky)
Pets: Foxy (Vulpix), Skysplitter (Toranmon*)
Personality: cheerful, emotional
Note: Her mom & Lufia's mom are sisters
Teefa's Picture (Arcana's Teefa used as base)

Name: Katherine Jade Onerling Hockle (Lufia)
Birthday: April 2 (Aries, Fire, Diamond)
Roomate: Teefa
Position: Artist
Race: Woren
Appearance: Long Purple Hair, Sky Blue Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogany Stripes
Weapon: Royal Lure**
Choice Element: Fire (but was Indigo trained on their spellset too)
Family: Parents (Jamie & George), Twin Brother (Adam), Younger Sisters (Ann & Lilly), Younger Brothers (Larry & Al), Husband (Max), Daughter (Celeste)
Pets: Spark (Pikachu), Flammie (Dragonite), Sprout (Turtwig), Thistle (Shaymin), Red-Eye (Cyndaquil), Muse (Mudkip), Tritridge (Dodrio), Hellhound (Houndoom), Moro (Mightyena), Sunder (Salamon)
Personality: cheery, unless you mess with her or her boyfriend
Note: Not only are her and Teefa's moms twins, but Rutee's mom is her father's twin, and Kailie & Phoebe's moms are her father's younger sisters
Lufia's Picture (Lufia The Legend Returns' Seena used as base)

Name: Samantha Sourogy Baranly
Birthday: September 3 (Virgo, Earth, Sapphire)
Roomate: Burianne
Position: Romance Coordinator
Race: Huma
Appearance: Short Black Hair, Hazel Eyes, Dark Complexion
Weapon: Saisu Sword
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Mother (Kalia), Father (Rick, deceased), Husband (Sam)
Pets: Kicker (Hitmonlee), Chicky (Biyomon)
Personality: kind and caring to all,
Note: Daughter of a famouse actress from Ukatan Island, considered beautiful by many
Samantha's Picture (Lufia Ruin Chasers' Lily used as base)

Name: Burianne Jill
Birthday: October 20 (Libra, Air, Opal)
Roomate: Samantha
Position: Humor Coordinator
Race: Sprite
Appearance: Long Orange Hair, Green Eyes, Tanned Complexion, Yellow Fairy wings on her back
Weapon: Daedelous Lance
Choice Element: Water
Family: Parents (Mari & Marin, deceased), Twin Brother (Brian, deceased), Younger Sisters (Suzy & Serena), Cousins (Taki, Tori, Tari), Grandfather (Solosir)
Pets: Freeze (Meowth), Mace (Armadillomon)
Personality: light & humorous
Note: Trying to learn how to out eat Goku, Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev, and Usagi Tsukino/Serena. . .combined
Burianne's Picture (Secret of Mana's Sprite used as base)

Name: Phoebe Pandon
Birthday: November 3 (Scorpio, Water, Topaz)
Roomate: Rutee
Position: Action Coordinator
Race: Woren
Appearance: Blond Hair cropped to the neck, Blue Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogany Stripes
Weapon: Bow of Grace
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Paula & Tymothy, deceased), Granfather (Spencer)
Pets: Selion (Seel), Ninjy (Killemon*)
Personality: rude, loud, obnoxious, foul mouthed
Note: Can fuse magic with her bow, mother is sister to the mothers of Kailie & Rutee, as well as Lufia's father
Phoebe's Picture (Fire Emblem 7's Rebecca used as base)

Name: Rutee Katrea Aileron
Birthday: July 19 (Cancer, Water, Ruby)
Roomate: Phoebe
Postion: Music Coordinator, Songfic Writer, Songparody Writer
Race: 1/2 Woren, 1/2 Huma
Appearance: Short Black Hair, Violet Eyes, Yellow Fur w/ Mahogany Stripes
Weapon: Atwight (Swordian)
Choice Element: Water
Family: Parents (Chris & Hugo), Younger Brother (Emilio aka Leon), Husband (Stahn), Sister-in-Laws (Marian), Son (Kyle), Niece (Lina), Nephew (Elliot)
Pets: Vapor (Vaporeon), Starfire (Rapidash), Jade (Chikorita), Bubbloon (Marill), Marid (Squirtle), Psy-Kat (Mew), Gusty (Pidgy), Posion Rat (Rattata), Red Fish (Goldeen), Espy (Espeon), Umbry (Umbreon), Flowing (Suicine), Inspire (Plusle), T-Storm (Minun), Moonbeam (Delcatty), Fray (Torchic), Crystaleye (Flygon), Ruby (Latias), Lombardia (Rayquaza), Goaldie (Buziel), Star (Shinx), Chipper (Pachirisu), Leefa (Leafeon), Glace (Glaceon), Atwight (Renomon)
Personality: bossy, friendly, loud, protective of brother
Note: Accomplished Pokemon trainer, her mother is twin to Lufia's dad as well as the big sister of Kailie & Phoebe's moms, first Muse to marry
Rutee's Picture (Tales of Destiny's Rutee used as base)

Name: Rooks Donerson
Birthday: March 25 (Aries, Fire, Aquamarine)
Roomate: Max
Position: Teefa's Boyfriend
Race: Light Dragon
Appearance: Shoulder Length Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Light Complexion, Gold Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail, & Dragon's Wings
Weapon: Giant Sword
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Michelle & Zahan, deceased)
Pets: Psywave (Lapras), Flamerider (Primamon*)
Personality: kind & caring, chivilrous
Note: Last Card Master, his mom was sister to Max's & Stahn's moms, his father brother to Benjimin's mom, is unable to use status/teleportation magic due to his training style.

Name: Maxim Hockle Jr. (Max)
Birthday: April 19 (Aries, Fire, Diamond)
Roomate: Rooks
Position: Lufia's Husband
Race: 3/4 Light Dragon, 1/4 Winged
Appearance Short Red Hair, Green Eyes, Light Complexion, Blue Scaled Arms, Legs, & Tail, Small White Wings
Weapon: Dual Blade
Choice Element: Wind
Family: Parents (Nicole & Jeros, deceased), Twin Brother (Jacob), Wife (Lufia), Daughter (Celeste)
Pets: Dinobulb (Bulbasaur), Dual (Patamon)
Personality: kind, but rushes into battle without thinking
Note: Maxim Hockle's heir, his mom was a sister to both Rooks's and Stahn's

Name: Sam Baranly
Birthday: February 27 (Pisces, Water, Amethyst)
Roomate: Terry
Position: Samantha's Husband
Race: Huma
Appearance Short & Spiky Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Dark Complexion
Weapon: Vielug Sword
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Noa & Lune), Wife (Samanatha)
Pets: Alium (Wooper), Tiger (Gabumon)
Personality: serious, gets things done
Note: Met Samantha b/c his mom is her mother's makeup artists, and his father her manager

Name: Terry Lomeke
Birthday: May 18 (Taurus, Earth, Emerald)
Roomate: Sam
Position: Burianne's Boyfriend
Race: Mana Tribe
Appearance: Spiky Orange/Brown Hair, Green Eyes, Pale Complexion with Grass-like Veins on his skin
Weapon: Mana Sword
Choice Element: Earth
Family: Parents (Liza & Serin, deceased)
Pets: Puffball (Jigglypuff), Stag (Tentomon)
Personality: lighthearted, joking
Note: Son of a great hero, mom is the new Mana Tree

Name: Benjimin Beneker
Birthday: September 28 (Libra, Air, Sapphire)
Roomate: Stahn
Position: Phoebe's Boyfriend
Race: Light Dragon
Appearance: Brown Hair in a crew cut, Green Eyes, Light Complexion, Green Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail, & Dragon's Wings
Weapon: Excalibur
Chioce Element: Earth
Family: Parents (May & Alvin, deceased), Older Sister (Tina, deceased), Younger Sister (Casey, deceased)
Pets: Hardrock (Rhydon), Ryong (Ryumon*)
Personality: friendly, but teasing
Note: Lost entire village in a quake, late mother was sister to Rooks's father. However, he can't remember anything else (all names were told to him by Rooks).

Name: Stahn Aileron
Birthday: April 5 (Aries, Fire, Diamond)
Roomate: Benjimin
Position: Rutee's Husband
Race: Light Dragon
Appearance: Long Spiky Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Light Complexion, Red Scaled Arms, Legs, Tail, & Dragon's Wings
Weapon: Dymlos (Swordian)
Choice Element: Fire
Family: Parents (Adrian & Jason, deceased), Younger Sister (Lilith), Wife (Rutee), Son (Kyle), Niece (Rimul)
Pets: Flare (Flareon), Assassin (Rapidash), Dymlos (Guilmon)
Personality: ditzy, kind, chivalrious
Note: His mom, Max's mom, & Rooks's mom were sisters

*Original Digimon, ask me for more info

**A pole weapon on a long string that you push at your enemies with your body