Wild ARMs 3 Guide to Gathering Gella

This is for all of those people who need to get the 5,000,000 Gella for the Ex File Key in the Black Market. Don't get me wrong, anyone can use it, just it doesn't become available until late in the game. It involves levels 11-30 of the ABBYS. Just ask Skysplitter, I've spent hours upon hours in their trying to get Gella. It also works wonders for levels up too.

To begin, you need to set your characters up. See my "Guide to Guardian and Personal Skill Setup" for more information on how I got everyone set up. Most of these are interchangeable, as long as everyone has one of the Elemental Guardains you'll be ok. The only real necessity is for Jet to have Fiery Rage (since that nets him one battle he can actually Summon in order to kill enemies for gems), and Hope Shard (for Chupacabras, see the Enemy Strategies for more info). Virginia needs to have the Guardian equipped with Green Thumb, as well as MTC Recovery (since she goes first, she Summons the most), and whomever has Aqua Wisp should have Moon Spark, to combine Heal with the reduced FP. For Guards, have at least the ones in this FAQ, and at least the ones from my "Guardians and PS" FAQ. Now, let's discuss how the guide will be setup...

Name of Enemy (# in group): Technique used [Guards you should have on, if any].

Most enemies die after one round with these techniques. Some of the bigger groups will go on for several rounds, but they're usually the ones you don't have to worry about. Now, here are the enemies.

Brant (4): Have either Virginia or Gallows Summon an Elemental Guardian, Stare Roe, or Lucied. If it's Gallows, have Virginia and Jet either defend or not attack the same enemy, so we minimize kills by physical means. Now, if you manage to surprise them, have the first three each hit one, and Clive Summon his Elemental, as there's really nothing else he can kill with his Summoning. If Jet gets separated from the others, Zephyr can help you at later levels, otherwise, he's gonna have to die so you can continue with the group.

Hypopomus (2): Jet and Virginia can each Gatling one. Clive and Gallows should just supplement them. For fighting alone, the person should Gatling one, and wail on the second until the party arrives, unless they have both Guards and want extra EXP [Water, Lightning]

Strategy Guide (6): Jet should bring in Moor Gault, or you can get Virginia to Summon whatever (this is why he's got fire, he needs to kill something). For later levels, or if you surprise them, Gallows can help too (if he's faster). For separations, just have the person Summon [Poison, Sleep]

Gigantes (1): Jet and Virginia Gatling should take care of this beastie. Anyone separated from the group should just Gatling.

Chupacabra (8 or 9): Oi, are these guys a pain. I get Virginia to just weaken them with an Elemental Summon, and Jet to finish things with Zephyr. When Jet is spent, just have Virginia weaken them, and everyone else keep hitting.

Orgon Energy (4): Everyone should just attack, nuff said [Dark]

Fire Genius (4): The first time you meet, cast Refrigerate on them to get an Ice Gem (if you already have one, skip this step). For all subsequent battles, use Mystic to make the gem hit all of them (as Virginia will go way before Gallows could Extension Refrigerate (if he's your Aqua Wisp wielder). For separation battles not involving Virginia, or a Gallows with Refrigerate, just wail on them a bit [Fire]

Lepricans (3 or 4): Mystic is your friend. Just sic Mysticed gems on 'em.

Cult Matyr (4): Wail on them like crazy [Paralysis]

Aello (2 or 3): Hope they don't snatch irreplaceable items (i.e. Ambrosia, grumble) for one. In battle, have Virginia and Jet Gatling to take out two, and the others should attack if the third is still around [Poison, Disease]

Calupdis (1 or 2): Again, Virginia and Jet should Gatling, kill them before they use Gella Eater and run. If a person is separated from the group Gatling, or Summon (if both show up).

Alligatiger (3): Everyone should attack them, not a real threat if you're guarded [Water]

Dakleit (3): Full party Gatling, one person per enemy. As they're weaker at physical fighting, let Virginia and Gallows share one [As many Elements as you can get your hands on]

Harvestman (4): Each person should Gatling a different one, then just kill the leftovers physically on the next turn [Dark, Fallen]

Albion (3): Virginia and Gallows Gatling one, Clive and Jet take care of the other two [Earth]

Sabnak (2): Just get everyone to fight them until they fall [Dark, Light]

EM Being (4): Have Virginia Summon an Elemental Guardain. But what do they do? I've never been surprised, and they don't live after Ginny takes care of them.

Gasnoid (1): Everyone should just use magic. At higher levels, only let them use Elemental Magic [Various Status]

Vodianoi (1 or 2): AKA the creature to Gatling. Then, get your healer ready, cuz he or Virginia is gonna have a field day. Or, for big wounds, use Virginia to give items (you did give her Green Thumb, right?).

Unlucky (4): I just hit them, they really weren't much of a threat. I mean, using Unlucky again and again, our LCK was already reduced, they can't mess us up twice.

Voidra (1): Jet and Virgina, Gatling. Everyone else, twiddle their thumbs.

Spriggan (3): I sure am repeating myself, this is another "All Gatling, with Gallows and Virginia attacking the same enemy" strategy [Earth]

Little Gray (8): Virginia should Summon. But I don't think Lucied will work here, I tried defending so Gallows could Summon, but something happened when I turned my back.

Manitou (6): Again, just let Ginny Summon.

Dopplegangers (4): First round should see them being weakened with Virginia's Summoning and the others attacking. Then, just wail on them until they go down [Various Elements]

Flauros (2): Everyone should just cast magic on them.

Vampire (3): Ha, you thought it would be like the Dakleits. Well, you're wrong. That's because of their stupid Energy Drain. Now, if you've been following my other strategies, you'll know that Gallows has Luck Boost. So, have Virginia defend, and the others each Gatling a single Vampire. Although Clive and Jet are vulnerable at lower levels, once high enough these die in one Gatling. Then, have Virginia Gatling the one that's remaining (unless you're at lower levels, then she should do one that Clive or Jet hit).

And there you have it. Nets you lots of EXP and Gella. But it's not complete. I need someone to tell me what Status or Elemental attacks are used by EM Being, Little Gray, or Manitou. Put "ABBYS Enemies" in the subject of any E-Mails, so I don't delete them on accident.