
Worshipping Clans

This religion worships Undine, the Goddess of Water. She is a gentle deity who is at odds with the more warlike Friana at times. Her Creeping Clan-like body is covered in a sapphire blue skin that sparkles like a gem in the light, and her eyes are peridot green. Undine's usual attire is a white toga with gold clasps on both shoulders.
As a peaceful Water Goddess, Undine spends most of her time in the waters. However, unlike Leviathan, she is seen more around rivers, lakes, and swamps than the ocean. It is said that the freshwater fish are most abundant if Undine visited their homes during the mating season the previous year.


Undine was the largest voice trying to calm Friana down during the ancient Huma/Reptite conflict. She was worried about more of the innocent being hurt because of the fierce fighting. That lead to many arguments and head butting between the two until the Reptites were at last wiped out. Because of her outspoken behavior, she also earned Myria's enmity, since it had been the Life & Death Goddess who started everything.
In the Ice Age, Undine was perhaps the biggest protector of all the Clans on the surface. She teamed up with those who were working to save their own Clans, helping to generate the water needed for anything they needed. Though it didn't save everyone, the people at least had water.
Afterwards, she retired to a hidden pond deep within a hard to get to forest. However, when the Creeping Clan needed to find perfect lakes for their homes, she left to aid her followers. After filling up some of the larger craters and gorges she found to be new lakes and rivers, the frog people could build their civilization. Though most Creeping Clan have moved to river based communities rather than full lakes, they still hold Undine in high regard for saving them.


Great celebrations are held once a month to honor Undine. The rulers of the Creeping castles commissions a huge feast from his kitchen staff on the first Sunday. Consisting of various bug-based dishes, everyone in the castle and any Creeping in nearby towns are invited to partake in the banquet hall.
Afterwards, the Creeping soldiers will all take to the river, singing songs of praise to their Goddess. The parade ends after they go down the river a mile, and then return. The revelers head into the castle and place some food in front of the Goddess' statue.
Most Creeping Clansmen also have a personal shrine to pray to in their own quarters. Usually, each family member says a daily prayer in the morning and evening, and to calm the river if it goes crazy. This makes the Creeping one of the more devoted Clans to their deity.