Timeline of Events in the World

So, what is the story of the world leading up to when this takes place? Well, here's the history of the world that these Muses call home. Also, it will include the births of famous heroes and villains throughout time. Keep in mind that this is an ongoing project; ancient writings that detail these events are still being translated at the school's research facility.

BDR=Before Digital Rift
DE=Digimon Era

75-65 Billion BDR: Formation of the world and clans by the various deities. Starting out as they settle into their own lifestyles and roles, and continuing with them as they survive fighting monsters in the world.

65 Billion BDR: War between the Huma and Reptites (a sentient race more monster-like than the other Clans) comes to an end with the Reptites being wiped out as a strange meteor falls from the sky.

65 to 10 Billion BDR: Slowly, the climate changes and planet cools. Tropical plants and animals die out.

10 Billion to 100,000 BDR: Planet's climate hangs on the brink of Ice Age, but remains generally temperate with the help of the gods' power.

100,000 BDR: Energy from the long-crashed meteor suddenly overcomes the power protecting the world. Gods discover it to be a parasitic lifeform, dubbed Lavos from a prehistoric Huma word, eating away at the world, but by now have no immediate way to get to it.

95,000 BDR: World is completely covered in ice. Clans struggle for survival in new climate.

94,993 BDR: Legendary battle between Titan and the Demon Luvitar.

50,000 BDR: Dragons, after being tempted by Myria, create a floating city known as Zeal to escape the desolation. They turn away from Ladon to worship this new Goddess.

12,005 BDR: Dragon Clan splits into two factions. One, led by the 3 Gurus and including the young princess, calls to return to worshiping Ladon and helping those on the surface. The other, led by the queen, calls to sustain the status quo.

12,002 BDR: Queen descends into madness as she tries to build a palace to control the powers of the parasitic lifeform at the bottom of the ocean. Imprisons the 3 Gurus to keep them from interfering.

12,000 BDR: Ocean Palace Tragedy nearly fully revives Lavos and destroys the floating city. Using the power of Anfini, granted to her by Ladon, Princess Schala manages to subdue the beast at the cost of her life. The Dragon Clan fully splits in two at this point. Those of the Queen's Faction accepted the full Dark Powers of Myria and distanced themselves from the other Clans, becoming the Dark Dragons. However, those who supported helping the surface dwellers found refuge in a colony of Winged and Woren Clansmen, and became known as the Light Dragons.

12,000-11,755 BDR: World's climate warms back up again with the princess' seal, and the ice melts.

11,900 BDR: Malia's seal is placed around Lavos, creating the Purelands.

11,755-33 BDR: Era of peace and prosperity for all the Clans.

33 BDR: Dark Dragons attempt to once again build a flying continent to reach Myria, led by their four greatest champions: Daos the Prince of Terror, Erim the Sorceress of Death, Amon the Knight of Chaos and Gades the Swordsman of Destruction. Myria grants the four champions eternal life and near immortality; if they ever die, they can easily come back to life with virgin sacrifice or other powerful energies, while if Erim is still alive she can revive the others with ease. They are known from then-on as the Sinistrals, or God-Class Dark Dragons.

17 BDR: Dark Dragon's fortress rains death upon the world, sparking a war with the other clans.

17 BDR-YEAR ZERO: War of Darkness and Light rages on across the world with the Dark Dragons battling against the other clans in on and off skirmishes.

11 BDR: Birth of Tiara of the Kitsune Clan.

10 BDR: Birth of Ryu of the Light Dragon Clan and Nina of the Winged Clan.

8 BDR: Birth of Dai of the Woren Clan

YEAR ZERO: Energy from the war creates a rift between the worlds, allowing the Digimon and Clans to interact. The immense power of said rift is enough to destroy the Floating Fortress. Gods' power seals the Sinistrals away for centuries.
In the same year, Ryu and Nina discover the rift and explore the Digital World for the first time, teaming up with an Agumon and Salamon along the way.

1 DE: Rift deepens, and Digimon spill out into the Real World in great numbers. Some find Partners to team up with them, while others just attempt to make trouble. Ryu and Nina officially are granted their Digivices.

1-5 DE: Working behind the scenes, Ryu and Nina use Agumon and Salamon to battle the evil Digimon and help corral the lost ones so they might find a Partner. Sometime during these years, Dai and Tiara find their Partner Digimon; Gaomon and Renamon.

5 DE: An unholy union between Myria and Myotismon, a vampyric Ultimate Digimon, causes an exponential increase in evil Digimon. Ryu and Nina team up with Dai and Tiara to fight off the new threat. On Midsummer's Eve, the four teens took on and defeated Myotismon with the power of their Mega Digimon.

EXACT YEAR UNKNOWN (between 5 & 30 DE): Energies from the Digital world slowly overcome the Clans, granting Digimon to every person living there as well as all newborn babies (some stronger clans were affected faster than others).

950 DE: Birth of Laville Clemente of the Grassrunner Clan.

958 DE: Meteor crashes into the world, throwing up dust and debris into the world, creating a wall to block off the sun.

963 DE: Birth of Marius Raiker of the Huma.

966 DE: Birth of Kronos, the son of the Dark Dragons' leader.

968 DE: Birth of Barbatos Goetia of the Light Dragon Clan.

975 DE: Birth of Dymlos Timbre of the Light Dragon Clan.

977 DE: Birth of Atwight Eks of the Winged Clan.
World fully freezes over into another Ice Age.

977-981 DE: Dark Dragons build a fleet of floating fortresses, called Aeropolises. They begin to call themselves Aetherians, and the other clans on the surface were then called Er'thers.

980 DE: Birth of the Berselius twins, Harold and Karell, of the Serpentine Clan.

981 DE: Birth of Ruchia, a young Huma with the power to converse with Pokemon and control Legendaries.

982 DE: Birth of Igtenos Minarde of the Woren Clan.

985 DE: Birth of Pierre de Chaltier, a Half of the Woren and Forest Clan.

987 DE: Construction of the secret weapon, Belcrant, is finished. The Dark Dragon King, Xerex, fires it for the first time upon a Light Dragon village.

988 DE: Er'ther Clans begin to join together in order to fight back against their oppressors.

989-1003 DE: Aeth'er Wars occur between Er'thers and Aetherians.

991 DE: Ruchia uses her powers to call forth Latios and Latias, allowing the army to take to the skies to help fight the Aetherians.

993 DE: Child prodigy Harold Berselius creates a flying machine that the army uses to aid the Legendary Pokemon.

996 DE: The Dark Dragon King is killed and his son, Kronos, inherits the throne.

997 DE: Kronos hires a mercenary named Barbatos Goetia to spy on the Er'ther Army for him.

999 DE: Harold Berselius' Ikshfossler is built, making it the most advanced airship to date.

1000 DE: Barbatos' treachery is revealed when he performs an inside attack against the Er'thers. After the attack, he is transformed into a Dark Dragon. Dymlos & Barbatos duel one another to the death, Dymlos wins and kills his enemy.

1001 DE: Several Dark Dragons defect to the surface, realizing that it was Kronos' father's wickedness that caused the rebellion to form. They bring with them the plans for the ultimate weapon, the Swordians.
Harold Berselius is selected as the head researcher to oversee the Dark Dragons on the project, while her twin is selected to be the first test subject.

1002 DE: The first prototype is tested, revealing the intense potential of the Swordians. Dymlos, Atwight, Clemente, Chaltier & Igtenos are selected as the remaining five Swordians, as Harold moves onto the second prototype.

1003 DE: Atwight and Clemente are captured by the Aetherians, and the other Swordian Team go with Harold and some soldiers to rescue them.
The second prototype is finished, almost completing the Swordian. Not too long after, the final versions of the six are created.
While Harold goes with a group of soldiers to turn off Belcrant's generators, the Swordian Team heads to confront Kronos. Karell is killed in battle with the Dark Dragon King, and his Swordian's Core Crystal is shattered.
Peace returns as the remaining Aetherians lay down their arms and the Swordians are sealed away; their souls will only awaken when their original masters die and they can find a suitable wielder.

1004 DE: All the Aeropolis are finally sunk, and the Dark Dragons are banished to the most desolate areas of the world. The scientists who helped save the world decide to go off and live in solitude, lest the prejudices of the other clans slip.

1011 DE: Clouds finally part and the ice begins to melt.

1029 DE: Second Ice Age comes to an end.

1117 DE: A group of Dark Dragons living in the Kakkara Desert of the Manalands build yet another floating fortress to reach Myria. They use it to attempt and subjugate all the Manalands.

1118 DE: A hero wielding the Mana Sword goes to the fortress to defeat the Dark Dragon's King. However, though he was able to destroy the enemy, he perished alongside the fortress.
Survivors of the Dark Dragon Clan who lived in the fortress move towards an uninhabited area of the Manalands, forming what would become the Vandole Empire.

1343 DE: Group of Dark Dragons destroy their desert island, and migrate to Elemen, led by Empress Rimsala.

1346 DE: Rimsala and her people subjugate Elemen's resident clans.

1346-1371 DE: Dark Ages of Elemen as the other clans are severely mistreated under her rule.

1353 DE: Fanas of the Light Dragon Clan is born.

1357 DE: Hikari of the Winged Clan is born to the chieftain of her village.

1371 DE: Rimsala kidnaps Hikari to become a virgin sacrifice to help release the seal on the legendary Sinistrals. Fanas, who was working as a mercenary, is hired to go save her.
Fanas makes a pact with the Four Spirits to grant him the power to save Hikari. They invade the sacrificial ceremony on the night of a full moon, bringing the young princess to safety. They go into hiding together.

1372 DE: With the help of the Spirits and Hikari's magic, Fanas enchants a jewel and two swords with mystic powers. The three fuse together to form a powerful blade known as Giant Sword.
With the Giant Sword and Hikari's Spirit Wand, the duo confronts Rimsala. Between those weapons and the Four Spirits, they are able to seal her in a dimensional pocket.
Lost without their empress, the Dark Dragons scatter and are forced to hide in the deep forest, on the opposite end from the Elves.

1377 DE: Fanas is asked to be king of Elemen, however he refuses. Hikari is instilled as the first queen of Elemen instead.

1707 DE: Birth of Sakura and Aiden, the royal twins of the Light Dragon Clan. Both possess the power of psychokinesis, allowing them to move enormous objects...including small islands.

1723 DE: Dark Dragons in the northern area of Lakeland summon an Evil Spirit in an attempt to destroy the Light Dragons who rival them for territory. They begin to float a palace to hide from their rivals.
Spirit is defeated by the powers of Sakura and Aiden. As the Dark Dragons are forced to flee to the corners of the northern realms, the Light Dragons take over their floating continent to be the new capital of Lakeland.

1875 DE: Birth of Artea of the Elves.
The Swordian Igtenos is found and becomes the symbol of Phandaria's royal house.

1924 DE: Birth of Lexis Shaiah of the Grassrunners.

1933 DE: Birth of Dekar of the Highlander Clan.

1935 DE: Birth of Guy of the Light Dragon Clan.

1938 DE: Birth of Maxim of the Light Dragon Clan.

1939 DE: Birth of Selan of the Winged Clan.

1941 DE: Birth of Tia of the Kitsune Clan.

1959 DE: Seal around the Sinistrals is weakened and breaks. Erim, in the guise of a Serpentine Sorceress named Iris, comes upon Maxim and convinces him to go on a journey to fight a new evil.
Along the way, Maxim joins up with Tia, Guy and Selan. The four face Gades atop the Western Tower, and are beaten back.
Guy goes home to care for his sick sister while the team moves onwards. Soon, they meet up with Dekar, and help him rescue the prince of his country.
Gades attempts to sink the Seim Island and Parcelyte Kingdom. Selan and Tia calm the citizens while Maxim, Guy and Dekar face off with Gades and defeat him. Maxim gives his life to stop the machine while the others return to Parcelyte, but is saved by Erim for a reason she cannot understand.
Tia realizes Maxim is in love with Selan and leaves on a journey of discovery. Maxim and Selan marry.

1960 DE: Maxim and Selan have a baby boy named Jeros. However, one of Amon's minions, a Dark Dragon named Idura, kidnaps the child to end their bloodline. One he's rescued, Iris urges Maxim on another journey.
Maxim and Selan meet up with Guy and Dekar, and hunt down Idura. Finally, Dekar is trapped in a shrine to fight off Idura's final emanations, but escapes. However, the others think he died.
The trio meets with Lexis Shaiah, and he builds them an engine to fit into a boat made of Phantom Wood by a friend of theirs. As everything is being made, the team heads to a mountain where they find a special flower for a girl. Selan dubs the flower "Priphea."
Lexis joins the group as they continue heading onward to find information. Eventually, he leaves to help modify their ship into a sub, while the others help deal with a disturbance in the Elfin Village of Eserkito.
Artea, the Elvin Bow Fighter, joins the team in order to stop the Sinistrals from getting more powerful when his friend dies due to Amon's attack. They travel around and eventually discover the mystical Duel Blade. However, Maxim cannot wield it because his energy is not yet strong enough.
In order to go to Doom Island, Maxim and the others take an engine from the militaristic Dark Dragon nation of Gratze. Then, they head to the mystical islands to seal Doom Island's movement. Maxim proves worthy of the three treasure items, as well as Duel Blade. However, they realize that Gades is back and learn of Erim's powers to revive them.
Dekar returns and helps destroy the monsters blocking their ship from taking off. Maxim & Co make it to Doom Island, and destroy all four Sinistrals. However, Selan dies using her powers, while Maxim is trapped on the island when Guy and Artea leave. Doom Island crashes near Westland.
Guy marries his childhood sweetheart, Jessie.

1961 DE: Lexis, Guy and Artea head for Westland with baby Jeros, hoping to be closer to the Doom Island crash point. Jeros is adopted by an old inkeeper in Alekia.
Lexis moves to a new lab in Odel where he marries his old lab assistant. Guy's son, Arnold, is born and he settles in Trek. Artea, along with his son, Jared, and his adoptive daugher, Milka, move to Elfrea.

1970 DE: Jared runs away from Elfrea.

1977 DE: Arnold's affair with his sweetheart, Janine, results in the birth of triplets named Sadie, Matt and Jessie. They marry not too long after.

1978 DE:Birth of Marian of the Woren Clan.
Jared marries a Huma named Sybill, first daughter of a wealthy family.

1979 DE: Aguro is born to Arnold and Janine. Birth of Prince Darwin of Elveria.

1980 DE: Alley is born to Arnold and Janine. Jerin is born to Sybill and Jared. Birth of A.J. of the Creeping Clan and Garr, Phandaria's Winged prince.

1981 DE: Birth of Kate of the Winged Clan and Reuben of the Mole Clan.

1982 DE: Birth of Valerie of the Shell Clan, Axs of the Metalsmiths and Arthur of the Serpentine Clan.

1983 DE: Birth of Lizzy of the Serpentine Clan,and Eric of the Highlander Clan.
A series of excavations by a Huma scientist named Hugo Gilchrist and his Woren wife, Chris Katrea, reveals the Swordians Dymlos, Atwight, Chaltier and Clemente. While Atwight is given to Chris and Chaltier to Hugo, the other two are given to close friends who also possessed the power to hear their voices.

1984 DE: Birth of Samantha of the Huma, Jamie of the Creeping Clan, Kailie the Woren/Manillo Half, Philia of the Grassrunners, Terry of the Mana Tribe, Stahn of the Light Dragon Clan and Billy of the Forest Clan.
Ladon uses his power to create twin Dragons, one Light and one Dark, named Nasir and Thor, who he entrusts to a sage named Mathias in Lakeland. However, a Dark Dragon named Zerah kidnaps Thor to raise him as a Dark Prince. Mathias entrusts Nasir to his apprentice, Maia, and her husband in order to hide him from Zerah's forces, however he does plan to come back to train the boy.

1985 DE: Elemen's Winged king and his Woren wife give birth to twins named Teefa & Salah.
Rutee is born to Hugo & Chris. Birth of Susin of the Creeping Clan, Felicia of the Light Dragon Clan, Rooks of the Light Dragon Clan and descendant of Fanas, Sam of the Huma, Benjimin of the Light Dragon Clan, and William of the Grassrunners.
Jeros and his wife, Nicole, give birth to their twin hybrids, Max and Jacob.

1986 DE: Birth of Lufia of the Woren Clan, Burianne of the Sprites, Phoebe of the Woren Clan, Terrie of the Huma, Link and Zelda of the Hylians and Stuart of the Highlander Clan.

1987 DE: Birth of Emilio, Rutee's younger brother.
Stahn, Rutee, Emilio, Philia and Garr are deemed worthy to wield the Swordians when they get older. Their parents agree to simply hold onto the blades for them, feeling it is important the children train with the weapons as they grow up.
Marian's family is killed in a fire while staying at Darilsheid's inn. Finding the orphaned child on the streets while taking a walk with his young daughter, Hugo decides to take her into his care.

1990 DE: Dark Dragon leaders create an unholy alliance with a revived Myotismon and his minions, subjugating the Digital World.
Using their newfound power, the two groups begin building their armies in hopes to take over the Real World.

1995 DE: Elemen, Westland and the Lens Alliance are taken over by the Dark Dragons. Galneon, a man who'd been working as a Court Magician to attack from the inside, is given control of Elemen. Westland is given to Nazeby, a man striving to revive the Sinistraels. Gaerl, a man claiming to be descended of Kronos via his maid, takes rule of the Lens Alliance.
Rooks is smuggled to Carinz with Teefa, Salah, and their mother as his parents stay behind to cover their escape. However, King Wagnall was killed. At the same time, Max's father uses the last of his powers to fly his son to Carinz for safety. Both groups began living in the palace with Lufia's family, as Teefa and Lufia were cousins.
Stahn, Rutee, Emilio and Marian travel to the Digital World to hide out, later using a warp to head to Carinz since Lufia is Rutee's cousin on the other side of the family. In anger over the separation from his family and in hopes to not sound weak in front of his sister, Emilio adopts the name "Leon Magnus" and a tougher persona to go along with it.
In some way or another, the members of Dorm 40 are able to get out of their respective countries and meet at the Marina.

1996 DE: Crystaland and Manaland fall to the Dark Dragons. However, their individual rulers are allowed to keep their lands, except pay tribute to the Dark Dragons.

1997 DE: Lakeland's royal family is usurped by Zerah. Hyrule's king is also deposed of by Ganon.

1998 DE: Northland's many countries keep an armed resistance, holding off an attempt of the Dark Dragons to invade.
Princess Felicia is kidnapped from the Philip's Castle where she was hiding out upon returning home for a visit. Nasir goes on a quest to rescue her, and ends up liberating his country. However, Thor is killed when Zerah takes control of his mind so that he will remain loyal despite his doubts. Ladon imparts Thor's soul into a pendant, so he and Nasir can use their powers together always.
Both the defense of Northland and liberation of Lakeland inspire the other students and free islands to fight back.
A Dark Dragon attempt to take Carinz, hoping to use it as a strategic point to gain the whole Southern Island Alliance, is thwarted with the help of Teefa, Lufia and Rutee.

1999 DE: The Marina secretly teaches its students ways to resist the Dark Dragons, hoping to team up with the Southern Islands and Northland in order to defeat the Dark Dragons.
In December, Teefa, Lufia, Samantha, Burianne, Phoebe and Rutee discover six strange orbs in a cave while on a training mission. These powers were left by the gods for them to find, hoping to use these girls to protect the world. From then on, they were called the Light Angels by the gods.
Rooks, Max, Sam, Terrry, Benjimin and Stahn are requested by the girls to act as Knights and accompany them into battle. They then earned the moniker, Light Knights.
After being chosen, Terry, Max and Rooks are given their family's Holy Swords (Mana Sword, Duel Blade and Giant Sword) by the gods, while the weapons of the other three as well as the Angels are blessed.

2000 DE: Dark Dragons try to attack the Marina, but are beaten back by the newly developed power of the Angels and Knights.
On a trip to his hometown, Terry accidentally angers the Dark Dragon forces in Manaland. He joins forces with Burianne's twin brother, Brian, and a noble Winged Clanswoman named Jamie for survival.
During the conflict, the Marina comes in and assists Terry with a frontal assault on the Vandole Empire, where the Dark Dragons' stronghold is. Brian dies protecting his twin after she jumped into the fray. However, with the help of his sacrifice, Manaland is free of the enemy's evil.

2001 DE: Benjimin and Phoebe find out that the Dark Dragon King, reigning from inside a hidden area of the Focus Tower, is draining the life of Crystaland's power Crystals via four monsters he recruited. They set off with Kailie and Reuben to save their home.
The group battles through the four regions of Crystaland with the occasional help of a Woren Ninja named Tristam. Eventually, they claim victory and free their land from the Dark Dragons.
The shadowy head of the Dark Dragon armies makes a move to reclaim Lakeland, Manaland and Crystaland, however he finds his troops spread too thinly thanks to the resistances in Northland and the Southern Islands, in addition to mini-rebellions in other countries.

2002 DE: The Sinistral Gades suddenly comes back to life and sets up shop in Westland. He is followed soon by Amon and Daos. However, nobody can find Erim.
A sudden attack by Gades leaves The Marina stranded on the shores near Max's hometown of Alekia. He, Lufia, Jerin and Aguro leave to investigate, only to be caught up in the battle with the three surviving Sinistrals.
In the midst of the battle, Daos activates Doom Island once more, and they leave Westland to continue searching for Erim. Nazeby, losing a lot of troop support during the Erim hunts, is easily defeated. However, Lufia emits a strange aura during the fight, collapsing and having to seek treatment in the Marina's sick bay.
Lufia is diagnosed with a rare disorder where she seems to have two souls in her body. However, the doctor insists that she's not possessed, merely being used as a vessel to transport someone. Nothing more is known at that time, and it is assumed to be a side effect of her powerful magic mixed with the abilities granted to her by the gods.

2003 DE: Sinistrals attempt to attack the Marina to kidnap Lufia, believing she's the vessel containing Erim. The others fend them off to protect her, but lose ground fast as the army was gathered from surviving troops of the defeated armies as well as volunteers from the still ruling groups. Suddenly, Lufia's powers come out again, transforming her into a Dark Dragon.
Using those powers, Lufia manages to defeat a majority of the Sinistrals' armies, sending them into retreat. She then transforms back into her normal self. But the team realizes that she truly possesses Erim's soul.
Rutee accompanies Stahn, Leon, Philia and Garr to Cavalese, Gaerl's stronghold. Using the knowledge and power of the Swordians, they break through the front lines. However, assaulting Gaerl seems impossible at the present time, due to a barrier placed around his castle.
The other Angels and Knights arrive and use the combined power of the Divine Weapons and Holy Swords to break the barrier. Afterwards, the Swordian Masters enter to assault the inner sanctums. Since Gaerl relied solely on his barrier, there weren't enough troops to defend him and the Swordian Masters easily defeated him, freeing the Lens Alliance.
Rutee and Leon go back home for the first time in eight years, only to find that her parents have adopted a small Grassrunner pup named Loni who recently lost his family due to the oppressive reign of the Dark Dragons. He instantly takes a liking to his new siblings, and begins looking up to both Rutee and Stahn greatly.

2004 DE: Galneon, sensing that the enemy will come for him soon, creates a fog barrier around Elemen. He entrusts a false antidote to Ganon, knowing that if they do manage to free Hyrule, they'll be filled with false hope. Filled with curiosity, Ganon tries to see what the potion is and ends up transforming himself into a pig-like monster.
Seeing Elemen is blocked off, the Angels and Knights head to Hyrule to free it with Link and Zelda's help. While the twelve of them try to hold off the Dark Dragon Armies, the Hylians go in search of a legendary blade of power.
Using a series of clues in ancient temples, Link and Zelda uncover the whereabouts of the Master Sword, a weapon capable of destroying the newly-twisted Ganon's evil. Further investigation reveals the Silver Arrow, which must be fired into his heart for the killing blow.
While the Angels and Knights use their weapons to create a pathway into Ganon's stronghold, Link and Zelda go to fight him. After Link weakens him with his sword, Zelda fires the fatal arrow into Ganon's heart.
With Hyrule free, the last of the Dark Dragon forces are concentrated in Elemen, along with the survivors from multiple countries that were picked up by Doom Island.
A Hylian Sage looks over Lufia, and is able to contact Erim from within her. The Sinistral reveals that she discovered the true beauty of love and mortality from Maxim's kindness all those years ago, and wished to stop her brothers from reviving. So she had her soul sealed in another person, hoping it would lose power by becoming a part of that person's magic, and thus she could eventually prevent her own revival. However, Lufia's entrance into the war awoke her brothers.
Realizing that Lufia's divine gifts could help weaken Erim as the former Sinistral of Death wished, the Sage deduced that this war would help stop the revival of the Sinistrals for good. He granted Lufia a greater seal to control Erim's power from leaking out while using it to increase her own magic. Max, Teefa and Rutee vow to protect her.

2005 DE: Selesia Rune, an instructor at the Marina, discovers an abandoned Winged baby in her office. The only clue to her identity are a strange pendant and a bracelet with the name "Reala" carved into it. She and her husband adopt the child, but their duties leave them little time during the day to care for her.
Sinistrals again attack the Marina, but are beaten back by a combined effort of the Angels and Knights. Lufia also consciously controls her new powers for the first time.
Rooks and Teefa join Salah, Axs and Darwin in an attempt to regain control of their homeland. Using the twelve weapons again, they cut a path through the fog barrier and sail to an area near Galia.
While doing aerial recon, Teefa is shot down and captured by Galneon. He places her under a control spell, hoping to use the Angels' power for his own gain. To counter this and save her, Rooks calls the other ten chosen to his aid.
Confronting Galneon in his palace, Lufia threw a packet of catnip in order to pacify Teefa. While she played like a little kitten, the other Angels beat her back to her senses. All six of them joined forces in order to destroy Galneon for good.
Rutee and Stahn marry after returning from Elemen, and she instantly conceives her first child.
Max, Lufia, Aguro and Jerin decide to form a final head-on attack against Doom Island. Though Daos combines himself and his brothers into one being, he is unable to call forth Erim's power from within Lufia, or Lufia herself, to finish the job. The four warriors are able to destroy the amalgam monster for good.
Erim's spirit materializes, resonating with Duel Blade. Through their efforts, she has transformed back into a normal, mortal Dark Dragon. Biding the others farewell, she is able to go to the afterlife.

2006 DE: Kyle is born to Rutee and Stahn.

2007 DE: Tired of waiting to lose her virginity, Lufia convinces Max to get in bed with her one night. She ends up pregnant as a result.
Aguro and Kate marry.
The group finishes their formal schooling and moves onto the apprenticeship phase of their careers. While most people take jobs with stringent hours or long terms of absence from the dorms, Stahn, Rutee and Leon work as independent monster hunters so they can set flexible hours (so someone is always home for Kyle and Lufia's upcoming child).
When a large monster attack forces Stahn and Rutee to leave their son in the nursery, Kyle befriends Reala. This friendship is encouraged by both the couple and Reala's foster parents.
Lufia and Max marry.
Girls finally convince Leon to propose to Marian.
Celeste is born to Lufia & Max.
A scan of the Digital World finally reveals where Myotismon is. However, he had hidden behind an impenetrable barrier and the team couldn't do anything.
Leon and Marian marry.

2008 DE: Sam and Samantha marry.
Disaster hits on Prank Day as Aguro's Prankster's Society manage to wreck the dorm. Everyone spends the first week in April elsewhere and are excused from work.
A.J. and Alley marry.
Rutee's Hovercar dies on her, gets a new one (which she promptly throws her supplies in the front seat of). Needless to say, Stahn is extremely happy that they finally have air and a CD Player.
Randi is born to Aguro and Kate.
Lina and Elliot are born to Leon and Marian.

2009 DE: Nasir and Felicia marry.
Lufia decides to follow in her older cousin's footsteps and become a Pokemon Trainer after surprise encounter with a Shaymin in her flower garden.
Darwin and Salah marry.
Due to their dorm stays coming to an end, everyone pitched in and purchased a small island (it pays to room with several royals). Construction began on their homes, expected to last till the next summer, right before they moved out of the dorms.

2010 DE: Teefa starts the year off with a bang...literally! She manages to crash her Hovercar onto the rocks and is forced to buy a new one. Also manages to injure her wing in the crash and can't fly for two weeks.
Mina is born to A.J. and Alley.
Reuben and Kaeli marry.
Everyone moves out of the dorms and into their new homes.
Billy and Val marry.

2011 DE: Stuart and Susin marry.
Janette is born to Reuben and Kaeli.
Yuri is born to A.J. and Alley.
Eric and Jamie marry.
Benjamin and Phoebe marry.

2012 DE: Luvesa is born to Nasir and Felicia.
Link and Zelda marry.
Andre is born to Sam and Samantha.
Rooks and Teefa marry.
Emi is born to Stahn and Rutee.
Andrew is born to Darwin and Salah.
Lukas is born to Eric and Jamie.

2013 DE: Chloe and Morgan are born to Rooks and Teefa.
Hazuki is born to Benjamin and Phoebe.
Ari is born to Nasir and Felicia.
Oak is born to Billy and Val.

2014 DE:Rae is born to Eric and Jamie.
Elizabeth is born to Stuart and Susin.
Terry and Burianne marry.
Alex is born to Link and Zelda.

2015-2018 DE: A whole lot of nothing happened as everyone is finishing the whole "get their lives together thingy!"
Lex is born to Benjamin and Phoebe (2015)
Matthew is born to Stuart and Susin (2016)
Felicity and Chayanne are born to Darwin and Salah (2016)
Brie and Brian are born to Terry and Burianne (2017)
Sean and Jerin marry, but wish to wait a hundred or so years until having kids. Being elves has its perks, after all! (2018)