End of Legend of Dragoon MST

(The Fanatics are all lounging around Rutee's Bedroom. Burianne is eating a chocolate bar, Rutee is drinking tea, Teefa's crocheting a sweater, and the others are laying down)
LUFIA: I'm bored
BURIANNE: (while eating) Sheresh noshing shu do.
SAMANTHA: Translation please Burianne.
RUTEE: She said there's nothing to do.
(All sweatdrop at Rutee's knowing mouthfullese)
TEEFA: Well I know what we can do. Let's MST something.
PHOEBE: And just what the *BLEEP* are we gonna MST?
BURIANNE: Commercials?
SAMANTHA: Political speeches?
LUFIA: One of Teefa's old fanfics?
TEEFA: HEY! My fanfics are good.
RUTEE: How about the ending to Legend of Dragoon? I just got there the other day.
(Rutee turns the PSX on. She runs from final savepoint into the Moon's Core)

DART:!? Shana!!

BURIANNE(DART): Is there room for two in there?
LUFIA: That was a pathetic attempt at being hentai.
SAMANTHA: We should of brought Aguro or his friends in here for that.

(Dart runs forward and Zieg takes his stone)
DART: !?
ROSE: Zieg!! You don't deserve to use spirits!!

RUTEE: I don't think that'll stop him girl.

(The stone glows)

LUFIA: Wow! It's one of those rocks that shine in black lights.

ZIEG: You say it even after this.
ROSE: Oh no, the Red-Eye Dragon still recognizes you.

PHOEBE: (hitting face) No *BLEEP* Sherlock Dragoon.
TEEFA: I swear, these people are masters of stating the obvious.
RUTEE: If you think this game is bad, try Wild ARMS II. Now THEY state the obvious all the time.

ZIEG: This is the truth. And the annihilation of the world that is about to occur is the truth as well!!

BURIANNE: So is the misconception about fun sized candy. I mean, how can it be FUN sized if it is the SMALLEST type of bar.
SAMANTHA: Only you would think of that.

DART: Dad, stop it. The power is...not generated for that.

BURIANNE: (hyper from her candy rush) Woo hoo...make love and not war. (All stare at her) What, if power is not for destruction, then it is for peace.

ZIEG: Everything was born to die!! It's the same for spirits or the world!!
(Zieg starts transforming)

LUFIA: (sarcastically) Oh, this is a surprise.

ZIEG: Learn through you body.
DART: Stttoooooooppp!!!
(Battle w/Zieg)

SAMANTHA: Why do all bosses have infinite MP, and can stay transformed throughout the whole fight?
LUFIA: Must be the rules of the Villain's Union that they all have certain Gameshark codes.
RUTEE: (evilly) Mwa ha ha, but I have the power of Gameshark too.

(Miranda morphs and attacks w/W. Silver Dragon)

PHOEBE: Why the *BLEEP* did you waste your MP?
RUTEE: Infinite MP Gameshark code. There's not enough to go around anyway.

(Rose morphs and attacks w/Dark Dragon)

RUTEE(ROSE): Ahhh, the perfect stress relief agent.

(Zieg uses Flame Shot on Rose)

RUTEE(ROSE): Good thing I didn't marry you, you wife beater.
LUFIA: Rutee, stop hogging Rose.

(Dart attacks, but it isn't effective)

TEEFA: And that proves what a wuss Dart is.

ZIEG: What's wrong with you Dart? You're so pathetically weak.

TEEFA: Cliched line #22385
LUFIA: Most games just use cliches so the developers can laze off.

(Zieg uses Final Burst on Dart)
DART: Darn! This is my father's power.

PHOEBE: Just shut your *BLEEPING* trap and fight wuss boy.

(Zieg attacks Dart)

BURIANNE(ZIEG): Stop talking and fight so I can get it on with Rose.
SAMANTHA: What are those boys teaching her these days?
BURIANNE: So, I like lemons.

(Miranda attacks w/W. Silver Dragon)

PHOEBE(MIRANDA): (making cat scratches at the screen) Yahoo, overkill. Take that you...
(Samantha covers her mouth)
SAMANTHA: Phoebe! Miranda is a holy woman, easy on the language.

(Rose attacks w/Dark Dragon. Dart and Zieg clash swords together & Shana glows)
ZIEG: (as the party draw their weapons) The time has come.

BURIANNE(ZIEG): To go and get it on with Rose, I've been waiting for this since Disk 3.
LUFIA: I don't know her.

ZIEG: I no longer need this flesh.
(A ghost leaves Zieg)

TEEFA: "The Dragoon Exorcist", not coming soon to a theater near you.

DART: Wha!?
ROSE: Melbu Frahna!!

RUTEE: Deja vu. Ancient evil posses dad.

[gained 20000 exp & 400 g]

LUFIA: Like we need that now.

MELBU: I am the famous Melbu Frahma, supreme leader of the Winglies. I've been waiting for this moment for over 10,000 years.
ROSE: Why!? You must have been defeated by Zieg!!

TEEFA: Like that stopped Rimsala, the Sinistraels, Kronos, the Evil Spirit, Ganon, Zeoremus, Exdeth, Sin, need I go on some more?

MELBU: It's true that the sword of that man penetrated me. But what vanished is only my flesh. I cast a petrifying spell on the man, at the same time, I transmigrated my soul to the spirit. The sublime soul is immortal.

RUTEE: Double deja vu. Ancient evil possesses trinket, which in turn allows him to possess dad.
TEEFA: (looking in dictionary) What do transmigrated and sublime mean?
LUFIA: Transferred and noble (mumbling) not that Frahma is any bit noble.

DART: How long have you been manipulating my dad?
MELBU: At that moment, I reentered the light. The first light after 11,000 years. When the Black Monster came to Neet, that foolish soul tried to release the power of the Dragoon, without knowing that I was waiting for that moment!!

PHOEBE: Shut your pie-hole and fight you *BEEP*

ROSE: So...it was then.
MELBU: I was released from the spirit and revived! In order to obtain an eternal body that is proper for an immortal soul!! And now, I am becoming a god!!
(Shana is pulled free and Melbu merged with Virage Embryo)

LUFIA: Whoever thought Shana was the last boss, raise their hands. (all hands stay down) I thought so.

ROSE: Is he merging with the Virage Embryo?
DART: Is he going to be the god instead of Shana?

TEEFA: She already asked that stupid.

MELBU: You are right. I obtained the flesh of the God of Destruction!! I am the "god" himself!!
VOICE: A god? Don't make me laugh.
(Lloyd appears)
DART: Lloyd! You are alive.

SAMANTHA(LLOYD): (sarcastically) No, I just came back from Mayfil to have tea.
TEEFA: (starry-eyed) My Lloydikins.
LUFIA: YOU like him!?
TEEFA: He's cute.

LLOYD: I cannot die with the wrong god still around. (He flies upward) There is no space for you in my utopia.

TEEFA: Tell him sweetie.
LUFIA: (gagging sounds) I really don't like silver hair.

(Lloyd enters battle)
LLOYD: (wile attacking) Melbu Frahma. You forgot our supernatural spirit and pursued your own interests. Unforgivable.

PHOEBE: He sure is a *BLEEPY* fighter when on our side.
RUTEE: They all are never as good as when they're villains. Except Kanon, she rocked.
TEEFA: Hey! Stop insulting Lloydikins.
(Lufia facefaults)

(Lloyd uses his best attack & it does squat)
MELBU: You bothersome dragonfly. It's annoying. Crash!!
(Melbu mortally wounds Lloyd)
DART: !! Lloyd!!
(end of battle, you get zip)

BURIANNE: Cheepwad. Not even a piece of candy.
TEEFA: (crying) Lloyd, it cannot be.

(Divine Spirit glows)
DART: What is this?

SAMANTHA(LLOYD): The glowstick I got last Halloween.

LLOYD: It is the spirit of the Divine Dragon and...The Dragon Buster.
DART: Are you here to give us this!?

TEEFA(LLOYD): Please, use these to avenge my death. (normal) my poor Lloyd.

LLOYD: Don't get conceited. I just ended up here while I was pursuing my own ideal.
DART: Yeah, right.
LLOYD: His birth will be the death of the world. Hurry up...Stop him...

RUTEE: One step ahead of you, short haired Sephy.
TEEFA: Lloyd is not like Sephiroth.
RUTEE: He looks like Sephiroth with short hair.

(Divine Spirit glows)
LLOYD: Farewell...people who confront the fate of Soa...
(Lloyd dies)
[Acquired Divine Dragon Spirit]
[Acquired Dragon Buster]

TEEFA: Why cruel fates, why must you take my Lloyd away, and all of the other cool characters as well?
RUTEE: I don't know that one. Now, I just gotta give Rose the Dragon Buster.

(Step up to Melbu Frahma)
DART: No. We need to prepare/Let's go. Our last battle.

PHOEBE: Whoever'd walk up to Frahma without preparing is an idiot.
SAMANTHA: See Phebes...there are more than just curse words in the world.

(2nd choice takes to party select screen. Rutee puts Rose and Miranda in party)

RUTEE: Why do they always mess this up. I had it all nice and neat before.
SAMANTHA: I dunno. Maybe they just like Haschel.

MELBU: I have acquired all. The immortality. And the ultimate power...I am the god...who purifies the world! Under the fate determined by Soa. Death to those who rebel against fate. Death to all life...And may your death bless the new world to which I shall descend.

TEEFA: Woah, how many cliches in that one?
LUFIA: Deep breaths girl, deep breaths. (thinking) At least she's over Lloyd's death.

ALL DRAGOONS: We won't let you!! We are the Dragoons!! We are ready to fight against fate!!
DART: Let's go!!
(All draw weapons & final battle begins)
(Rose morphs all & attacks w/Dark Dragon)

RUTEE: Ain't I just so lazy?
PHOEBE: What the *BLEEP* is that for?
RUTEE: It makes all of Rose's additions completely successful. And it looks cool.

(Melbu's tentacles attack Dart, and then they hit Rose. Dart uses Divine DG Cannon in response)

RUTEE: I love this skill
LUFIA: (mumbling) Yeah, when your side is using it. You didn't like it so much when the dragon got you with it.

(Melbu's tentacles attack Miranda, and then he Spear Frosts her)

SAMANTHA: Woah, woah how many attacks does this guy have?

(Miranda uses W. Silver Dragon)
(Rose uses Dark Dragon)

RUTEE(LINA INVERSE): Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows. Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows. I pledge myself to conquer, all the foes who stand. Before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand. Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess. DRAGON SLAVE!
LUFIA: And Lina Inverse just blew up the moon, sending Gourry, Amelia, and Zel flying.

(Tentacles attack Dart and then Miranda)
(Miranda kills tentacles w/W. Silver Dragon)
(Dart uses Divine DG Cannon)
[The First Generation]

RUTEE: Macross Saga, cool.
(Boys enter)
TERRY: What's that?
RUTEE: Oh, the final LOD boss.
TERRY: No, Macross.
RUTEE: The first show borrowed to make Robotech, it is also the first of four series in a line in Japan.
(Boys sweatdrop)

(Rose uses Dark Dragon, Melbu hits her w/ his sword)
(Miranda uses W. Silver Dragon)
(Melbu hits Rose w/his sword again)

RUTEE(ROSE): Smack me one more time, and be blown to bits.
MAX: He sure has it in for Rose.
LUFIA: Well, she and Zieg did destroy his empire in the Dragon Campaign.

(Dart uses Divine DG Cannon)
[The Second Generation]

RUTEE: Someone call General Emerson, the Robotech Masters are coming.
ROOKS: Call the asylum, Kat's gone mad.

[The Third Generation]

RUTEE: Oh! No! The Invid are already here. Where's Scott Bernard when you need him. He's probably with Marlene/Ariel in the woods somewhere. While Rand and Rook as well as Lancer and Sera are not to far off.
STAHN: Maybe you should cut back on anime.
STAHN: (reeling from blow) Just a thought.

[The Fourth Generation]

BENJAMIN: No smart ass comment Rutee?
RUTEE: There were only three generations. And the Sentinels took place at the same time as the other two, just it was in deep space.

(Miranda uses W. Silver Dragon & Melbu attacks her back)
(Rose uses Dark Dragon)
(Dart uses Divine DG Cannon)

SAM: I'm beginning to notice a pattern here.
TERRY: Woah, you girls sure like overkill.

(Melbu attacks all)
(Miranda uses W. Silver Dragon & changes back)

PHOEBE: Hey, why in the *BLEEP* did we change back?
RUTEE: No Infinite Transformation code. Besides, you don't want to be stuck in Dragoon form for the last part.

(Rose uses Dark Dragon & changes back)
[The Fifth Generation]

RUTEE: Good, he didn't use his ultimate attack.
BENJAMIN: He has an ultimate attack? (shudders)

[The Sixth Generation]
(Dart uses Divine DG Cannon & changes back)

PHOEBE: (twitching nervously) This is one scary place. And now we have to build our *BEEPING* Dragoon levels up again.
RUTEE: We're just gonna one-shot Dragoon him. He's hard to hit with Dragoons if he uses a certain attack.

(Miranda attacks)
(Melbu uses Down Burst)
(Rose attacks w/ More and More)

RUTEE: LOD trivia fact, Rose's favorite word is die.
LUFIA: Fanatics trivia fact, Phoebe's favorite word is *BLEEP*
PHOEBE: (sarcastically) Ha, ha, so funny I forgot to laugh.
TEEFA: Cliched line #1.
(Others sweatdrop)

(Miranda morphs, uses W. Silver Dragon, & changes back)
(Dart attacks w/Burning Rush)
(Melbu attacks Miranda)

STAHN: And so begins the most boring battle since the Orgus Queen.

(Rose morphs & uses Dark Dragon)

RUTEE(ROSE) Sic the bad man Michael.
STAHN(ZIEG): Then get me some aspirin. I've got an 18-year-old headache.
LUFIA: Zieg is unconscious.
STAHN: But he could be semi-conscious now.

(Rose changes back)
(Miranda attacks)
(Dart morphs, uses Divine DG Cannon, changes back but then morphs again and Divine DG Cannons Frahma)

PHOEBE: I thought you said you had no *BLEEPING* Gameshark code for transformations.
RUTEE: I don't, this is the final attack. Dart just has to show off.

(Melbu Frahma screams as an explosion occurs)
DART: Shana.
SHANA: (as she gets up) Dart.

TEEFA: (sarcastically) Well, they're real masters of speech.

(Dart covers Shana to protect her as Rose goes to Zieg)
ROSE: I have been waiting for this moment.

RUTEE(ROSE): When I will share your bed.
ROOKS(ALBERT): Now is not the time, for the moon is exploding.

ZIEG: I kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry.
DART: What.
MELBU: How dare you. Inferior humans cannot outsmart a god.

TEEFA: Well sorry buddy, they just did. That'll teach you to kill my Lloydikins.

ZIEG: Rose, the time has come, this is the end of our long journey.
ROSE: Zieg!!
ZIEG: Could you, come with me?

STAHN(ZIEG): To my tower at Vellweb where we'll...(whispers in Rutee's ear)
RUTEE(ROSE): Oooooooooooh, you naughty boy.
ROOKS: You know, he wasn't this bad until he met her.

ROSE: Yes I will never leave you again.
(Dart takes a hit for Shana)
ZIEG: Dart, you have grown up.

SAMANTHA: Ok, his son gets hurt saving his girl, and that's all Zieg can say?
BURIANNE: The whole game would have been different if he'd seduced Rose in Neet instead of transforming.
SAMANTHA: Yeah, there'd be no villain and no plot.

DART: Father!?
ZIEG: I couldn't do anything for you as a father. Please forgive me.
DART: But father, we finally met, this isn't fair.

TEEFA: How can they talk when they're so far apart.
RUTEE: I dunno. Telepathy?

ROSE: Dart, I'm so glad I met you.
DART: Rose...Father!
ZIEG: Go Dart.
ROSE: My role has ended, blaze the way to the future by yourselves.
ZIEG: This is your age to live and shine.
DART: What are you talking about, we'll all live together.

BURIANNE: Imagine the sex in that house. (multiple groans are heard in background)

ROSE: We were never meant to exist in this age.
ROSE: My age ended in remote action. Farewell Dart and thank you.

TEEFA: Nani!? Did that prase even make sense?
RUTEE: Not really.

(Moon blows up)
DART: Rose! Father!

PHOEBE(DART): Can I have your *BLEEPING* Dragoon Spirits.
RUTEE: Isn't Lloyd's enough? And Dart doesn't talk like that.
TEEFA: My poor Lloyd.

(Haschel trains Kongol in Rouge, & the Giganto falls into the sea)
(Charle feeds her garden as a bird flies overhead)
(Sacred Sisters & Queen Theresa watch bird fly by palace)
(Lisa sees Emile weeding)

PHOEBE: Why in the *BLEEP* is the princess weeding?
BENJAMIN: Developers don't think sometimes.

(Kayla, Pueler, Meru & Guhara visit Lohon)
(Albert & Emilee marry & look over cheering Bale)
(Dart visits Lavitz's house & drops something in a drink)
(Dart returns to rebuilt Seles & runs to Shana)
(Credits, "If You Believe" plays)

RUTEE: (sings "If You Believe" along with the credits)
STAHN: Let's not bug her now.

(Ruins of Divine Tree are shown. A pair of birds fly to a tree where the two spirits rest)

RUTEE: The End
PHOEBE: Let's do it again sometime.
RUTEE: I know, someone find my copy of Wild ARMS II. That ending was really bad.