
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Atamoni, the Goddess of Love and Peace. She is against conflict, however is not above fighting to protect the innocent from evil. Her body can shift between that of a gorgeous blond human and a Grassrunner with the appearance of a golden retriever.
Atamoni also asks her followers to worship the Moon Goddess, Ishtar. Ishtar is considered the defender of Atamoni's temple so that her lady does not have to bloody her hands. That is why many of these structures have statues of Ishtar outside.


As a clan of hunter/gatherers, the Grassrunner lived rough lives in the prehistoric era. They survived because of their faith in Atamoni. She preached love towards all people and against fighting for no reason. Sadly, during the Huma/Reptite conflicts, many Grassrunner were killed because they tried to get in the middle and make peace. That was when Ishtar descended to help defend them from retaliatory attacks, and Atamoni beseeched her people not to get in the middle.
During the Ice Age, the hunter/gatherer society structure of the Grassrunner Clan helped them to survive easier than most. They were used to long travel and harsh conditions. However, they still condemned the Dragons that lived above the surface and let the other people starve. But remembering what happened last time, they didn't get involved.
When the Ice Age ended, food could be found in plenty. So the Grassrunner stopped roving and began building homes and villages. In honor of the deities that protected them, they also began to erect grand temples. Sometimes, they hired Metalsmiths to help out because of the immense stones they had to move. Soon, the Straylize religion became the biggest proprietors of art and architecture of any other in the world.


Though there are grand temples dedicated to Atamoni, many people worship in their own homes. This is because the temples tend to be built away from town in wooded areas near the civilizations and/or the highest ground in close proximity. Those that can't make it to the temple due to the harsh ground or monsters make due with a simple alter in the attic. This is all due to Straylize worshipers loving height almost as much as Myria's followers.
Those that come to the temples, however, will find grand cathedrals with large rooms filled with pews for patrons to pray at. A statue of Atamoni is on either side of the alter, one wearing her human guise and the other her Grassrunner. The priests serve fermented drinks in the presence of the statues as a symbol of offering to Atamoni.
Ishtar's roll in the ceremonies is that of guardian. She is symbolized by a sword and shield hanging in front of the alter as if she was guarding Atamoni. Both articles are sprinkled with a non-fermented drink because she will not drink alcohol lest she lose coherency when the goddess and her patrons need help.