Magical Chants

Well, when the girls and I cast our magic, we have to call upon a power embedded in our souls. In order to bring it forth, a certain chant is needed. So here is the way we can summon our powers.


Heal: Life light, lift up this spirit. HEAL!
Purify: Give strength to this ailing soul. PURIFY!
Rejuvinate: Holy light, let peace come to this one. REJUVINATE!
Raise Dead: Protect this individual from death's door. RAISE DEAD!
Remedy: Let all sickness be banished. REMEDY!
Vitalize: Life light, lift up their spirits. VITALIZE!
Restore: Divine Light, give your power to this soul. RESTORE!
Vigor: Holy light, let peace come to them. VIGOR!
Escape: Help us, great spirits, to find the light. ESCAPE!
Warp: Spirits, take us home to [insert town's name]. WARP!
Elf: Let the Sylph carry us to [insert town's name]. ELF!


Protect: Please, oh spirits, defend us. PROTECT!
Shield: Let the body repel magic, spiritual guardians. SHIELD!
Barrier: Spirits, help to blow away attacks. BARRIER!
Might: Grant strength to fight the enemy. MIGHT!
Speed: Let the feet have wings. SPEED!
Blunt: Spiritual strenght be raised up. BLUNT!
Weaken: Let the strength drain from your body. WEAKEN!
Slow: As fatigue sets in, loose swiftness. SLOW!
Identify: Show your secrets to me. IDENTIFY!
Fortell: Show me how the fates rule in this battle. FORETELL!


Flare: Spirit of fire, burn my enemy to ashes. FLARE!
Frost: Spirit of ice, freeze my enemy. FROST!
Jolt: Spirit of lightning, strike my enemies. JOLT!
Gust: Spirit of wind, blow my enemy away. GUST!
Simoon: Fiery winds, burn and beat my enemies. SIMOON!
Tremor: Spirit of earth, swallow my enemies whole. TREMOR!
Fireblast: Raging fire, scortch as you come in contact. FIREBLAST!
Iceblast: Frozen ice, sent my enemy subzero chills. ICEBLAST!
Lightning: Falling bolts, rain down o'er my enemies. LIGHTNING!
Typhoon: Spinning winds, drop my enemies from the skies. TYPHOON!
Sirocco: Dry & blazing winds, blindly strike without mercy. SIROCCO!
Quake: Crumbling earth, drop my enemies into the abbys. QUAKE!
Inferno: Oh flames of Justice, scorch my enemy to the bone. INFERNO!
Blizard: Oh jewels of Justice, leave my enemies frozen solid. BLIZARD!
Myollnir: Oh bolts of Justice, come down from heaven and ignite your wrath. MYOLLNIR!
Tempest: Oh cyclones of Justice, whirl my enemies around and around. TEMPEST!
Ragnarock: Oh rocks of Justice, fall on the heads of my enemies. RAGNAROCK!
Ebb/EbbX*: Fishy friends, strike down the enemy.
Eco/EcoX*: Dolphin friend, fly past the enemy.
Kyrie: Twisted souls, return from whence you came. KYRIE!
Death: Send the reaper to claim this soul. DEATH!
Drain: Let your energy become mine. DRAIN!
Leech Powder: I take your power as my own. LEECH POWDER!
Pilfer: Gimmie that! PILFER!
Confuse: Forget friend from enemy! CONFUSE!
Sleep: Take a nap and leave me alone. SLEEP!
Silence: Shut up and let your magic fail. SILENCE!
Paralyze: Stiffen thy body and hold tight. PARALYZE!
Shadow Walk: Transfer my power into this strike. SHADOW WALK!
Apocalypse: As your body gets sick, fade slowly. APOCALYPSE!
Aura: Let this holy power destroy the evil ones. AURA!
Crunch: Feel the pain and tourment. CRUNCH!

**NOTE** Manillo clansmen's magic is different from normal spells. They can upgrade to a Level 2 spell by sending more of their spirit into the call. This is as apposed to the other magics where upgrading simply requires chanting a different spell.