
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Titan, the god of Strength/Metalwork. His form is that of a muscular Metalsmith in his late 30s with a height of 20 feet tall. Known for his hammer, Goldax, which has the power to slay demons.
Titan greatly respects the strong, no matter what their Clan of origin is. In fact, he and Farming God Namada are great friends because of the Farming Clan's use of strength in their work. It is also well known that Titan loves watching professional sports that allow for displays of strength such as football and sumo wrestling.


In ancient times, Titan created the Metalsmith people. Because people were all needed to be strong in those days, he watched the Clans very closely. However, he also kept well on the sidelines because the gods had made a pact to only intervene if it was necessary. Eventually though, when the prehistoric people began discovering metals, he had to step in and show them how to use them by sending a prophetic dream to the village elder of the Metalsmith's town.
When the Ice Age broke out, the collective seal of fire that the gods had placed around a demon named Luvitar was destroyed. Before he could assault the Clans still stranded on the surface of the world, Titan rushed in and slew the beast in a single blow with Goldax. Since a small conglomerate of Metalsmiths were the ones to watch, they were the ones who brought the worship of Titan to the forefront.
As the ice melted and new minerals were discovered by the Clans, Titan continued his prophetic dreams to alert the Metalsmiths how to use them in the event they couldn't figure out the temperatures to melt them at or the metal was dangerous if used wrong.


Titan's followers usually worship him on a singular basis instead of in large groups as other religions. When a Metalsmith is working at his forge, he sings songs to Titan and calls forth his power to help create whatever he is working on. They also have family-wide celebrations of strength in Titan's honor on the first Friday of every month.
In late January or early February, a great festival is held for Titan. It coincides with the Super Bowl, which takes place the day after the festival. Contests of strength are set up all over town, including a game to see who is the strongest in the village. The winner gets bragging rights for an entire year and leads the closing ceremonies of the festival.
The only other festival takes place six months later. It depicts the battle between Titan and Luvitar during the Ice Age and the beginning of the legend of Titan. Whomever won the strength contest earlier in the year plays the role of Titan, while whomever came in second plays Luvitar. Other people volunteer to play the other civilians who witnessed the battle. After Luvitar is slain in the battle, the civilian actors hoist Titan's actor up on their shoulders and bring him to the head of the table so he might start the feast.

In the event that Titan is played by a woman, she must be willing to dress as a man because Titan never takes a female form.