Lineage of Destiny



Long ago, there existed the Jugdral Union, a group of Netherworlds that banded together after freeing themselves from a cruel tyrant of an Overlord. Ruled by the descendants of the heroes who had freed them, millennia of stability followed. However, those in power used one another, and anyone without, all to get a better piece of the pie for themselves. Though it was the demon way, many were saddened by the turn of events.

One day, however, the largest of the union, the Netherworld of Grandbell, began to overtake all of their neighbors. In only a few short years, all the other members had been subdued, and were now under the rule of Alvis, a descendant of one of the heroes. He gained his position both by being the Overlord's trusted confidant and by marrying Diadora, long lost daughter of the fallen prince. Under his rule, people began to prosper...

...until, one day, Alvis' rule became cruel and merciless, harkening back to before his ancestor and the other heroes had defeated Overlord Loptos. There was nothing the people could do but try their best to survive against the horrors of his regime.

However, there was still hope. Due to the machinations of war that had set the stage for Grandbell's conquest, several deposed nobles of Grandbell and the other worlds had gone into hiding. Though they eventually returned to make a last stand to reclaim the world as it once was, and lost their lives, they had left their children behind with several noble vassals. Now that these young ones have grown, they prepare to take their homes back...

...but not before a stop off in Hades, upon seeing the state it is in and the circumstances facing the Prinnies.

~*Main Characters*~

At 1 year per 100 human years, the people of the Jugdral Alliance are one of the slowest aging demon tribes. It is the main factor of why the fallen parents of the heroes took a long time returning for their disastrous final battle; they wanted their kids to be at least 200 before leaving them in the care of vassals. And it is why it has taken them so long to prepare to return to their homeworld for their own final battle...

As per usual warning, beware of Fire Emblem 4 spoilers, but considering the game is so old and never came out of Japan, most people who care probably know what's going on by now.

Name: Yulia
Age: Unknown, thought to be around 1600
Hair: Long and silver held by a cheap circlet
Class: Healer
Weapon: Staff
Magic Used: Healing & Star
Position: Clean up crew, Celice's protectorate
Bio: About 700 years ago, a small child demon appeared in Hades, lost and alone. She had no memory of her past, save for a single name...Yulia. Having few fitting abilities, the girl was taught to clean dishes in the prison kitchen. Over time, she learned how to cook, and became head chef about 200 years prior to the current days. However, upon hearing of Celice's quest, she immediately joined up with him, as the word "Jugdral" brought back a strange longing in her heart; based on how she was aging, there was a good chance she came from there.
Original Universe Data: An amnesiac that Levin, one of Celice's mentors and long lost father to two of his allies, raised for the final 7 years before his quest to retake his homeland began. She was the 2nd Generation's mystery woman, though her secret was probably obvious from the start for anyone who'd played the 1st Generation through. Oh, and she gets a kickass vampyric tome of Light if you do the right things on the first Gen 2 map...makes her a beast despite being a mage.

Name: Celice
Age: 1722
Hair: Short blue with a small ponytail
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Leader of the Revived Crusaders
Bio: Celice is the only son of Sigurd, a deposed Jugdral noble, as well as Princess Diadora. His father had been used and thrown away, and his mother kidnapped and her memory erased by magic. With all the hurt done to his family, Celice grew up unable to turn a blind eye to injustice. Thus, even though his ultimate goal is to free his homeland and retake his rightful throne from his stepfather and half-brother, he decided to stop in Hades upon hearing of Valvatorez's determination to save the Prinnies in order to keep his promise.
Original Universe Data: Pretty much the same thing. A boy who wishes to protect all he holds dear, due to the empire that rose up because of the machinations of a group of dark priests whispering in the ears of everyone on the continent! As the true firstborn son of the princess, he is destined to overthrow the tyrannical empire his stepfather's rule has turned into, and become a force for peace on the throne.

Name: Lakche
Age: 1718
Hair: Short in a face-frame and black
Class: Samurai
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Celice's bodyguard
Bio: Daughter of a renowned Samurai Ayra, deposed princess of Isaac in Jugdral. While she barely remembers her parents, Lakche turned out to be almost as much of a berserker as her mother. She is fervent in her desires to protect Celice, knowing he is the only one who can return light to her ancestral homeland. Battle is first and foremost on her mind, so she is not quite ready for a romantic relationship, despite the many men who have literally thrown themselves at her feet on their journey. Lakche is also quite close to both her twin brother and cousin, the latter who taught her everything she knows about holding a sword.
Original Universe Data: Pretty much spot on for who she was in FE4. A swordswoman who makes up for her average Strength caps by being one of the fastest characters and thus hitting a lot of things twice. And makes up for okay defensive stats by dodging a lot of things. Oh, and has two brothers literally go to war over her in the first chapter of Generation 2.

Name: Skasaher
Age: 1718
Hair: Short and black
Class: Ninja
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Celice's bodyguard
Bio: Lakche's more reserved twin brother. He tries to keep his sister's battle lust reigned in, however also longs to get out there and slice stuff up too; it's pretty much par the course for warriors in Isaac. Though the two are alike in another key way...their support of the prince. To Skasaher, his family owes Celice's father a great debt for protecting his mother and young cousin during a time of war. Coupled with them being best friends, he feels a great need to support Celice in all his endeavors.
Original Universe Data: Again, pretty spot on. The conversations he has tends to show him as being much more calm than Lakche, but it is mentioned that he wants to fight very strongly. While his class is slightly more magical than his sister's, it isn't like he can really use any of it so it's usually thought of as inferior. But he's still packing a pretty good punch if done right. Their classes might have worked better reversed, but that's not possible in this game.

Name: Lana
Age: 1644
Hair: An orange bob cut
Class: Healer
Weapon: Staff
Magic Used: Healing and Ice
Position: Group medic
Bio: Her mother grew up alongside Celice's father, as their castles were close enough that their father's were friends. In fact, what kicked off the entire mess the Grandbell members of the Crusaders was the fact that Lana's mother was kidnapped in the fray of the initial rebellion. After spending years taking care of the young prince's injuries in combat, she found herself falling in love with him, despite her inability to say it. While she knows she cannot fight as good as Lakche or Fee, or cast magic as well as Tinny, Lana does know that she can do whatever she can to help the team out.
Original Universe Data: Childhood friend with a crush...check! Of course, you could choose to hook them up or not, mattering you preferences in the second generation. She was your first healer, so getting her the EXP to help her class change and use attack magic could quickly be done if you worked on staff abusing.

Name: Lester
Age: 1720
Hair: Slicked back blue
Class: Gunner
Weapon: Gun
Magic Used: None
Position: Celice's rearguard
Bio: Lana's older brother, a sharpshooter much like his father was before him. Though he worries about her being on the battlefield, he understands the need for her presence just the same. He and Delmud are best friends, and work in tandem much of the time under Oifaye. It helps that he has a pleasant personality that makes it easy to approach.
Original Universe Data: Really didn't deviate too much from the mold. Only specifying his father was also a gun user, though considering his two best possible dads were archers of some sort it still doesn't tell anything. If there was a male Archer like in 3 this would have been easier, but since there isn't he gets to use a gun.

Name: Nanna
Age: 1614
Hair: Face framed blond
Class: Magic Knight
Weapon: Staff
Magic Used: Minor Healing/Elemental
Position: Celice's rearguard
Bio: She's the daughter of a noble from the Augustrian Netherworld and a young solder from the northern half of the Thracian one. While gentle, she can become quite vicious if her friends are in danger. Has a very strong crush on Leif, whom she's known since childhood due to her father taking care of him for his late parents.
Original Universe Data: Same thing, just specifying who her father is. And that's only because of A) Thracia 776's possible hints in the timeline and B) the fact that if Finn is her father, he's kinda still with the group (note the rest have been unspecific). I went with an elemental magic setup, because there are no elemental swords like the ones she could get ahold of in the original game.

Name: Delmud
Age: 1715
Hair: Dirty blond slicked back
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Celice's bodyguard
Bio: Nana's half-brother, the product of their mother's indecisiveness when it came to love following their uncle's death. He is very protective of his little sister, as she's the youngest of their group. When not worrying about the trouble she gets into, or trying to protect his lord, he's hanging around with his best friend, Lester.
Original Universe Data: Like Nanna, had to specify his father because this is the theory I usually go with and I'd again need to show why his relationship with the still living Finn is different than hers. But other than that, he's pretty much the exact same as his canon self. There's not much to say, other than the fact that he's another mounted rider.

Name: Altenna
Age: 1809
Hair: Long brown
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Spear
Magic Used: None
Position: Frontline warrior
Bio: Firstborn daughter of Celice's aunt and uncle, and older sister to Leif. As a child, she used to love chasing Finn around and getting his attention, though that waned as his own daughter got older. Altenna is usually serious, to the point that her brother jokes that she'll never fall in love.
Original Universe Data: Unlike her FE4 counterpart, she wasn't kidnapped by Trabant, owing to all the kids being in one place with Finn, Oifaye and Shanan. So the whole subplot of not knowing who her father really is and working for his killer, who she believes is her birth father, doesn't happen. Though a different subplot might appear in the movie...

Name: Leif
Age: 1708
Hair: Short brown
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Frontline warrior
Bio: Altenna's younger brother and heir to the Lenster portion of the Thracian Netherworld. He, like his cousin, is a firm believer in fighting injustice, and willing to do anything to free his homeland. Though his friends sometimes tease him about his closeness with Nanna, his retainer's daughter.
Original Universe Data: Yeah, nothing much changed there. The last part is more in reference to Thracia 776, since if Nanna is alive in the end she and Leif get married. It helps that I shipped it in FE4 even before learning that.

Name: Lynn
Age: 1712
Hair: Green in a ponytail
Class: Beast Tamer
Weapon: Spear
Magic Used: None
Position: Frontline warrior
Bio: Her mother was a dancer, whose moves could soothe pretty much any beast known in the Netherworld. Naturally, growing up, Lynn continued to follow in her footsteps. Off the battlefield, she uses those same skills to help keep morale of the troops up. Has a bit of a crush on that handsome and mysterious knight that keeps popping by.
Original Universe Data: Yeah, pretty much spot on. The daughter of a dancer who keeps her mother's profession. Though originally it was in an attempt to find her missing mother. Crushing on the mysterious knight is due to how they joined you in the original (he to rescue her, her if he visited the castle she was held at).

Name: Corple
Age: 1627
Hair: Short blond
Class: Onmyo Monk
Weapon: Staff
Magic Used: Healing and Star
Position: Group medic
Bio: Lynn's younger brother, he was training in the healing arts in one of the Netherworlds they passed. However, when told to go get some Attack magic, he decided to stay as an Onmyo Monk and continue those studies for awhile. Of course, that was before he found himself in a Netherworld that had no male alternatives to healing, and had to stick there. He's very close to Hannibal, the veteran warrior who joined the group and helped to raise the children.
Original Universe Data: You know, why weren't there no male healers in this game? It seems we alternate odd and even with them. Anyway, him being close to Hannibal references how in the original, where the kids were separated, he was Corple's adoptive father. But really, nothing much more since he was a late game addition to the party and had less time to develop. And how the whole part around him joining was rescuing him...

Name: Tinny
Age: 1629
Hair: Silver in two large braids
Class: Mage
Weapon: Staff
Magic Used: Wind and Fire
Position: Magic battery
Bio: A shy and sensitive girl, still reeling from her parents' deaths. However, despite that, she packs a great punch with her magic. It helps that the enemy doesn't really suspect the timid looking kid hiding in the back of the lines, so she uses it to her advantages to protect her friends.
Original Universe Data: While the personality is the same, she's got a very different reason. Originally, she and her mother were held prisoner by her evil uncle, and her even more evil aunt tortured her mother who died shielding her from pain. Here, she's just nervous because neither of her parents returned, making her more akin to Awakening's Yarne without the last of her species bit.

Name: Arthur
Age: 1702
Hair: Long silver
Class: Mage
Weapon: Staff
Magic Used: Fire and Wind
Position: Magic battery
Bio: Unlike his little sister, Arthur is a very brave individual. Battle is a game of tactics to him, as he tries to think his way through for the best result. Bickers with Fee on the side, but the two of them are actually very close. It helps that both of them are extremely supportive of their own siblings.
Original Universe Data: It's Arthur...without the having to search for his missing sister bit. I somehow see him as a thinker based on the little we see of his personality from his conversations. Though with a bit of a fierce side, as his evil uncle and aunt could tell...

Name: Fee
Age: 1652
Hair: Short green
Class: Magic Knight
Weapon: Spear
Magic Used: Basic Elements
Position: Support
Bio: A very energetic young warrior, Fee hails from the Silesia Netherworld with her big brother, Sety. Growing up on the heroic stories of Sigurd's forces, including her parents, she has a great desire to be just like them. Despite her somewhat dreamy nature, or because of it, she seems to have a big love-hate relationship going on with Arthur.
Original Universe Data: As best I could adapt Fee. She did join the rebellion because of hearing all those stories. And did carry Arthur halfway around the world on her Pegasus. Which is why the two are both a popular pairing, and the one shown in this adaptation. Though I had to get creative with making her, seeing as there was no class to accurately represent Pegasus Knight...same with Altenna and her Wyvern. In the end, I went for the magic resistance of Pegs to have her use a magical class.

Name: Sety
Age: 1716
Hair: Long green
Class: Mage
Weapon: Staff
Magic Used: Wind and Ice
Position: Magic battery
Bio: The true prince of Silesia, grandson of the queen who died when Grandbell invaded. He takes that responsibility to heart, and vows to reclaim his stolen lands. Tends to have a soft side for his younger sister, Fee, and spends a lot of time with Tinny during one of the many arguments Fee gets into with Arthur.
Original Universe Data: Yeah, two pairs of siblings tend to get paired with each other a lot. And strangely, it makes a lot of sense considering them. Anyhow, Sety is pretty serious at times, and spends two whole games trying to raise rebellions against the Empire. And I did go with the canonical pairing for him, though am only saying it because of the importance of his rank and the fact that, as I said, it did happen.

Name: Patty
Age: 1632
Hair: Blond in a Ponytail
Class: Thief
Weapon: Gun
Magic Used: None
Position: Thief
Bio: As a child, her mother, Brigid, was taken in and raised by a band of Item World pirates. One day, however, she had come across a woman who looked just like her during a raid...her long lost sister, Edain. It was then that she joined Sigurd's band, married and had two children. Patty, the younger, has taken in the stories of her mother's exploits that have survived, and decided to become a thief. Thankfully, it helps their cause out a lot, so Celice has little problem with it. When not doing what she does best, she is joining in Fuka, Desco and Emizel's talks about Valvatorez's love life.
Original Universe Data: Seeing as her mother was a pirate and she was the group's thief in Gen 2, I adapted it to fit the Disgaea 'verse (though Celice had more problem with Patty's job in FE4...he accepted it when she mentioned she stole only from the soldiers who stole from innocents). Also, as one of the more hyper members of the cast, she was a natural to join in on the love jokes. She used to use a sword, but I am not trying to cop out a thief with a sword again, not after the first game...

Name: Faval
Age: 1710
Hair: Blond
Class: Gunner
Weapon: Gun
Magic Used: None
Position: Celice's rearguard
Bio: Patty's much suffering older brother, forced to put up with her antics. He's used to trying to calm her down when she gets a little overly hyper, bringing to mind Jet and Jessica from the original series. Though Faval is a lot more personable than the former. In combat, he works as a sniper, trying to hit things from afar before they can react.
Original Universe Data: Not much to say about him, seeing as he was another who didn't get that much in personality. He is very serious compared to his sister, though, and did give her a speech about her antics once. Though since stealing is more acceptable among demons, it was changed to him dealing with her silliness instead.

~*Side Characters/Mascots*~

Name: Shanan
Age: 2542
Hair: Long black
Class: Ninja
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Guardian
Bio: Lakche and Skasaher's cousin, and prince of their Netherworld. He and his aunt had escaped the war when he was a child, where fate brought them to Sigurd. In return for the shielding that their new lord had given them, he vowed to help protect his wife and child. But when Diadora went missing, Shanan took it upon himself to do everything in his power to make sure that Celice was kept safe, hoping to make it up to his father.
Original Universe Data: The cute little boy who became a badass warrior. Just like the original, he is one of Celice's guardians, who feels the need to make up for his mother's going missing. So he's fierce, yet good hearted.

Name: Oifaye
Age: 3174
Hair: Short brown
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Guardian
Bio: A cousin, several times removed, of Sigurd's, who acted as a junior adviser on the campaign. But when the group decided to return to Grandbell to clear their names, Sigurd had requested that Oifaye stay to help Shanan take care of the children, as he was too young to do it on his own. Though guilty about not going to protect his lord, he knows there was nothing he could have done, and it is best that he is helping to preserve the next generation.
Original Universe Data: Oifaye pretty much was just that. Started as an adviser, became a nanny in between generations, then ended up as a warrior when Gen 2 started. Though less useful than the overly broken kids, and not having a Holy Weapon like Shanan or Aless to make up for it, he still was a good mobile unit for grabbing villages you needed saved for loot quickly. Or scratch damage to enemies for weaker units (like Patty) to get kills on.

Name: Finn
Age: 3368
Hair: Blue
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Spear
Magic Used: None
Position: Guardian
Bio: Nanna's father and the guardian of Leif and Altenna. Like with Oifaye, he was requested to stay back by his master. Though he regrets letting his wife go along with them, he knows he can't change the past and all he can do is to be the best father for his daughter. Although he seems to enjoy trying to hook her up with Leif, after learning they naturally felt for one another
Original Universe Data: Did Finn do that in Thracia? I forgot but it does seem amusing. Pretty much the exact same as he was before, raising Leif and Nanna (even if she isn't his...her mother was in Lenster and staying with Finn due to circumstance either way), but this time also taking care of Altenna (also by his lord's command) and Delmud (for Lachesis). He does come back in Gen 2, so if you power him up enough in Gen 1 he can be very useful in protecting the kids during the first part.

Name: Hannibal
Age: 5179
Hair: Long light brown
Class: Heavy Knight
Weapon: Spear
Magic Used: None
Position: Guardian
Bio: An old warrior from Thracia, exiled for not wanting to align with the Empire. After wandering for a few years, he found himself in the place where all the children were living, and decided to join up with those like minded people. Sees Corple and Lynn as the children he never had, mainly because of the former getting real attached to him.
Original Universe Data: Went another step forward with his story. As I said before, he is Corple's adoptive father, but since this Corple knows his sister he acts like one for both of them with the boy being more attached. Also, since he was not happy with some of Trabant's actions, I figured being exiled would be a way to keep that and still not break his loyalty to his home. Because again, as the kids are together, he can't just raise his adoptive son away from the others.

Name: Aless
Age: 1844
Hair: Blond
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Sword
Magic Used: None
Position: Mysterious Knight
Bio: A young warrior, shroud in a black cloak. All that they know of him is his name. He appears from time to time, helping them deal with some of the monsters in their path. Seems to have a grudge against Celice, but won't tell any of the details of it. Or, why he desires to help them if he's that against the man...
Original Universe Data: Just turned normal Aless into a mysterious stranger. He's basically got a grudge due to a misunderstanding from years back, between his father and Sigurd. Though since their needs coincide, he joins and eventually learns the truth from one of the allies. Which one? What happens? Watch and find out. Or...just play FE4 and realize who I used to base this character.

~*Movie: The Long March Home*~

With the Prinnies safe and Earth no longer on a course for destruction, Celice and his group bid farewell to Valvatorez and the rest of his group. They know that they've grown stronger; taking on a system made to end the whole world will do that to you. And it is time to return to Grandbell at long last.

They decide to take a shortcut through Thracia, knowing the southern half is more reluctant ally than subordinate, where they can drum up support for a rebellion. There, the group meets Arion, the prince of Thracia, who is trying to keep peace following his father's assassination by who he believes are Imperial agents; they want the weaker son on the throne to take over. Altenna falls head over heels for him and agrees to help. Patty, meanwhile, decides to help Leif and Nanna play matchmaker.

The group marches forth, with full support from Arion's men, where they meet two brothers, Johan and Johalva. While supposed to guard the border, both of them end up in love with Lakche and decide to start following her around. Though irritated with the two, she is at least happy they didn't have to force their way through.

Many opponents lay in their path, from Arthur and Tinny's wicked aunt and uncle, their more sensible but still loyal to the empire cousins, Johan and Johalva's wicked father and a great group of people from the dark sect that started it all. As they get closer, however, the group noticed that Yulia is missing. But as much as they want to look for her, they are forced to keep moving, attacked by the army of Celice's stepfather, Alvis.

One by one, the team begins to cut their way through the swaths of enemy soldiers, until finally it's Celice and Alvis, one on one. Though the man laughs at the boy's attempts to best him, the way he fights seems to be one of a man trying to commit suicide by cop, or at least one who simply feels that the one killing him has every right to do so. With Alvis dead, they think the empire done, until they are reminded that he left a son.

At last back in Grandbell, his father's country, Celice begins his search for his half-brother. Along the way, they take down the still loyal to his country older brother of Johan and Johalva, as well as a similarly loyal surviving elder cousin of Arthur and Tinny. Then, they finally cut down the siblings' evil aunt, only to hear a sinister laugh in the trees. It's the leader of the dark sect, Manfloy, and he has Yulia with him.

Manfloy begins taunting Celice, saying that the girl is his half-sister and that he is controlling her with a spell similar to the one cast on his mother to make her forget her son and husband. He'd done that because both of her parents were the keys to reviving the dark god, through having a child together, which now resides in the body of her twin brother. But before he could leave the girl to watch them kill each other, an angry Celice stabs the man through, saving Yulia from his control.

Though shaken, Yulia has gotten her memory back at last. It turned out her possessed brother was forced to kill their mother, but not before Diadora could sent her daughter to safety. The shock had her lose all memory of her past, of even her mother's plea to not let the world fall to ruin. Suddenly, she began to glow, and a beautiful book appeared out of her. It was the legendary spell used by her royal ancestor to banish the dark god the first time, and had been sealed inside of her by her mother before the escape.

Knowing what they had to do, Celice and Yulia headed for the royal palace, entering the inner sanctums. There, they found Prince Yulius, protected by his twelve Dark Warlords. With the rest of the group fighting them off, the siblings run forward, and begin to battle with their possessed brother. He speaks with the words of Loptos, rather than his own, and they know that all they can do is put him out of his misery. Which they do, using the power of the spell that has been born inside Yulia's body.

The battle ended, Yulius is returned to his true self. However, he is dying of his wounds, wounds not even Yulia can heal, and only wishes to see his twin one last time. She grants him the request, holding him so he dies in comfort, as he asks Celice to both watch over their sister and the Netherworld. Then, Yulius passes away.

At the victory party, the group is planing what to do after the war. Everyone agrees that they should go back to their parents' homes, hoping to rebuild the lands scarred by the dark sect's plans. But no matter what, they all vow to always be friends, and help one another in need. And it was said, for the rest of eternity, the Jugdrall Alliance Netherworlds were even closer than ever, due to the bond forged between their Overlords.

NOTE: This movie is actually a series of two. The first part ends right after getting past the various antagonists: Blume, Ishtor, Danan. Meanwhile, the second movie starts with Yulia being abducted.

~*References to Other Media*~

Aless seems to have taken his cues from Tuxedo Kamen of Sailor Moon. That is, coming in, giving them something to feel confident about (usually by killing a mook in his case) and then Celice or someone else does the rest of the work.

To show how long this damn thing was in the making, the group references the most recent Fire Emblem, of all things, saying that Manfloy's use of breeding for the dark god was not as complex as the one done by Validar. Mostly because of the cheap in-series reference and also because the writer wanted someone to give a cheap shot at the villain.