La Pucelle Deleted Scenes

Quick Chapter Find

Here are scenes deleted from the hit game, La Pucelle Tactics. Prier really needed to control herself more...(sees said Demon Huntress and flees for her life before she finds out about the secret tapes).

-Prologue- [PRO]

Father Salade Finds Alouette
(2 Years Prior to a Cave)
Father Salade: Where could she be? The earthquake fully destroyed the seal...she has to be here. (looks over and finds Alouette) Finally!
(he picks her up and carries her out, fade in to the church infirmary)
Alouette: (waking) Where am I? Come to think of it...who am I? All I can remember is a name of some sorts; Alouette. But why not anything else?
Father Salade Are you ok? I found you wounded in a cave clutching this...(hands her a copy of the Holy Book) You must have been a Sister of Poitreene; perhaps a Demon Hunter who was injured on a mission.
Alouette: How will I know for sure? It sounds plausible, but something tells me it's more than that...
Father Salade: I train Demon Hunters. Our church has a unit named La Pucelle; dedicated to serving Goddess Poitreene and the Maiden of Light. Perhaps you can join us.
Alouette: It sounds good; I don't know what else to do.
Reason for Excluding...revealed too much info.

Alouette & Prier's "Uniforms"
(After Alouette joins La Pucelle)
Father Salade: You seem to be stronger than most of our members. I think you can handle the Rank A work. At that level, you don't have to wear a habbit* like the other girls.
Alouette: So do I choose my own clothes?
Father Salade: Within reason. You need something that is easy to move in...(rummages through closet) Here it is. (pulls out her clothes from the game)
Alouette: Will this be good for a Demon Hunter?
Father Salade: Trust me Sister Alouette...
(2 years later; when Prier makes La Pucelle)
Father Salade: Well your test results are quite impressive. I never met another trainee who could break down a concrete wall before.
Prier: Why thank you Father.
Father Salade: I think you can handle the Rank A work with that kind of strength. Your brother can accompany you; as long as he sticks by you at all times since he's only twelve.
Prier: (thinking) Rank A work...that's the highest level. Meaning I'm that much closer to becoming the Maiden of Light. (normal) I'll accept!
Father Salade: Good! Here are your uniforms...(hands them the clothes they wear in the game)
Culotte: (looking at Prier's outfit) Are you sure that's a uniform?
Prier: Father Salade said it's ok, so I guess it is...
Reason for Excluding...better to hear it later on; funnier that way.

*a habbit is what nuns wear; think Sister Olive's clothes.

-Chapter 1- [OJT]

Alouette...Post Purification
(In Montblanc Castle, Alouette has just finished the healing and Prier is chasing Culotte)
Alouette: Well, that's over. (holds head) Why do I feel so...(faints)
Culotte: (As he and Prier run past) Sister Alouette!!!!
Prier: We've got to get her back to the church right away. Culotte, put Alouette's left arm over your shoulders; I'll take her right side.
(They each take her on one shoulder and start walking, fade in to the infirmary)
Father Salade: She must have performed a really powerful Miracle to get like this. She just needs to rest; then she'll get better.
Prier: Ok Culotte, let's let her rest for now; time to go back to our rooms.
Culotte: I get it Prier. Father Salade, tell Sister Alouette that we want her to get better.
Reason for Excluding...too serious this early.

-Chapter 2- [ACP]

Culotte's Run Around; Extended Version
(On Mt. Tarte)
Culotte: Where am I? I should have stayed with Big Sister. (shakes his head) NO! I can't doubt myself. I have to show her how strong I really am! Can't continue to doubt myself else Prier will too. If she understands what I really want...then maybe she'll be less protective of me.
(the Witch and Flower arrive and scene continues as normal)
Reason for Excluding...too much cutscene before a single battle.

On Top of Mt. Tarte
(Culotte & Alan are at the gravesite)
Alan: Once your friends arrive, I will take all of their hearts. My mission can't be denied.
Culotte: My sister isn't going to fall for that!
Alan: Oh really...then take this! (casts a spell on Culotte)
Culotte: (thinking) I can't speak! I can't warn Prier about what's going on...
Alan: Now then...time to read your past. (begins doing the same thing that he did with Croix earlier and becomes Prier and Culotte's father). How about this kid! Your old man. I'll be more subtitle, and then the girl will let down her guard. both are dead. I'll deal with the woman and the mercenary in another way; darn amnesia.
Culotte: (thinking) Prier; be careful.
Reason for Excluding...too long; though it would explain why Culotte didn't yell at Prier to stay back.

-Chapter 3- [PAA]

Re-meeting Chocolat
(On the way back to town after their first encounter with the Forest Lord, only if you saw original scene with Chocolat)
Alouette: (thinking) I hope Prier knows what she's doing. Her recklessness could get somebody killed one day...(not looking where she's going, she bumps into Chocolat)
Chocolat: Meow?! That hurt meow!
Culotte: Oh boy! P...Prier! That's the talking cat I was telling you about earlier!
Prier: What can a cat be talking? And walking upright like a human?
Chocolat: I'm not a cat meow! I'm a Nyanko. We come from the Land of Marl far over the sea with our boss! But I was separated from the rest of the to find them. (runs off)
Prier: Hey! Wait! Darn; he really didn't explain much.
Alouette: From what I've hear, Marl is an island nation far from Paprica. They say there's a lot of problems there stemming back nearly a decade. Some Demon greatly wounded the princess's husband and her son ran off to avenge him.
Prier: Wow, if only Eclair could meet that kid; she'd be happy to know that not all royalty is forced to stay behind the palace walls and it might help her courage rise a bit.
Alouette: Don't go giving Eclair any bright ideas...(hits Prier with the Holy Book)
Reason for too much info once Homard is seen; you don't want to reveal he's a prince until the end.

-Chapter 4- [AGP]

Running Towards Mt. Tarte
(the gang has just got away from the Monster and are being chased)
Croix: (huffing) I...really...hate...running!
Prier: Well stuff it and keep going; do you want that monster to get you?
Croix: No Ma'am! I...just never was good at maintaining high speeds for long.
Prier: This better not turn into a long drawn out complaint about your childhood!
Croix: Not unless I remember what my damn childhood was like!
Reason for point to have a complain-fest; Croix's mutterings about running are enough.

Chat on the Escargot
(On the way to Mt. Tarte)
Homard: I was wondering, why are all of you in the church anyway? I mean, Prier doesn't seem much like a Sister...
Prier: Why you...(smacks Homard)
Homard: OUCH! Just a question!
Prier: Well, I am here so I can train to become the Maiden of Light. Culotte is following me around like all little brothers do.
Alouette: I joined because I owe my life to Father Salade. Two years ago, he found me in a cave without my memory. Because he helped me back then, I will fight to help him now.
Croix: Well, I'm a Freelance Demon Hunter normaly, but these guys helped me on a job once. (takes out his cigarette and tries not to look too conspicuous about how he really joined to find out his past. Looks to Prier, then away)
Homard: Well...why are you looking at Prier that way? Oh I get it! You joined for the girls.
Croix: (tosses cigarette) Prier...lend me your baton.
Prier: Don't bother...I'll do it myself! (slams it down on Homard's head)
Reason for real point to have this character building session with info you already know; or make Croix's crush enter the scene that early.

-Chapter 5- [AHS]

Thoughts on Prier
(While walking through woods, after second fight, but only if you returned to town after first)
Croix: (thinking) Why did I seem so happy to find a woman who could watch my back? I've always been good working on my own. But when she entered the picture...
Prier: You know, we're going to have to talk to that stupid little tramp back in town now. Honestly, how can she only like cute guys? I mean, I wouldn't go out with an old man but I surely don't care how the guy looks. Just as long as he treats me right, I'm happy.
Culotte: This coming from someone who has never had a boyfriend.
Prier: (smacks his head) Shut up!
Croix: (thinking) Their interaction always proves entertaining to say the least. But that's not why I feel like I want to be close to Prier. Even though she's the key to my past, I feel that this is indicating something else altogether. But what is it, why am I feeling like this now?
Reason for Excluding...too much information regarding Croix's feelings. Works so much better if you only see his blushing responses.

-Chapter 6-[TJB]

A Talk With Eclair
(After agreeing to hunt the Dark Knight, over dinner)
Prier: Eclair, are you feeling ok?
Eclair: I'm feeling just fine Big Sister.
Prier: But you're looking rather pale. I'm just worried about you.
Eclair: It's ok. I've been overworked lately, but I'll be just fine. I appreciate your concern though.
Culotte: Maybe you should get some extra rest over the next few days.
Eclair: I wish I could. However, I still have my training to be Queen and Maiden of Light to deal with. It's hard for me to just let it be. I envy you two...
Reason for Excluding...the scenes were long enough as it was without this one.

-Chapter 7- [DIS]

Croix's Awakening
(After the dream sequence)
Croix: (wakes up in a cold sweat) Th...that dream...ugh! Why in the hell do I keep hearing that voice? Is it...something to do with my past? I don't know...(gets up and looks in the mirror) Just who the hell am I?!
Reason for Excluding...too revealing/dramatic.

The Crash
(Just after Homard's announcement)
Culotte: (ducks) We really are going to crash!
Prier: (grabs Criox who begins blushing deeply) I don't want to die! I still haven't become the Maiden of Light!
Alouette: Prier, I don't think that's what's important now...(returns to praying for a Miracle)
Prier: Oh shut up Alouette!
Croix: (to Prier) Do you mind? You're cutting off circulation to my neck.
Prier: (finally notices what she's doing) Oh be quiet Croix! (lets go of him, slugs him, and goes to blush in the corner).
Reason for Excluding...though it's a laugh, it does have Prier more OOC than is needed.

-Chapter 8- [TUL]

Fishing for Dinner
(They find a stream after they fight the first level)
Croix: Oh good. We can refill our rations with this. (grabs a fishing pole from out of nowhere)
Prier: (sits down on bank) You fish Croix?
Croix: Yeah. It cuts down on expenses when I've been traveling for awhile. If I can't find a town that needs my services, I might run out of money. So I fish as much as I can.
Prier: That's smart. (thinking) He's more amazing than I thought before... What is it about Croix that makes me want to be closer to him? (she blushes and shakes her head)
Croix: (the line is tugged) I got one! Looks like we'll have roasted fish for dinner tonight...(the line comes up, revealing a skinny little misshapen creature)
Alouette: It seems that the dark energy has effected this pond. I wouldn't eat that if I were you.
Prier: That must mean that this island is connected to Fatima in some way! All right! So what if we didn't get dinner? We know how to move onward now! (walks off and the others follow, sans Croix)
Croix: Heh, she's one amazing girl, that's for sure...(he follows as well)
Reason for Excluding...this was a long enough chapter as it was.

-Chapter 9- [MOF]

(At the house they're staying at)
Man: Here you are...
Alouette:(nervously)...All right...I'll try it...
Prier: (takes a big bite out of her portion) C'mon Alouette, it's pretty good.
Croix: You'll try anything once Prier. But that's a great quality to have. I'd rather not like something after trying it than to not try and never know.
Prier: Well said Croix! So, do you like it?
Croix: Yeah, this stuff is delicious. (thinking) Where have I eaten this before?
Alouette: (nervously stabs her meat and puts it to her mouth) Here goes nothing...(she eats it) Hey! This is good.
Prier: Told you...
Reason for Excluding...they didn't need Alouette's reaction, but it would lengthen this ridiculously short chapter.

The Nighttime Chat
(After Croix goes berserk and they return to bed)
Prier: (sitting on her bed) What happened to him? It must have been a flashback regarding the girl who looks like me. Did she meet a tragic end?
Croix: (in his sleep) Get away! Don't come any closer you witch! You're not getting me again; you've already taken my soul from me once.
Prier: Croix...(she walks over to his bed and puts her hand on his forehead) Don't worry, I'll take care of you.
(screen fades out and in to the morning)
Croix: (wakes to find Prier lying across his bed) Prier...(he gathers her up and holds her closely) Don't scare me like that again. Not only does it bring back painful and unknown memories, but I fear that I'm going to lose you. You've become really close to me...I don't want to be alone again...
Reason for Excluding...too dramatic, too revealing, plus it is a question of which Chapter it should be in (9 or 10).

-Chapter 10- [TDP]

Croix Outside
(After Angelique's statement about Prier & Croix's relationship)
Croix: (lights up) Darn...I looked like a fool in there. What's the big deal if Angelique thought that Prier and I were dating? She is the closest person to me in the group, that impression shouldn't be too much of a shock. Besides, I can't let on that I'm the same Croix or else there'll be confusion. (he grips his head) But why did I leave this time anyway? Something tells me things are going to get bad very soon...
(fades back into the room, the scene continues, then once Angelique leaves we see Croix again as he watches her leave)
Croix: (pulses) This doesn't look good...(he goes inside)
Reason for's blatantly obvious by now and doesn't need any more goading.

Returning Home
(After you select Choux Fleurs Hill for the first time, younger Croix returns home)
Croix: Angelique! I'm home...(no answer) Angelique...(sees that dinner is half eaten) I guess she had to go out for a little. Maybe someone needed healing. (he suddenly feels a stabbing pain in his heart and clutches his chest) What is this?! Something tells me she's in danger. But where...
Reason for Excluding...we're already in for a long run if we screw up the level and don't need additional scenes.

-Chapter 11- [TML]

Alouette & Prier
(After the gang enters Mayonnaise Harbor for the second time)
Alouette: (enters Prier's room) Prier...are you ok?
Prier: Just leave me be Alouette. I failed him. I could have gotten through to Croix, and yet the darkness still took hold.
Alouette: Prier, there was nothing you could have done. The Dark Prince is strong, even the Maidens of Light have failed to defeat him for good. But I know that by working together, we'll find a way.
Prier: (jumps up) And then what? We kill Croix? I don't want him to die...I...he means...
Alouette: We can try to find another way. I don't want him to die either. Prier, you've been like a sister to me. We may bicker and disagree, but I know you're there for me when I need help. And I want to help you save the man you love...(she walks out)
Prier: Can I really...(looks down) Oh Croix...
Reason for Excluding...there's too much angst in this chapter already.

Alouette's Musing
(In the hall, after the battle with Normande)
Alouette: I understand why you feel this way Prier. This is your first love, and you don't know what to do about it. Most girls don't have half the problems that you do. But I know that you'll be able to get through to Croix in the end. (prays) Oh Goddess Poitreene...please guide Prier so that she might be able to save Croix...
(Suddenly, there's a rumble, the Demons appear around her, and Alouette screams)
Reason for Excluding...too dramatic.

-Chapter 12- [ALB]

Noir's Desire
(After the first level of Angel's Gate)
Noir: And so...they take the bait. I will slaughter them when they arrive. As for Prier...I'll capture her alive. When I see her, it's almost as if my mother has come back to me. I wanted to be alone in my utopia, but when I met her I began to think differently. She will be mine; her emotions for the Dark Prince mean nothing. No matter what she thinks, I will make her love me! By emotions, or force!
Reason for Excluding...too disturbing.

-Epilogue- [EPI]

Prier & Croix Get Together
(In Prier's room right after the final battle)
Prier:'re really leaving tomorrow.
Croix: I don't want to burden you with my sins Prier. Don't worry about me though, I'll return to you one day.
Prier: I believe in you Croix.
Croix: By the time I get back, you'll be a complete adult. It isn't good for you to get married right now, enjoy your youth as I never could Prier.
Prier: Oh Croix...
(They embrace, and kiss. The screen then fades out and in, revealing the two of them are naked and in the same bed)
Prier: That felt good. I thought it would be a lot more painful my first time. You must have really had a lot of practice in Fatima.
Croix: You know that was only my second time. I just lucked into getting Angelique pregnant on the first go when we celebrated our engagement. But enough about my past. I'm sure you don't want to hear about these things.
Prier: (blushes)'s ok Croix.
Croix: Heh, you're so cute when you blush. I'll remember this night fondly every day of my travels. That way...I'll always have the strength to go onwards because I know you're waiting for me.
Prier: And I will be able to go onwards knowing that you really care about me. By the time you get back, Culotte will feel a lot better about Alouette, and any friction that might have caused our relationship dissolved.
Croix: I love you Prier...from now until the end of time.
Prier: I love you too...Croix.
(They kiss...)
Reason for Excluding...that would REALLY guarantee a Mature rating if someone decided to localize the game. And that's the only "Mature Sexual Theme" in the frickin game, and it wasn't even shown so I know the ESRB is filled with morons