Wild ARMs 3 Guardian and Personal Skill Setup Guide

Here is my simple guide to setting up your characters in WA3. Includes the way I set up my own, as well as good reasons for why. In this variation, each character will end up with two elemental attacks skills, one elemental Guardian, one High Guardian, and one other Guardian. The guide is set up like this...

Character's Name: Short description of their role, the Guardians they have equipped, and some PS they should have at all times.

Well, now that you understand all of that, let's get on with the characters.

Virginia Maxwell: She's got the role of Super Healer, what with her Mystic skill and high RFX. I give her Aqua Wisp, Moon Spark, and Love Charm. The Heal spell can be used if you don't feel like wasting an item at the time, and you can summon Raftina in case of a real emergency. Now, Moon Spark comes with an ability that can reduce the amount of FP used, so Heal can be cast with only 6 FP. Meaning, she only has to hit once after summoning in order to be able to heal again. Can really come in handy at times. You should really equip her with the Dried Flower, and Dist Dims. Green Thumb can come in handy if you have to heal everyone, as she'll double the effectiveness of berries. MTC Recovery is mostly for the ABBYS, leveling up and stuff. See my Guide to Gathering Gella for more info on this one.

Jet Enduro: Mostly, he's a physical fighter. Give him Fiery Rage, Flash Hit, and Hope Shard. Mostly because he needs non-elemental spells if they run into invisible or gel enemies who can't be hit by physical attacks, as they're more powerful than elemental spells, and his magic isn't too great. Little special about his PS, Fiery Rage gives him Critical, that's about it. He's also a good person for Comet Mark and/or Violator, with his higher strength.

Gallows Caradine: AKA The Human Tank. Seriously, he's got so much HP with my setup. But really, he's my Defensive Player and Chest Opener. I gave him Terra Roar, Lucky Hand, and Lust Jaw. With Terra Roar, he gains the ability to instantly cast a defensive spell on the whole party. Lust Jaw increases his magical ability to insane properties. And Lucky Hand is for the Luck Boost/Disarm combo, so I don't blow people up with booby traps. Not really any other good PS ideas for him, just experiment.

Clive Winslett: AKA Slow But Powerful. Use Gale Claw and Cosmic Cog to increase his RFX a bit, and Brave Seal, so he's got a non-elemental spell, same reason as Jet. From Gale Claw, he gets the Counter Ability and Brave Seal nets him Regeneration, which is good on long journeys (*cough**cough*ABBYS*cough**cough*). Like Jet, he's good for Comet Mark and/or Violator, in added PS.

All characters should have as many status guards and elemental rings as possible. But the necessary ones are: Water, Fire, Light, Dark, Poison, Paralysis, Death, Disease, and Confusion.