Leena Toros


Leena is an emotional firecracker ready to explode. Whenever she catches one of the guys doing anything that annoys her (such as Bit accidentally walking in on her shower b/c he didn't listen when Brad tried to warn him) she goes off the deep end, and said boy ends up with plenty of unpleasant injuries.

When we first meet Leena, she is fighting in a battle between the Blitz and Tigers teams in her Dibison. It gets shot down, and Bit tries to help himself to some parts. When he's caught and tied up in the base, she's the one that has to look after him, as he'd helped Leon out of his damaged Zoid.

Throughout the series, Leena uses two different Zoids. First, she has a Dibison with plenty of cannons. After it is destroyed in episode 6, she purchases a Gunsniper, which is altered to be a powerhouse tank. Every battle can see her firing off practically every gun in her arsenal, and usually managing to miss a target that had enough sense to get out of the way of an angry Leena.

Leena argues with everybody, but there are four people that she's especially fond of fighting with. First is Naomi Flugel, a Gunsniper pilot with dead on accuracy, who Leena wants to show up some day. Second is her father, whose childish antics and fondness for playing with toys annoys her to no end. Third, is Bit Cloud, who isn't too bright and never listens when someone talks to him. Finally, there's Harry Champ, the rich brat who has a crush on her, but she hates him.

Leena is the type of person who you can't push around. A try at making her the damsel in distress in episode 4 ends up with a Backdraft Whale King getting bombed from the inside by Leena in Jamie's Pteras (that she'd been in when they caught her). Here's the scary part...for 99.999999% (give or take .000001 %) of the series, she's not on PMS.

Fun Facts

Her special attachments to the Gunsniper is dubbed "The Weasel Unit."

Leena is a hopeless romantic, or at least acts the part (*cough**cough*BitnHarry*cough**cough*).

She is extremely close to her brother, Leon.